How To Use Links In A Sentence

  • The magnificent 18 th-century mansion is set in private landscaped grounds at the edge of the town, opposite the golf links and West Sands but totally screened by trees, woods and 18-foot high lodge gates.
  • What links the eyes of these three coffins, beside the fact that all are painted, is that the inner canthus--the corner of the eye near the nose--descends abruptly and abuts the upper lid, giving them an East Asian appearance. Archive 2008-03-01
  • The Global Communications Group links ecological and other political activists via the Net.
  • There may be a move away from electronics to photonics, a merging of the two, as well as links to carbon-based systems.
  • Having no money, I reimbursed her with my gold cufflinks. Times, Sunday Times
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  • The aim of the vision is to create links between the large superstores on the edge of town and the market area.
  • * blinks* It's 6: 00 in the morning, I haven't had any sleep, and I got a letter from someone in Oz ... * blinks again* Jaxraven Diary Entry
  • The study of this aspect of language provides links with other disciplines such as sociology, social anthropology, psychology and philosophy.
  • As the fool thinks, so the bell clinks
  • Some webmasters will simply link to any website that links back to them.
  • We all see the writing on the wall," said Rick Goodwin, a China trade veteran of 22 years, whose company links foreign buyers with Chinese suppliers.
  • Click on the tool bar's Column Auto-Match icon to instruct DataStage to automatically map columns by name between the input and output links.
  • Then trumpeters played a fanfare, fireworks boomed and crackled across the sky and children from schools on either side of the river waved flags and exchanged huge greetings cards to commemorate new links between their communities.
  • The Web is based on hypertext links that allow people to easily move from document to document.
  • Links had been established between car exhaust and headaches, cancer and various respiratory problems, yet the automotive industry of the day, kicking and screaming, had to be forced to add a blowby tube. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • I have, from time to time, posted articles and links that indicate a certain mush-headedness among conservatives about the company they keep. Archive 2009-10-01
  • While the Dvorksy essay on "curing" fundamentalism that Stephen links to is well-intentioned George says of the fundamentalists that he wants to "return to them free will, rationality and self-respect" in order to help give their lives "meaning and purpose", I tend to share Stephen's concerns about this kind of memetic engineering. The Speculist: The Danger of "Memetic Engineering"
  • This loss in yearly disposable income would occur if Britain adapted a trading agreement which involved the loss of preferential trade links with the EU. Times, Sunday Times
  • They also hope for further union delegations to extend the links of international solidarity.
  • Reply: skatole perhaps another ingredient! by nelswight (0 articles, 0 quicklinks, 0 diaries, 13 comments) on Tuesday, Jan 9, 2007 at 5: 28: 04 PM Terror Gas in NY?
  • The answer, according to emerging clues and security analysts, is that North Waziristan, once a hub of Taliban fighters with links to Pakistan's military, has evolved into a stewpot of militant groups, each with different loyalties. In Pakistan, ex-spy Khalid Khawaja's killing is surrounded by mystery
  • Luck links two sets of twins. The Sun
  • The clue is in his green tie and cufflinks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tapwave already bundles web browsing software with the consoles, which to date have had to connect to a mobile phone via Bluetooth or infrared wireless links in order to provide Internet connectivity.
  • Nevertheless the political and diplomatic links which bound her to the rest of the continent were slowly multiplying and becoming stronger.
  • There are direct and mechanical effects, such as flicking a light switch that directly links two pieces of metal, and a light goes on immediately.
  • The complaints also seek to remove references to Lipitor in advertising materials and to eliminate computer links that misdirect patients to an illegal, unapproved product.
  • If I ever edit this I'll republish it with links to maps and a list of characters.
  • It was links golf but not as we know it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Listed below are links to weblogs that reference GAW: GAW
  • Students can take advantage of internship and dissertation opportunities with companies in the energy and financial sectors that have sponsorship links to the university. Times, Sunday Times
  • A rough measure of self-citation may be found in the links to other, affiliated sites.
  • Never mind York's links with Europe, the city's business people spend more time gabbing on the blower to Americans than they do to French or Germans.
