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How To Use Limbo In A Sentence

  • It's time for the Senate to release him from legal limbo and give his nomination a final vote by simple majority.
  • He was left in limbo by Scottish Labour's Executive, which refused to endorse his candidacy until Fife police concluded their investigations into the case.
  • At school, like my peers, I was indoctrinated in the mysteries of original and venal sin, virgin birth, the respective criteria for entry to limbo, purgatory, and heaven.
  • I cared nothing for Evalie then, caught in that limbo which at once was ice and candent core of rage. Dwellers in the Mirage
  • Another half-second and he would have found himself in limbo, lips dangling. PROSPECT HILL
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  • Petey and Carol and Lois would be sent into limbo for a little scare.
  • In time, argues Winnicott, the transitional object is relegated to limbo, neither mourned nor forgotten, just losing its meaning.
  • The U.N. refugee chief has called on countries to end the plight of some 12 million stateless people caught in what he described as "limbo," denied basic human rights because no country will grant them citizenship. The Seattle Times
  • We're in limbo at the moment because we've finished our work in this country and now we're waiting for our next contract.
  • Filling the role of Fiona Belli places the player in limbo between voyeur and subject, exploiter and exploited, violator and violable, and for most players, between masculine and feminine. Critique: Haunting Ground
  • The property's future ownership has been in limbo since January, when the current owners, a group led by Tishman Speyer, defaulted on debt used in a $5.4 billion purchase of the complex. Stuyvesant Deal Is Set
  • As a result, nominees have been left in limbo, courthouses sit empty, justice is delayed, political rhetoric has escalated and political civility has suffered.
  • Style copped from the aforementioned him. posted by Slimbolala link Archive 2005-04-01
  • The place was a relic, a museum piece, preserved like a man who stops shopping for clothes the day he retires and spends the next thirty years living in limbo and the same pair of nylon trousers.
  • Other facilities include two swimming pools and nightly entertainment featuring steel bands, limbo dancing and calypso music.
  • Jim's hand stopped halfway to his mouth, holding the bottle there for a moment in limbo.
  • Look the facts are these: McCain danced the limbo for illegal immigration advocates, and most Hispanics still voted for the other guy. Matthew Yglesias » Ruffini: The Right Must Abandon Gimmicks and Addiction to the Past, Embrace Newt Gingrich…
  • The plight of being brought back to life and forced to live in limbo is explored in all its complexity in Nick Moulton's "The Quick And The Dead". Nov, 14th, 2008 - Issue 0.010
  • But despite the show of unity, Britain remained in political limbo with Cameron holding the most seats in parliament, Brown still in nominal power and Clegg the so-called kingmaker following Thursday's vote. The Times of India
  • If a piece is in limbo, the player must get it back on the board before moving any other piece.
  • It's what makes New Year so bittersweet; an annual stocktaking of personal fortunes that fills the limbo between Christmas and the resumption of normal life in early January.
  • Y.C. (2 stars) Limbo John Sayles explores Alaska in a schizzy tale that starts as an epic and ends, alas, as a claustrophobic, stuck-on-an-island melodrama. Critical Moment: Reviews
  • If adoption continues as an option of last resort, children will remain in the limbo of foster care for too long.
  • Mauritian sega dancing starts somewhere around the pelvis and doesn't stop until the dancers are limbo-arched backwards in a wild, shake-that-thing convulsion.
  • It was in that desperate and curious limbo known as the "exit concourse," where baffled creatures wait to meet others arriving on trains and maledict the architect who so planned matters that the passengers arrive on two sides at once, so that one stands grievously in the middle slewing his eyes to one side and another in a kind of vertigo, attempting to con both exits. Plum Pudding Of Divers Ingredients, Discreetly Blended & Seasoned
  • Now the ownership of the land is in limbo, with no one willing to take responsibility for the tip.
  • These forests are also considered broad-leaf hardwoods that grow on limestone soil and include some of dominant tree species such as maderia or Caribbean Mahogany (Swietenia mahagoni), and Gum-elemi or gum-limbo (Bursera simaruba). Bahamian dry forests
  • That arrangement is due to expire at the end of July, potentially leaving airlines in a legal limbo and exposed to privacy complaints. Times, Sunday Times
  • From this nucleus, it swiftly spread throughout his head and trunk, leaving only his limbs in an unfeeling limbo.
