
  1. easily frightened
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How To Use lily-livered In A Sentence

  • It encourages people to mail or email white feathers to Jonah to remind him that he is a lily-livered poltroon.
  • And it would seem the editors and producers are either too ignorant or too lily-livered not to let them have their way.
  • Margaret thinks we're being far too lily-livered about the whole affair.
  • It's enough to put the fear of god into a lily-livered greenhorn like myself.
  • Calling someone an ‘appeaser ‘is a dreadful insult, one implying, faint-heartedness, limp-wristedness, lily-liveredness, and all the rest.’
  • And almost worse is that our lily-livered leaders are doing nothing about it. The Sun
  • Every other western nation sees the US media as the meekest, most lily-livered, most unquestioning corporate leeches to call themselves journalists.
  • It's enough to put the fear of god into a lily-livered greenhorn like myself.
  • Free speech is under threat in today's lily-livered world. The Sun
  • You might say that this is a lily-livered approach, or bad policy.
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