How To Use Likeness In A Sentence

  • But to be fair to him, he kept his aplomb and asked me, with great seriousness, if the representation was a true and proportionate likeness. GALILEE
  • Most Protestants only get as far as calling Catholic statues and icons a likeness.
  • In the past year alone, numerous studies have highlighted our remarkable likeness not only to chimps, but to monkeys and apes of all kinds.
  • There's a definite likeness there, don't you think, Arethusa ? DEVIL'S BRIDE
  • For some eerie reason I am reminded of a passage in the bible where it talks of the Anti-Christ being made into the likeness of man …. perhaps corporate personhood is what this passage really meant? Think Progress » Corporations Speak Out Against SCOTUS Ruling, Call On Congress To Approve Public Financing Of Campaigns
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  • But they'd get an Identikit or whatever they called it, use computer imaging under her direction, and they'd get a likeness. DOLL'S EYES
  • Like most dandies, his predilection for high-style fashion and cosmetic beauty betrays a likeness to his female counterparts.
  • She has a remarkable likeness to an unknown figure who appears in his recurrent dreams, a fact that Paul takes as some sort of omen.
  • That the portraits of Beethoven did not bear much likeness to the composer could be deemed a deliberate transgression.
  • If there is any likeness at all between the machine and its embodied precursor, the closest analogy to that relationship might be between adults and the babies they once were.
  • Naturally, their parents thought the photograph was the worst likeness they had seen. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rather than achieving a photorealistic likeness, I try to capture the feeling I get from a mental visualization of my subject.
  • From the caves of Lascaux to the clay or stone figures made by primitives and modernists, animal likenesses or essences have abounded in humankind's representational practices.
  • The soul forms in itself likenesses of things inasmuch as, through the light of agent intellect, forms abstracted from sensible objects are made actually intelligible, so as to be received in the possible intellect.
  • I had opened it at a Gnostic Hymn that told of a certain King’s son who, being exiled, slept in Egypt—a symbol of the natural state—and how an Angel while he slept brought him a royal mantle; and at the bottom of the page I found a footnote saying that the word mantle did not represent the meaning properly, for that which the Angel gave had the exile’s own form and likeness. Collected Works of W. B. Yeats Volume III Autobiographies
  • Originally, all of these acts were a form of spirituality—of godlikeness. God is Not a Christian, Nor a Jew, Muslim, Hindu …
  • It's not about producing a good likeness but going over the motions. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the nighttime version, by contrast, violent white lines cross the image in all directions, obfuscating a washed-out bed of flowers reduced to a symbolic recollection of its previous likeness.
  • From the bloody hematoma on his forehead to the true Manchu beard-mustache combo, bloody cuts on his body and guaranteed-to-offend tattoos, this seven-inch tall likeness of the late punker best known for using the stage as a toilet, performing naked and attacking his fans is for the hardcore only. Boing Boing
  • For all I know Ayers has relief sculptures of their likenesses in alto-rilievo style over the portal of his seminar room, and I don’t doubt for a minute that he’s a terrific classroom teacher). April « 2007 « Bill Ayers
  • The tracing of likenesses quickly becomes rabbinism, almost cabalism. A Book of Prefaces
  • This is the work of Johann Beringer, professor in the University of Wurzburg and private physician to the Prince-Bishop -- the treatise bearing the title Lithographiae Wirceburgensis Specimen Primum, "illustrated with the marvellous likenesses of two hundred figured or rather insectiform stones. A History of the warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom
  • While in Plato there is the foreshadowing of the truth that the goal of moral endeavour lies in godlikeness, with Aristotle the goal is confined to this life and is conceived simply as the earthly well-being of the moral subject. Christianity and Ethics A Handbook of Christian Ethics
  • If we used Messiah, the Disciples, and the first followers of the risen Savior as our examples we may find ourselves ashamed at our actual lack of "Christlikeness". Latest Articles
  • On the eve of departure, many forty-niners also visited the daguerreian studio to have a ‘likeness’ or two taken for their closest and best-loved female companions, their mothers, wives and sweethearts.
  • Just as we have often made God in our own image and likeness, we now may run the risk of being shaped by machines we have created.
