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How To Use Lily In A Sentence

  • I feel unwanted feel like leaving spreading lies can't help but feel lonelily you've damned me to hell once twice and again you're supposed to be my parents not just another person that hates me dead - alive Godhatesu Diary Entry
  • Whether Mr. Johnson was speaking metaphorically or just plain sillily, the fact he was expressing concern over adding many US military personnel to a small island displays concern for the overall impact on the Guamites … Guamians … Guamicans, hell just what does one call a resident of Guam? Think Progress » Rep. Johnson worries that the island of Guam will ‘tip over and capsize’ if U.S. troops relocate there.
  • Retrieve the lure rapidly in skips and skitters over the tops of lily pads, along log edges, and above the weeds. Bait and Switch
  • Another plant associated with the celebrations is the Peruvian lily called Alstroemeria, ‘The Golden Jubilee Lily’.
  • Lily : A famous land agent said that the young people shouldn't afford an apartment.
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  • Lily picked Petal up and put her back in the tote.
  • Following close behind her, Lily could almost feel Marion breathing on her neck.
  • The last Mariposa lily vanished from the burnt grasses as the California Indian summer dreamed itself out in purple mists on the windless air. CHAPTER XXXVI
  • The peace lily is an indoor plant and will not tolerate frosty conditions.
  • Life in Color: Green A green frog sits atop a large lily pad in the waters of Atchafalaya Delta.
  • Lily pointed to the wall farthest from the window.
  • Some choices include azalea, calla, hydrangea, miniature rose, moth orchid, Oriental lily, tulip, and ‘Wonder Bells Blue’ double campanula.
  • While whole milk is the standard prescription for hot chocolate, the idea of gilding the lily with something a little richer is an undeniably attractive one. How to make perfect hot chocolate
  • Lily's Rhode Island Red and my Mille Fleur were easy to read — mellow. The Chicken Chronicles
  • Why have my blue lilyturf plants stopped flowering? The Sun
  • Like lily, lotus tends to be metallic and headachingly heady on me. Archive 2007-02-01
  • HOW can I stop red beetles eating my lily plants? The Sun
  • After that they met the faery ferryman, who -- according to Sandy -- "wore a wee kiltie o 'reeds, an' a tammie made frae a loch-lily pad wi 'a cat-o'-nine-tail tossel, lukin' sae ilk the brae ye wad niver ken he was a mon glen ye dinna see his legs, walkin '. The Primrose Ring
  • In 2002, when Sullivan was 15, things took what seemed to be a queen-size leap forward - an A&R rep from Jive Records caught one of Sullivan's Lily performances, which led to the label signing the then-sophomore to a deal. Undefined
  • The company commissioned research into consumer attitudes to new technology which showed that we are all a bunch of lily-livered, scaredy-cats when it comes to trying new gizmos.
  • I like the unripe, slightly salty melon of Vanille Galante, the cold lily note, the almost non-existence of vanilla, the pure, calm water in which the ingredients serenely flow, the pastel colorlessness of it all. Vanille Galante by Hermes: Perfume Review
  • The arbutus, all aglow and fragrant beneath its leaves, the purple fringed polygala were past, but they found the pale gold lily of the bellwort, the rust-red bloom of the ginger. Project Gutenberg Complete Works of Winston Churchill
  • In shady corners, deeper in the wood, the fragrant pyrola lifted its scape of clustering bells, like a lily of the valley wandered to the forest. Little Rivers; a book of essays in profitable idleness
  • But when—not the sinner is praised in the desires of his soul, 95 nor he blessed who doth ungodlily, 96 but—a man is praised for some gift which Thou hast given him, and he rejoices more at the praise for himself than that he hath the gift for which he is praised, he also is praised, while Thou dispraisest; and better is he who praised than he who is praised. The Tenth Book
  • Call it what you will - lily white, creamy white, porcelain or pearl - I am still ghostly pale.
