How To Use Lineation In A Sentence

  • Quartz and chlorite stretching lineations show two major trends, either down dip to the SW or sub-horizontal plunge to the west or NW, i.e. along strike.
  • Armantrout's short lines, use of rhetoric, aggressive lineation, disjunctions and juxtapositions, discursiveness, parataxis, and myriad condensatory techniques are all exemplary, but never overbearing. Seth Abramson: November 2011 Contemporary Poetry Reviews
  • The delicate delineations of each square of metal leaf create subtle patterns.
  • (Original lineation is evident, of course, in the facsimile images.) Annotated Text
  • Faint and fine suturai lineations, incompletely reflecting tabulation, variably developed over surface.
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  • Bedrock structures tend to be more regional in spatial outline compared with glacial lineations and in satellite images are often characterized by a rough and irregular surface texture.
  • A little more delineation between the two sides of the character would have further advanced what was a fair portrayal.
  • In their place would come themes, ending the rigid delineation of topics.
  • To my ears, the DTS track sounds tighter and with better delineation between the channels.
  • This reflects the general insulation of the community, where there are specific delineations between northern and southern Thais and where intercommunity outreach with other groups has been almost nonexistent.
  • He displays no power whatever in delineation of character. Review
  • [DR] (MS. interlineation in a copy among the King's pamphlets.) xxiv. Microcosmography or, a Piece of the World Discovered; in Essays and Characters
  • In general, one's position in an organization, one's salary ranking in that organization and one's value/replaceability in that organization all lead to a delineation of power or powerlessness. Audience Weighs In On Brett Farve, Black 'Girl Power'
  • Open water falling within the delineation was discounted, but mire and swamp forest were not.
  • The lineations plunge to the north in the northern part of the island and to the south in the southeastern part.
  • C-S fabrics and asymmetric quartz boudins parallel to these lineations suggest top-to-the-NE or top-to-the-east directed shear consistent with the general directions observed in the Baidrag Gol Transect.
  • The delineation of built-up areas will define the areas where countryside policies apply.
  • The southern delineation follows the habitat transition from cerrado shrubland to moist forest, each with distinctive species assemblages. Maranhão Babaçu forests
  • They had to be transcribed, entailing a whole series of choices about lineation, punctuation, and orthography. Is Rap Poetry?
  • In Asiatic Frontier delineations tribal boundaries, except where overridden by political considerations, are apt to be observed.
  • The delineations for this ecoregion were derived from the INEGI current landcover maps, from which we're lumping montane mesophyll forests classifications with human modified landscapes along the eastern flank of the Sierra Madre Oriental. Veracruz moist forests
  • Whilst he still produced exquisite paintings his archaic style and the use of delineation, soon meant that he was left behind by other quattrocento artists like Michelangelo, Raphael, and Leonardo da Vinci.
  • Its short lines are reminiscent of Plath, but it has a restraint that lightens the effect of the lineation. Vendler on Armitage: the willingness not to make a point…not to be witty
  • First, territoriality consists of commonly accepted spatial concepts and methods of areal delineation, from oral traditions and place-naming practices to cadastral registers backed by state power.
  • Magnetic foliations and lineations obtained from these sites can be interpreted directly in terms of structural information.
  • Solid arrows indicate direction of water flow; dashed lines indicate delineation of different regions.
  • Justification of Ecoregion Delineation The boundaries were delineated using Zohary’s geobotanical map of the Middle East. Southwestern Arabian montane woodlands
  • The delineation of the Atlantic coast north of the Maltese cross is based on speculation.
  • It is shown through the present study that the belts have wavy mylonitic foliation, mineral lineation and S-C fabric.
  • The purpose of a film's score is often to complement the visual imagery and emotional delineation at play.
  • Rocks adjacent to ironstones are strongly sheared, with the intensity of foliation and lineation decreasing away from ironstone horizon, signifying a pronounced strain gradient.
  • Magnetic lineations indicate that the continents were completely separated 90 million years ago, and these authors suggest a date probably 5 to 10 million years earlier.
  • Eight metres down, I notice a sharp delineation in the water.
