How To Use Limo In A Sentence

  • The congress believes that the excavation of an interoceanic canal at sea level, so desirable in the interests of commerce and navigation, is feasible; and that, in order to take advantage of the indispensable facilities for access and operation which a channel of this kind must offer above all, this canal should extend from the Gulf of Limon to the Bay of Panama. The Path Between the Seas
  • Exiting through my front door, we were greeted by a white stretch limousine which I knew had created a great deal of drama between Greg and Robbie.
  • Alimony (also called spousal support) is tax deductible to the payor and taxable income to the payee. How To Make Divorce Less Taxing
  • The decision removed one of the rebels' principal grievances and was expected to strengthen Frelimo's position at the negotiating table.
  • The loved-up couple had arrived in Ireland by private jet, before being whisked to the plush Hotel in a blacked-out limo.
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  • Lemon zest contains terpenes, fragrant ethereal oils such as limonene, nerol and terpineol. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Hey! in in job merchandising orlando realizzare preload javascript costa serina foto Bruce in night spirit springsteen las limousine service sex vegas prive lecco willy wonka and bottle cap MULTISALA CINEMA ROMA VICENZA basic microsoft programming video visual concetto qualita genere Reid To Bush: If You Come After Us, We'll Hit Back Every Bit As Aggressively
  • The intertidal mudflats and coastal lagoons are important staging sites for migratory shorebirds, including red knot Calidris canutus, white-rumped sandpiper C. fuscicollis and Hudsonian godwit Limosa haemastica. Península Valdés, Argentina
  • The Defendant engaged in frequent and expensive foreign travel with his wife, went out to numerous restaurants, and made lavish use of chauffeur driven limousines all at the Company's expense.
  • Other major constituents include limonene (lemony), thymol (thyme-like), cadinene (green-like) and germacrene (spicy and woody). Sechuan Buttons: The Taste of Electricity
  • In Quebec, unlike other provinces, common-law exes aren't eligible for alimony and the women's movement has never protested this.
  • The place is justly famed for its antipasti and the final limoncello; you might want to skip straight from one to the other.
  • A 450-kilo heavy vealer steer - more precisely a Limousin cross steer - sold for 251 cents a kilo, or $1,200 in total.
  • All four of them were hustled into the back seat of the limo like 4 year olds and sat down on the furthest seat from the door as they could.
  • Among them: an autographed photo of golfer Arnold Palmer, oil paintings, Limoges porcelain dishes, Baccarat crystal stemware, light fixtures, fur coats, a custom-made breakfront cabinet, brass platters and Southwestern pottery. Turning Others' Junk Into Treasure for Local Charities
  • He gets there and the copper in the Met car pound recognizes him for non-payment of alimony and does him. INSTRUMENTS OF DARKNESS
  • English maintenance or alimony decrees can be lifelong.
  • We arrived in fine style in a hired limousine.
  • During the week, they learn from the Limon repertoire, as well as selections from our current repertoire of other choreographers.
  • Quite common are northern bur-reed Sparganium hyperboreum, small pondweed Potamogeton pusillus ssp. groenlandicus, dwarf water-crowfoot Ranunculus confervoides and occasionally awlwort Subularia aquatica, which only blooms if the pond is totally desiccated (where the mudworm Limosella aquatica also thrives). Ilulissat Icefjord, Denmark-Greenland
  • For a single week of the summer, there will hardly be a coach or limousine available for miles around.
  • More than 100 cars, 10 black and white limos and a jazz band followed and up to 500 people attended the funeral at the Conservative Club, of which he was member.
  • Of all the stories about the homecoming of this banking hotshot, the one about the limos gets the most mileage.
  • And the days of the stretch limo could be numbered. Times, Sunday Times
  • Currently, the Italian-built Panthers are being finished off by BAE Systems, with the additional of a machine gun, radios and other accessories, when they will be delivered to the Army, effectively providing "battlefield limousines" for Ruperts – as officers are dismissively called – while troops are forced to patrol in dangerously vulnerable "Snatch" Land Rovers. Feeding the European fantasy
  • It’s funny how much people stare when a limo goes past considering I don’t think any real celebrity would actually drive around in a white American party limo… why would they? The-moo Diary Entry
  • When they were done the cake the parents drove home and limos picked up the graduates to take them to a club for an after party.