  • Here was mummy, the matriarch, whose strength had sustained us for so many years, her own health now in limbo.
  • My clients are in limbo every day, says Craig Lynd , a founding partner of KEL Attorneys, an Orlando, Fla., law firm. Foreclosures Trapped by a Lack of Lawyers
  • Then the limbo of two transit camps. A Channel of Peace
  • I stopped by the trunk of a gumbo-limbo and pointed to the smooth bark, which was scarred with scratches. BLOWN AWAY!
  • Ever since the Parliamentary Commissioner began his inquiry into Caroline Spelman she has been in an odd political limbo land, neither sacked nor acquitted. The party chairmanship just got a lot more attractive
  • There are live crabs snapping at children, lobster tanks, and giant glass aquariums with huge fish floating sadly in limbo.
  • And so to err on the side of safeness, my press and I nixed the vast majority of ‘in limbo ‘s.’
  • After triumphing for a season, it has been of late years often treated with contempt, and sometimes banished to the limbo of extinct logomachies. The English Utilitarians, Volume II (of 3) James Mill
  • If any of the time that this title spent in production limbo was spent on improving its dub, it doesn't show. Anime News Network
  • If the parties reach an agreement as to the continued occupation of the premises by the tenant during that limbo period, what intention is to be imputed to them?
  • It was the summer before her 9th grade year, months that dwelled in limbo between gradually evaporating innocence and a monsoon of unfathomed tears.
  • Detainees live absent any points of reference, the whole process is very slow, and that detainees have the feeling that they are living in limbo.
  • That limbo was fertile ground for creating a ‘state of moral schizophrenia’ which turned out to be more of a mental block than a curable condition.
  • For artist Simon Faithfull, the anti-heroic banality of this crossing made it a perfect launching ground for his Limbo project commissioned by the Film and Video Umbrella, which transmits and geo-locates, in real time, digital drawings made by Faithfull via a custom-made iPhone app. Joan K. Smith: Simon Faithfull's Limbo: Mobile App as Anti-Heroic Art
  • The house situation is still in limbo, don't know when it will be. but I know it will come I juist have to be patient. Where do the weeks go?
  • Nomatterhow ethereal they may seem, they do not exist in a timeless limbo but possess determinate antecedents in time and space.
  • While listening to calypso music, many of those being entertained like to dance the limbo, a dance very popular among Grenadian Americans.
  • And while they are now finally in a permanent home, hundreds of Scottish children are left languishing in what adoption experts call a ‘planning limbo’.
  • From political sensitivities to ethnic discrimination, conflict, migration and breaking-up of states, there are numerous reasons why millions have been rendered without a state, forced to live in a legal limbo. Davinder Kumar: No Country for Stateless People
  • In The Inferno, Virgil guides Dante through the underworld, comprising nine concentric circles that represent varying degrees of condemnation, from the unbaptized in Limbo to traitorous Satan at the center. The Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson: Questions
  • Edwards was in limbo from the time former team president NFL coaching carousel 2008-09
  • The present king disowns indeed all knowledge of a dangerous aitu; he declares the souls of the unburied were only wanderers in limbo, lacking an entrance to the proper country of the dead, unhappy, nowise hurtful. In the South Seas
  • The fear haunting me that he could have disappeared into some endless limbo has gone. Times, Sunday Times
  • Max, on the other hand, seems eternally caught in limbo.
  • Later, I worked it up to more than 70,000 words with a subplot about a thaumaturge and threw in a handful of Mullah Nasruddinesque stories, and eventually got it published by Maxwell Macmillan Canada just in time for the Robert Maxwell empire to collapse and tumble the book into limbo. Archive 2005-04-01
  • Limbo" as orbital decay is a fairly recent construction But at least they have Obama! | RedState
  • She wore a black bonnet to match her dress and gloves; to Jeremiah she looked like an engraving he'd once seen of a restless soul in limbo.
  • So there they stayed, in limbo, until after resolution 1441 when last November they were allowed to return.
  • Ah, you'll have a gallous jaunt I'm saying, coaching out through Limbo with my father's ghost. The Playboy of the Western World; a Comedy in Three Acts
  • With the climate bill in limbo, EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson is playing enforcer and reconciler at the same time. Frank Sesno: Lisa Jackson and the "Headline People Don't Want to Discuss"
  • The gold-pommelled sword was still gripped in his single hand and his soul was fleeing for Limbo as Uroch, too, was slain fighting. The Bane of the Black Sword
  • Germany now faces weeks in limbo as the main parties indulge in horse-trading over all the possible permutations.
