How To Use Lingering In A Sentence

  • Her wrists were bound together with rope, and so were her ankles, her neck open to the air and the world, and her entire body was in a guillotine, the blade lingering high above.
  • The lingering theory is credible because it is hard to imagine that the restaurant business in most cities and towns is anything but competitive. Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • He stared at her, his grey eyes lingering on her lips.
  • These figures kill off any lingering hopes of an early economic recovery.
  • Ergot also had a history of medical use—as a labor-inducing drug that, according to one nineteenth-century physician, “expedites lingering parturition and saves to the accoucheur a considerable portion of time.” MANUFACTURING DEPRESSION
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  • The world's lingering,the end is still no match for the forget the bitter oligonucleotide soup.
  • She wiped off any lingering raindrops on her face, toweling her hair and dress lightly, and placing her handbag next to her coat on the floor.
  • Washington dreamed his way along the street, his fancy flitting from grain to hogs, from hogs to banks, from banks to eyewater, from eye-water to Tennessee Land, and lingering but a feverish moment upon each of these fascinations. The Gilded Age, Part 1.
  • Such winkingly ostentatious nastiness and Mr. Pollock's habit of telegraphing violence rather than lingering over it make this violent book surprisingly easy to read and digest. The Comic-Grotesque Goes North
  • Any new medical condition is at first scoffed at as "malingering," "hypochondria" or "hysteria," and only slowly becomes established. Electrosensitives reach out to OEN
  • A fitful breeze stirred the pale foliage over her head, now and then showering her with pink petals from the lingering blossoms; from beneath her rose the damp sweet fragrance of soft earth and green grass, nearby a meadow-lark sang plaintively; somewhere a robin called arrogantly to his mate in the nest; from the valley, stretching below the sloping orchard, a violet mist lifted. Red-Robin
  • As a precaution against the disease lingering, quick lime was poured into the graves.
  • Behind the dish's overwhelming dose of lime juice, the broth was tinny and under-salted and left an unpleasant, lingering taste that I associate with the pre-prepared garlic paste you buy in jars.
  • This summer past, thanks to the lingering soft economy, many vacation rental owners were besieged by vacation and daycation bargain hunters. Realty Times Real Estate News Channel
  • Another woman, with early symptoms of Bubonic plague, was told she was malingering.
  • Prior catastrophic losses both in Mysore and in America had a lingering effect on future actions in India not only because the British could not afford further defeat, but also because the primary British actant in the Mysore Wars and the Projection, Patriotism, Surrogation: Handel in Calcutta
  • Now the moa is officially extinct, being gone since the 12th century, with some lingering possibly into the 1500's. Archive 2007-02-01
  • Shopkeepers, professional men, painters, plumbers and mechanics must have been counting down the last lingering seconds of the forenoon. MOONDROP TO MURDER
  • Sunday was the day I had fun and laughed without any sort of trouble or lingering worry.
  • First, it removes at one swoop any lingering questions over the company 's financial strength. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have been accused of perfidy, malingering, duplicity, charlatanism and forty other words that I don't know the meaning of.
  • Social welfare is also affected by the unresolved problem of unemployment due to the lingering economic crisis, which has yet to be fully worked out.
  • This distinction should not simply be pushed aside without an attempt to diagnose and exorcize some of the lingering cultural stereotypes within it.
  • Not for him the lingering death of an elder statesman, waiting in desperation for the telephone to ring, for someone to remember. THE TOUCH OF INNOCENTS
  • G20 leaders face lingering economic trouble as conference is set to open economy still wobbly from the worst recession in seven decades, restraining greedy bankers and plotting a future course for sustainable growth - the leaders of the world's major derivatives in the second quarter, as the level of risk eased in the global Wall Street, sex-and-shopping chick lit is so over. - Articles related to India inks nuclear pact with Argentina
  • Earlier this year a poll found that 40% of small businesses thought employees were malingering when they took sick leave.