  • WYiErDa Garment Accessories Co. Ltd specializes in manufacturing tie pin, cufflinks, badge . key ring and etc.
  • The city is concentrating on improving radial links from the city's central areas into the outer suburbs.
  • The body of the text, arranged in three segments, provides links in the sidebar that may sidetrack the reader through related concepts in other segments.
  • Wilco, you are bemoaning the response to Blair… I interpret the show me the links the same as I interpret the Show me the links when a right winger posts some far out “factoidal” information here. Think Progress » ThinkFast: January 16, 2007
  • This is not a bad thing, it's has nothing to do with comments per se unless you call inbound links "comments" and I don't and neither does Blogger—they're backlinks! Archive 2005-12-01
  • The university's exchange scheme for teachers has cemented its links with many other academic institutions.
  • The decision to cast Cruise in the role has caused anger in Germany because of his strong links to the Church of Scientology , which is regarded here as a sect.
  • Ensure that the links that are put on your website work and that your website is easy to navigate.
  • That longan blinks to anticipate treatment of water spirit, gaze at small fox black 78 black slightly distress face.
  • They also found that there were strong links between the speed of pupils' progress and their socio-economic and ethnic backgrounds. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their cuff links were dour. Times, Sunday Times
  • Seven police officials, including a police inspector and a subinspector, have already been arrested for their links to Goa's notorious narcotics mafia over the last two months. Zee News : India National
  • And it took them three years to construct their own crannog, a timber dwelling built on stilts over the water, which links the way of life of people in 600BC with ours today.
  • Gradually, their entrepôt function was being changed by the opening up of efficient transport links to their hinterland, and its transformation by manufacturing industry.
  • Overlinking is often due to writers who believe that the text is improved by any addition of links, and who seem to have a "regularization" obsession - that all words which are the same, should appear the same. Archive 2007-01-01
  • ‘The most modern of all poets,’ he called Donne, and it is precisely this sense of Donne's contemporaneity that links the diverse voices assembled here.
  • Why, he asks, does wearing the swastika attract widespread scorn, while no one blinks at the person wearing a hammer and sickle on his baseball cap?
  • Often they are static pages that lack search functions, have nonworking links and are infrequently updated.
  • In her opinion the incidents described at the inquest were not necessarily related to the school, but had links with the local community.
  • What there is, is a difficult political issue now that we have discovered the VPOTUS and his associates broke this law—not for a kidnapped child, but to justify the imminent invasion of Iraq with confabulated links between Saddam and 9/11. The Volokh Conspiracy » Radio Host Waterboarded, Says It’s Torture:
  • This powerful polemic about the insidious links between media, celebrity and the public makes for entertaining viewing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Transnational links were shattered by closing frontiers and the tide of nationalist sentiment sweeping through society.
  • The proposal includes unifying street trees, public realm , streetscape, transportation links, and a library roof garden.
  • Actually, its been nice so far - spent most of the morning in Sulham Woods (no decent links, but I've got shedloads of photos, so they'll be online after the weekend), among the bluebells and so on.
  • It is also used to host information and to provide links to documents and other relevant web sites.
  • FA cells are extremely sensitive to exposure from agents that can cause DNA interstrand crosslinks (ICLs), abnormal structures that block DNA replication. - latest science and technology news stories
  • ABOVE: The Guggenheim, inside links to museum's site, timeline of the building's constructionABOVE: Nautilus shell's spiral of chambers, called camerae, that this cephalopod builds for itself as it grows. Starship & Museum Bulletin Board #1
  • The church's address is always given as Spanish Place, because of its historic links - its predecessor was a Spanish embassy chape. Archive 2007-09-01
  • Discover the hermit thrush as you hike through shady maple and hemlock groves, or encounter bobolinks in golden hayfields and northern waterthrush in subarctic swamplands.
  • A piston links to a drive shaft by means of a connecting rod.
  • His notion of synchronicity is that there is an acausal principle that links events having a similar meaning by their coincidence in time rather than sequentially.
  • Each country runs a national network that links to a host computer in a research institution that acts as a national hub.
