
[ US /ˈɫɪm/ ]
  1. trace the shape of
  2. make a portrait of
    Goya wanted to portray his mistress, the Duchess of Alba
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How To Use limn In A Sentence

  • Enhanced algae growth in the reservoir consumes the oxygen in the epilimnion and, as it decays, the mass sinks to the already oxygen-deficient hypolimnion, where decay processes reduce the oxygen concentration even further, resulting in acid conditions at lower levels and the dissolution of minerals from the reservoir bed. Chapter 8
  • The distribution, water chemistry, ecology, hydrology, limnology, and invertebrate and amphibian fauna of vernal ponds have been investigated.
  • American to really make a rather grand style out of what was actually rather liny and plain and, you know -- and came out of the New England limner tradition. American Visions: The Epic History of Art in America
  • Rather call the dusky and dark-haired Twilight, whose pensive face is limned against the western hills, by the name of that fierce and fervid Noon that stands erect under the hot zenith, instinct with the red blood of a thousand summers, casting her glittering tresses abroad upon the south-wind, and holding in her hands the all-unfolded rose of life. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 03, No. 16, February, 1859
  • It is LeWitt's world, of course, but in its vast accumulation of specifics, it somehow limns the general, and the resulting work could be a composite view of the life of any artist in the late 20th century.
  • Here the main event is limned large on the picture plane.
  • Tangential factoids, unrhymed chiming, and wanton speculation: New York Times book reviewer Michiko Kakutani is somehat, er, somewhat known for her frequent use of the word limn, apparently it's an inside joke among writers and critics. THE PERILS OF A FANCY VOCABULARY.
  • The length and the slimness which is part of the nature of this kind of poulp explain the exception. On the Parts of Animals
  • The picture of him limned itself on her inner vision, and before she was aware she was pleasuring in the memory of the grace of his magnificent body, of his splendid shoulders, of the power in him that tossed her lightly on a horse, bore her safely through the thundering breakers, or towed her at the end of an alpenstock up the stern lava crest of the House of the Sun. ALOHA OE
  • Although not as strong this season as he was last, his mix of military and matelot, flouncy frills and soigné slimness will be popular in the Hamptons.
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