
How To Use Lingo In A Sentence

  • Arm yourself with Eejit's ‘Film Lingo’ and you'll soon know your cookie from your cutaway, your capture card from your chromakey, so you can easily cut to your closeup.
  • Lingonberries or cowberries are the fruit of a European relative of the cranberry, V. vitis-idaea; they have a distinctive, complex flavor. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • And resolve to learn the lingo. Times, Sunday Times
  • Buss her, wap in rogues 'rum lingo, for, O, my dimber wapping dell! Ulysses
  • ( "There's no" K "in Klingon, and that's that!" he insisted, illustrating the raspy, back-of-the-throat "kh" - type consonants he'd woven into the lingo instead). Theater Review: Washington Shakespeare Company's evening of the Bard in Klingon
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  • The first clue came from the olinguito's teeth and skull, which were smaller and differently shaped than those of olingos.
  • But not all of us are familiar with the street lingo of hardline hackers. Exploring language (6th edn)
  • And resolve to learn the lingo. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mortimer also discovered symptoms of lush-logic, for though he had an inclination to keep up the chaff, his dictionary appeared to be new modelled, and his lingo abridged by repeated clips at his mother tongue, by which he afforded considerable food for laughter. Real Life In London, Volumes I. and II. Or, The Rambles And Adventures Of Bob Tallyho, Esq., And His Cousin, The Hon. Tom Dashall, Through The Metropolis; Exhibiting A Living Picture Of Fashionable Characters, Manners, And Amusements In High And Low Life
  • There is no end of 'paddies' along this river, and I'm sure they cannot understand your lingo. Four Young Explorers or, Sight-Seeing in the Tropics
  • If you are not used to it, the lingo they use can be bewildering. Times, Sunday Times
  • And his ability to settle quickly was not helped by the fact he did not speak the lingo. The Sun
  • Economics is easy after you learn the lingo.
  • We need to speak their lingo, and we need to engage with them, to know the issues. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jerking about in his chair, Kirk endeavored to assume what he hoped was an expression of cultured confidence the Klingons might not be able to see him, but the monitoring officers certainly could. The Kobayashi Maru
  • He preferred not to trust someone ahead of himself, so he even learned the medical lingo.
  • Using the visual, audio, kinetic and print forms, her new lingo reads like a wild blend of Chaucer, SMS-speak and Anthony Burgess's droog slang. This week's new exhibitions
  • Finally the English officer, a great lanky fellow with his trouser leg half torn off and a bloody bandage round his knee, succeeded in wrenching the banner away, but the Frog officer, who was about four feet tall, grabbed an end of it, and they came stumbling down in my direction, yelling at each other in their respective lingoes, with their crews joining in. Flashman's Lady
  • Among the zoological delights that awaited them according to him were the dagger-tooth: a 120 kilo, furred predator of the mountains; the greater snowbird with a three-meter wingspread and talons that could carry off a full-grown Klingon; plus a host of uncatalogued amphibians that made the marshes acutely inhospitable. Pawns and Symbols
  • Needless to say, movies that depict the Italian mafia in the U. S. A. are choc-a-bloc with mafia lingo.
  • What really happens once the episode concludes with its trite little ending is that the Klingons replace the flintlocks with Uzis, and the Federation ups the ante.
  • Wherever possible, he writes with a seaman's lingo of seaways, gunwales, swells and whitecaps.
  • When Sulu crossbred a Klingon fireblossom with a Benzite dream-of-darkness, he called it an “Edith Keeler”—and gave it to his captain as a gift. Star Trek
  • David Davis moves the old folk tale "Stone Soup" to the American Southwest for "Fandango Stew" Sterling, 32 pages, $14.95 , a boisterous picture book full of Wild West lingo that pretty much demands to be read aloud with Tex-Mex emphasis on the diphthongs. When Imagination Blasts Into Orbit
  • The Swedish meatballs are a charming rendition of the Minnesota classic: nicely rough-hewn balls stand sturdily in their tan gravy, guarding fresh-tasting mashed potatoes and enough lingonberries to make you feel fancy.