  • We seem to be hard-wired into receiving streaming images from TV, film, print and our social media, fiercely flashing before us at strobe-light speed, yet never quite lingering long enough for us to take a really deep look into the energetics behind the images. Heather McCloskey Beck: Creating Peace Through Conscience and Creativity
  • NEW YORK (AP) - Billionaire Mayor Michael Bloomberg heads toward a third term bruised by a surprisingly close re-election battle that exposed lingering anger over ... Joyce Purnick: Bloomberg's No-Shows
  • Between bearing children and enduring lingering sicknesses, Susanna was unable to do much to supplement his income.
  • Nice touches include steam vents that cast lingering clouds over the courses and new audio cues to warn of danger.
  • The Beast had been busy arguing that it needed a good six months more to mount a proper, lingering defence.
  • Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States, said his group is working diligently on what he described as a lingering threat to the international community. Latest News -
  • For some, there was a lingering feeling of betrayal. Times, Sunday Times
  • The King was inconveniently lingering so they hurried him along with an injection into the jugular vein of a mixture of morphine and cocaine. Patricia Zohn: Culture Zohn Off the C(H)uff: David Seidler Protects and Defends The King's Speech
  • A baying mob of 200 fans mercilessly called for Van de Velde to quit immediately after this third defeat in a row which ended the Wolves' lingering top five hopes.
  • One other lingering question from last night's documentary is how did he become so thin?
  • The ubiquitous face as well as the proscenium are the lingering elements that integrate with still life, largely reinventing this concept with different perception.
  • Michael Burkard's latest book - full of revenants, revisitations, and regrets - is similarly lingering and resonant.
  • She calls her malingering dad who says Maria is in India having a hip replacement. Foreign Body-Robin Cook « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
  • Add to that the lingering effects of injuries, and the defending Pacific champion looked sluggish and uninterested.
  • That lingering uncertainty cast a pall over stock and bond markets.
  • This swelling border, added last, embraces all but the lower left corner of the centralized image, canceling out the lingering sense of rational space of "Sketch 1" and pushing the vestiges of the troika, St. George and a mountainous landscape firmly toward abstractness. Complementary Abstractionists
  • I thus associate the compact world of the admirable hill-top, the world of a predominant golden-brown, with a general invocation of sensibility and fancy, and think of myself as going forth into the lingering light of summer evenings all attuned to intensity of the idea of compositional beauty, or in other words, freely speaking, to the question of colour, to intensity of picture. Italian Hours
  • Hendry's Brighton triumph dispelled any lingering doubts that he could perform without the piece of wood with which he won seven world titles.
  • The lingering tingling sensations caused by the whip glowed all over her body.
  • History teaches that the lack of a railroad stop condemned many towns to a lingering death a hundred years ago.
  • But for some reason my pissed-off-ness is still lingering? The Other Side Of Anger | Her Bad Mother
  • The other spectre that haunts liberal economics – other than the lingering unhappiness that its happy-clappy consumerism generates – is the broaching of planetary boundaries for survival. The wellbeing agenda isn't navel-gazing, it's innovation and survival | Pat Kane
  • This is the classic method using oatmeal rather that porridge oats and is my favourite because of its rough texture and lingering flavour.
  • She threw in the Dacron cassock and surplice, too, the scent lingering. TOUCH
  • He reports that the cost of his artificial sharkskin is similar to that of commonly used antifouling paints, though a method of applying the skin to ship hulls remains a lingering technical hurdle.
  • Ripe, floral peachy aromas with distant soft buttery scents offers up lemon tinged almond flavours that roll on to a lingering mineral edge on the finish.
  • The cheer that resonates around arenas as races are won and world records are broken is always accompanied by the lingering doubt that the feats are enhanced by drugs.
  • Here may be a way to put all those lingering doubts to rest and see for yourself the efficacy of alternative therapies.