  • And outside of Congress another race that remains in limbo is the contest for chairman of the Republican National Committee. The Saturday Word: New Congress Arrives, Amid Uncertainty - The Caucus Blog -
  • Several cayes have stands of littoral forest with ziricote Cordia sebestena, teabox Myrica cerifera, gumbo limbo Bursera simaruba and coco plum Chrysobalanus icaco. Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System, Belize
  • According to married priest Vaclac Ventura, who now teaches theology in the northeastern city of Olomouc, the years spent in limbo were particularly frustrating. Fathers With Sons
  • From high in the gumbo-limbo a cardinal chirped, and a mile away out on the sound a fast boat cruised past. BLACKWATER SOUND
  • Meanwhile, priests like Selvaraj live for years in a state of limbo, evicted from parishes and rectories, prohibited from presenting themselves as clerics or administering sacraments, and branded all but guilty in the public eye. Accused Catholic Priests Left In Legal Limbo
  • For two years the album had been stuck in limbo, until someone introduced him into the right circles.
  • I am in what they call limbo in my own country because of the invading British born Islamic army living here within my homeland that wants me dead and that are ultimately at war with our Judeo/Christian British society. Archive 2001-01-01
  • It stinks that a great club are being kept in limbo. The Sun
  • Your statement that all the suffragist arguments "were long ago refuted and sent to limbo" is a mere pettish assertion, quite incapable of proof.
  • Alas, the plans did not crystallize and to this day the Salvotini and the Thriller families remain in their corner of Morrison's Limbo. Six by 6 | Six other comics I’d like to see more of | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • Sono 145milioni i bambini costretti the vivere un limbo affettivo, senza amore n calore. Disney sull'adozione spirituale. Virna Lisi e i suoi nipoti all ...
  • Oxfam Ireland, calling for talks on farming subsidies to resume as early as possible, said developing nations will be in limbo until a date for further negotiations is set.
  • He gradually prevailed over his antagonists, and his system recovered its former station; the scandal of mathematics disappeared, and the quackery of the square of the velocity was dismissed at last to the extramundane spaces, to the limbo of vanity, together with the monads which Leibnitz supposed to constitute the concentric mirror of nature, and also with his elaborate and fanciful system of A Philosophical Dictionary
  • This week's stellar configurations incline you towards a refreshingly flexible frame of mind - a lissome, limbo-dancing attitude to the vicissitudes of daily existence.
  • Obama gambled that the outcome of the Honduran election in November 2009 would be accepted by the majority of Hondurans, and that rest of the region would eventually come to accept the result of the coup, but a consequence of the softly-softly approach has been continued limbo for Honduras. Daniel Wagner: Obama's Unfinished Business
  • Relatives of hundreds of Cypriots who went missing in conflict decades ago have since lived in limbo. Times, Sunday Times
  • This may be a world of fact but it is a world of fact dragged into the limbo of fictionality.
  • Until we've got official permission to go ahead with the plans we're in limbo.
  • They hover on the brink of existence in a flat-pack limbo until I can find my adjustable spanner.
  • But as matters stand, Scotland are in limbo, consigned to treading a tightrope with players balancing jobs and sport.
  • IMAGINE YOU'RE DOING the limbo, only don't allow your back to bend backward.
  • And even though the movie has been in developmental limbo for decades, without a series of successful super hero movies, could there even be reason to release a post-modern film like Watchmen? Superhero Movie Cage Match: Watchmen, The Dark Knight, The Incredibles
  • Your money will be in limbo until the end of the year.
  • While he's been granted citizenship, he says hundreds of others are living in limbo.
  • I suffered for eight months in limbo whilst awaiting the Crown Prosecution Service decision.
  • The two looked around at their reception and jollily simpered at the limbo line lead by their dear friend Ashton Kutcher.
  • But it also threatens to leave them in prolonged limbo, stuck in homes they still can't afford and waiting for the foreclosure process to begin anew. In foreclosure controversy, problems run deeper than flawed paperwork
  • Oriented north toward the small town of Limbo, he meticulously fights off the slow drift to complacency within his platoon.