  • Others see him as a statesman, who does not let party lineation get in the way of doing what must be done. What's a Republican Troll To Do?
  • Williams's lineation is called upon to play a fundamental role in the poem. Strange Affinities: A Partial Return to Wordsworthian Poetics After Modernism
  • Geochemical provinces exist objectively, and will not change with the change of delineation methods.
  • Which thing before we take in hand, perhaps it will not be unacceptable to the reader, if we describe the sea of Gennesaret, and the places adjoining, by some kind of delineation, according to their situation, which we take up from the From the Talmud and Hebraica
  • Such delineation serves a controlling function, circumscribing the legal role women may play.
  • Hornblende forms elongate prisms that define a lineation together with plagioclase.
  • A few sentences more or a paragraph of the note and another interlineation of this kind. Face to Face with Kaiserism
  • [The following three paragraphs were begun by JA as an interlineation in the MS and then continued on a separate sheet marked for insertion ahead of the entry of 17 April, below.] John Adams autobiography, part 2, "Travels, and Negotiations," 1777-1778
  • All delineations are arcs of a circle, the perfect, complete, easily fractured and reassembled building block of the universe.
  • Delineation of the natural communities within the park follows the current Unit Management Plan.
  • The magnetic lineation and magnetic foliation study of the ore area show that the magnetic fabric study can proclaim the stress field of rock deformation as the petrofabric analysis.
  • It is as if just by isolating language on the page, introducing a certain spacing and lineation, the words are made to speak in a new way.
  • Preoperative planning and exact delineation of the cause of the symptoms is crucial.
  • In front, in the flat part, a kind of delineation appeared for a face. Angelic Wisdom Concerning the Divine Love and the Divine Wisdom
  • This issue of inadequate species delineation has also been pointed out for some apparent cases of intraspecific variation in plants.
  • His style shows strong characterisation in his sitters and an exquisite delineation of costume and jewellery.
  • The lineations show shallow easterly plunges in the north becoming steeper in the south of the Welverdiend shear zone.
  • It further supportis the idea that the magnetic lineations represent the stretching direction of the deforming magma.
  • This delineation of labourism is ideal-typical; in practice it could exhibit contradictory tendencies.
  • The delineation of atomic substructure and mechanisms of subatomic processes evolved into the modern study of particle physics.
  • On the surface, Cheng's Tapei exhibition assumes the neutrality of an anthropological survey in its visual recording of the names, classification and diagrammatic delineation of the geographical and historical evolution and branching off of world religions. G. Roger Denson: In Taipei and Hong Kong, Emily Cheng Bridges Science and Faith
  • Similarly, delineation of Indra has been identified in the coins of some other Indo-Greek kings of comparable vintage.
  • Nighttime scenes are solid with great shadow delineation and there is almost zero bleed.
  • We have eliminated most of that in favor of mostly straight-line reporting relationships, clear lines of authority and delineation.
  • It gives us some delineations of bygone manners and social changes, glimpses of many more or less notable persons, and above all the record of a life which, without being in the usual sense of these terms eventful or distinguished, stands forth as one in a great degree self-determined and bearing a strong impress of individuality. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 17, No. 097, January, 1876
  • This baker should take the alineation classes from older posts. Amused Am I
  • Many exterior shots, with the action taking place in the dead of winter, have little or no delineation between the sky and the ground.
  • The angle between a pair of equivalent marker lineations on a sphere constrains the rotation pole to lie on a great circle that is perpendicular to the mutual plane of those lineations.
  • Though he does not succeed in the delineation of the great and grand passions of our nature, he is very successful in the sphere of its humane and tender sentiments; and though open to criticism for the jaunty audacity with which he coins dainty sweetnesses of expression rejected by all dictionaries, and for an occasional pertness in asserting opinions of doubtful truth, he is so lovable a creature that we pardon his literary foibles as we would pardon the personal foibles of a charming companion and friend. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 01, No. 01, November, 1857 A Magazine of Literature, Art, and Politics
  • Their lineations, which are not influenced by the intrusion boundaries, faithfully reflect the stretching direction of the tectonic regime coeval with magma emplacement and cooling.