  • Chicago Spire could be a symbol of what has happened in real estate construction in general over the past year or so -- an ambitious project full of promise and hope, left lingering in a state of undoneness due to the economic shift. Luxist
  • Publisher and editor had suffered 'the loss of too many ha'pence ... a quick end is better than a lingering exhaustion'. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Any bird unlucky enough to get trapped would have suffered a lingering death. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are rather sinister creatures that like to stalk their prey as it dies a slow, lingering death from septicaemia caused by their vicious bite. The Sun
  • Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan's move to rejigger his management team should kill any lingering thoughts that Merrill Lynch could be reborn. Mother Merrill Staying Put
  • Any lingering aura of weapons testing seemed to have vanished from the word bikini by the 1960s, when what was left of Bikini Atoll itself was largely forgotten. The English Is Coming!
  • The businessman only looked up when he felt a presence lingering in the doorway.
  • The question I have lingering is ... why did * I* stay? Wesson Oil
  • He's not a backslapper, and some of his problems in Aspen may come from a lingering homophobia aimed in his general direction. Michael Conniff: Con Games: The Good Guy Finally Wins At Aspen Music Fest
  • It's sexy and dark, with a lingering floral overtone and a subtle animality that will undoubtedly prompt people to ask "Mmm, what are you wearing? All I Want for Christmas...
  • For many years there's been a belief that this is a psychological condition, that it doesn't really exist, that the patients are imagining symptoms or malingering.
  • The evenings were spent lingering over fine wines and cognacs while gymnastic students modelled the latest in Brazilian swimwear.
  • They are rather sinister creatures that like to stalk their prey as it dies a slow, lingering death from septicaemia caused by their vicious bite. The Sun
  • Punter Josh Bidwell's lingering hip pain prompted Washington to assign him to the season-ending injured-reserve list and sign former Redskins punter Hunter Smith, Coach Mike Shanahan said after practice Thursday at Redskins Park. Josh Bidwell's hip pain sends him to the injured list
  • I mean a well chosen incision -- the cesura, and a lingering -- Chopin : the Man and His Music
  • And Russia has only itself to blame if its neighbours feel a lingering unease about its policies and intentions. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The shadowy foliage and its reflection of lingering sunlight from the shiny leaves capture something sweetly melancholy at this dark time of year. Times, Sunday Times
  • One lingering shot of his unbelievably expressive face is enough.
  • I took a long sip of coffee, swishing the warm liquid around my mouth, the taste of coffee beans lingering on my taste buds.
  • It's a bit of an art, because you have to ensure a silent evacuation and a quick disassociation from any lingering odours.
  • Its vast breadth, parcelled out into eleven lights, and the infinite division of the stonework in the head, impressed the imagination; while mullions and tracery stood out in such inky contrast against the daylight yet lingering outside, that the architect read the scheme of subarcuation and the tracery as easily as if he had been studying a plan. The Nebuly Coat
  • Cricket chiefs are also hopeful that Ashes hysteria will also help dispel any lingering disenchantment among fans or sponsors caused by the match-fixing saga that scarred Pakistan's tour of England last summer. English cricket hopes for a sponsorship bonanza
  • Call the French snooty, or just demanding, for their attention to good food, good wine, good atmosphere in their restaurants, for lingering over their meals.
  • A long, lingering snow patch gave a superb standing glissade back down to the col before the last scramble up to An Caisteal, the castle.
  • I can think of several options other than lying and malingering to explain the onset of hysterical symptoms and recovered memories.
  • I think I had a lingering sense of ennui that wasn't helping me stay energized and positive about my job.
  • Interpreting the extreme similarity in anteaters and pangolins remains problematic due to lingering disagreement among phylogenetic hypotheses.
  • As for the juice, its health benefits may keep some customers chugging it, but it has a lingering, biting, tannic aftertaste.
  • I have a wee bit of prissiness still lingering from a childhood of parochial schooling. Head and shoulders, knees and…? | Her Bad Mother
  • She leaned into him and Jack met her eager lips with a long, lingering kiss.
  • Imagine interrupting a long, hot hike to cool off in the limpid water of a deserted Greek cove, lingering in a tiny, frescoed monastery - or climbing a mountain track where wild cyclamen brighten the verges.