  • If you're willing to be prime minister without getting the public to vote for you, it's just lily-livered sissiness to let the fact your colleagues won't vote for you either stand in your way. - Comments
  • Sustained by the truth received from her divine Founder, the Church has ever sought to fulfill holily the mission entrusted to her by God; unconquered by the difficulties on all sides surrounding her, she has never ceased to assert her liberty of teaching, and in this way the wretched superstition of paganism being dispelled, the wide world was renewed unto Christian wisdom. Libertas Praestantissimum
  • Lily pressed the switch and plunged the room into darkness.
  • ‘Roger, roger,’ Lily replied, just as distant-sounding as ever.
  • In it was one of Madge's pale purple envelopes with Lily's new name written boldly across it in purple ink.
  • They were all pretty much at least 18 by then, and apparently weren't all lily-white like their reputations would have you believe.
  • All the time that he had appeared so indifferent to what was going on, he had been looking slily about for some missile or weapon of defence, and at the very instant when the swords were drawn, he espied, standing in the chimney – corner, an old basket – hilted rapier in a rusty scabbard. The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club
  • I like the grassy foliage and orange-yellow torchlike blooms of kniphofia, aka red-hot poker and torch lily.
  • She smiled her way through "facetious" and didn't hesitate as she worked her way through "hemerocallis" - another word for a day lily. ABC News: Top Stories
  • By these means the notion of my partiality took air, and whether Miss Thrale sent him word slily or not I cannot tell, but on the 25th January, 1783, Mr. Crutchley came hither to conjure me not to go to Italy; he had heard such things, he said, and by _means_ next to _miraculous_. Autobiography, Letters and Literary Remains of Mrs. Piozzi (Thrale) (2nd ed.) (2 vols.) Edited with notes and Introductory Account of her life and writings
  • Other species found during the survey include coontail, fragrant waterlily, American pondweed, duckweed, American frogbit, cattail, soft-stem bulrush, and arrowhead.
  • Combined with the lobster-red sunburn of my torso and the lily-white band about my middle created by my downturned long-john, I resembled a cylindrical French flag.
  • Its leaves are like a lily's but extensively marbled with green and burgundy.
  • Grabbing my leather purse, I waved half-heartedly at Lily, trudging after Billy, and down the hallway.
  • ‘Then again, some old maid's door will be slily fastened by tying tightly across the door jambs, in front of and to the ‘sneck’, a piece of wood to prevent her coming out of doors till released by a kind neighbour next morning.’
  • The Egyptian priests and rulers were often buried with necklaces of waterlily blossoms, for the lilies symbolized resurrection from the dead.
  • Its illustrations - detailed, accurate, and delightful - portray plants ranging from Aegyptian water lily to zebra-flowered arum, commonly known as jack-in-the-pulpit.
  • This flower is known as a Peruvian Lily
  • That, too, was absurdly crowded, not least because of a rare live appearance from, yes, Lily Savage.
  • The Open Source world, however, has an excellent music typesetter in GNU Lilypond, which now runs natively on Linux, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows.
  • Palestine -- one sort is particularized as _white_ with a dark blue spot and streak -- the water lily, lotos, which I think I meant, is _blue_ altogether. The Letters of Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Barrett, Vol. 1 (of 2) 1845-1846
  • Andrew Garfield announces himself as a young actor to watch, Lily Cole is drop-dead gorgeous, and even Verne Troyer aka “Mini-Me” is endearing. THE IMAGINARIUM OF DOCTOR PARNASSUS Review –
  • Many flowers are edible, the most common culinary varieties being calendula, chrysanthemum, daylily, nasturtium, pansy, violet and zucchini.
  • Nonephemerals that bloom during the summer or fall are Canada lily, false hellebore, and species of aster, goldenrod, and sunflower.
  • Sure enough, early the next summer, the spiraea's fluffy white flowers bloomed in concert with the daylily's clear yellow trumpets.
  • When all these things so godlily to you I do reveal. A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Volume 6
  • Such a tiger-lily on my table, and the pretty delicate achimenes, and the stephanotis climbing up the verandah, and a bignonia by its side, with honeysuckle all over the steps, and jessamine all over the two water-tanks at the angle of the verandah. Life of John Coleridge Patteson
  • And in these days Annie had at length finished her fair copy of Hector's last book, writing it out in her own lovelily legible hand -- not such as ladies in general count legible, because they can easily read it themselves; she could do better than that, she could write so that others could not fail to read. Far Above Rubies
  • In some future Number we will relate how jollily we fare in our new abode. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Vol 58, No. 357, July 1845
  • The corms of many aroids (the arum lily family) are important tropical root crops.