  • Should the disabled parking bay have been used for the mayor's limousine?
  • First there was a trio of juices to choose from: jugo de avena con limon, an oatmeal-based drink with lemon; morir sonando, an Orange Julius-like drink that roughly means "to die dreaming"; and a passion fruit juice. After Dark, New Worlds
  • All of their friends had coupled off for the upcoming night and they had arranged to share a white stretch limousine.
  • Cally and her father followed Marx over to a black stretch limo parked nearby.
  • WITH their leering passengers and obstructive manoeuvring, stretch limousines are for many drivers a crime against taste, decency and sensible road use. Times, Sunday Times
  • And they got me a white limo for my birthday. Times, Sunday Times
  • Celebrities arrived in yachts instead of limos.
  • While city streets are best seen from the plush interiors of hired limos, the open road is where you take the wheel yourself and go your own way.
  • Today they arrive by chartered buses, small planes, limos, and private cars.
  • While other ions abound in cytoplasm in their millimoles, liberal estimates of free Ca concentrations run around 0.1 micromolar, maximum.
  • In June 1176 Richard laid siege to Limoges; after a few days resistance Aimar's citadel capitulated.
  • And here she comes now... in a chauffeur-driven limousine. The Sun
  • Now, by St. Barbacue of Limoges," said Bertrand de Gourdon, "the butcher will never strike down yonder lambling! Burlesques
  • Cycling to work with a limo in tow is up there with hug-a-hoodie. Hot Air From Al Gore
  • Incidentally, if you're on the train direct from Jolimont to Flinders St (not going through the loop), you can actually see the dunnies from the train window if you know where to look.
  • Hopefully, the recent addition of a young Limousin bull will help us mop up stragglers next spring.
  • When we finally left in despair, the casino paid for a limousine to the airport.
  • He has taken sick kids to a horse show for riding lessons, in a limo to get pizza and on a hayride.
  • Species in danger of extinction are the pampas deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus celer), which is the most important herbivore in the area, the loica pampeana (Sturnella defilippi), Limosa haemastica, Laterallus spilopterus and Coturnicops notata. Semi-arid Pampas
  • This includes approximately 75,000 workers who serve the rich and very rich in such jobs as limousine drivers, nannies, housekeepers, waiters and bellhops.
  • The major aroma components in black pepper the terpenes pinene, sabinene, limonene, caryophyllene, linalool create an overall impression that is fresh, citrusy, woody, warm, and floral. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • The tape cut off as the limo sped up and accelerated below a triple underpass.
  • An oxidized zinc ore from Inner Mongolia was found to be very difficult to treat due to its features of high oxidation rate, heavy weathering and the intimate association of hemimorphite and limonite.
  • Lemons, limes and oranges contain limonene, a substance that breaks down precursors to skin and breast cancers while stimulating the production of cancer-killing immune cells.
  • If it's red you can make sangria, "tinto de verano" adding some lemon soda, or "calimocho" with coke... we do that a lot in spain... buy cheap wine and mix it with soda rafasan Make House Wine Taste Better With Soda Water | Lifehacker Australia
  • There is a striking difference between the smells of limonene's two isomers: (+) limonene has a fresh orange smell whereas (-) limonene smells more like turpentine.
  • In truth, Newport Beach has always drawn a diverse population of sailing enthusiasts and dory fishermen, Gatsby wannabes and dedicated surfers, limo owners and beach-cruiser pedalers.
  • the man behind the podium asked them, his eyes briefly following the black limousine as it drove towards the open lot for parking beside the restaurant.
  • Limonium sinuatum, popularly known as statice, is generally grown so that it can be cut, and then dried and included in winter decorations. Blogposts |
  • He started negotiating with Walter Warlimont, whom he had known before the war, and four other senior Wehrmacht generals, hoping to have them admit their guilt and testify against two top men, Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel, the head of the armed forces high command, and his deputy, Alfred Jodl. Wild Bill Donovan
  • If it is not a palimony claim, it is clearly an attempt to enforce a contract, the consideration for which is wifely services being rendered on the part of a mistress.
  • Of the cars that have been associated with the British Royal family, the most memorable have been the large and stately chauffeur-driven limousines and landaulets.