  • My lack of local lingo wasn't going down well. The Sun
  • In carnival lingo, those part-time workers are called "roughies," and it was a nice little sideline for Kathy Cox, who also works as a substitute teacher. Record Article Feed
  • According to a few websites the cowberry is also known as the lingonberry, foxberry, mountain cranberry Vaccinium vitis-idaea. Russian Booze
  • Not that you have to speak the lingo, as some top universities offer subjects taught entirely in English. Times, Sunday Times
  • Oh, sure, the spiritual world must necessarily involve some new or unusual vocabulary / lingo.
  • While we're on the subject of units, it's important to understand that construction measurement has a language and lingo all its own.
  • According to a few websites the cowberry is also known as the lingonberry, foxberry, mountain cranberry Vaccinium vitis-idaea. Archive 2005-07-01
  • If you live abroad it helps to know the local lingo.
  • This lot could already speak the lingo enough to understand almost certainly complex comedic propositions. Times, Sunday Times
  • A new report reckons that only one in 40 of our ambassadors and embassy staff speak da lingo. The Sun
  • Possibly this is one of the most visionary sci-fi books I have ever read, and so chock full of controversial ideas (let alone nonlinear narrative, bizarre writing style, and strange futuristic pidgin lingo) that it surely has to make this list. MIND MELD: What are the Most Controversial SF/F Novels of the Past & Present?
  • The jintleman we tuk off the wrack's rekivered his sinses, an 'none ov us, sure, can under-constubble his furrin lingo barrin' yersilf, sor. Crown and Anchor Under the Pen'ant
  • If bicycling is going to become a viable mode of transportation, bicycles need to be seen as a means of conveyance, not an entry point to a lifestyle that requires specialized clothing, new lingo, or dedication to a particular political ideology. We Need People Who Ride Bikes, Not Cyclists « PubliCola
  • We are all individual entrepreneurs, personal brands (in that fast-fading lingo), duking it out for mindshare and market penetration.
  • Think teak tabletops covered in lingonberries, herring, salmon, aquavit, pancakes and those cute little gherkins.
  • Bog whortleberry (or bog bilberry – '' Vaccinium uliginosum ''), lingonberry, and mountain crowberry showed increases in leaf ice nucleation temperature exceeding 2.5 °C whereas bilberry showed no significant effect, as in another study [99]. Phenotypic responses of arctic species to changes in climate and ultraviolet-B radiation
  • Wherever possible, he writes with a seaman's lingo of seaways, gunwales, swells and whitecaps.
  • Councils are having to spend scarce resources on bringing in specialist teachers to help them learn our lingo. The Sun
  • I stared at it for a minute before deciding that it means (in Cherie's made-up lingo land), "Death by embarrassment. February 4th, 2006
  • The union and the employers failed to reach an agreement within the coolingoff period.
  • Cloudberries and lingonberries, both of which grow wild on mountain plateaus, are particular favorites.
  • they don't speak our lingo
  • The novelist Herman Melville described the underworld vocabulary as ‘the foulest of all human lingoes, that dialect of sin and death, known as the Cant language, or the Flash.’
  • _ I heard Uncle Sam read the first three chapters of Genesis, which he translated into his own lingo as he went along, calling the subtile serpent the most "amiable" of beasts, and ignoring gender, person, and number in an astonishing manner. Letters from Port Royal Written at the Time of the Civil War (1862-1868)
  • The audience is tuned in, hip to the lingo, the jive.
  • The state's Silicon Valley also contributed to English's high tech lingo: software, hardware and megabyte.
  • The four berobed Klingons pounded their spears now and then and roared softly in outrage -- or maybe enthusiasm. Theater Review: Washington Shakespeare Company's evening of the Bard in Klingon
  • Can you give us some helpful lingo for use in New Zealand? The Sun
  • Councils are having to spend scarce resources on bringing in specialist teachers to help them learn our lingo. The Sun
  • News that the defender spends a few hours a week learning the lingo is sure to alert Barcelona. The Sun
  • They serve pancakes with lingonberries or strawberries with ham at a buffet in the basement one Sunday a month.