  • In lieu of buckles at his knees, he wore unequal loops of packthread; and in his grimy hands he held a knotted stick, the knob of which was carved into a rough likeness of his own vile face. Barnaby Rudge
  • There are some people who I have come across in life, I had started to dislike them first time I met and that dislikeness just grow day by day for no apparent reason. Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • a wrong representation, nor mislead us from the true apprehension of anything, by its dislikeness to it: and such, excepting those of substances, are all our complex ideas. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
  • I can't see much likeness between him and his father.
  • They learned fairly to live in the perfunctory; they remained in it as many hours of the day as might be; it took on finally the likeness of some spacious central chamber in a haunted house, a great overarched and overglazed rotunda, where gaiety might reign, but the doors of which opened into sinister circular passages. The Golden Bowl — Complete
  • But all I experience are the symptoms of withdrawal from the self I have labored a lifetime to create -- what the medieval Cistercians called "the land of unlikeness" hiding the true self that Scripture says is created in God's image. Retreat Into Silence
  • Magistrate from his subordinates, and this fence, being made of long splinters of wood placed diagonally, was called _cancellus_, from its likeness to network, the regular Latin word for a net being casses, and the diminutive cancellus [177]. The Letters of Cassiodorus Being A Condensed Translation Of The Variae Epistolae Of Magnus Aurelius Cassiodorus Senator
  • In our image, after our likeness I do not scrupulously insist upon the particles B+, (beth,) and K+, (caph [90]) I know not whether there is anything solid in the opinion of some who hold that this is said, because the image of God was only shadowed forth in man till he should arrive at his perfection. Commentary on Genesis - Volume 1
  • The argument begins with human nature, made, according to Genesis, in the image and likeness of God.
  • Hence the name ‘crane's bill ’, so-called because of the plant's likeness to the bird's long, slender beak.
  • It's odd though to be in a building with all of those faces, who for some reason or another have left their mark, who have become iconic enough for postcards of their likeness to be peddled to tourists.
  • She sent me photos but I can't see any likeness. The Sun
  • The word ‘difference’ can be a quality or condition of being different, an instance of unlikeness, a specific point that constitutes a difference, or a distinct mark.
  • The game - sometimes with a game board, sometimes without - consisted of decks of lithographed cards on which were depicted comical or serious likenesses of women in pairs and a single ‘Old Maid.’
  • The three roles are most often given to actors of great range and technical virtuosity so that the average playgoer is more aware of their utter unlikeness to himself than of what he has in common with them.
  • She says the artist's impression is an excellent likeness of her abductor.
  • The prince's Romanov-style beard may be designed to hide a bobsleighing scar but he turns heads wherever he goes in Russia because of his physical likeness to Tsar Nicholas II, the cousin of King George V, his grandfather.
  • For God has absolute and paramount lordship over the creature wholly and singly, which is entirely subject to His power: whereas man partakes of a certain likeness to the divine lordship, forasmuch as he exercises a particular power over some man or creature. Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province
  • Deploying his amazing deductive powers on crude earlier representations he elicited a likeness which the Emperor sharply recognised.
  • Long before realistic portrait painting developed in Europe in the Renaissance, Roman-Egyptian artists did striking likenesses in wax on limewood. Egyptian Mummy Portraits
  • The children all share strong family likeness.
  • He could account for his isolation, his unlikeness to everything that existed around him. Marilynne Robinson: Religion, Science and the Ultimate Nature of Reality
  • She grinned involuntarily, amused by his likeness to her high school maths teacher.
  • He decided to create beings made in His image and likeness, and fill them with the gift of His life-giving love, it is within a woman's being -- within her heart and soul -- where His love first established a foundation and home. Liturgy
  • If we set out with that high ideal which would seem to be demanded as a characteristic of a great religious teacher, and certainly of one claiming to be a prophet of God, we ought to expect that his character would steadily improve in all purity, humanity, truthfulness, charity, and godlikeness. Oriental Religions and Christianity A Course of Lectures Delivered on the Ely Foundation Before the Students of Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1891
  • For the Godhead of Christ was covered and hidden under the likeness of man.
  • Therefore she loves thy likeness, e'en as I love Bane's likeness. Here There Are Monsters
  • Delving into the mystical aspect of Ninjitsu, the Ninja summons a perfect replica of her likeness in order to confuse her enemies.