  • [1, 2]) [1, 2] P (+) - trans-carveol + NADP+ + H2 O References [1] Bouwmeester, H.J.; Gershenzon, J.; Konings, M.C.J.M.; Croteau, R.: Biosyn - thesis of the monoterpenes limonene and carvone in the fruit of caraway. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The winner for 2004 was Shawn Lane, a casino bartender whose creation, the Beau Aces (Bacardi Limon, orgeat syrup, splash of bitters, soda and Sprite) will now be featured on bar menus throughout the property.
  • Usually bedecked in a powder-blue suit, she totters down the steps of one ancient pile with the purpose of opening another crumbling edifice a short limousine drive away.
  • Balls of course, the unspeakable “New friend” David Millimoron and a host of salaried advisers like Gila Sacks, who, at a cost of £1,000,000, tickle his tummy and baste him in aromatic oils. Archive 2007-12-23
  • She tells us that the principal constituents of lavender are alcohols such as borneol, geraniol and linalool; esters such as geranyle and linalyl; and terpents such as pinene and limonene.
  • Limonene, a natural and functional monoterpene , is used a flavor and fragrance additive in food widely.
  • While other ions abound in cytoplasm in their millimoles, liberal estimates of free Ca concentrations run around 0.1 micromolar, maximum.
  • ‘Either you're married to the guy and you get alimony, or you're not married… and you get nada,’ she says.
  • The MS Society urged the medicines watchdog and drug firm Novartis to work together so that Gilenya – also called fingolimod – can be reappraised. MS Society calls for rethink after first pill treatment is rejected
  • Three masked men ambushed the embassy official as he carried the cash in two suitcases to a waiting chauffeur-driven limo. The Sun
  • The floristic diversity of the Solimões-Japurá moist forest ecoregion harbors a high diversity of mammals, insects, amphibians, reptiles, and birds. Solimões-Japurá moist forest
  • This dish also gives us limonene, a supernutrient that helps to disarm nitrosamines, a major pollutant in cigarette smoke. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bittersweet Limoncello is positively breathtaking with the ripe orange-fleshed melon and fat, sweet blackberries.
  • The police motorcycles performed magnificently on intersection control while the motorcycles doing the outriding maintained their assigned positions at the back of the presidential limousine and toward the curb. The Kennedy Detail
  • Quite common are northern bur-reed Sparganium hyperboreum, small pondweed Potamogeton pusillus ssp. groenlandicus, dwarf water-crowfoot Ranunculus confervoides and occasionally awlwort Subularia aquatica, which only blooms if the pond is totally desiccated (where the mudworm Limosella aquatica also thrives). Ilulissat Icefjord, Denmark-Greenland
  • Una limosnita por el amor de Dios," she supposedly said -- "An alm, for the love of God. Archive 2009-04-01
  • You get limousines at both ends and, on board, a private leather armchair that converts to a bed.
  • Doyle approached a cop who had examined the charred shell of the limo and asked him what might have happened.
  • He has been consigned to the Dumpster of history while people like me ride our limos down the superhighway of tomorrow. AMERICAN GODS
  • Most of the luggage was already packed into a rented limousine that would take them to the Los Angeles International Airport, several miles away.
  • Straight couples who cohabit only rarely get palimony judgments or court-ordered child support.
  • The Court held that a same - gender relationship could not constitute "concubinage" for the purpose of terminating alimony. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • One of the disadvantages of being in a successful touring band is that you only see the world through hotel, limo and airplane windows. Times, Sunday Times
  • “Noble” hop varieties are dominated by humulene, which is more delicate, and often contain pine and citrus notes from other terpenes pinene, limonene, citral. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • Many of my daughters 'friends were driven everywhere in limos by armed chofers. Border Crossing Advisory
  • They hopped off across the limonite sand, forgetting the Overlord game, racing to meet the falling thing. Covergent Series
  • Fortunately, I believe that Murray would indeed use the recommended lines against his fellow grandmasters - the Rossolimo is easy to learn, positionally very sound, and can be so poisonous that quick White victories are quite common.
  • Cynthia George, attorney for Lorrie Nantz, who had been seeking $1.5 million annually in alimony and child support, had no comment on the ruling. Fox's World Series TV ratings up 36% from 2008's record low mark
  • I looked around at the many cars, cabs and limos pulling up along side show venues.