  • Okagawa noticed the shock of surprise that seemed to grip several of her companions, most notably Kelthos, who folded his arms and sat back in his chair, his expression indicating that the Klingon was through with the current conversation. Creative Couplings
  • In computer lingo, this is referred to as a Centralized Network Topology.
  • When Scotty (not "Scottie") beams him up, he should also make sure to add that Tribble on Traficant's head to the whole kit and caboodle he already beamed into the Klingon engine room. 'Beam me up' to Capitol Hill
  • For me, lingo is like acronyms; I find myself constantly looking things up to remind myself what they mean even though I've heard them and in some cases used them dozens of times. Two Points
  • Searing phaser fire stabbed out from above and below the windows, and a couple of burning torpedoes soared up from below, converging on the neck of the Klingon battlecruiser. Star Trek The Next Generation®
  • I'm just shocked to hear ... the new lingo from the governor, talking about Obamacare," Meek said. Richard Hebert: Florida Debates: Aesop Steals the Show
  • These were the people who made the genre look bad, so the story went, the fans in the Spock ears, the ones who spoke Klingon, the costumed freaks whose obsession with some corporately-whored media franchise meant that every single newspaper article that touched on the field characterised it in images of self-fantasising losers. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Standing in front of a projected screen that displayed the words ‘In front of them all,’ he spieled out his military lingo with a Mid-Western accent, cycling through pictures and maps of wartime Korea.
  • In contrast, K. Taulavuori et al. [115], found decreased frost resistance in bilberry in response to elevated UV-B radiation levels and Beerling et al. [116] showed decreased frost resistance in bog whortleberry, lingonberry, and mountain crowberry. Phenotypic responses of arctic species to changes in climate and ultraviolet-B radiation
  • Your mission is to boldly go about the galaxy destroying the Klingon forces which possess many new tactical weapons and abilities.
  • Consumers have no say in this arrangement; they are expected to simply buy the new devices and learn the lingo.
  • Mr. Cowell, 51 years old, sipped on his specially formulated antiaging smoothie, which he drinks daily, made with imported lingonberry, acerola berry, chokeberry and aronia juice flown in specially from exotic locations. The Judging of Simon Cowell
  • I. AM is having trouble understanding the lingo here in Blighty. The Sun
  • Philip Roth, in a 1973 New York Times essay on baseball, called "its longueurs and thrills, its spaciousness, its suspensefulness, its heroics, its nuances, its lingo, its 'characters,' its peculiarly hypnotic tedium. NYT > Home Page
  • Among the specials were traditional sautéed reindeer, potato purée and crushed lingonberries for €14.50.
  • He knew Abyssinia inside out, spoke Amharic, which is the principal lingo of the country, and had been drill instructor in the service of Emperor Theodore, who had particularly admired his party trick of cleaving a sheep in two (lengthwise, God help us) with a single sword-stroke. Flashman on the March
  • Hamby writes: These poems are from a twenty-six-poem sequence of abecedarian sonnets at the center of All-Night Lingo Tango. The Best American Poetry 2010
  • Add the lingonberries and adjust flavors with sugar.
  • To employ the commonplace lingo and designate the moustache as merely `a Handle-Bar ' would be to do it a deep injustice. BEHINDLINGS
  • Ed was my Syracuse University classmate, thus no spring chicken, but he refuses to let the new lingo close down his communicativeness. No Uncertain Terms
  • And then Starfleet formality between Klingon and Ferengi broke down as Nog spread his arms again and Worf embraced the diminutive officer in a bearhug that Jake knew could fell a sehlat. MILLENNIUM
  • There is reindeer meat, lingonberry jam and gravadlax aplenty. The Sun
  • And then there's the forest berries growing wild - blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, cranberries, cloudberries, and lingonberries.
  • He translates the lingo, and tees up each chapter of this murky ronde. Times, Sunday Times
  • It also gets along well with mushrooms and berries: lingonberries, cranberries, rowanberries.
  • I believe you lingo jockeys refer to this as paradox. Fierce Invalids Home From Hot Climates
  • Rather than arabesques of asparagus grass and lingonberries on the floor of a boreal forest, they envision white treeless wastes.