  • Nor, as he had before thankfully observed, did her ladyship enamel her nails to the likeness of blood-stained talons.
  • A figure drawing or painting is not a portrait, so an accurate facial likeness isn't essential.
  • So I determined I would not send it, indeed, I promised them I would not send it; but, notwithstanding, as I know Miss Russell will be good enough to comply with my conditions, I will send it directly; for, as it is a good likeness, every one except the family knowing it instantly, and Mr. Allston saying that it is a _very strong likeness_, it will on that account be a gratification to her. Samuel F. B. Morse, His Letters and Journals In Two Volumes, Volume I.
  • sketched in an approximate likeness
  • As Warwick passed the door that led from the garden, he brushed by a young man, the baudekin stripes of whose vest announced his relationship to the king, and who, though far less majestic than Edward, possessed sufficient of family likeness to pass for a very handsome and comely person; but his countenance wanted the open and fearless expression which gave that of the king so masculine and heroic a character. The Last of the Barons — Complete
  • After a consideration of the various activities of Councils in relation to the sacred liturgy down the ages, Reid noted that their "authority is not positivistic: Councils do not re-make the Sacred Liturgy in their own image and likeness or indeed in that of some ‘straw modern man.’ Dr. Alcuin Reid at the Toronto Oratory
  • Many critics felt that the sense of likeness gained through the use of contemporary dress diminished gradually as time went by and fashions changed.
  • As a painter, he had the ability to produce a likeness in a single one-hour sitting.
  • The final version of this enigmatic character is in one sense an embodiment of Christian gentleness, but it is a gentleness deeply flawed by lack of self-knowledge, confused desire and passivity – an ironic picture which reflects what some would indeed see as Christlikeness, yet incorporates an oblique recognition of something like a Nietzschean critique of Christianity as dealing in unrealities and depending on the resentment of the weak. Clark Lectures, Trinity College, Cambridge Grace, Necessity and Imagination: Catholic Philosophy and the Twentieth Century Artist Lecture 4: God and the Artist
  • As a result we acquire some likeness to the Father and the Creator of all.
  • Except for a few publicity shots, any other pictures and likenesses of me as result from that show were specifically not included in the contract.
  • Swiss actor, Bruno Ganz, portrays Hitler, and is said to achieve a photographic likeness of the stooped, 56-year-old dictator, who was plagued by Parkinson's disease.
  • Visitors will be shown how to build their own microscope that will allow them to see the creatures' likeness to bears. Times, Sunday Times
  • Joanna bears a strong likeness to her father.
  • A few people around me laughed and one woman leaned over to me and said, "Don't lose your childlikeness. Archive 2007-02-01
  • Worse, the notion of "man" would need an interpretation characterized by exceeding liberality to accommodate any likeness of the branchy, spiny, mandibled things that pulled her down through a deep fissure. Locust Valley Breakdown
  • Disappointingly, even though you can at times detect a family likeness to its genius predecessors, The IT Crowd's opening gambit suggests it could be the runt of the litter.
  • She caught his likeness with a few bold brush strokes.
  • And in the life which is begotten of life, i.e. in the essence which is born of essence, seeing that it is not born unlike (and that because life is of life), He keeps in Himself a nature wholly similar to His original, because there is no diversity in the likeness of the essence that is born and that begets, that is, of the life which is possessed and which has been given. NPNF2-09. Hilary of Poitiers, John of Damascus
  • At 76, age has worked around him, not swallowed him whole, softening him from his photo likeness, freckling the skin and hands, pulling at the neck and hooding the eyes.
  • It is important to note that it is homonymous with Ruvu's * Mulungu, "Creator" and its likeness has resulted in some wrinkles in the ethnographic record because investigators commonly did not recognize the distinction between * mulungu the "potentially evil spirit" versus * Mulungu "Creator. Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
  • Then to make the sight perfect, these things are needful, that is to wit, the cause efficient, the limb of the eye convenient to the thing that shall be seen, the air that bringeth the likeness to the eye, and taking heed, and easy moving. Mediaeval Lore from Bartholomew Anglicus
  • But if he makes the noble gesture, a thankful nation will always remember a man made in the likeness of his illustrious grand-aunt, Constance.