  • What eases the pain of his lingering departure was that it was smooth and painless.
  • I felt that weakness and unmanageableness of knee which comes with strong mental anguish, and I sank back impotent upon the baron, whose lingering legs repudiated the pressure, so that we both accumulated miserably upon Grandstone. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 15, No. 85, January, 1875
  • Harris cleverly creates lingering interest in the product even after the pitchmen have motored on to another city.
  • A wisp of hair had settled in a crescent along her cheek, the bottom point lingering near the corner of her mouth. DO NO HARM
  • Nonetheless, the localisms introduced lingering friction in the international discourse, which has been compounded by the US not adopting ‘neo-liberal’ either, because of its own peculiar left-wing connotations of ‘liberal’.
  • Schoonover hopes that having the theater functioning will finally dispel any lingering doubts that the project is moving forward.
  • Ms Priss – my pissed-off-ness is still lingering, too. The Other Side Of Anger | Her Bad Mother
  • The party mood will inevitably be tempered by the lingering uncertainty. Times, Sunday Times
  • The corporate identity image has been slow to disappear, with the old standard liveries lingering even on Intercity services.
  • It is cold and she shivers, but the contrast is amazing and she floats in blissed out space on a second lingering orgasm of mind as the sensations finally overwhelm her and she leaves reality behind her for several minutes. Again, from everyone on my f-list, that book meme thingy
  • When he looked up, he saw a shimmering star lingering in the morning sky, just above the treetops.
  • NEW YORK (AP) - Billionaire Mayor Michael Bloomberg heads toward a third term bruised by a surprisingly close re-election battle that exposed lingering anger over his reversal on term limits and his prodigious campaign spending. Despite Spending $100 Million On Campaign, Bloomberg Pulls Off Narrow Victory
  • Read it again, lingering this time on "just one more try" and "another irrecoverable day slips by. Review of The Best of It by Kay Ryan
  • Brown stalks of broomrape were still standing, and I lighted upon a lingering bee-ophrys, a plant which by its amazing mimicry makes one look at it with awe as if it were something supernatural. Wanderings by southern waters, eastern Aquitaine
  • * Class A Potomac catcher Derek Norris, widely rated as the best position player prospect in the Nats system, is in extended spring training in Viera, Fla., rehabbing from lingering soreness after hamate bone surgery this offseason. Nationals minor matters
  • Four days after this learned 'lucubration' the voice of the warm-hearted magistrate speaks in a reminder of the prevailing abject misery of the London poor who “in the most miserable lingering Manner do daily perish for Want in this Metropolis.” Henry Fielding A Memoir
  • It's paraben- and petroleum-free, it leaves a nice dewy finish and there's no lingering scent. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was well worth venturing out in spite of my lingering sickliness.
  • There was a pervasive smell in the gallery, of wood polish, burnt toast and lingering coffee fumes. Seminary Boy
  • He had seen women of sixty, rouged, and jewelled, and furbelowed, foot it deftly in the halls of the Faubourg St. Germain in his earliest youth; and this cheery, healthy woman, with lingering blooms on either cheek, and uncapped head of curly black hair but slightly strewn with silver, seemed quite as fit a subject for the accomplishment. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 46, August, 1861
  • Finally he blessed crowds and after a lingering wave reboarded the Papal helicopter to head for Edinburgh.
  • And if it is, what about the terrific temptation we create for malingering?
  • Any bird unlucky enough to get trapped would have suffered a lingering death. Times, Sunday Times
  • But a state budget shortfall of as much as $2 billion this year, a lingering hangover from the recession, has persuaded leaders in the Republican-dominated state Senate to seek new revenues, including a seventh-day boost from the so-called sin tax levied on liquor, wine and beer sales. Last Call for Dry Sundays
  • September nights! their young moon's lingering twilight, their full broad bays of silver, their interlunar season! The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 28, February, 1860
  • He brings his peroration to a close at this point, the frogs lingering as an image of the sacred.
  • The tea tastes a little bitter with some lingering sweet aftertaste.