  • An uncrossing is just an uncrossing, whether you want to tart it up in cool post modern chaos lingo is pretty meaningless.
  • GRIFFIN: I don't, but Josh Levs, this is by design up there in D.C. They like to slip in these lingoes so no one knows what the heck they're saying. CNN Transcript Oct 11, 2009
  • If you live abroad it helps to know the local lingo.
  • Many groups of like-minded people use their own lingo that baffles outsiders. The Sun
  • Web-lingo secures translation project for 150 German novels The Marketing & Media community of South Africa
  • Not that you have to speak the lingo, as some top universities offer subjects taught entirely in English. Times, Sunday Times
  • This model is often called just-in-time, or JIT, in business lingo. THE STORY OF STUFF
  • First, let's begin with you, Dana, so what is the lingoes (ph), where do they stand? CNN Transcript Nov 21, 2009
  • This was served with a lingonberry coulis, which was a weird choice with fish, because it was essentially lingonberry jam.
  • If the Irish did not cut their throats in the darkmans—that is their flash lingo for night—the North Country would. Morgan’s Run
  • I express my amazement that America embraced a band so London in lingo. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although they're also commonly called lingonberries, partridgeberries belong to a different family than the lingonberries used in Scandinavian cooking. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Try the whitebait roe and the roasted reindeer with pickled chanterelles and crushed lingonberries.
  • Some British workers are also being forced to learn the lingo to keep up with Polish colleagues. The Sun
  • The lingo is that Hog Heads are used in making tamales. Obama picks up Oregon superdelegate
  • And my grandfather was an artist, and he came up in New York in the '40s and' 50s, and he spoke in that kind of zoot-suit, hipster lingo of that time, you know, the Beats, and I think I had a lot of influence from him. Beck: Rambling Grandfathers And 'Modern Guilt'
  • What is moral turpitude, an ethical lapse, but a soilingof one's character?
  • Milingo broke it and went very much against the basic biblical teachings not to divorce.
  • He also had to drop some street lingo into his banter. The Sun
  • The era's hepcat lingo "ork" for orchestra, "ofay" for "white" and hard-boiled, noir ambience give Mr. Lauterbach a tune he can carry. On the Midnight Special
  • The “verbing” of nouns (or the creation of “nerbs”) has been a flashpoint for the past four or five decades with the growth of business management lingo. Grammar policing = class war
  • And just ahead on CNN SATURDAY MORNING, the online lingo known "leetspeak" "leetspeak" decoded. CNN Transcript May 6, 2006
  • Scientists searching for patterns within this cacophony of lingoes are convinced that languages hold pivotal clues to questions about human history that other areas of study have been unable to answer.
  • An action scene on a Klingon prison planet where Nero is interrogated by threatening Klingons in cool Planet of the Apes-style helmets. 'Star Trek' DVD: Prepare for a deleted-scene geek-out |
  • A task, in common usability lingo, is a rough measure for a user activity.
  • Swedish meatballs and lingonberries just won't cut it.
  • This lot could already speak the lingo enough to understand almost certainly complex comedic propositions. Times, Sunday Times
  • Oh, if you know any others *like Klingon name or any others*, please share. Figure Jedi | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • We hardly see any efficacy in "bean-ie, bean-ie take this wart away," or any particular virtue in stealing mother's dishcloth, cutting it up into as many pieces as there are warts on the hand and rubbing each wart with a separate piece of the cloth; but you will find people in every town or village who will assure you that their warts were driven away by one of these charms or lingoes. The Mother and Her Child
  • But not all of us are familiar with the street lingo of hardline hackers. Exploring language (6th edn)
  • The rage in Trae's eyes was like a silent and contained explosion; the implacable quality of it reduced the hatreds of lesser races like humans, Klingons, or Kzinti, to mere short-term pyrotechnics. Ishmael
  • And yes, it really is a bit of a greenspeak/adspeak buzzlingomutant, isn't it? Sustain That Brand
  • The second error was to talk in global business lingo. Times, Sunday Times
  • Framing the stairway are two Futurist paintings, a Cubist-influenced scene of lancers on horseback by Severini and, appropriately for Lingotto, an abstract paean to pure velocity by Balla.