  • Sandstone of various colours was the chief material employed by the Khmers; limonite was also used. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
  • Despite having garnered numerous accolades on the festival circuit, including five films in competition for the Palme d'Or, a best-screenplay award and two Grand Prix du Jury at Cannes—as well as the Golden Bear at Berlin and two Special Jury prizes at Venice—Mr. Skolimowski has failed to win the widespread recognition enjoyed by other Eastern European filmmakers such as Miloš Forman, Roman Polanski or Andrej Wajda. Two Paths, Little Glory For This Polish Director
  • This specimen of profound vulgarity, spotted at the Beverly Hills Neiman Marcus between cases of Baccarat and Limoges, is a jewel-encrusted Mister Potato Head. Boing Boing: March 26, 2006 - April 1, 2006 Archives
  • It was extracted from ruddle (red ochre) and limonite The Land of Midian
  • Of these, limonene is commonly found in household cleaners; others include camphor and alpha-pinene. Trying to make scents of the chemicals in household cleaners
  • Andrew Strauss's men also provided the evening with a degree of paparazzi-friendly A-list heft: the shrillest cheers of the evening on the red carpet outside MediaCity were reserved for Alastair Cook, emerging swooningly tuxedoed from his vast limousine. Mark Cavendish a fitting winner of BBC Sports Personality of Year
  • agebrush and avocado trees shimmered in the afternoon heat as the huge gold limousine sped north through the hills of Escondido. TALES OF THE CITY
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  • Air fresheners, for example, often contain limonene - a terpene added to many household products to improve fragrance.
  • For this reason, the limos park behind a large screen that shields them from the photographers lining the red carpet. Times, Sunday Times
  • The chief constituents of the oil are limonene, linalol, linalyl acetate, geraniol, methyl anthranilate, indol, and neroli camphor. The Handbook of Soap Manufacture
  • I'm not sure what millimolar and micromolar concentrations are, nor why this endnote supports Behe's statement that which would allow the two to spend even half of their time together. Behe's Two-Binding-Sites Rule
  • They peered into stretch limousines and watched as exhibitors, wrapped in rainbow-striped feather boas, danced in the aisles to techno music from a booth advertising deejay services.
  • The only new arboreous vegetation consists in an Acer, which is a small tree, also a small Poplar and Quercus semecarpifolius, this varies greatly, Pinus Smithiana, Limonia laureola, a shrubby Rhododendron. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • Most proteins are present in the cell at well below millimolar concentrations, so in order for two proteins to spend the majority of their time bound to each other, micromolar dissociation constants would be required to form even a “weak, transient” complex Nooren, I. The Edge of Evolution
  • The car rides low and stolid, like a limo, probably because its main battery, which runs the length of the chassis and bifurcates the rear seat, limiting the likelihood of three passengers or recumbent teenage sex also weighs as much as a fully stocked Maytag refrigerator. Gene and the Machine: The shocking truth about the electric Volt
  • Sucklers hit a high of £818 going to M Mackin for a Limousin heifer and bull calf.
  • He demanded a great deal of money, complete privacy, a limo to transport him to and from the meeting and a bottle of the best single malt Scotch at each session.
  • Twenty bulls were bought by local breeders, with the top price of 10,000 guineas paid by Terry Coghill of Muce Farm, Birsay for a 21-month-old Limousin.
  • The afternoon before the dance you couldn't get a hair appointment anywhere in the five towns and all the white stretch limos were rented just like it was the prom, though not the old clunky black ones. The Majesties
  • They were fetting it up with the rest of their limousine lib snobs in self-congratulation parties where the only rule was that the more offensive and daring you were, the better youwere. The Volokh Conspiracy » More on Liz Cheney
  • When his wife was awarded alimony by the court, Snow had to ante up.
  • She studied the interior of the limo, her mouth dropping even more.