  • According to the new guidance, this mandatory curriculum will include "signposting" and links to abortion and other anti-life/anti-family services in schools, including faith schools. Headlines
  • Making a success of Brexit involves both forging new links and strengthening existing ones. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our quest however, soon became an odyssey into a Kafkaesque bureaucracy, PDF scraping and broken links.
  • New Zealand's prime minister has denied that a group of Israelis caught up in the devastating Christchurch earthquake in February had links to the Israeli secret service Mossad.
  • Glossaries (glossarist. com, contains lots of broken links) Archive 2007-11-01
  • The tram network provided transport links between the streets that made up the main lines of the urban network, as well as important residential and economic areas.
  • With European Union expansion, this means building commercial and political links with the new Europeans.
  • Download links are a function of http (hypertext transfer protocol - the way websites communicate to web visitors).
  • The major problems seem to be fragmentation, deficient base in popular constituencies and insufficient links between civic and political efforts.
  • They form the links, at various angles to their neighbours, of a continuous chain.
  • Whereas ITV News - with their love of the clunkiest graphics, doom-laden links and love of the dropped intro 'It was ...' - seems to make The Day Today look sober and restrained ... Back to you in the Studio Fiona. Cluck Cluck.
  • Is it permissible to wear cufflinks with a precious stone in the daytime, I would call across the office. Times, Sunday Times
  • Make Blog has a great roundup of links and coverage for the opening of Bletchley Park's recreation of the Polish "bombe" code-cracking devices that were instrumental in breaking the German Enigma cipher in World War II. Boing Boing
  • I am not an expert in cosmology, but I did post a comment with links. A Short Critique of Bradley Monton's Paper
  • Inmos Transputers are unique because they combine a processor, communications links and memory on a single chip.
  • Please start hiding malware of viruses in dummy links on google to teach a lesson or something like that. Rupert Murdoch vows to take all of Newscorp's websites out of Google, abolish fair use, tear heads off of adorable baby animals - Boing Boing
  • Since independence, links between the two countries have grown apace. Times, Sunday Times
  • The links may involve microwave or satellite communication in the medium to long term.
  • You might have a sleek shirt, but a nice set of cufflinks can make you look like a real powerhouse - never underestimate their appeal.
  • The department is interested in developing closer links with industry.
  • It creates two symbolic links at /dev/cdrom and /dev/cdrom0, both of which point at /dev/hdc. Again, no NAME assignment was specified, so the default kernel name (hdc) is used.
  • Golf originated in low-maintenance natural settings in the British Isles called "links" courses. Michael J. Critelli: Why Golf Matters
  • Is it permissible to wear cufflinks with a precious stone in the daytime, I would call across the office. Times, Sunday Times
  • This site contains astrobiology news and links about: astrochemistry, bioinformatics, biosatellites, gravitational biology, hydrothermal vent communities, genomics, astropaleobiology, radiation physiology, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, extremophiles, exopaleontology, cell biology, evolution, planetary protection, and space medicine.
  • It emphasized lateral links between members of the same class rather than vertical cross-class national solidarities.
  • She routinely publishes playlists on her blog and links to everything she's reading.
  • The result of your search will bring up a list of job summaries and links to full job descriptions.
  • Corridor's platform will allow retailers to inform their customers of precise delivery dates through online links to manufacturers and distributors.
  • Unlike other spam filters Antispam Marisuite takes into consideration much more statistical parameters of messages such as idiomatical constructions, message's route and sender's IP address, presence of phishing links, parameters of attached pictures and so on. 2BakSa.Net
  • The Kavanagh family is steeped in local history, having been involved in the famous Evictions of 1860 and having also had close links with the Tourmakeady Ambush of 1921.
  • But if you look to the links section on the homepage sidebar you'll see a link for my ‘personal faves’ section, which has a dozen or so of my sentimental faves.
  • Never mind, a long-since abandoned unofficial page for the Magyar Borsodi League links straight to a Hungarian recipe for goose liver cooked in paprika - just the thing to keep your pecker up on a parky afternoon at Haladas Szombathely.
  • Meet the robot lobster and the android that not only smiles, frowns and blinks but also recognizes people and talks back.