  • From common form seem to originate beauty and deformity; and, as they recede from each other in opposite directions, they become less and less like their parent, _common form_, but never totally unlike; for it is their likeness to that form that constitutes the one beauty, and the other deformity; for, were there no resemblance in deformity to the common form, it would be a different species, and no longer disgust; and none in beauty, it would no longer please. An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Taste, and of the Origin of our Ideas of Beauty, etc.
  • But with his neatly combed blond hair there is a likeness to dad Wills. The Sun
  • It was a faithful likeness of the movie poster for Jurassic Park, with that distinctive script spelling out "When lizards ruled the earth", but instead of a Tyrannosaurus Rex, the marauder was a massive fanged gecko looking for something to devour. MORE FROM GINNY BATES: ALLIE
  • The artist limned a good likeness of his wife.
  • The main reason why I'm sick of them is that I literally see them everywhere through the insipid pervasiveness of merchandized products bearing their likenesses. Die, Marvel Zombies, die! Er, again. | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • But to be fair to him, he kept his aplomb and asked me, with great seriousness, if the representation was a true and proportionate likeness. GALILEE
  • He spent most of three days carving a piece of ivory into a likeness of the snowy owl. The Broken God
  • But the overriding likeness is the fun, almost absurdist sense of humor.
  • Upon this granite hd a master mason was fashioning the likeness of the mummiform Pharaoh, with his arms crossed and the crook and flail gripped in his dead hands. River God
  • The aging man didn't seem to mind company while he carved the stone into the likenesses of his father and sister.
  • Therefore she loves thy likeness, e'en as I love Bane's likeness. Here There Are Monsters
  • To get the correct likeness of Naples we merely reduce the priests by one-half and increase the beggars by two-thirds; we richen the color masses, thicken the dirt, raise the smells to the Nth degree, and set half the populace to singing. Europe Revised
  • Summoned to Paris, Canova began the sculpture in 1802 by modelling Napoleon's likeness; he finished the statue in Rome in 1806.
  • Combining text with a sculptured likeness and appropriate symbols in an everlasting material, medals could be distributed widely for lasting glory.
  • Yogic meditation allowed Vedic sages to see in their minds' eyes, the likenesses, homologies and equivalences between the cosmic, the terrestrial and the spiritual.
  • Parental love is motivated by the child's intimate affinity and likeness to her.
  • Here, too, were to be seen the likeness of the -- iron-hearted, it should have been -- Duke, presenting a birth-day present, or something of the sort, to a moonfaced yonker that sat fair and plump upon the knee of its royal mother. Ridgeway An Historical Romance of the Fenian Invasion of Canada
  • “You are attached to that picture for the sake of the likeness, no doubt, mesdames, for the drawing is dreadful?” he said, looking at Adelaide. The Purse
  • Godly edifying is the end ministers should aim at in all their discourses, that Christians may be improving in godliness and growing up to a greater likeness to the blessed God. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • The images reproduce contemporary photographs, while the likenesses of historical figures like Nitti, Capone and Ness are copied exactly.
  • For although I cannot sing odes to a patriarchally imagined deity, as it says in the Torah Deuteronomy 4:16: ‘Do not act corruptly by making an idol for yourselves, in the form of any figure †the likeness of male or female’, the tradition of my parents is carved in my heart in immutable letters.” The Atheist Siddur | Jewschool
  • Such a rethinking would not necessarily reject outright the possibility that such images represent their subjects through physiognomic likeness.
  • God created us in his own likeness and his own image, hence, it is quite obvious that He knows our strengths and our weaknesses.
  • For some reason the Spaniards saw a likeness between the banana tree and the totally different plane tree, which is how the plantain got its confusing name.
  • a near likeness
  • There is no 'godlikeness' without such bestowal, such 'imagining' into life. Clark Lectures, Trinity College, Cambridge Grace, Necessity and Imagination: Catholic Philosophy and the Twentieth Century Artist Lecture 4: God and the Artist
  • The game, All-Pro Football 2K8, features Simpson's likeness and a team called the Assassins playing as one of 240 former football greats. Archive 2007-08-01
  • Homology of love, homology of personality, likeness of experience, likeness of emotion experience.
  • And while it is true that Frank Auerbach's portraits are not likenesses in any conventional sense, that is probably the least significant fact about them.