  • Donc, solution, on allonge la page un maximum, vous permettant de faire du "scrolling" par la barre de droite, ou directement par la souris (ah l'intellimouse, quelle invention ...). Entretiens / Interviews / Entrevistas
  • Hyper-alimony has replaced love on the supertax. Times, Sunday Times
  • The tall and very elegant woman manager stepped forward and answered -- taking my shopping bag from my hands and setting it, firmly, far away from her crystal and Limoges -- that her shop specialized in "unfamiliar" pieces. Excerpt: The Deadwood Beetle by Mylene Dressler
  • That remains one of the most impressive displays of shared emotion ever seen on a cycle race and, if the tributes included one from Lance Armstrong, that should come as no surprise: the Texan, then 23, was one of Casartelli's team-mates during the 1995 Tour and he paid an intense, personal tribute a few days later in winning the stage to Limoges. Death of a cyclist – the tale of a tour and everyday risk
  • Some may wonder why a sweet girl like Elizabeth would possibly need a bodyguard who drove her around in a limo.
  • The Mi - 8T helicopter is powered by two Klimov TV2-117 turboshafts engines.
  • This includes approximately 75,000 workers who serve the rich and very rich in such jobs as limousine drivers, nannies, housekeepers, waiters and bellhops.
  • For a start, she had definitely got the impression that Miss Philimore always did her buying in person.
  • How often he has had to clean up puke from the back of his limo after escorting a squad of high school grads around on their big night?
  • Michael and Sara wait in the ambulance while Lincoln and Sucre are camped out in a LeMans. Wyatt calls Pad Man. As the limo makes a u-turn, the team realizes it's a trap.
  • Perhaps without Miss Philimore's continual criticism she might become an asset to the shop.
  • As a result he not only arrived on time but he also avoided the usual cheap jibes that we journalists are wont to make about ministerial limousines. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their husbands refuse to pay alimony or child support.
  • Alimony, including back alimony, is deductible in the year in which it's paid.
  • Half a dozen farm-estates formed a hectagon around it, but these belonged to ancient men who displayed themselves only as inert, gray-thatched lumps in the back of limousines on their way to the station, whither they were sometimes accompanied by equally ancient and doubly massive wives. The Beautiful and Damned
  • Euery house almost had a cisteme or well in a garden on the backe side: in which gardens grew vines (with ripe clusters of grapes) making pleasant shadowes, and Tabacco nowe commonly knowen and vsed in England, wherewith their women there dye their faces reddish, to make them seeme fresh and young: Pepper Indian and common; figge-trees bearing both white and red figges: Peach trees not growing very tall: Orenges, Limons, Quinces, Potato-roots, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • His ex - wife has upped the ante in her alimony suit against him.
  • Phillimore AB, Price TD (2008) Density-dependent cladogenesis in birds. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • In 1989, a group known as the Red Army Faction claimed responsibility for killing the bank's then-CEO, Alfred Herrhausen, in an explosion while he rode to work in his limousine. Anarchists Take Credit For Bomb Sent to CEO
  • The noise grows louder and she is blinded by the headlights of a black limousine, which is hurtling towards her.
  • That she did so with aplomb is down to two key accessories: thick tights and a chauffeur-driven limo. Times, Sunday Times
  • All "they" want is old money, white tie bling - champagne, caviar, and chauffeured limousines.
  • Mathieu d'Alcon of the Little Brothers of San Francesco, and I was born near Limoges, which is not far from your estate, Count. The Saracen: Land of the Infidel
  • The lower Cubagua Formation consists of gray shale with glauconite, abundant pyrite nodules, gray limonite, and some sandy intercalation with fine clastics probably carried out by turbidity currents.
  • They were offered flights to Brisbane and accommodation on the Gold Coast for $100 each as well as a limousine from the airport and lunch at Sanctuary Cove.
  • A long-term girlfriend lost a £3m palimony suit against him when their romance ended after almost two decades in 1993.
  • The ores in question have various local names: brown haematite (xanthosiderite), limonite, pea ore, conglomerate ore, minette (iron ooliths), sea ore, bog ore, stilpnosiderite, yellow clay ironstone, yellow ochre. 6. Purifying absorbent
  • The similar-looking corallimorphan covers large areas of dead coralline limestone boulders on Bermuda reefs.
  • Emi's limo was currently taking the scenic route, with its eventual destination as the Ishiyama mansion.
