
Linotype machine

  1. a typesetting machine operated from a keyboard that casts an entire line as a single slug of metal

How To Use Linotype machine In A Sentence

  • I grew up in the midst of a swirling world of linotype machines and printing presses, promotions, weekly deadlines, and an unending parade of local politicians and merchants.
  • At my first job in New York I had an IBM Selectric and carbon paper for copies, and we sent books to be typeset on big linotype machines in Pennsylvania.
  • We had a linotype machine and a hand letterpress, then we bought a small photo-offset press. 2009 December | NIGEL BEALE NOTA BENE BOOKS
  • In those days type was cast in hot metal on Linotype machines and if power was off, the metal went cold.
  • It is only in the last 30 years that computers have replaced the bulky Monotype and Linotype machines that had generated type in much the same way Gutenberg did in the 15th century.
  • 1986 - Launch of the UK's Today tabloid newspaper (now defunct), pioneering the use of computer photosetting and full-colour offset printing at a time when British national newspapers are still using Linotype machines and letterpress. Nothingandall
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