  • While HAPs are unproven, Internet traffic is traveling over geosynchronous satellite links today.
  • I'm not very punctilious about putting links in my blog.
  • The Forces Legal Network has a 24-hour hotline which links callers to solicitors with an expertise in military law.
  • But Tories have attacked the decision and say a golden opportunity to boost foreign trade links could have been lost.
  • From the home page on, links take visitors to Flickr, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and the search page for the term "sharpie," which returns groups set up by customers and fans. Marketing Profs Daily Fix
  • However, melanin deposition in feather melanocytes has strong links with the capacity of the antioxidant and immune systems, two crucial fitness-enhancing organismic functions.
  • She will tell universities they must forge closer links with their local communities and schools.
  • Police were yesterday investigating possible links with a knife attack in nearby London Fields last Thursday.
  • Again, there's a democratizing influence; the blogosphere is the new slushpile, and a retweeting chain that links someone with a manuscript to an agent or editor might pass through three "friends" who barely even know each other. MIND MELD: How Does Blogging and Social Networking Affect the Publishing Industry?
  • Judging by the news and links on its sites, this is a hot topic for the industry, bureaucrats and research organisations.
  • The First/Last/Next/Prev and the "Show my last search results" links at the top of a bug now work with multiple searches, so doing a new search won't "clobber" your old list. Planet Mozilla
  • The world is criss-crossed by a thick network of links, but this is only one part of reality.
  • I think we should compile a list of several sites to start google-bombing with links. Google Bomb Them Back To The Stone Age! | Jewschool
  • Their cuff links were dour. Times, Sunday Times
  • These deepened links replaced the passive acceptance of loosely connected, but dispensable, relationships between agriculture and rural communities.
  • Links were found with all smoking-related causes of death, particularly lung cancer. The Sun
  • In the final findings for bidders to use in preparation for the lease sale, published November 9th, Division of Oil and Gas officials say the U-S State Department has notified Alaska of the title dispute, and that potential bidders should? be prepared for [...] (HTML is stripped out and links are not linked.)
  • These data support what has already been suggested: that the DOPA side-chain in proteins serves two important roles in adhesion-the formation of cross-links and interfacial complexes in chemisorption.
  • The enduring point is that close links did not make finance the slave of industry.
  • I did have ideas for an 'Engage' page up front which links users to blogs, discussions, and questions but I've decided to park that for now and focus on other requirements.
  • "Me, You and Everybody" successfully links the pastoral prog of old-school Yes with Delta blues.
  • Police are investigating links between the arson attack on December 27 and another three within a half-mile radius over the last few days.
  • Finally, there are some DVD-ROM extras in the form of a screenplay viewer and weblinks.
  • One day while on his regular beat Pc Vernon dropped in to Asda in Linksway, Horwich, to have a chat with security manager Ron Jackson.
  • As usual, expect me to steal many of Marcia's links, because she's much better at finding them than I am.
  • New love has links with the showbiz world. The Sun
  • I will investigate the links and come back with yet more half-baked questions, I imagine… cheers chaps!
  • Participants will be charged a flat, annual ‘space’ fee of $2,500 that includes hot links and keyword search capabilities.
  • But the thugs were trapped by an electronic bug planted in their car during a probe into suspected terror links. The Sun
  • Shaped by one of the few men to be trusted with the last precious piece of bona fide linksland in Scotland, it is truly beautiful.
  • Luck links you to the owner of a greyhound. The Sun
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  • The fact is universal: the life stream of blood links all men and women, nay the entire human race, irrespective of colour, creed, culture and religion.
  • Kevin Gosztola (374 articles, 154 quicklinks, 81 diaries, 1167 comments [107 recommended, 0 rejected]) on Friday, Sep 5, 2008 at 1: 22: 13 AM barb bolin So...That's What Police Repression Looks Like
  • The moon links luck and a contest to win a holiday. The Sun
  • + importance of links in ranking is declining -- New sources of data and new features that Yahoo! has built and developed have made our ranking algorithm better. Internet News: Yahoo Algorithms
  • We don't want New Zealand's good name muddied by links for the torture of prisoners, which is reputed to include beatings, electric shock treatment, and sleep, food and water deprivation. New Zealand Herald - Top Stories
  • A better integrated transport system would mean faster and better links with other parts of the country.