  • You wish us to imbue your boys and girls with ideal standards of life, but all too often we see them, having left our schools and colleges, full of the knightly chivalry of youth, torn in the world of business between the ideal of Christlikeness and the selfish rivalry of commercial conflict. Christianity and Progress
  • Each Loser is introduced with a comic rendering of their likeness, a handful of mildly implausible stunts keep things visually interesting, and then there's the egg-shaped superbomb that Max refers to as "The Snuke". Something Awful
  • Now an image is the likeness of a thing either in form or substance, or in both, but not in the sense that the image is a part of or a dissepiment of the original. Autobiography, sermons, addresses, and essays of Bishop L. H. Holsey, D. D.,
  • This sombre composition captures not just a likeness and a character but a profoundly evocative atmosphere and mood. Times, Sunday Times
  • Christianity presumes that we are creatures made in the image and likeness of God, destined for communion with God.
  • Do you notice any family likeness between them?
  • You too can add your face to the crowd by submitting your sketched likeness to the ever-growing collection.
  • He spent most of three days carving a piece of ivory into a likeness of the snowy owl. The Broken God
  • The accompanying profiles were mostly taken by a pentagraph from the wax figures now exhibiting through the country by Pendleton & Curtiss, which are striking and accurate likenesses of the Africans, taken from life by Mr. Moulthrop, and are mathematically correct. A history of the Amistad captives : being a circumstantial account of the capture of the Spanish schooner Amistad, by the Africans on board; their voyage, and capture near Long Island, New York : with biographical sketches of each of the surviving African
  • A hare, as brought upon the table-cloth in England, is far more likely to produce _degout_ -- from its very striking likeness to "puss," that is purring upon the hearth-rug. The Hunters' Feast Conversations Around the Camp Fire
  • You may eat of the fruit of Godlikeness, but as to the fruit of ungodliness, which is opposed to Truth, -- ye shall not touch it, lest ye die. Unity of Good
  • Reply Obj. 2: It is not a sin to covet God's likeness as to knowledge, absolutely; but to covet this likeness inordinately, that is, above one's measure, this is a sin. Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province
  • The only bag days impressionnante © cor is revealed as a possible alikeness that we are models that are traditional, equal, or a combination of both. Ornament Serenity | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • And third, their likeness to their twin can confuse possible suitors: which one does he want?
  • The resulting images are not only likenesses of the models but also represent their temporary physical presence.
  • But in its unlikeness to God and its dependence upon him it is a confined or restricted emanation. Dietrich of Freiberg
  • The likeness of the poet and the bench he sits upon are cast in bronze which has acquired a fine and appropriately green patina.
  • Here likenesses are employed by Van Helsing to severely diminish the assimilative potential of an Eastern culture, seen as incapable of the abstractions that universalize Western knowledge.
  • She had always assumed that her husband and son were close, perhaps even united against her in their blasted alikeness, but now she saw that there were hidden, even dangerous, dynamics at work in their relationship. THE VOW
  • More than 50 works show his ability to capture a likeness. Times, Sunday Times
  • He spent most of three days carving a piece of ivory into a likeness of the snowy owl. The Broken God
  • Perhaps Neruda's most endearing quality, aside from his self-professed likeness to a tapir, was his respect for poetry as an occupation.
  • And the chief mate, whose duty it is to keep the ship's record, generally prides himself upon the beauty, and flushy likeness to life, of his flukes; though, sooth to say, many of these artists are no Landseers. Mardi: and A Voyage Thither, Vol. I (of 2)
  • Frankly there's something a little creepy about the middle-aged Orsino mooning around his studio, painting likenesses of the nubile Olivia.
  • And the fruitive tendency of the spirit [61], which seeks rest in God above all likeness, receives and possesses in a supernatural way, in its essential being, all that the spirit ever received in a natural way. The Adornment of the Spritual Marriage
  • Arguably, there are portraits that are likenesses and those that are not, but likeness often recedes into or melds with a more complex visual, ideological, and even magical and transhistorical body a nd self.
