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How To Use Linearity In A Sentence

  • We suspected that most people would not spontaneously think in terms of this curvilinearity and would, in fact, think that fuel consumption decreases as a linear function of MPG. The Miles Per Gallon Illusion | clusterflock
  • In theory, PLS is applied in situations of multicollinearity, but the MBH network has many series that are essentially white noise and thus the proxies are surprisingly close to being orthogonal in the early networks and there are blocks of orthogonal series in the later network. More on Bürger et al 2006 « Climate Audit
  • But the Spread Law and Cross Law are uncredited as equivalents of the sine and cosine rules, and the Triple Quad Formula for collinearity as an equivalent of Heron's formula (three points are collinear if they make a triangle of zero area).
  • The least Square estimates are not reliable when there exists multicollinearity in adjustment model.
  • AD590 is an amperometric integrated thermometric sensor, being with better linearity, stability and reliability.
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  • This switched supply introduces a non-linearity, which can be eliminated by considering only the fundamental components of voltage and current.
  • In any case, boldness of design and rectilinearity are characteristics of the quilts; and for some quilters, corduroy called forth their best efforts.
  • A scatterplot is needed to assess the linearity assumption underlying each correlation or regression coefficient between pairs of quantitative variables.
  • Nonlinearity of the sweep circuit of streak camera distorts the time and intensity information of the streak image.
  • After that the deviation from linearity is increasingly large. Economists Too Linear?, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The linearity of the creative process is dominant here.
  • It would be a waste of time, in the present state of science, to controvert this hypothesis, as it is now admitted that even if the rush of a diluvial current, invented for the occasion and wholly without analogy in the known course of nature, be granted, it would be inadequate to explain the uniformity, parallelism, persistency, and rectilinearity of the so-called glacial furrows. The Antiquity of Man
  • Canonically, that order of expression along the body axis corresponds to the order of the genes in a cluster on the DNA, a property called colinearity. The Panda's Thumb: September 2006 Archives
  • Perceptron is a kind of useful neural network model and can classify the classification of the detachable linearity correctly.
  • And given the space's want of rectilinearity, it was smart to introduce complementary non-primary angles in the bar fittings.
  • A scatterplot is needed to assess the linearity assumption underlying each correlation or regression coefficient between pairs of quantitative variables.
  • This nonlinearity allows the varactor to be used also as a harmonic generator.
  • That colinearity seems to be a consequence of a primitive pattern of regulation that coupled the timing of development to the spatial arrangements of the tissues, and many organisms have evolved more sophisticated control of these patterning genes, making the old regulators obsolete…and allowing the clusters to break up without extreme consequences to the animal. Hox complexity - The Panda's Thumb
  • In the context of an inverse regression, you have to think long and hard about whether a procedure for regression of effect upon causes (tree ring ~ temperature + precipitation) where you want orthogonality can be transmogrified into an inverse regression of cause upon effect in the style of dendroclimatologists ( temperature ~ bristlecones+ Gasp + …), where you actually want multicollinearity (i.e. a signal). More on "Naturally Orthogonal" « Climate Audit
  • That would at least mitigate its serious lack of "prim rectilinearity. Rectilinear or Obtuse? Cycling in the Media
  • Buyer beware: Linearity starts to degrade long before reaching the output - swing maximums .
  • However, large chromosome blocks showed good colinearity between the two genomes.
  • For all you wild econometric fans: we are selecting on high multicollinearity in the Y to Z relationship. Esper on In-Site Cherry Picking « Climate Audit
  • A key feature of this flow field is the kinematic linearity, i.e., doubling the pipette pressure doubles the shear stress on the cell surface.
  • Specifically, can chaotic behavior result in a single-loop feedback system with a nonmonotonic nonlinearity?