  • She then went straight to Lily's house and banged open the door.
  • Oil stains float like lily pads.
  • I know I shall not be able to describe this trait, yet when I look up into her eyes -- eyes, remember, which are mere fictions of my imagination -- when I look into her face, when I see her move so statelily into my presence, I recognize there that portion of her which she has inherited from the Aphrodite of other days; and this I know is beauty. Modern Eloquence: Vol III, After-Dinner Speeches P-Z
  • Lily was blessed with her mother's flame coloured locks, and mischievous streak.
  • Lily helped herself to the two smallest slices and a generous portion of the crispy brown bubble and squeak.
  • Sexual or cold, scheming or honest, Huston seems as driven to triumph as Lily is.
  • Your gaze rushes along the angel's body, down the outstretched arm, and along the stem of the lily he is offering the Virgin.
  • I exchanged the computer room for the library which was lovelily quiet - quieter than usual and simply a pleasure to study in.
  • n. announcement of the Incarnation to Mary, mother of Jesus; feast celebrated on Lady Day (March 25); Annunciation lily, madonna lily. annunciative, annunciatory, anobiid Xml's
  • We can also found the rare purple sowbread here, as well as martagon lily, and sweet mezereon.
  • Set the lily at the bottom of the container; the papyrus and forget-me-not should be positioned on stacked bricks so that their crowns are two-to-four inches below the water's surface.
  • He did not mention the Great Wall, the bounded lotus or lily feet of Chinese women and the tea houses in Yangzhou and Hangzhou.
  • Consider a blooming bonsai, bougainvillea, daylily, or gardenia, or a citrus tree such as ‘Clementine’ tangerine, ‘Improved Meyer’ lemon, or kumquat.
  • Commonly called the Lily of the Nile, the agapanthus is one of the stateliest garden plants of mid- to late-summer, forming large, vigorous clumps.
  • “Lady — —,” he began gravely (and I could not but notice that the mere title seduced him to conventional, poetic language), “moves like a lily in water; I always think of her as a lily; just as I used to think of Lily Langtry as a tulip, with a figure like a Greek vase carved in ivory. Oscar Wilde, His Life and Confessions
  • Up next was the 1990 Mount Mary Vineyard Lilydale Cabernets Quintets, a lighter but rewarding style of cabernet that showing very well with a secondary blackcurrant note, lovely delicacy and great precision with no greenness or herbaciousness. A historic tasting Down Under – Bin 60A, Grange, Hill of Grace | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • This lily is ubelievably fragrant as well as being beautiful. Archive 2008-07-01
  • The lamentable weakness of the words roused a motion of pity in Lily's breast.
  • The unmoved expression slowly creeping over Lily's face prompted him to continue explaining post-haste.
  • HOW can I stop red beetles eating my lily plants? The Sun
  • Lilywhite wards and the astringent smell of disinfectant had turned into a sad and pullulating slum, the saving grace being the medical orderlies who had refused to surrender.
  • Another very hardy summer bulbous plant is the zephyranthes lily.
  • Lily bulbs are quite large and will need a good-sized pot for best results.
  • And these new lilies, for the first summer at least, will have resistance to attack by scarlet lily beetle and their larvae. The Sun
  • Lily looked at herself in the bathroom mirror.
  • A drizzling rain was still falling; great hairy-legged spiders skated over the water, making things grewsome; the large lily-pad leaves moved suspiciously, so Kali gave the orders to camp for the rest of the night. The Adventures of Piang the Moro Jungle Boy A Book for Young and Old
  • Lily doubted he was serious, but just maybe she had misjudged him.
  • Some lovely choices for wedding flowers include azalea, calla, hydrangea, moth orchid, Oriental lily, rhododendron, and rose.