  • Green party policies are policies for people, all about reforging the links between government and the community.
  • The company has severed its connection/links/relationship/ties with its previous partners.
  • Linksys, now owned by Cisco, not only doesn't mind your hacking the box, they are including some of those hacks in their revised firmware.
  • What links Carnaby Street boutiques with the Hornsey student sit-in of May '68?
  • Evidence of links with drug dealers has discredited the President.
  • Would you relegate the truth to an obscure blog, or one that receives a lot of traffic? freeman has every right to post links from his own blog posts here on TP, just as we do from the Zoo. Think Progress » Kristol Supports Arizona Immigration Law: ‘I Don’t Think It Violates Anyone’s Civil Rights’
  • Allowing links to have a different style when they've already been visited or when the cursor is hovering over them gives opportunity to improve the user interface and the user experience. title - the 'tooltip' of the link title = "Find out more about the next SEOmoz seminar Search Engine Optimization and Marketing News provided by
  • They studied the effects by assessing free urinary pyridinium cross links in growing rats, age 5-12 weeks.
  • Most properties are eligible, including Aboriginal town camps, schools, local parks, roadsides, cemeteries, defence properties and golf links.
  • Staffordshire Enamels boxes, bonbonnières, music boxes, cufflinks, paperweights and clocks are shipped all over the world to discerning collectors.
  • You can modify many links at once by using the options found at the bottom of the SubPanel.
  • The clue is in his green tie and cufflinks. Times, Sunday Times
  • By working constantly to forge strong links to a number of local industries, it is hoped that the Institute's innovations can be rapidly commercialised.
  • Winning luck links your family with a dream holiday prize. The Sun
  • The stories of his links with the actress had knocked the fun out of him.
  • Beneath the new foyer that links hail to street and school, the architect included some basement rooms for cloakrooms and storage.
  • LINKS, new archives profile layout dland alexis alfred althea anqi chu yuan chrissy daniel tay derrick huiling monster serene chen xiao shi xinni xinru Zhen-zhen Diary Entry
  • Love that grows with time links you with a new face where old friends meet. The Sun
  • He wore a chestnut-colored jacket and waistcoat; his necktie was orange, somewhere between rust and coral, and his cufflinks were the same color. Gay Talese
  • « 500 Greatest Songs links for 2006-05-15 » snark­mar­ket is brought to you by Links for 2006-05-14 « Snarkmarket
  • In a car, fusible links are usually placed very close to the battery so that if anything goes wrong, they're the first thing to blow.
  • Because no such effect has been detected on the protein-free DNA, we suppose that DNA-bound proteins mediate the formation of links.
  • Further discussion takes place on the Coordination Committee, the samanvaya samiti, comprised of intellectuals and activists from outside the movement who contribute to forging wider links.
  • Luck links four good pals. The Sun
  • My wife came home with a new Motorola cell phone with Bluetooth, which uses radio links to transfer data.
  • The single strand that links the two is a hotel in Mozambique, part of the old empire and still there. Times, Sunday Times
  • In this approach, as with hierarchies but unlike the relational model, there are explicit links between related entity occurrences.
  • The links aren't constantly updated but can be set to update whenever you load the document again.
  • The department is interested in developing closer links with industry.
  • Most mass mailers have links posted on each message you can follow to opt-out, and at worst, you could always change your e-mail address.
  • The impact of a wireless transmission is not confined to a stable set of point-to-point links, as in a wired network, but reaches any receiver within its range.
  • Abu Sayyaf visit ofal-Qaeda’s early years andanger at Saudis ofanti-American stance ofanti-U.N. stance ofappeal to Filipinos ofAzzam as mentor offavoritism towards Egyptians shown byglobal jihad sought bygraduation speech ofJabarah sent to KSM byJanjalani andLaskar Jihad links toloyalty ofmedia monitored by1998 fatwah ofon East Timorin Philippinesrecruitment success ofSayyaf as prototype forsons ofin Sudanterror tapes oftransition from financier to terrorist ofYousef andBlack Friday Seeds of Terror
  • A good use for the title attribute is to add descriptive text to links, like if the link text itself does not clearly describe the link's destination. "Stay in your house!"