  • That is, the space and lineation achieve aural and visual effects which materially reinforce the poetic message of bleakness.
  • Any delineation between the nominally public and non-public spheres is now a hair-splitting irrelevancy.
  • The identification and delineation of an emerging research frontier requires both adequate exposure and strong advocacy.
  • The Taiwan Strait is only 200 km wide, making a clear delineation between China and Taiwan difficult, Wang said.
  • At the end of this title, interlined by another hand, follow the words "_newly, overseer ... ignorants_;" but these words are also struck through and re-written on the preceding leaf, on which, written by the same hand by which the interlineation was made (Garnet's, as it would seem), the title stands, -- Notes and Queries, Number 41, August 10, 1850
  • The final delineation of the frontier was a compromise more favorable to the Manchus than to the Russians.
  • For example, in 1852, Jacob Switzer of Basil, Ohio, suggested, as had Roubo a hundred years earlier, that the bitstock be used as a screwdriver (fig. 42); but far more interesting than Switzer's idea was his delineation of the brace itself, which he described as "an ordinary brace and bit stock" (U.S. pat. Woodworking Tools 1600-1900
  • Throughout the entire program, specific delineation of each phase would bring greater clarity to the respective tasks.
  • In DB97-13 the orthogonality of the partial great circle girdle with respect to the lineation supports the above interpretation of the apparent symmetry in the c-axis pattern.
  • In the new setting, the projective properties of figures can be defined unexceptionably. a one-one mapping f of projective space onto itself is a collineation if it sends any three collinear points A, B, and C, to three points (A), (B), and (C), which are collinear too. Nineteenth Century Geometry
  • Even at ocean - ocean subduction zones, one plate is destroyed, together with the record of magnetic lineations carried on it.
  • Folding of a shear zone after its formation may explain systematic variations in the orientations of the main foliation, shear bands and mineral lineation.
  • He integrated firm and bold brush strokes with the precise delineation of form.
  • True that there was then no life or spirit in the poetical vocabulary -- true that there was no nature in the delineations of our minor poets; but better far was such language than the slip-slop vulgarities of the present rhymester -- better far that there should be no nature in poetry, than _such_ nature as Mr Patmore has exhibited for the entertainment of his readers. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 56, Number 347, September, 1844
  • In the will of the "Bard of Avon" is an interlineation in his own handwriting -- "I give unto my wife my brown best bed, with the furniture. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 17, No. 494, June 18, 1831
  • What follows is a delineation of a range of approaches, which endeavour to provide some answers.
  • The c-axis and e-lamellae pole figures also display a great circle girdle normal to the lineation, which decreases in intensity with increasing strain.
  • Excuse my interlineation of this correction of my post: "...than the private citizen should be telling the office-seeker what to say. "In the end, voters will decide what's off-limits, but I can't imagine that the public will reward the politics of personal destruction."
  • The condition of the little pages of manuscript where Death stopped his hand, shows that he had carried them about, and often taken them out of his pocket here and there, for patient revision and interlineation. Miscellaneous Papers
  • The insistent lineation sifts sentences into phrases and words, so that ‘Bolt,’ ‘Grounds,’ and ‘Chips’ can be read as either nouns or verbs.
  • Beginning in the 1750s, a body of literature appeared in France and Germany calling for a finer delineation of sex differences.
  • All drafts and variants are listed except for minor revisions of lineation and punctuation.
  • Freed from the necessity of a systematic delineation Smollett rambles about Nice, its length and breadth, with a stone in his pouch, and wherever a cockshy is available he takes full advantage of it. Travels through France and Italy
  • People like to truncate things in order to understand them but in reality there's no clear delineation. Roasted Kabocha Squash
  • It is avowedly a pastoral drama, and sets forth a whole troop of gods and goddesses; with nothing that can properly be called delineation of character. Shakespeare His Life Art And Characters
  • Holmes' own manipulation of language allows the reader to enter into his private universe, offsetting tight lineation and formal structure with inventive wordplay.