  • The unmoved expression slowly creeping over Lily's face prompted him to continue explaining post-haste.
  • The ensemble is accessorized with my usual Fossil watch (gift), as well as red and white striped knee socks (Target) and a lovely red and black millefleur necklace, made for Valentine's Day last year by LilySea Designs (see all the pretties she made?) Outfit, 01/31/08 (What if No One's Watching?)
  • An impression came to him, then, of Lily laying fast asleep, limned in moonlight, safe and oblivious.
  • A Dakota legend tells about the origin of the yellow pond lily common in North America.
  • This comic moment emphasizes Bergot's poverty and makes Lily's retrieval of the money more daunting.
  • More rhodora blooming in the wetlands, Canada mayflower actually flowering in May, even if not in Canada, some trout lily and trilliums. Tuesday roadkill report
  • Smaller cultivars can be used as edgers and foreground plants, while the larger daylily cultivars can be used in background plantings, as accents, or in front of tall hardscape elements such as fences and decks.
  • In the warm hollow Lily lay still and her breathing grew low and regular. The House of Mirth
  • It was so unexpected that Lily's face creased in a bizarre rictus of a smile. LOOKING FOR THE SPARK
  • As we sit inside one of the Japanese Tea pavilions on austerely placed wooden slats with just a wedge of cushioning, a bearer walks across the narrow ledge between the lily ponds.
  • Many featured floral and botanical patterns, often the lily or the acanthus leaf.
  • Gilding the lily of what is basically a romantic comedy, the director falls a little short of his best mark.
  • When Mrs Lee-Jones checked the dates she discovered that the two old girls' birthdays were just a day apart - Isobel's on March 2 and Lily's on March 3.
  • Just a few hundred thousand couch potato members of the sports channel pay-per-view community, watching because there wasn't any football yet, or darts or speedway or boxing, getting value for their subscriptions, fat on the sofa in last year's Premier League football jersey, thick as you like, tweeting Bumble to say how much they fancied Lily Allen and googling "lbw" to find out why the man in the motorbike helmet had to go home when the ball only hit him on the leg. Top stories from Times Online
  • Lily point at me shout out.
  • Lily: For the moment the cloaking device is only working for microwave frequencies. But I think it will for infrared light someday.
  • The ship was piloted by a Captain John Rouse, a man with fifteen years experience in cargo hauling and a minor in sales, and his daughter Lily.
  • Meek-as-milk-water Nightlily leaped ahead so fast that she nearly pitched backward over the cantle. Knife of Dreams
  • And these new lilies, for the first summer at least, will have resistance to attack by scarlet lily beetle and their larvae. The Sun
  • It must have needed a crew of at least a hundred to run properly, and surely there were more than that because Lily could almost count the fifty deckhands running up and down the length of the ship in preparation to dock.
  • Reading about a "daylily bud and petal salad" preceding a "stinging nettle and sea spinach soup" is almost enough to make one yearn for a wedge of iceberg lettuce drenched in Thousand Island dressing. Gastronomy
  • Nor did Mayákin understand as he labored holily with his wayward godson. Fomá Gordyéeff
  • I blush, the warm heat flooding over my cheeks, changing my normally lily-white complexion to a pink, and take my place with the rest of the squad.
  • Some lily-livered people think that our Prime Minister deserves more respect from scribes.
  • They make me grub for lily-roots and climb trees for honey.
  • He had brought an old towel from home, planning to wipe Lily's blood with it and then throw it away.
  • She said rather unfriendlily that she didn’t carry a housewife when she went bathing and hadn’t I got a scarf I could use? Tour de Force
  • The first time you sample any part of a daylily, taste only a small piece and have a friend with you. Brigitte Mars: Delightful Day Lilies with Brigitte Mars
  • And if the blossom should be blue as the camas, orange and spotted as the tiger-lily, yellow as the broom or all of these, is it any less beautiful?
  • Margaret's mother, Lily, academic at school and picked out as a high-flyer when she joined Carlisle Health Department, emerges as a victim of her times more than of her temperament.
  • Grassed mounds, ornamental trees and a lily pond are planned to complement the serene ambience.