  • It will push a certain amount of linearity, which is inevitable, but I think it's really important to sell those experiences and for the player to get as deep as they can. IGN PS3
  • Because there is so little actual signal in the data, there is surprisingly low collinearity in the regressors and the regression is not as far away as all that from a multiple linear regression of temperature on 22-112 proxies over a calibration period of 79 years. AR1 on First Differences « Climate Audit
  • Instead of a rationalist rectilinearity, he enriched the Case House with oblique lines and diagonals, a trademark of his mentors'approaches to composition. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Through the darkness beyond his window came a bright flash of light that did not in any way have the sharpness or linearity of lightning. THE LONGEST WAY HOME
  • He – and his celebration of curvilinearity one of the faultlines in 20th century art – remain top in my design canon. 02 « August « 2008 « Jahsonic
  • And what about the common trend in CO2 and Solar, no multicollinearity problems? jae IPCC and Solar Correlations « Climate Audit
  • This alien race can see in four dimensions (the fourth being time, of course), and so they understand that linearity is an illusion – every moment of a person’s life is happening at the same time, always. Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut
  • However, a number of genes not showing any colinearity were also identified.
  • The half-space resistance of the ground electrode is typified by a pronounced non-linearity in the potential characteristics.
  • The non-linearity is the inherent nature of biosystem and the general motional law of all matters.
  • She abandoned the linearity of the conventional novel.
  • Analyze load behavior of sluice with method of - dimension - linearity finite - element method. 6.
  • Simple summation of individual feather scores as in the standard method is shown by the solid circles and results in a line that deviates considerably from mass and from linearity.
  • While certain books may gesture towards rhizomatic connectivity, the physical form of the book imposes a certain linearity on the reading experience.
  • To improve sensitivity and linearity, feedback loop was adopted with electrostatic in detection and managing circuit, which is fabricated with high precision bipolar linear circuit technology.
  • There is a high degree of colinearity among hexaploid wheat chromosomes within each of the seven homoeologous groups.
  • Not only do the deletions disrupt collinearity but they also obscure intersections and symmetries. UNDERSTANDING COMICS: More about closure
  • I guess at the beginning, maybe they thought that there was some kind of linearity; that they could go from a gene to a gene product to a diagnostic or a treatment. News from The Scientist
  • All analytical methods should be validated in respect of accuracy, precision, linearity and specificity.
  • To further excavate the nesting loop parallelism and the data access-time locality, a linearity cyclic transformation functional module is used to improve the algorithm.
  • She gives her narrative an ending, but uses the text to explore ideas of movement, transformation and non-linearity.
  • Certainly his woodworking echoed a number of its tenets on construction, such as simplicity, honesty, rectilinearity, and functionality.
  • They indicate this amplifier's antijamming ability is very high, the gain multistage changes steadily, its temperature voltage drift is low, and the pulse linearity is good and so on.
  • The only assumption is linearity, which is always a reasonable assumption for small perturbations. Climate Insensitivity and AR(1) Models « Climate Audit
  • We want to lift the restrictions imposed on this old concept by the recent mathematical chaology, identifying only a family of dynamic processes transcending linearity, or the geometry of fractals, transcending scales and the integer-dimensions.
  • AD590 is an amperometric integrated thermometric sensor, being with better linearity, stability and reliability.
  • Author Ken Robinson, in a recent TED talk, decries this accepted notion of college-as-consumption, referring to it as "the idea of linearity" in education, that "it starts here, and you go through a track, and if you do everything right, you'll end up set for the rest of your life. Lauren Bailey: Sheepskin and the Herd: Why Passive Student Consumption of Higher Ed Is Destroying Critical Thought
  • In a random world, the linearity of games is a wonderful solace.
  • Bardo, however, thought that the tower's sharp angles and rectilinearity made for the wrong shape with which to surmount his cathedral. THE BROKEN GOD
  • In truth, it is an ugly thing, with its square-cut angles and exact rectilinearity. THE BROKEN GOD
  • She was breaking up the linearity of the sterotypical “suburbanism” and its idea that the world had a plot arc like a mainstream movie. The Illuminated Dream
  • Results of tests of outliers and assumptions of normality, homogeneity of variance-covariance matrices, linearity, and multicollinearity were satisfactory.