  • a limousine is one of the fringe benefits of the job
  • Thanks: -) case logic cd wallet ge alarm clock radio george kovacs intermatic chromax boucheron limoges american made clothing underwear weighted terminator l50a polkaudio bed computer tray licente yale horngren poater hearts of steel eggman Bachelorette Party, Penises, and Deep Thoughts
  • That would mean he had to admit paternity to Gabby then pay alimony.
  • The crystals from Anglesey, which were formerly found abundantly on a matrix of dull limonite, are small in size and simple in form, being usually bounded by four faces of a prism and four faces of a dome; they are brownish-yellow in colour owing to a stain of limonite. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
  • He was also very big for ribbon cutting and waving to people who recognized him in his black limousine.
  • Cheryl Carolus, will lead an ANC deligation to Mozambique on Monday to attend the week-long congress of the country's ruling Frelimo party. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Oxidation of the deposit is quite extensive, and limonite is common; therefore, although I did not observe goethite, it is probably present.
  • The associated minerals are not remarkable on the specimens; only limonite and some secondary lead minerals form in the matrix.
  • The phenakite is also associated with albite, limonite, smoky quartz, and topaz and is often overlooked because it resembles quartz.
  • They are now easily outnumbered by exotic supercars and luxurious limousines from that era. Times, Sunday Times
  • They will also take on responsibilities, and one partner may face paying alimony to the other in the event of the legal partnership being dissolved.
  • (R) - limonene smells of oranges while its enantiomer (S) - limonene smells of lemons The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2001 - Information for the Public
  • ORLANDO, FL -- 03/29/10 -- National Limousine, with offices in Orlando and Tampa, Florida, will soon be expanding its services and fleet to Miami and Ft. Lauderdale, The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • However, by doing so she loses the right to maintenance or alimony which a divorced woman can claim legally.
  • A gentle rain of infrared light bathed the limonite sands. Covergent Series
  • I kiss my shoes goodbye as we slide into the bridge rail not strong enough to sustain the weight of a white stretch limo bearing serial rented cardboard shoes.
  • In this case, as it appears that there is a substantial question of domicile to be decided, and as it cannot be determined for several months, the wife is entitled to alimony.
  • No doubt the electrode detector registered trace ions of limonene (found in orange peels), but none of the cocaine, heroin, PCP, TNT, nitrates, Semtex, or other ions that the screener was looking for.
  • Another blare of trumpets signaled that the limousine carrying Brezhnev had entered the Southwest Gate.
  • Pickup autos with colourful stockpiles weaving through the congested National Highway at Karamana or Pulimood are a familiar sight.
  • Quite common are northern bur-reed Sparganium hyperboreum, small pondweed Potamogeton pusillus ssp. groenlandicus, dwarf water-crowfoot Ranunculus confervoides and occasionally awlwort Subularia aquatica, which only blooms if the pond is totally desiccated (where the mudworm Limosella aquatica also thrives). Ilulissat Icefjord, Denmark-Greenland
  • Variations of this often-seen backstamp were in use between 1891 and 1932 by the Limoges, The Seattle Times
  • Looking to the mouth of the alleyway Carl saw the woman in the blue dress climb into the limo and watched as the door closed and the window came down.
  • As she bounced out of her limo on to the pavement she stopped momentarily to flash that familiar all-American toothy smile.
  • But under current licensing laws limousines are not permitted to carry any more than eight paying passengers.
  • For many years he employed both his first and his second wives as typists in his office together - no doubt crediting any salary paid against arrears of alimony.
  • They lined the pockets of certain individuals, who despite the company's bankruptcy, will continue to live in their grand mansions and will continue to drive their luxurious limousines.
  • Alison's stretch limousine surprise also came as a bit of a relief for Brian who had been dripping wet most of the day after countless soakings from work colleagues, who threw buckets of water over him.
  • Point to young rockers: they are not living in a mansion with a limo in the bedroom with gold-plated champagne spigots in the backseat Jacuzzi; nor do they have a stable of foxy groupies waiting in the van.
  • I'm not sure what millimolar and micromolar concentrations are, nor why this endnote supports Behe's statement that Behe's Two-Binding-Sites Rule
  • The girls, the musicians and I, were even treated to a stretch limousine ride to the theater and the show began.
  • Today the doors of the civil courts are open for us in issues of custody, alimony, maintenance, guardianship and shared property.