  • Another very hardy summer bulbous plant is the zephyranthes lily.
  • In order to live, we often hidden in rugged case below, pretend to be very strong, however, we still have a lily-white, fragile heart behind the mask.
  • Damselflies, mayflies and dragonflies dart from lily pad to iris leaf. Times, Sunday Times
  • Senators, two and two, with short black cloaks, white bands, and gold-tipped staves, trod statelily towards the church. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 06, No. 37, November, 1860
  • Lily, I thinks that surely thee is the beautifulest young The Small House at Allington
  • Importantly, organs of the two outermost whorls of lily flower are very similar, generating a perianth of tepals, instead of sepals and petals.
  • Highways chiefs say there is no evidence to justify action being taken in Lily Road, Litherland.
  • ¶ And when the inhabitants of Gibeon heard what Joshua had done unto Jericho and to A'i, they did work wilily, and went and made as if they had been ambassadors, and took old sacks upon their asses, and wine bottles, old, and rent, and bound up; and old shoes and clouted upon their feet, and old garments upon them; and all the bread of their provision was dry and mouldy. Joshua 9.
  • The forest has not been cut for 300 years, and I found myself surrounded by ground flora such as Solomon's seal, lily of the valley, yellow wood anemone, toothwort, asarabacca, herb paris and hepatica.
  • I didn't know until I looked it up that philodendrons belong to the same family as the Arum lily and the beautiful Flamingo lily, which shouldn't come as a surprise as they do have something similar about them.
  • Plus, the folks at genuine scooters guarantee me that the metal flake sparkles lovelily in the sunlight.
  • The icing on the cake is Lily Tomlin as Russ's much-abused assistant: wry doesn't get any wryer. All Grown Up On The Inside
  • Once they reached the top of the stairs, Lily jested, ‘Antsy, are we?’
  • Scarlet lily beetles are at work, chomping away. Times, Sunday Times
  • In a painting of the Bethesda Fountain, Chase posed an elegant woman dressed in white against the fresh water and sunny air - a symbol of urban health and lily-white purity.
  • She was still reeling from the shock of hearing Lily's confession, and now this.
  • As the valley began to level out at the bottom, Lily started yelling as loud as she could.
  • Scarlet lily beetles are at work, chomping away. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tiger Lily finally got back to the site after dark but Capon used the safety beacon in his camera strobe to catch its attention.
  • A miracle healing of Bob Sura would help put some heart into this lily - livered outfit.
  • If ever there was a case of blatant discrimination, it has been in the disproportionate allocation of Hostess marketing dollars to the lily-white Twinkie and the benign neglect of the chocolate Ho Ho. Al Checchi: Capitalism and Its Discontents: The Rise and Fall of the Twinkie
  • And Lily spent these minutes catching her final glimpses of the magical land of Delaware—drinking in the strangeness and the antiqueness she had come to love. Agent Q, or The Smell Of Danger!
  • The three propagation methods will produce a new lily plant identical to the parent.
  • Lily aped a pirouette and collapsed giggling onto Pop-pop's lap. After the Fall
  • The cross located on the roof is a mix between Celtic and fleury design, with the circle in the center representing eternity and the lily petals on the arms representing life.
  • The _enfants terrible_ had wilily caught his lordship in the corridor, and made their own terms. Children's Rhymes, Children's Games, Children's Songs, Children's Stories A Book for Bairns and Big Folk
  • The wise King of Israel must have set his stamp upon many roots in these western forests; for the flowers of the tribe are very numerous here, especially the false spikenard, the delicate two-leaved Solomon's seal, or bead-ruby, and the Clintonia, with yellow lily-like flowers and large blue berries. Rural Hours
  • Glamorous stage performers like Jane Hading, Lily Elsie and Billie Burke were adulated by male and female fans who bought millions of postcards with their images, read thousands of magazines that featured their 'private' lives, and, in the case of women especially, closely followed and often copied their every fashion move. Evelyne Politanoff: After Hats comes Staging Fashion at the Bard Graduate Center
  • And Lily's instinct for the winning side soon tempered her attitude to the new mistress.