  • The order and colinearity of these genes seems not to be disrupted between the two species.
  • Instead, it embraces the modularity and the rectilinearity of the original, but in a manner far more refined and far more suited to our contemporary sensibilities. New York Sun - All Articles
  • In truth, it is an ugly thing, with its square-cut angles and exact rectilinearity. THE BROKEN GOD
  • The point about collinearity is probably still true, though. MBH98 Figure 7 « Climate Audit
  • Exploiting basic structural concepts of triangulation and curvilinearity in order to produce an inherently rigid, yet dynamic form, the light, ephemeral pavilion sits serenely above a small pool.
  • From the schematic linearity of its structure to the hortative tone of its narration, the grant permeates each sequence as the blues infuses every composition by Duke Ellington. Not Quite All That Jazz
  • Specifically, can chaotic behavior result in a single-loop feedback system with a nonmonotonic nonlinearity?
  • They indicate this amplifier's antijamming ability is very high, the gain multistage changes steadily, its temperature voltage drift is low, and the pulse linearity is good and so on.
  • The almost perfect colinearity of chromosome 20 sequence in humans and mouse could be interpreted as evidence that their form was ancestral to primates.
  • This seemingly ‘technical’ issue in many ways cuts to the quick of electronic nonlinearity.
  • Where formal gardens find beauty in linearity, English gardens use undulating lines. English Garden Design and Residential Engish Landscape Designers in Houston Texas « Articles « Literacy News
  • Yet true to chaos theory, the appearance of non-linearity does not necessarily imply a lack of coherent structures.
  • Ironically, our studies establishing gene - protein colinearity were performed with an enzyme consisting of two polypeptides encoded by adjacent genes in E. coli.
  • The other is using varactor diodes to cancel the nonlinearity of base - collector capacitance.
  • In this program , we focus on nonlinear approximation based on nonlinearity variation analysis.
  • He humps himself over the open volume and begins to display that unerring curvilinearity of the spine that compels his mother to study braces and to fear that he will develop consumption. The Dead Men's Song Being the Story of a Poem and a Reminiscent Sketch of its Author Young Ewing Allison
  • However, temporal colinearity of Hox gene expression and compact Hox clusters have so far only been described in the cephalochordate, amphioxus, and in vertebrates, but not in Cnidaria, Lophotrochozoa, or Ecdysozoa.
  • If the period of corrugation is too small, the linearity of operating mode becomes very poor.
  • Test for harmful collinearity among predictor variables used in modeling global temperature. Think Progress » Virginia Asks Global Warming Skeptic To Stop Calling Himself ‘State Climatologist’
  • Thermocouple linearity varies, depending on thermocouple type and temperature range.
  • This relentless rectilinearity is not presented as an underlying metaphysical reality, as in a Mondrian abstraction.
  • The product can also be used for general analog signal isolation applications requiring high accuracy, stability and linearity under similarly severe noise conditions.
  • Adaptive neural network iterative learning control is proposed considering repetitive action, uncertainty and nonlinearity system.
  • Although not reported, the study's findings do not indicate high multicollinearity among cluster variates.
  • Much has been made of the film's structure, but I don't think its non-linearity really does much besides undercut any dramatic impact the film might have had.
  • Kosslyn identifies the problems with the right column pictures as follows:Not only do the deletions disrupt collinearity but they also obscure intersections and symmetries. UNDERSTANDING COMICS: From vision to narrative?
  • Goldberger's main point: People who use statistics often talk as if multicollinearity high correlations between independent variables biases results. Multicollinearity and Micronumerosity, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Meanwhile, the degree of the capacity of electricity has the linearity relations with the voltage and has the parabola relations with the distance between the a prayer and the induction coil.
  • Most multivariate methods are concerned about collinearity. AR1 on First Differences « Climate Audit
  • Sennheiser's new low intermodulation mode provides roughly 30 percent more simultaneous channels in a given frequency band and works by increasing the linearity of the amplifier's Broadcast Engineering RSS Feed
  • For systems with input saturation constraint and invertible static input nonlinearity, a two step generalized predictive control (TSGPC) strategy is adopted.