  • The era's hepcat lingo "ork" for orchestra, "ofay" for "white" and hard-boiled, noir ambience give Mr. Lauterbach a tune he can carry. On the Midnight Special
  • But Baris stood quietly, his expression forceful, his gaze unblinking when met by Klingon eyes. Star Trek: Myriad Universes: Shattered Light
  • But so far was Bruin from entertaining the least suspicion, that he encouraged me to begin a conversation with my mistress in a language unknown to him, by telling her, that he had a gentleman who could jabber with her in French and other foreign lingoes as fast as she pleased; then, turning to me, said, The Adventures of Roderick Random
  • He became skilled in several tribal lingoes.
  • Guinan replies, "And get serving, otherwise those bottles of Klingon bloodwine are going to make themselves scarce. Archive 2010-01-01
  • This lot could already speak the lingo enough to understand almost certainly complex comedic propositions. Times, Sunday Times
  • Don't use all that technical lingo try and explain in plain English.
  • I guess economists can be a bit specialized but I was once a High School economics teacher so I speak the lingo, as it were.
  • Sample traditional Swedish delicacies such as köttbullar with lingonberries and pickled cucumber, or matjes (pickled herring), usually served with dill potatoes and best accompanied by ice-cold schnapps.
  • After wash up and vacuum and with the vehicle shining as new, the kids christened it 'choi', a street lingo popular among youngsters to describe something which is acceptable, nice looking and new. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • The phaser was a flashlight, with silouette disks of a Klingon ship and other such stuff. Star Trek Fan | My[confined]Space
  • Each subject has its own lingo, meaning that, where appropriate, he lays his particular accent on thicker.
  • Men may learn strange lingoes to humour their fellow-men, but how can any dog be expected to understand Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 153, December 12, 1917
  • And he spoke in that kind of zoot-suit hipster lingo of that time. NPR Topics: News
  • And then there's the forest berries growing wild - blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, cranberries, cloudberries, and lingonberries.
  • One of the important features of the universe around us is that, on sufficiently large scales, it looks pretty much the same in every direction — “isotropy,” in cosmology lingo. A New CMB Anomaly?
  • I look around to see Seven of Nine getting the Borg Queen another Klingon bloodwine. Archive 2009-12-01
  • There were stalls piled with pyramids of different coloured berries - deep purple blackcurrants, scarlet strawberries, pink lingonberries and bright orange slushy cloudberries.
  • OMG is think is Oh my God, but I am not up on chat lingo. Blaze of Memory Spoiler Thread
  • He became skilled in several tribal lingoes.
  • As is the case with plants, the hotspot also holds a number of more widespread mammal species, including the jaguar (Panthera onca), Baird's tapir (Tapirus bairdii, EN), the nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus), and the olingo (Bassaricyon gabbii). Biological diversity in Tumbes-Chocó-Magdalena
  • You probably know more Yiddish than you think, thanks to "Seinfeld," Heeb magazine and Jewish screenwriters, who made words such as shlep, klutz, nosh, shlimazel (remember the "Laverne and Shirley" hopscotch theme song?) and shmooze household lingo. Articles
  • An alternative derivation is from the Apache word tezlingo which refers to a native plant, probably sotol, and the alcoholic drink made from it.
  • Explore weird planets and fight the Klingons and other strange creatures in your search for fuel for the stranded Starship Enterprise.