  • The descriptions of sunbirds, the loving delineation of the topography of his fictional districts and the unconscious exactitude about the names of trees and plants are a hangover from Davidar's early training as a botanist.
  • The rapid delineation of muscles and sinews, the visible pentimenti and the variable thickness of the chalk lines indicate a purposeful exploration of the physical possibilities of the medium in accurately depicting the human body.
  • The delicate delineations of each square of metal leaf create subtle patterns.
  • This is a useful delineation that guides the reader to the fundamental positions that should be studied first.
  • Quartz stretching lineations in the shear zones are down-dip and rotated clasts in the agglomerates suggest top-to-the-NE shearing or thrusting of the volcanic series over the Delb Khairkhan melange.
  • Walker, who has devoted considerable attention to the delineation of the syndrome, notes that the ‘battered woman syndrome is considered a subcategory of the generic Post Traumatic Stress Disorder’.
  • Delineation of species has traditionally been based on morphological characteristics, especially macroconidium ontogeny, and species have been named based on host association.
  • Biotite and amphibole lineations on the cleavage plane plunge consistently SW or WSW.
  • The old man left the prison, much affected and deeply pained for the condition in which he found him, he in fact feared mental alineation. The Knights of the Horse-Shoe; A Traditionary Tale of the Cocked Hat Gentry in the Old Dominion.
  • Butler applied Microgravity and gradient techniques to the detection and delineation of shallow sub-surface cavities and tunnels.
  • Magnetic surveys of Watts et al. and Davey in the South Fiji Basin identified anomaly lineations 12-7A; Malahoff et al. suggested that anomaly 13 is locally present.
  • Linework follows the presence of várzea habitats along these rivers according to IBGE and the eastern delineation is the confluence of the Japurá with the Solimões Rivers. Solimões-Japurá moist forest
  • So too with any great tradition of poetry: we must have a place to start, the conventions of lineation, and along with them conventions of stanza, poetic form, and chapter.
  • Our cover list is not a perfect delineation of popularity.
  • The stretching lineation is commonly defined by biotite and by recrystallized plagioclase in tails surrounding rotated, moderately retrograded, garnet porphyroclasts.
  • At its best, landscape painting is not, in Henry Fuseli's words, ‘the tame delineation of a given spot’; not what Baudelaire decried as ‘Nature unpurified and unexplained by the imagination’.
  • In proportion to the amount of actual projection from the background, of course the necessity diminishes for that kind of foreshortening which is obtained by delineation. Wood-Carving Design and Workmanship
  • Your Honour referred to the Workplace Relations Act as being a significant departure from history in terms of the delineation between conciliation and arbitration.
  • His lectures on Physics are written elegantly and clearly, without interlineation, and embracing the latest researches of his time. History of the University of North Carolina. Volume I: From its Beginning to the Death of President Swain, 1789-1868
  • But this lineation holds them over against pure banality just enough to let them emerge as capable of bearing attention and hence of becoming fascinating in their own right. Strange Affinities: A Partial Return to Wordsworthian Poetics After Modernism
  • Thus there is commonly a stretching lineation visible on fabric planes that indicates the movement direction, at least during the final stages of fabric development.
  • Belabored, bejeweled-interestingly, the poem seems closer to the surface flash of many contemporary poems than the severe lineations and stark vivid colors of Plath's late work.
  • Smooth gradients typically work better than sharp delineations of color.
  • (In fact, the clear delineation of the altar and sanctuary by a rood screen might even be thought to have a similar "canopying" like effect that the ciborium visually has, insofar as it delineates that space and the altar within it.) Potentialities of the Rood Screen Today
  • The MSS. looks as if expressly written for interlineation. The Danish History, Books I-IX
  • The concise delineation of the features closely parallels a description of Sargent's drawing technique.
  • However, bedding-cleavage intersection lineations for this regionally developed cleavage display distinctly different distributions when plotted in stereographic projection.
