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[ UK /lˈɪltɪŋ/ ]
  1. characterized by a buoyant rhythm
    the flute broke into a light lilting air
    an easy lilting stride
    a tripping singing measure
    a swinging pace
    a graceful swingy walk

How To Use lilting In A Sentence

  • Chan's fierce power in the opening Allegro kept the performance lilting - borne aloft on wings of song.
  • Short and stocky, a shopworn wool sweater carelessly worn backwards on occasion, Bob displayed an almost pixyish quality that was only enhanced by his lilting, Gaelic turn of phrase and charming absent-mindedness.
  • If you like standard contemporary Irish folk sung by a lilting soprano, here you go.
  • He had a pleasant, lilting northern accent.
  • Teasingly hermetic, liltingly musical, these are not so much poems to decode or pull apart in search of a precept or motto, as poems to sink into or wander through, enjoying a cavalcade of sensory impressions.
  • It goes lilting into cloudless heaven like someone who is chosen for gallantry.
  • Just compare 'verboten' with their lilting 'proibido.' Mike Arkus: Photophobia in Africa (or I am a Camera) -- From Menacingly Scowling, Weapons-Wielding Troops to Screaming, Fist-Shaking Scrums of Your Average Citizens
  • He doesn't so much speak to you as he lulls you in lilting, mellifluous tones.
  • Souvenir's packed with ethereal-sounding tracks that show off the immense range of Thirsk's lilting vocals.
  • a light lilting voice like a silver bell
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