  • That arrangement is due to expire at the end of July, potentially leaving airlines in a legal limbo and exposed to privacy complaints. Times, Sunday Times
  • After lunch, we abandon our canoes and slog through knee-high water to Panther Mound, a raised piece of land, or hammock, thick with gumbo-limbo trees, loblollies, and strangler figs.
  • The friends who had developed about his path in such flattering numbers when he came home from India, and retired, with a newly-acquired fortune and a vague halo of military distinction about his person, into the ranks of the half-paid, were beginning to find him rather old and, frankly, a considerable bore; but the timely benevolence which he had extended to his nephew was, it appeared, to have its reward in this world in the shape of a kind of reflected rejuvenescence, a temporary respite from the limbo of (how he hated the word!) fogeydom. A Comedy of Masks A Novel
  • The implication of moving from limbo to salvation again emphasises the show's duality and the importance to so many of the idea that a country's borders might provide sanctuary.
  • The so-called six-party talks on the denuclearization of North Korea remain in limbo, and Mr. Carter said official dialogue with the North "appears to be at a standstill.
  • The 1950s recordings have been in limbo until recently, boasting neither modern sound nor superlative sentimental value.
  • In the eternal limbo room Madi snarled at the door until it showed itself, then threatened to blast it to bits unless it unbarred itself.
  • The answer since the thirteenth century has been limbo. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then the limbo of two transit camps. A Channel of Peace
  • This week's stellar configurations incline you towards a refreshingly flexible frame of mind - a lissome, limbo-dancing attitude to the vicissitudes of daily existence.
  • Many Christians still believe that the souls of unbaptised babies who die will float around in a grey ether known as limbo for all eternity.
  • Dad and I helped Sharkey out of the wagon, then tied Jewel to the old gumbo-limbo tree. BLOWN AWAY!
  • But the decision still left them in limbo until a final decision could be made on the park's future.
  • They also hope independence will help to revive their moribund economy by ending the limbo that has kept foreign investment away. Times, Sunday Times
  • The government could have been left in limbo for weeks in conditions where the IMF, the World Bank and business leaders are demanding immediate action to try to pull the economy out of a deep recession.
  • Staff will be dressing in shorts, Hawaiian shirts, bikinis, flower garlands and grass skirts, and there will be hula-hooping, hula dancing and limbo competitions in aid of the Marie Curie Cancer Care Unit.
  • And now the collapse of a proposed move to Blackburn Rovers has left his club career in limbo as he concentrates on the vital role of Australia's over-age captain in Greece.
  • Some theologians have taught the existence of a place or state called Limbo which is intermediate between Heaven and Hell.
  • So the Caliph bade lay him in bilboes and write thereon, “Appointed to remain here until death and not to be loosed but on the corpse washer’s bench;” and they cast him fettered into limbo. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • A couple of seasons of too much talk, too many colorless characters, and not enough action have left the show in limbo.
  • The repeal of the Bubble Act in 1825 was followed by a series of tentative statutory initiatives which left the private joint-stock company in legal limbo.
  • And I explained about my father's wedding, my state of limbo because of the grant. FAMILY PICTURES
  • Club Noir's Summer Holiday, GlasgowIf your holiday this year is set to be the annual couple of weeks in some storm-lashed Spanish resort, there's a lot to be said for the escapism of this equatorial burlesque beano, complete with palm trees, limbo-dancing and a parade of hula girls. Clubs picks of the week
  • When the going gets tough, Obama resorts in campaign speech mode and then goes galavanting, leaving our nation in limbo because he dosent comprehend the office of POTUS. 'None of this is easy,' Obama aide says of health care reform
  • Hokey as it might seem, go for the stuff you loved as a kid - musical chairs, limbo, pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey, charades or a pinata.
  • He teaches them limbo dance, slithering like a snake beneath bars placed at very low heights, and some jugglery with fire too.
  • Suffering that goes unwitnessed eventually erodes self-witness, until the suffering exists not in a state of repression but in a limbo of habituation where one even stops noticing that one has stopped noticing.
  • It is nice to see the real authors get their due after years in uncredited limbo.
  • The fear haunting me that he could have disappeared into some endless limbo has gone. Times, Sunday Times
  • A huge limb broke off from the gumbo-limbo tree and fell in our path. BLOWN AWAY!