  • Rasia took no notice of the drastic, rather worrisome change, merely dismissed her own warden and caught hold of my arm in her lily-white hands.
  • The other is a titan of British acting, whose friends include Neil Tennant and Lily Savage.
  • Lily was humanity bound to duty, unable to choose, suffering, at the mercy of social ideals.
  • Also, I could speak Spanish pretty decently and was looking for a place very different from Jenison, Michigan -- the lily-white suburb where I had grown up. Craig Regester: Why Choose Detroit?
  • Pineapple lily leaves and flower stems have turned to complete mush now. Times, Sunday Times
  • He uses a sidelight to pick out the ridges and hollows of a Calla lily.
  • Lady Tamara carried a bouquet of garden roses in white and pale cream, white jasmine stephanotis and lily of the valley with myrtle leaves.
  • Keep an eye open on sunny mornings for the first round of scarlet lily beetles. Times, Sunday Times
  • Shown above is the roadside daylily, hemerocallis fulva, in the midst of feather reed grass, calamagrostis ‘Karl Foerester’. June 2008 Bloom Day « Fairegarden
  • Seibold's funkia (called also day lily) has pale bluish flowers, and large, handsome glaucous leaves: the undulated-leaved funkia has beautifully variegated leaves, and pale bluish blossoms; these, together with several others of their race, are in bloom. Scientific American Supplement, No. 299, September 24, 1881
  • For days and days Graham went his way lonelily to the cemetery. The Parisians — Complete
  • At work, we are an “Open Garden” this weekend for the mid-Atlantic daylily convention, so there should be some hemerocallis-heads wandering around. Some Daylilies And A Surprise « Fairegarden
  • a lily-white movement which would expel Negroes from the organization
  • # -- Round their villages and pahs they dug up the soil and planted the sweet potato, and the taro, which is the root of a kind of arum lily; they also grew the gourd called calabash, from whose hard rind they made pots and bowls and dishes. History of Australia and New Zealand From 1606 to 1890
  • A very basic lily of the valley (Diorissimo type) is very green on top (hexenol cis 3 and acetate) than very rosy + indol (quite a lot). The Many Colours of White
  • For posterity I'd clasped the necklace Lily had given me around my neck.
  • The tomb sits alone in an arched alcove to the right of the main altar of the central nave, a leafy potted lily behind it and a small red candle burning at the front.
  • Honey chortled, whapping Lily on the back, who almost choked on her food.
  • A most remarkable lady Lily was a genius at needlework and made the most extraordinary patchwork quilts by hand sewing.
  • Then bucks flaunt tiger-lily ties and watchet suits, Carolina Chansons Legends of the Low Country
  • Lily is a rather private person and has been described as self-effacing. HerScopes
  • If at that moment my ancient stately lily pad had been able to draw her bed curtains, she surely would have.
  • The banks are high with wild orchid, gunnera and water lily.
  • A Yes, they are very fragrant and smell of lily of the valley. The Sun
  • The general park area was extensively hunted for wallabies, snakes, birds, honey, turtles and their eggs, fresh water mussels, ripe water-lily bulbs, geebungs and the fruit of the ‘noocui’ or pig's face plant.
  • Yet daylilies (hemerocallis) are just that: lilylike flowers that each bloom for only a few hours. Times, Sunday Times
  • Good though the matching of crumbly, flaking croissant with hot sticky apples and cold, slightly soured cream is, you may want to gild the lily.
  • -- The drug called aloes is the bitter, resinous, inspissated juice of the leaves of various species of an arborescent plant of the lily family, with a developed stem and large succulent leaves, growing principally in tropical and sub-tropical regions, and having a wide extent of range, being produced in Borneo and the East, Africa, The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • As Lily Garland, Anne Heche suggests a B-movie starlet rather than a peremptory diva.
  • In the woods, the starflower is blooming and the flower known colloquially as Canadian lily of the valley or wild lily of the valley. A song and an electrifying job
  • This was a romaunt in four cantos upon the already familiar episode of Francesca, that "lily in the mouth of Tartarus. A History of English Romanticism in the Nineteenth Century
  • Daffodils, hyacinths, bluebells and many species of lily also contain toxins.