  • The question hung in unanswered silence, lingering like cigar smoke does in an unventilated room.
  • The popularity of the Left Behind series suggests that premillennialism still has a hold on many evangelicals (though I suspect that much of the appeal lies in a kind of lingering curiosity rather than heartfelt conviction). Randall Balmer: Pavlovian Premillennialism
  • The letter's description was found to be true with the foul smell still lingering in the surrounding air.
  • Before ten o'clock the adobe wall of the patio was warm enough to permit lingering vacqueros and idle peons to lean against it, and the exposed annexe was filled with sharp, resinous odors from the oozing sap of unseasoned "redwood" boards, warped and drying in the hot sunshine. Susy, a story of the Plains
  • Were an alleged lunatic standing as a defendant in a criminal suit to use one-tenth of the amount of ingenuity and conscious direction of his symptoms that the average paranoiac uses, he would furnish the champions of the idea of malingering of mental disease with enough material to convict a dozen lunatics. Studies in Forensic Psychiatry
  • That anterior project, he finds, embodies a lingering conflict between technocratic scientism and humanist aestheticism, a duality that ‘haunts’ the practice of photography, generally.
  • Harry handed him his wand back, only lingering a little as the buzz passed through them.
  • Leading scientific studies are showing that three fourths of the oil is still lingering on the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico, creat­ing an unprecedented and unknown new environmental reality for the Gulf Coast. Rocky Kistner: Disaster in the Gulf: So What Are We Doing About It?
  • For some, there was a lingering feeling of betrayal. Times, Sunday Times
  • I couldn't fancy anyone who saw lingering in a market as a waste of time, who viewed food as a source of fuel or status.
  • He set his goblet on the table between them, fingers lingering to absently trace the gilding.
  • Glazed cabinets retain the airiness of open shelving, without the hassle of dusty, greasy dishes lingering on an open shelf.
  • Even when divers aren't feeding in the tanks, they will always have Pigfish lingering close by, ready to snap up anything that looks like food.
  • Any bird unlucky enough to get trapped would have suffered a lingering death. Times, Sunday Times
  • They were successfully kept under the thumb, insofar as any lingering attraction to foreign adventurism was concerned.
  • Because it is often impossible to determine who is malingering and who is not, it is impossible to know how frequently malingering occurs.
  • It had quite a distinctive, lingering aroma. The Sun
  • Minor improvement Sunday with highs heading back toward the upper 30s to near 40 and less windy, but still some lingering breeziness. Forecast: Cold to gradually tighten grip
  • Here, against the lingering light of a winter afternoon, I have often watched, fascinated, as the darkly silhouetted harriers glide in just above the reeds.
  • I wonder if my dying will be quiet, a lingering on to see that old friend the sun shining on a changeless world, to hear the rain murmuring on the last evening of my life? A Death in the Family « Unknowing
  • He surprised all the doctors by lingering on for several weeks.
  • But even in these cases, there is sometimes a lingering sense of kinship with another America, the America of unrequited yearnings.
  • Kids who have never been in an art museum before are riveted by the experience, lingering far longer than adults as they puzzle out the meanings of a single work.
  • It was with a lingering eye to his countrymen that he took up his abode in the house of 'one that feared God,' that is, a proselyte; and that he settled down next door to the synagogue. Expositions of Holy Scripture: the Acts
  • Better he should have a quick separation than an ugly lingering death.
  • He followed me up the stairs into the lit up kitchen where the smells from dinner were still lingering.
  • Any lingering hopes of winning the title soon disappeared.
  • Days like this become a file of lingering images: women winnowing grain, children carrying almost their own weight in firewood, and meeting a Hindu sadhu on pilgrimage.
  • The defeat ends any lingering hopes she might have had of winning the championship.