  • In certain fits of prosaic humorism, he would, as we have seen, condemn himself to delineation of the parades of a watering-place; but the moment he permitted himself to be enthusiastic, vaster imaginations crowded in upon him: to modify his old conception in the least, was to exaggerate it; the mount of The Harbours of England
  • Abundant kink bands deforming foliation and stretching lineation occur in swarms.
  • The lineations on the flanks of these ‘folds' trend N110 - N140 whereas they converge southeastward close to the fold hinge.
  • The real worth of the book lies in the savage delineation of characters.
  • Its delineation is that of a "SuperPAC," which (under non-technical terms) means it can raise unlimited amounts of money from varying sources and spend that advocating for or against candidates. Common Sense Ten, Dem-Allied Third-Party Group, Gets In On Act: Attacks Rand Paul (VIDEO)
  • The delineation of a Nationalist ideology has begun.
  • Species composition and community delineations were similar to those developed for Wisconsin by Curtis in the 1950's.
  • Where they are exposed, the surfaces of these faults are highly polished with slickenside lineations and the faults also have a mean dip of 45 degrees.
  • Armantrout's short lines, use of rhetoric, aggressive lineation, disjunctions and juxtapositions, discursiveness, parataxis, and myriad condensatory techniques are all exemplary, but never overbearing. Seth Abramson: November 2011 Contemporary Poetry Reviews
  • -- Next to the recognition and comparison of the different melodic sections of a composition (in a word, the _melodic delineation_ of the whole), the most significant task in music analysis is the locating and classifying of the cadences. Lessons in Music Form A Manual of Analysis of All the Structural Factors and Designs Employed in Musical Composition
  • Justification of Ecoregion Delineation This ecoregion boundary was formed using Zohary's geobotanical map of the Middle East. Persian Gulf desert and semi-desert
  • Here it is the delineation of a New Eden; everything else is without, unsaved.
  • Delineation of habitat features associated with territory placement and with nest success will be an important next step.
  • The delineation of this zone is decided by an interministerial committee and may be adjusted in the light of political and economic criteria.
  • Several patterns of presentation allow delineation of cases into four predominant types.
  • Early detection and delineation of tumor borders, or of dysplastic precursors, is often difficult using the naked eye.
  • Finally, Bill 11 fails to create a clear delineation between the private and public sectors.
  • Most of the granitic plutons that make up this part of the batholith are characterized by upright magmatic-state planar fabrics trending NE with shallow lineations.
  • M. J.Hyland's delineation is impeccable and page-turningly unputdownable. Booker-thon 2006 Carry Me Down by M.J.Hyland
  • Albite porphyroblasts and associated greenschist-facies fabrics are folded by crenulations related to late-stage east-trending folds, lineations associated with which plunge shallowly towards east or west.
  • He made the interlineation, rolled the scroll and sealed it. The Yoke A Romance of the Days when the Lord Redeemed the Children of Israel from the Bondage of Egypt
  • I was hoping for a clearer delineation between intuition and pattern recognition in the introduction.
  • Any delineation between the nominally public and non-public spheres is now a hair-splitting irrelevancy.
  • Satellite imagery has revolutionized the mapping of subglacial landforms such as glacial lineations and facilitated the mapping of former glacier beds at ice-sheet scales.
  • But unlike Grimsley's conclusive indecision on the matter, White suggests some reasons for the delineation.
  • Both mineral elongation lineation and striae are observed in clasts.
  • Lederer's lineation usually coincides with units of sense and syntax - punctuation occurs more often at the end of a line than within it.
  • Cle Elum remains more or less an example of such a well-defined town, where delineation of "where landscape began and town ended" is distinct.
  • It would be awkward to respect written lineation sometimes and to ignore it at other times.
  • Second, a change in orientation and polarity of the stretching lineation and shear bands is observed in the footwall towards the Nesna shear zone.
  • Chlorite and quartz stretching lineations plunge in a SW or WSW direction.
  • However, my intention is not to give the delineation of my horoscope but to show how we can join occidental astrology with vedic astrology.
  • The counterpoint between lineation and grammar in a poem may itself be subject to a further articulation, thought, which as its own periods are superimposed introduces new patterns of reduction and amplification.

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