  • On my previous outing in 2002 I counted the stretch limousines ferrying partygoers. Times, Sunday Times
  • That musky pileup of alabaster limousines and poorly cut tuxedos and spangled evening bags fat with Ecstasy, all of it the blazing hot sunset of a long, hard childhood!
  • Madeleine put down her pen and knocked her cigarette ash into a blue Limoges dish like a saucer.
  • For this reason, the limos park behind a large screen that shields them from the photographers lining the red carpet. Times, Sunday Times
  • Divorce will become more difficult due to the taxes on alimony, while a husband will be freed of all responsibility to maintain equitable treatment of his wives if he engages in polygamy -- in Islam, polygamy is explicitly forbidden in the Quran unless the husband is capable of treating his wives in a perfectly equal fashion. Shayan Ghajar: Iranian Women Poised for Major Setback
  • The two leaders had an opportunity to speak with each other for about 20 minutes during a limousine ride from Sunan airport to the Paekhwawon, the report said.
  • According to witnesses, he was showing off a shotgun to guests when the gun discharged while aimed at the limousine driver.
  • He arranged to be taken by chauffeur driven limousine and the chauffeur was required to remain for the duration of the visit.
  • They were met on the airport apron by a fleet of coaches and limousines which carried them across the border to Castle Leslie.
  • In a recent test, the prototype clocked a maximum speed of 193 mph, earning it the title of world's fastest EV limousine.
  • Limousines, luxurious hotels, fancy restaurants and trips to the recording studio are all an integral part of a popstar's life.
  • In 1982 single white mothers received an average of $1,246 in alimony and child support, black mothers an average of $322. Dan Quayle Was Right
  • We're all in front of a stretch limo looking as though we want the earth to swallow us up. Times, Sunday Times
  • Immerse your ears – be they piggy or human – from the noir to the neo-Romantic, with readings from well-established wordsmiths Iain Sinclair and Mimi Khalvati, as well as burgeoning bards like Clare Best, whose collection Breastless charts her experience of mastectomy, and Philip Pollecoff, a lawyer whose lyrics span Ovaltine, acid and alimony. This week's new events
  • After young people began renting his limos for wild parties he sold out and returned to taxis he drives weekends with less anxiety.
  • The central Iberian plateaus and Ebro basin host significant inland drainage systems with fluctuating, shallow, saline swamps, characterized by numerous halophyte species such as Suaeda fruticosa, Microcnemum coralloides, Aizoon hispanicus, Arthrocnemum glaucum, and Limonium ovalifolium. Iberian sclerophyllous and semi-deciduous forests
  • The GT may have the luxury of a limousine but it has the soul and the performance of a supercar. The Sun
  • The contents of organic material, limonite and manganese hydroxides influence the variation of ore element.
  • Incidentally, the cat was returned by a chauffeur-driven limo at your expense. The Sun
  • To enhance flavor or impart a desired color, cloves, ginger, fructose, aspartame, saccharin, FD & C Red no.40, monosodium glutamate, caramel, annatto, limonene, and turmeric can be added.
  • Hopefully, the recent addition of a young Limousin bull will help us mop up stragglers next spring.
  • The most abundant are dunlin (Calidris alpina), bar-tailed godwit (Limosa lapponica), curlew sandpiper (Calidris ferruginea) and redshank (Tringa totanus) all with populations of over 100,000 birds. Atlantic coastal desert
  • Apart from a hefty dose of vitamin C, lemons also offer a substance called limonene which is believed to have anti-cancer properties.
  • Scientists from Wageningen University in The Netherlands report that the microcapsules can be formed using alternating layers of ovalbumin fibrils and high methoxyl pectin for encapsulation of ingredients like the flavor limonene. FoodNavigator-USA RSS
  • In the Weasel pocket, the earliest mineral to form appears to have been one of the iron-bearing carbonates that has since been oxidized to limonite.
  • Maggie: He is a real scientist, moron. But he has a limo.
  • In the glow of Southern sunshine and the friendly crowds that lined his way, he had the protective plastic bubble-top of his custom-made blue Lincoln limousine lowered so he could stand and wave and smile as he rode. The Day Kennedy Died
  • Some of the turquoise from their mine contains limonite intergrown with thin layers of native gold.

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