  • ”—“You may say that, Sheriff, ” quoth Tom, —and then lingering a moment for Constable—“My certy, ” he added, scratching his head, “and I think it will be a grand season for our buiks too. Paras. 50-73
  • Jon Green, the director of Connecticut Working Families, told the New York Times on Friday that his group would be "peaceful and lawful" and would not "foment" lingering rage at AIG Latest Articles
  • I just wasn't ready for the intervening years, and the lingering death of the idea of the single, as the industry and the media held on for as long as they could.
  • I believe it stems completely from a lingering racist Germanophobia. Is That Legal?: Japanese Internment Gets A New Breath of Life in the Eastern District of New York
  • Her pondering presumes a regal power, a lingering vestige of an era when sovereignty resided not in the people but in the monarch.
  • Lingering on under a six-month extension, the agency busied itself mostly with writing official histories of the codification experience.
  • Nevertheless I succeeded in finding it about eight miles west of the Falls; touched it and smelled it, and secured a lingering corymb of flowers for my herbarium. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, No. 61, November, 1862
  • With the simple word she nodded and kissed my forehead, lingering to delay the inevitable.
  • THE WARMTH OF THE MARQUIS’s greeting bolstered Kate’s flagging spirits, and the kindness in his expression dispelled any lingering discomfort occasioned by MacNeill’s sardonic manner. My Seduction
  • For some, there was a lingering feeling of betrayal. Times, Sunday Times
  • The task busied her just enough to take her mind off her half-healed burns and the lingering nausea of the antiradiation treatments Dr. McCoy had run her through the night before. Firestorm
  • I have been accused of perfidy, malingering, duplicity, charlatanism and forty other words that I don't know the meaning of.
  • Brindle's calf in the woods, or gather oven-wood for his mother to start again the big brick oven with its dozen loaves of rye bread, or see the plow crowding the lingering snow-banks on the side-hill, or help his father break and swingle and hatchel the flax in the barnyard? The Wit of a Duck and Other Papers
  • But perhaps the most satisfying conclusion that he made was that Mitchell is suffering from "malingering" -- faking psychological symptoms to avoid criminal prosecution for the kidnapping of Elizabeth Smart. Robin Sax: "The People" Have the Right to a Speedy Trial, Too!
  • Rather than titillate or horrify, MTV's Skins elicits a certain acedia -- a lingering spiritual listlessness or torpor that the ancients counted among the Seven Deadly Sins. Cathleen Falsani: MTV's Skins: Suffer The Little Children
  • What could be a better barometer of the spiritual health of a community than a fond desire for a lingering horrible death?
  • Served with dark soy sauce and tangy ginger and fresh chili and lime sauces, the dish leaves a lingering aftertaste on the tongue.
  • I watched as she slowly took in the room, her eyes lingering on its appurtenances of domesticate tranquillity. ABOUT THE AUTHOR
  • A lovely soft mouthfeel and a lingering finish. Times, Sunday Times
  • Could she have been saved if her mother had died years ago, suddenly, instead of lingering as a demanding, tyrannical invalid? DEATH AND TRANSFIGURATION
  • There was a pervasive smell in the gallery, of wood polish, burnt toast and lingering coffee fumes. Seminary Boy
  • Some conservative commentators, who didn't have much else to gloat about, dwelt lingeringly on what they evidently regarded as the upside of the huge, Obama-sparked African-American turnout.
  • Both our countries are lingering in an eery stasis, waiting for the bad to happen. Times, Sunday Times
  • I would never use the word homeless to describe my lingering feelings for him. Five Stops on Line 2, Ch 1: Qalb elouz
  • And yet, turning in my trap, I saw her lingering before the door, very still, and as if meditating a flight up the miry road.
  • These figures kill off any lingering hopes of an early economic recovery.
  • He bent his head to give her a lingering kiss and then he was gone.
  • The compact disc is suffering a lingering death. Times, Sunday Times
  • I wonder if my dying will be quiet, a lingering on to see that old friend the sun shining on a changeless world, to hear the rain murmuring on the last evening of my life? A Death in the Family « Unknowing
  • The world rushes on over the strings of the lingering heart making the music of sadness.