  • SL102-Limbo LCD Monitor stand (Office Product) newly tagged "acer We Blog A Lot
  • In this city, in the suburbs, on permanent Saturdays, in limbo. EVERY SECRET THING
  • Whether he has plummeted, reached the acme or is in a spiritual limbo is for him to decide.
  • For Brian was only going halfway towards bat form, then lingering in a strange, supernatural limbo before condensing back into his human shape instead of making the change over.
  • The controversial defection law was put on ice yesterday pending a Constitutional Court decision, leaving some politicians in limbo and others scrambling for survival.
  • It is now common for suspects - innocent and guilty - to be held in absolute secrecy while their personal lives and careers are in limbo indefinitely. The Sun
  • Royally shafted by the studio, they found themselves marooned in pre-production limbo.
  • The process of adjudication often leaves doctors in limbo for years. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the move was widely criticised with North Yorkshire MPs claiming it was ‘absolutely scandalous’ and had left passengers in limbo for a further two years.
  • It speaks from a limbo whose inhabitants have uncomplainingly accepted the rightness of the judgement that placed them there.
  • At school, like my peers, I was indoctrinated in the mysteries of original and venal sin, virgin birth, the respective criteria for entry to limbo, purgatory, and heaven.
  • Jewel was tied up with a thick rope to a gumbo-limbo tree, while Rudy was checking out the landscape, sniffing and smelling every bush. BLOWN AWAY!
  • Seemingly, as was always the case in FTL flight, the ship had been hanging in black nothingness, with no semblance of motion, when it had staggered, lurching and careening through whatever limbo of foreverness in which it had been situated. Project Pope
  • Do they just float around in some form of limbo(sentence dictionary), doomed always exist and never biodegrade?
  • While listening to calypso music, many of those being entertained like to dance the limbo, a dance very popular among Grenadian Americans.
  • I wanted the people to wander around in agonizing limbo … like in real life, really. Woody Allen's Latest Movie Takes Darker Look at Life and Love
  • She knew nothing of their subterranean, furtive, twilight life, the limbo through which, with their obliterated humanity, they moved as so many unhouseled ghosts, or the aching hunger in those hands that reached, groping tentatively out of their emptiness to seek some hope or stay.
  • I was in a kind of athletic limbo, in between national championship class and true international standard.
  • Finally, he said that there were dozens of soldiers in the two tank regiments who would find themselves in limbo following the amalgamation. Times, Sunday Times
  • So that leaves shareholders in limbo until further details are released.
  • If a piece is in limbo, the player must get it back on the board before moving any other piece.
  • Spin FM, which was due to begin broadcasting last February, remains in limbo, at least until after the Supreme Court hear the appeal towards the end of this year.
  • That is why, according to traditional theology, unbaptized babies have to languish in limbo for all eternity.
  • If we return to the Limbo and Nkukutu sites introduced earlier to examine the strata that postdate the EIA-Urewe/Lelesu/pre-Kwale eras there is a pattern similar to that found at Kivinja. Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
  • He'd taken to muttering to himself as he shuffled around the house like a soul in limbo. AMAGANSETT
  • If there is no agreement to amend it, Nepal will plunge into legal limbo.
  • Well, Ben once got into a great frolic ashore, and kicked up such a bobbery that the watchman clapped him in limbo for the night; and the justice next morning gave him such a clapper-clawing with his tongue, and bore down upon him so hard with his Select Temperance Tracts
  • The players and the many supporters who turn out each week to get behind their club, deserve much better than being left in limbo for an indefinite period.
  • In Limbo, a marooned family on an island discover the diaries of those stranded there a hundred years before and start to think of themselves as re-enacting their experience.
  • The attack on the British Embassy, which its ambassador described as "spiteful, mindless vandalism," has left many in limbo, both in Britain and Iran. Reuters: Top News
  • The 1950s recordings have been in limbo: boasting neither modern sound nor superlative sentimental value, they have not appeared on CD until recently.
  • He's pushed the Yell sale - which has been in limbo for years.
  • Dated references inadvertently betray the film's prolonged hibernation in development limbo.
  • In fact, since President Reagan came to office in 1981 the system itself has remained in virtual limbo.
  • Ah, you’ll have a gallous jaunt I’m saying, coaching out through Limbo with my father’s ghost. Act Three
  • Conway Twitty was playing on my dad's phonograph, and she was dancing the limbo.