  • Little kiwi bird Jacket and golden fish Lily walking together.
  • ‘Maybe she will get jealous and come back to me,’ Chris thought jollily.
  • Melinda, her reliable and religious baby-sitter, of the mousy brown hair and conservative clothing, now of the flower-like lily limbs and void of clothing of any kind, writhing religiously on their beige living-room couch like an octopus, being devoured by her shirtless husband, their faces lifting and meeting, mouths plastering and coming apart, gasps and moans inaudible above the high-powered shouting of the rock stars on the stereo. For the Sake of the Boy
  • A perennial in the lily family, the purple amole grows from a bulb and produces bluish-purple flowers.
  • She plantedthrew the seeds in the bed she calls the daylily farm, all her beds are farms of various sorts, after dumping mushroom compost from the nearby mushroom farm, an actual farm,on a section of land near her garage the first spring after moving in. Bloom Day At The Semi Garden « Fairegarden
  • Evening bloomers, daylily cultivars that flower in the evening and remain open until the following day, also are available.
  • Lily of the Valley" and "Winter Solstice Angel" are two exclusive designs ...
  • Lily the mongrel puppy was one of the first pooches to go online to promote a stray dogs website in North Yorkshire.
  • Dear Miss Brodie, "ejaculated" Lily, "" who could ever associate age with your perennial youth? Corporal Cameron of the North West Mounted Police; a tale of the Macleod trail
  • Coffee, swamp lily and heliconia: ornamental plants and flowers of tropical Mexico by Crossandra, mango and jellybean plant: ornamental plants and flowers of tropical Mexico
  • He was not, however, a man capable of lending himself meekly to schemes of greed, however wilily they were cloaked. Cecil Rhodes Man and Empire-Maker
  • A number of herbs including oleander, adonis, black Indian hemp, black hellebore, lily-of-the-valley, squill, and strophanthus contain an active cardiac glycoside that can potentiate digoxin.
  • He was also known to refer to the generalissimo as “a lily-livered Chink” and a “slant-eyed snake.” The Last Empress
  • Sure enough, early the next summer, the spiraea's fluffy white flowers bloomed in concert with the daylily's clear yellow trumpets.
  • The sight that had arrested their attention was hundreds of the smaller squacco herons, standing-long necks curved into an S and long beaks poised to stab at fish-on nearly every single one of the sturdy lily pads that surrounded each fragrant blooming white flower. The Plains of Passage
  • His mouth curled slightly as he looked her over, and Lily sighed and looked away.
  • 'It is not so much,' wilily insinuates the Tempter, 'that these renowned authors lack knowledge. Obiter Dicta
  • Take this system called the bullfrog because of how so called lily pads make packages jump to their destination. CNN Transcript Dec 20, 2005
  • Among them are arrow arum, bull-tongue arrowhead, pickerelweed, water lettuce, white water lily, yellow water lily, and the invasive alligator weed.
  • A nasturtium is a brightly colored edible flower that grows on vines with leaves that look like water-lily pads minus the water. Headlines
  • ‘I love him,’ Lily repeated, though her voice was little more than a mumble.
  • And the laver was a hand breadth thick: and the brim thereof was like the brim of a cup, or the leaf of a crisped lily: it contained two thousand bates. The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Complete The Challoner Revision
  • The title construct is a traveling show, headed by Dr. Parnassus (Christopher Plummer), and including his daughter Valentina (Lily Cole) and his various employees. Marshall Fine: Movie review: The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus
  • The wild geranium was already showing its pink stem and scarlet-edged leaves, themselves almost gorgeous enough to pass for flowers; the periwinkle, with its wreaths of shining foliage, was hanging in garlands over the precipitous descent; and the lily of the valley, the fragrant woodroof, and the silvery wild garlick, were just peeping from the earth in the most sheltered nooks. The Ground-Ash
  • Wild rice could have been found in the deeper waters of the backwater sloughs along with white water lily, American lotus, arrowleaf, duckweeds, and pondweed.

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