  • Figures huddled in wraps hurried past her -- the fog and dark discouraged lingering. Burning Bright
  • Role-playing is not the same as faking or malingering.
  • They are rather sinister creatures that like to stalk their prey as it dies a slow, lingering death from septicaemia caused by their vicious bite. The Sun
  • I hope Lady Godiva of chocolate fame will forgive me but the sweetest and most lingering memory of my trip to Brussels is the jewel like architecture of Victor Horta and his Art Nouveau colleagues. Edward Goldman: A City Awash in Art, Beer and Chocolate
  • Unlike the cigarette smoker, who draws needily upon the commercially packaged weed, the pipe man takes things slowly, lingering over the rituals of cleaning, filling, tamping.
  • The camera plays along, tracking sometimes the travel of the balloon, sometimes that of a person, sometimes lingering on an empty seat cushion until the balloon is placed there.
  • These figures kill off any lingering hopes of an early economic recovery.
  • The compact disc is suffering a lingering death. Times, Sunday Times
  • The compact disc is suffering a lingering death. Times, Sunday Times
  • The little man crept crestfallen from the tent, his lingering steps quickened by a threatening gesture on the part of the Chief. Hauff's Fairy Tales, Translated and Adapted
  • He hopes firstly it will lay to rest lingering suggestions that the 35-year-old's success last year was a fluke. Times, Sunday Times
  • they developed a test to detect malingering
  • This predominantly Pinot Noir based sparkling wine has a creamy mousse with a lingering almond finish.
  • The romance scenes moved smartly, never lingering long enough to be physically painful.
  • Nowadays an infusion of coriander is recommended for relieving flatulence, bloating and griping pains, as well as for suppressing the lingering smell of garlic.
  • Although the postman changed every few years the custom carried on - until one of them was spotted lingering over his cuppa for 10 minutes last Wednesday.
  • In this low-demand scenario, the lingering demand for oil could be met even if the nondemand factors were unfavorable. Energy Bulletin -
  • Through rare elements like black hemlock extract and the smell of raw opium, with tuberose absolute, tonka bean, treemoss and animalistic notes like synthetic castoreum and cistus ladanum you get the lingering impression of warm and radiant flesh. Diane, A Shaded View on Fashion
  • Pictures of yourself as a chubby, wailing baby are likely to be quickly skipped over, while images of your nearest and dearest sporting the cutting-edge fashions of yesterday are worth lingering over.
  • Bled by war and terrorism, beset by a lingering financial crisis and stubbornly high unemployment, facing stagnant wages and growing inequality, saddled with obsolete infrastructure and massive public debt, the United States today seems far removed from the confident "hyperpower" of a decade ago. Will Marshall: To Fix Our Country, We Need to Fix Our Politics First
  • He leaves the phrase lingering there as I ponder it. All Stories
  • He was commenting on the all-out effort by party leaders, including certain cabinet members, to pressure the National Prosecuting Authority not to pursue the corruption charges that had been lingering since 2005. Jacob’s Ladder
  • Here Orringer's grasp of fact and circumstance is used to best effect, as she observes the lingering disintegration of each starving and diseased human body and recreates the minute attention devoted to ensuring that so many died with as much suffering aspossible. The Invisible Bridge by Julie Orringer
  • They are fragrance-free so didn't sting my skin or leave me with a lingering scent. The Sun
  • Nothing but the stench of fear to show for his presence, a pungent lingering smell that slides down the back of your throat like tar.
  • If Mussolini retained some lingering hopes in 1919 of founding an alternative socialism rather than an antisocialism, he was soon disabused of those notions by observing what worked and what didn't work in Italian politics. UUpdates - All updates
  • The others followed more slowly, with Jack lingering for a last look at the leonine face so far below, until Micki prodded him in the back to speed him up.
  • To prepare radishes for serving, wash them to remove any lingering dirt, and pinch or slice off the tops and any hairy roots.
  • Maggie watched powerless as Kate and Joe headed out into the hall, the surprise and disbelief lingering around her like a wraith. FALLEN WOMEN

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