
Lincoln Memorial

  1. memorial building in Washington containing a large marble statue of Abraham Lincoln

How To Use Lincoln Memorial In A Sentence

  • Rare "misprinted" Denver Mint $5 bill with a tiny picture of Dick Cheney sitting in the chair at the Lincoln Memorial Joseph Minton Amann and Tom Breuer: I'll Gladly Stimulate Your Economy for $600
  • But really, who could possibly have taken a single glance at the Obama family earlier this week, touring the Lincoln Memorial, cool and crisp in their in their perfect January toggery, and remained stoic? Erica Heller: The Audacity of Hopelessness
  • She just kept walking, one canvas-clad foot in front of the other, looking sideways at the sunlit ripple of water, gleaming Lincoln memorial in front, straggle of Canada geese strewn on the grass, and then down at Suraiya's feet, clad sensibly today in only half-inch heels, in special consideration of their lunch-time walk on the Mall. For the Sake of the Boy
  • What is it that viewers are seeing—literally and figuratively—when they see the Statue of Liberty, the Washington Monument, or the Lincoln Memorial on the screen?
  • Only decades later would singer Marian Anderson's Easter Sunday concert in 1939 and Martin Luther King Jr.'s final speech at the March on Washington in 1963 begin to "rescript the meaning of the Lincoln Memorial as an icon for civil rights."
  • From the steps of the Lincoln Memorial you saw a sea of humanity.
  • Could those rumors of late-night binging at the Lincoln Memorial be more than mere speculation?
  • Barack is sooooo hot!" said 12-year-old Tiger Beat subscriber Beth Majors upon reading the issue, which included a "supercute" poster of Obama leaning against the Lincoln Memorial and an interview in which he revealed that his most inspirational hero is "you. "We're wrapping up a presidency led me a man his own team has described as 'not a big reader.'"
  • We went - at two inaugurals, his first inaugural I emceed an event at the Lincoln Memorial.
  • Warren is still giving the invocation at the official inaugural ceremony, this apostatical abomination is giving the invocation at the opening ceremony for the celebration, on the steps of the Lincoln memorial. Latest Articles
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