  • We have a lot of negative lingo: “comment spam” (which I excel in dishing out here), “stfu” (popular on quite a number of sites with Open Threads), “splogs,” “spam sites …” The Blogictionary « BuzzMachine
  • Like all modern war films, you'll need to understand military lingo. The Sun
  • OH you have thrown in the lingo sporadically but the things in between are the real Michelle and because of that it takes back any of the good you have tried to say. Theodore's World
  • explains that references to “tricks” is standard in-house scientific lingo we use the term similarly in physics and that the email about “hiding” a data trend refers to anomalous data that has been discussed extensively in the literature — there is nothing secretive about this practice to anyone familiar with thefield. The Volokh Conspiracy » More Responses to the CRU E-mail Leaks
  • To employ the commonplace lingo and designate the moustache as merely `a Handle-Bar ' would be to do it a deep injustice. BEHINDLINGS
  • Kor considered himself governor of my world, which he termed a newly acquired outpost of the Klingon Empire, and you and Mr. Spock considered yourselves freedom fighters, obligated to liberate us from Klingon domination. Timetrap
  • The same goes for the long list of rogueries - or ‘concerns’ in the State Department's new lingo-lite - with which this country has pestered the planet for many years.
  • Like all modern war films, you'll need to understand military lingo. The Sun
  • Rome communicates his internal dialogue through improvised soliloquies which combine Shakespeare's language with street lingo and gesticulations.
  • In the technical lingo, connecting programs in this way is often called systems integration.
  • She had beauty, glamour, and a knockout set of legs (or ‘gams,’ in the lingo of that time).
  • Erin Jansen is founder of Netlingo, an online dictionary of Internet and text messaging terms.
  • You have to read it twice to make certain you understand the needlessly jargonized lingo. NASA Watch: Keith Cowing: November 2009 Archives
  • MR: Well they've got the lingo jingo, they've got people like Luntz. Mike Ragogna: Government and Go-Go: Conversations with Stone Sour and Slipknot's Corey Taylor, and Chuck Brown
  • He saw no need to write a poetry out of anachronistic myths, inkhorn lingos, and prissy poetic forms.
  • He should bounce back, as we say in the medical lingo, within a few days, I think.
  • He also had to drop some street lingo into his banter. The Sun
  • She did something useful in digging up some Klingon language books in Star Trek VI. Matthew Yglesias » Only on the Internet
  • Other berries such as cloudberry and lingonberry ( '' V. vitis-idaea '') are said to have declined in the last 30 years [18]. Phenotypic responses of arctic species to changes in climate and ultraviolet-B radiation
  • This lot could already speak the lingo enough to understand almost certainly complex comedic propositions. Times, Sunday Times
  • There were stalls piled with pyramids of different coloured berries - deep purple blackcurrants, scarlet strawberries, pink lingonberries and bright orange slushy cloudberries.
  • Hungary has a rich cheesecake packed with raisins and brandy in a wholemeal crust; Finland has lingonberry and blueberry cheesecakes baked in a cardamom-flavoured bread crust.
  • Some British workers are also being forced to learn the lingo to keep up with Polish colleagues. The Sun
  • I wouldn't even say that I dislike America, if anything I like America (given that I have "vacationed" in Florida every year since I was 7 .... and I just said "vacationed" ... see, I even talk the lingo!) Filmstalker: Superman Returns slips in reviews
  • Warm the lingonberry juice with a few tablespoons of rapeseed oil and pour it around the purée. Times, Sunday Times
  • Laine [60] showed that the reproduction of bilberry ( '' Vaccinium myrtillus '') depended to some extent on the climate in the previous years (see section 14.7.3 for examples of this in trees), whereas Shevtsova et al. [61] showed no such response for co-occurring lingonberry and crowberry ( '' Empetrum nigrum ''). Phenotypic responses of arctic species to changes in climate and ultraviolet-B radiation
  • In hardware lingo, a rack is a cabinet that holds server computers, and a node is shorthand for a server itself. Bits
  • Every child suffering from warts usually passes through the stage of charms and lingoes which are popularly used to remove these disagreeable growths. The Mother and Her Child
  • Here's the official lingo from the Boykin Spaniel Society ... How To Turn Your Pup Into a Boat Dog
  • As we speak, Esperanto is being corrupted by upstart languages such as Interlingua, Klingon, Java & various cryptophasic tongues.
  • Religiosis viris Abbati et Conventui de Melross et eorum successoribus in perpetuum Centum Libras Sterlingorum Annui Redditus singulis annis percipiendas de firmis nostris Burgi Berwici super. The Monastery
  • The track ‘Latino Lingo,’ from their album Los Grandes Exitos en Espanol, exhibits the group's considerable code-switching skills as self-proclaimed ‘biolinguals’ based on their deft usage of pachuco Spanish.