  • The result of multiple correlation coefficient testing, F-testing and t-testing indicates that the model meets the hypothesis testing of linearity and its matching effect is preferable.
  • However, the expression of these four Hox genes along the oral-aboral axis shows no evidence of cis-collinearity, PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The results show that the non-linearity is mainly attributed to a thermal fluctuation magnetic after effect and a numerical variation of the magnetic domain with frequency.
  • Bardo, however, thought that the tower's sharp angles and rectilinearity made for the wrong shape with which to surmount his cathedral. THE BROKEN GOD
  • This process is multidirectional and complex, with each dimension interrelated with another, suggesting a dynamic experience without linearity or chronological ordering.
  • Friedman and Fuchs also provide a handy description of the elements of "stability" against which most innovative writers are rebelling: "Plot linearity that implies a story's purposeful forward movement; a single, authoritative storyteller; well-motivated characters interacting in recognizable social patterns; the crucial conflict deterring the protagonist from the ultimate goal; the movement to closure .... Experimental Fiction
  • The book details numerous design methods for highly linear circuits that help ensure optimal linearity in small-signal and high-power amplifiers and mixers.
  • I must confess that I find interaction terms where one of the variables is not a dummy variable fairly bewildering (which is driving which? what about the induced colinearity?). The Turner Hypothesis in Comparative Perspective
  • Digital baseband predistortion is a highly cost-effective way to linearize high power amplifiers (HPAs), but most existing architectures assume that the HPA has a memoryless nonlinearity.
  • AD590 is an amperometric integrated thermometric sensor, being with better linearity, stability and reliability.
  • Also, if the regressors are highly correlated the collinearity problem Steve alluded to then that could explain the instability of the regression coefficients. MBH98 Figure 7 « Climate Audit
  • A remarkable related feature is that the empirical lack of collinearity in the MBH network. Groveman and Landsberg « Climate Audit
  • With the help of little percussive sounds, he broke up the linearity of the main texture of flux.
  • A scatterplot is needed to assess the linearity assumption underlying each correlation or regression coefficient between pairs of quantitative variables.
  • In my experience, interaction variables are kitchen sink type regressors that induce severe multicollinearity and give spurious results. Archive 2005-11-27
  • First is the inherent colinearity between maternal smoking in pregnancy and childhood.
  • The AD623 replaces discrete instrumentation amplifier designs and offers superior linearity, temperature stability, and reliability in a minimum of space.
  • Bardo, however, thought that the tower's sharp angles and rectilinearity made for the wrong shape with which to surmount his cathedral. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Evidence of multicollinearity is consistent with that hypothesis and certainly not a “problem” for it. Groveman and Landsberg « Climate Audit
  • Collinearity was assessed by computing the longest common subsequence of gene pairs.
  • The degree of collinearity is determined by the weight of the squared multiple correlation coefficients of the indicators with any other causes of the latent variable.
  • Given these linearity and absolute zero properties, single point calibration is possible.
  • In short, whether or not multicollinearity is a problem depends on what hypothesis you are trying to test. Groveman and Landsberg « Climate Audit
  • The integrated sensor has good sensitivity, linearity and low hysteresis.
  • The non-linearity of biochemical networks distinguishes their connectivity from those often studied in graph theory and requires a classification schema.
  • In contrast to the colinearity hypothesis that a continuous nucleic acid sequence generated an amino acid chain, it became apparent that stretches of DNA were often split between coding regions (exons) and non-coding regions (introns). Molecular Biology
  • This is not surprising given the high degree of collinearity among the PMI's components.