  • Once Zegarnald had a hold of him, he was powerless to resist being drawn into this grey limbo. TREASON KEEP
  • Many are in dental limbo, unable to afford a private dentist, and ineligible for public dental care.
  • This "précariat" is a new sort of subproletariat that not only has "nothing to sell but its labor power" but that often has little prospect of even being able to sell that; a vast underclass trapped in a limbo of temporary minimum-wage jobs, temporary unemployment benefits, panhandling or prostitution or petty crime when the benefits run out, and from there to incarceration in the rapidly expanding prison-industrial complex, where the system provides its "final solution" to the unemployment problem: a revival of slave labor. Reflections on the Uprising in France; Lessons Learned
  • The silence was often broken by the sexton coming to check the heating, or just popping in for a gossip, always accompanied by Lassie - the result of a moment's acrobatic limbo-passion between a local sheepdog and a Jack Russell.
  • Gitmo, as it has become known, still remains in a sort legal limbo.
  • His movements are severely restricted and his legal status is in limbo - technically he is still an illegal immigrant.
  • My comment, while in limbo, is accessible here at the lagoon. jayackroyd Latest Column - Swampland -
  • I'll quote Laura here: This recipe makes you understand why meringues were invented in the first place: they crunch on the outside but there's just a membrane-like crust of that crispness, like thin ice, then you sink through a stiffly foamy limbo into a centre of marshmallowy gooiness. Archive 2007-06-01
  • It showed the client, today’s trainee, along with his fellow executive retreatantsdoubtless exhausted after a hard day of budget cutting and crunching numbersdrinking rum punch dispensed from the breasts of anatomically correct female ice sculptures, to the accompaniment of a steel drum band, a limbo bar, and scantily clad waitresses dressed asoh dearmermaids. Excerpt: Boomsday by Christopher Buckley
  • The inquiry is in limbo because of the decision of the court today.
  • But the spring foliage of Magic Carpet spirea helps tie these mismatched colors together, seen in the lower right in the Limbo photo and mid left above. Some Bulbs « Fairegarden
  • Do they wander for ever in limbo?
  • We're in limbo at the moment because we've finished our work in this country and now we're waiting for our next contract.
  • But despite her good intentions, separated from Finn and stuck in conversational limbo with Charles, the evening crawled past. JUST BETWEEN US
  • The jaded actress gets yanked out of her state of limbo when she abandons herself to an affair with Tom, an American about the same age as her son, Roger.
  • This happens to me every year, this discontented meteorological limbo, and I know I'm a grouch until the first real cold snap arrives.
  • The bed is a void space, a limbo where life's pause button can be pressed at will.
  • He was distinguished from his fellows by the fact that each year he grew more aware that he hadn't even a dim candle of talent; that he was ill-planned and unpurposed; that he would have to settle down to the ordinary gray limbo of jobs and offices -- as soon as he could get control of his chaotic desires. The Job An American Novel
  • A couple of seasons of too much talk, too many colorless characters, and not enough action have left the show in limbo.
  • They also hope independence will help to revive their moribund economy by ending the limbo that has kept foreign investment away. Times, Sunday Times
  • Limbo, the direct marketing agency, has appointed Linda Rost deputy managing director.
  • But now it has been revealed that plans to set up the club are in limbo as Bradford Council, which owns the building, negotiates a fee with Youth Services - one of its own departments.
  • I suspect the term lowering the bar originated with the dance called the limbo. No Uncertain Terms
  • Children from the day nursery made their own party food and danced and performed the limbo.
  • With the nuclear new-build programme in limbo, energy companies are likely to build more gas plants to provide power to homes and businesses. Times, Sunday Times
  • It leaves you in limbo, in a dreadful no-man's land that is fraught with danger.
  • He never has shown up on the police blotter, nor did he throw temper tantrums during his year in limbo.
  • The project must remain in limbo until the committee makes its decision.
  • Stuck in limbo for 37 years, the album has finally been unveiled to adoring acolytes, frothing critics and celebrity fans by its creator.
  • At the time of going to press, Sligo Airport is still sitting in limbo, as it awaits the decision of the Department of Transport's Aviation Authority.
  • Is their investigation and resolution to be left in limbo?
  • Until we've got official permission to go ahead with the plans we're in limbo.
  • It stinks that a great club are being kept in limbo. The Sun

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