  • Some insurance companies have links with alarm providers and locksmiths who may offer extra discount on the cost of locks or alarms.
  • For this reason we have listed useful links and further information about this worm below.
  • Breadcrumbs are both links and a graphical representation of where you are in the site.
  • Yet looking for these tiny creatures also helps you to appreciate the fine tissue of the world and the way it all interlinks like a delicately raveled web. Country diary: Claxton, Norfolk
  • The system encodes data, in the form of a unique "thumbprint", for each crime and matches and links crimes without an operator asking it to do so. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Thanks so much for the links to the WSJ story pumping up the speculatory frenzy over the conference call at the center of Blagopaylooza (my "Name the Scandal" entry, btw) and the Politico "story" about that upright paragon of moral rectitude David Vitter's plan to call Bill to testify at Hillary's confirmation hearing. Where Are You, Angry Left?
  • Outside this geographical core were many different types of attached or dependent territories, where links with the UK originated in migrations of peoples of British stock, or in variations of conquest or cession.
  • The site, therefore, provides links to other online courseware directories, public domain courseware hosted locally, sites for courseware developers and Indian educational sites.
  • The emphasis on nodes which I encountered in the monastery links back to my Saturn return, in a way, since the dispositor of my North Node is Saturn.
  • The weak control over lending was allowed because of the keiretsu tradition, which links companies with their banks via complex cross-shareholdings.
  • There are about as many options as a Lego set for hooking it up, but the basic idea is that it links a regular corded or cordless phone with your cell phone to provide the best features of each.
  • Normally, as publishers and website owners can grab your article to use, each article directory site you submit it to can result in 10 - 20 backlinks almost immediately.
  • The T9000's built-in communications links enable the internal bandwidth of the parallel processor to expand proportionately to the number of processing nodes.
  • What links genuine romance and the showbiz world? The Sun
  • Einstein's theory links energy with mass and velocity of light.
  • The intramolecular hydrogen bond network is not static, but consists of many fluctuating cross links within the template framework.
  • Launched in March, Kepler finished its electronics check-out and turned to its principal mission this week, staring at roughly 100,000 nearby stars for tell-tale "blinks" caused by eclipsing planets. Kepler's search for another Earth begins
  • Listed below are links to weblogs that reference east coast beach volleyball at coney island: East coast beach volleyball at coney island
  • Any discussion of siting has, therefore, concentrated on such factors as communication links, defensive positions and local bridging points.
  • Luck links friends who live on opposite sides of the world. The Sun
  • You can look up the most wanted criminals all over the world at Most Wanted, a site that links up to law enforcement's desired baddies.
  • The middle level serves as the main entrance to the building and provides a public walkway that links the multi-storey parkade to the terminal.
  • Turns out only one of his two associates is from Portland, and he has the hard-edged glitter in his eyes and cuff-links that I associate with men of rank, or at least of pretension to such. For Adams, photo op becomes knock op (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • Scientists have established possible links between cancer and diet.
  • When this dink is defeated this coming Twosday and he finally slinks out of the Whitehouse in early 2005 he is going to disappear from the national scene like no president ever has. Archive 2004-10-01
  • A Cambridge-based company has created cheap, smart tags that can beam website links to mobile phones to give people more information about the poster, advert or shop the marker is attached to. Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » More on Hypertags
  • Why, just create a matrix of the links and then an eigenvector of that matrix is the answer. Investing in the Black Box
  • ‘The opening of the charter flights does not mean that direct sea and air links across the strait can also be realized,’ Chen said.
  • Want to spend money to find the so-called "golden chain" like to buy some links, I do not know who Possible?
  • With present telecommunication links it is indeed possible to work across the continents.
  • Polymers play an important role in many biological systems, so a fundamental understanding of their cross-links is crucial not only for the development of medicines but also for the development of biomimetic materials.

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