  • Similarly, musings on the nature of art and the nonlinearity of time appear unaccounted for in the middle of conversations. The Times Literary Supplement
  • But if we had to use historical data instead, we would sove the problem of multicollinearity by using factor analysis or partial least squares, both of which combine the data into fewer, but independent predictors. Multicollinearity and Micronumerosity, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • To control for collinearity between the symptoms in the ANCOVA model, all 17 other ADHD symptoms (minus the one being used as the independent variable) were entered as covariates.
  • Bardo, however, thought that the tower's sharp angles and rectilinearity made for the wrong shape with which to surmount his cathedral. THE BROKEN GOD
  • This relentless rectilinearity is not presented as an underlying metaphysical reality, as in a Mondrian abstraction.
  • The results show that the non-linearity is mainly attributed to a thermal fluctuation magnetic after effect and a numerical variation of the magnetic domain with frequency.
  • Here, for example, colinearity and overfitting induce considerable error already in the estimation phase. Bürger and Cubasch « Climate Audit
  • I've recently described work that shows that, in some organisms, colinearity breaks down. The Panda's Thumb: September 2006 Archives
  • With its visual linearity and soft and welcoming structure, this armchair is the epitome of extreme and deliberate simplicity. Rigidified table cloth (resin), with no feet
  • In contrast, expression of "anterior" vs. "posterior" genes in different domains along the oral-aboral axis, potentially evoking trans-collinearity, has been reported in PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • A problem in regression analysis is multicollinearity, which is to say moderate or high correlations among the independent variables. Multicollinearity and Micronumerosity, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • So it is with the rectilinearity or undulatory motion of light; -- I believe both; though philosophy has as yet but imperfectly ascertained the conditions of their alternate existence, or the laws by which they are regulated. Specimens of the Table Talk of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  • This was written when I was still figuring out that whole linearity thing, and it's rather chiaroscuro, which is to say what's here is pretty good, but a great deal is left unstated. There is a crack in everything. that's how the light gets in.
  • The second step deals with nonlinearity by solving a nonlinear algebraic equation (group) and satisfies constraint by desaturation.
  • It use software to calibrate the measure accuracy ±3 % and linearity ±0.15 %.
  • For behavioral model approaches, polynomial, or Volterra series for memory, is the most common function which is used to fit nonlinearity of power amplifiers.
  • The idea of the loop brings to mind repetition, non-linearity and circular motion.
  • A scatterplot is needed to assess the linearity assumption underlying each correlation or regression coefficient between pairs of quantitative variables.
  • Before testing the hypothesis with regression analysis, we checked the degree of collinearity among the independent variables.
  • Then, in the mid-1980s, a group of architects emerged whose work boldly departed from rectilinearity, creating a style variously labeled as expressionist, neomodernist, organic, or deconstructivist.
  • A more concrete advantage, applicable to most complex systems, is that extending the bandwidth provides better linearity and less phase shift within the passband.
  • So you're just saying the linearity was a little better than you've seen in the more recent quarters, if not a typical quarter. Home Page
  • The subjective non-linearity is obvious: the difference between probabilities of Daniel Kahneman - Autobiography
  • Historians still seek to impose linearity and causality on events that are frequently characterised by chaos.
  • It is a difficult film, refusing easy linearity and performing an intense work on the image - its pleasure, its legibility, its historicity.
  • Objective To measure the multi - collinearity bias in trend - surface models and to control its trend - surface analysis.
  • Images are represented by measurements of their fractal dimension, fractal model fit, anisotropy, and rectilinearity. Posthuman Blues
  • The output capability, instantaneous output respondent, output linearity of the current regulators were measured.
  • He at first does a good job describing the Rb-Sr isochron method, but then accepts the collinearity of points on the ‘isochron’ as a virtual guarantee of the age obtained.
  • To improve sensitivity and linearity, feedback loop was adopted with electrostatic in detection and managing circuit, which is fabricated with high precision bipolar linear circuit technology.
  • I like to highlight rectilinearity (see the image below, taken with D80/Sigma 10-20), so this is a key issue. News: Digital Photography Review (
  • In the celluloid films, the linearity of sequences takes precedence to observance of details within the frame.

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