  • Grimm, in what he called the lingo of the country. Long Live the King!
  • (For those who are not used to the lingo, "incall," means you get to go to their places.) Gawker: valleywag
  • He had removed the heavy ceremonial Klingon baldric he normally wore over his Starfleet uniform, no doubt with the intention of moving with greater stealth through the jungle. Star Trek: Typhon Pact Paths of Disharmony
  • The apps are just as useful in other countries where the local lingo isn't your own. The Sun
  • As a nineteen year old those observations on lingo and computerese acronyms might have some relevance, for the majority of visitors to this site ... they do not. In New Letter, Clinton's Lawyers Demand ABC Yank Film
  • To revitalize the stale sci-fi franchise, director J.J. Abrams has compiled a cast with the kind of plasticine perfection that emmotes volumes in a galaxy overrun with Klingons, Romulans and other pesky intergalactic scum. CTV News RSS Feed
  • If you are not used to it, the lingo they use can be bewildering. Times, Sunday Times
  • News that the defender spends a few hours a week learning the lingo is sure to alert Barcelona. The Sun
  • Where the animals come together to drink and play, there are many fruit trees and some of the best lingonberries in the whole of northern Europe.
  • Within 10 million years of that event the procyonid group split into Old World procyondis represented today by the red panda and the New World procyonids (for example, raccoons, coatis, olingos, kinkajous).
  • The second error was to talk in global business lingo. Times, Sunday Times
  • Learn the lingo with an evening class in a foreign language.
  • I. AM is having trouble understanding the lingo here in Blighty. The Sun
  • Ro replies, "Did you know it's considered good luck to break a clavicle on a Klingon wedding night? Archive 2010-05-01
  • Milingo bucked the Vatican again in September, when he ordained four married American men as bishops — an act that meant automatic excommunication. Different popes a reflection of different periods
  • Think teak tabletops covered in lingonberries, herring, salmon, aquavit, pancakes and those cute little gherkins.
  • The writers have a lot of fun with it, and you can tell they have a lot of love for the sport (Titan is a skater herself) ... almost to a fault, as sometimes the roller derby lingo in the dialogue can become a little overwhelming. What Are You Reading? | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • In other institutions, the official in charge was known as magister, provisor, or rector, this last title being given in Germany to the superior in case he was a priest, while in Italy he was called spedalingo. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • Then the word lubber becomes one of the more fierce weapons in your arsenal of piratical lingo. Archive 2008-09-01
  • Reading Engrish from 400 years ago one will get the point …namely that whilst we may feel in our limited hominoid time frame that lingo is a steady state thang i.s spelling grammar context etc. Are we meat eaters or vegetarians? Part II | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • You can replace this for store bought lingonberry jam or redcurrant jelly. Kalle Bergman: Swedish Meatballs With Cream Sauce And Mash
  • The young Klingon glanced away for an instant and nodded, his expression faintly sheepish. A Flag Full of Stars
  • Four dwarf shrubs were studied over the first three years of the experiment; one, the deciduous bilberry, showed increased annual stem growth (length) in the first year whereas two other evergreen dwarf shrubs (mountain crowberry – '' Empetrum hermaphroditum '' and lingonberry) showed reduced growth. Phenotypic responses of arctic species to changes in climate and ultraviolet-B radiation
  • There is no haggling, but why be thrifty over cured reindeer meat, heaps of cloudberries, lingonberries and baskets of wild mushrooms?
  • In sports psych lingo, this is referred to as ‘facilitation versus debilitation.’
  • Wherever possible, he writes with a seaman's lingo of seaways, gunwales, swells and whitecaps.
  • The Kid said he'd been on his own for three years and helped Toland learn the lingo of the road; "yard bull" was a railroad detective, "stemming the drag" meant panhandling on a city street, and "bindle stiff" was the Depression-era alternative to "hobo. Jeffrey Shaffer: Strangers on a Page

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