  • BookPeople further distinguishes itself with other merchandise that accounts for 20 percent of store sales, including odd, one-of-a-kind items like refrigerator magnets that featured the tutued likeness of Leslie Cochran, the local homeless, cross-dressing celebrity. NYT > Home Page
  • Creator - and on the seventh day he rested from his work of creating - then those he created in his image and likeness would also be creative beings.
  • Do you notice any family likeness between them?
  • More than a naturalistic likeness - the poet thought - caricature would be best suited to convey the musician's unconventional persona.
  • Their delicacy, their vigor, their penetrativeness, their unlikeness to those called for on the material plane, show the contrast of the earth-life to the spirit-life. Reincarnation and the Law of Karma A Study of the Old-New World-Doctrine of Rebirth, and Spiritual Cause and Effect
  • is the entire town possessed by a malevolent daemon, forcing people to worship it by carving its image into fruit and vegetables, and hanging its likeness in their windows?
  • a distant likeness
  • Others nearly as qualified spoke of his obsession with the single tax, and how he had discovered a ‘physical and temperamental likeness to Jesus Christ’ in himself!
  • His mannerisms bear a strong likeness to those of his father.
  • If it were at all a likeness, the woman who gazed frankly out upon the onlooker from the card-mount must have been a striking creature indeed. SEMPER IDEM
  • The children all share strong family likeness.
  • Is that a photo of Lily because the likeness is astonishing! Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Thursday Night Open Thread
  • Gerry is philosophical about his legendary likeness to the wayward footy genius Bestie, which is a constant source of amusement to drinkers in Skelton.
  • -- There is certainly a strong likeness between the Marquis and Lord Darcey; -- _so strong_, that when I first beheld his Lordship I was quite struck with surprize. Barford Abbey
  • A Beijing liquor company has applied for trademark registration on a triangular logo made up of likenesses of Japanese Emperors Hirohito and Akihito and crown prince Naruhito.
  • Not only in literary visions of terrifying urban alienation, but often in more sober sociological descriptions modern urban life is characterized by its utter unlikeness to other kinds of experience.
  • he scrutinized his likeness in the mirror
  • The artist limned a good likeness of his wife.
  • In the Arena chapel's image of Enrico presenting a model of his chapel to the Virgin Mary, Giotto provides us with one of the first true portrait likenesses of a patron in an essentially traditional, supplicant, role.
  • She caught his likeness with a few bold brush strokes.
  • Great Regulars: But preserving the childlikeness, the great problem Archive 2009-04-01
  • man created God in his own likeness
  • Because the great predestinating purpose of God is to conform us to the likeness of His Son.
  • Occasionally, the likeness was still closer, in the succession of sound, subsultory motion and concluding horizontal undulations. A Study of Recent Earthquakes
  • Jesus Christ, whereby, being changed into his likeness, we are kept entirely in peace with God, and are preserved unblamable, or in a state of gracious acceptation with him, according to the terms of the covenant, unto the end. Pneumatologia
  • They unequivocally express these thoughts: that God is the only being who was from eternity; that the Logos was the first begotten, antemundane being, that he was the likeness, image, immediate manifestation, of the Father; that he was the medium of creation, the instrumental means in the outward formation of the world. The Destiny of the Soul A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life
  • But no one has, because of this likeness, ever suggested that these tribes ever counted by the senary method. The Number Concept Its Origin and Development
  • Something waves into view: a desert mirage, the likeness of something jinking towards us, like a klipspringer. Richard Bangs: Following Brad and Angelina to Namibia, Part II
  • Unlike Schneemann's, Ehrenberg's artistic thrust does not originate or culminate in his personal experience (although his likeness recurs throughout his oeuvre); but it does rely on his urge to observe and notate the social patterns that surround him. Peter Frank: Blague d'Art: Up Against the Walls
  • My earlier assumption of her likeness with a cat was wrong - she was definitely a tigress.
  • By the bye, the publication of a splendid mezzotinto engraving of his likeness by Reynolds, was a great matter of glorification to Goldsmith, especially as it appeared in such illustrious company. The Life of Oliver Goldsmith
  • After reading the article, I moseyed over to Mr. Verrone's website, and enjoyed this tiny likeness of Dr. Martin Luther King (Verrone sculpts other historic persons, too, not just presidents). Boing Boing
  • Joanna bears a strong likeness to her father.
  • Matron noticed the likeness between them, from their slight physiques to their long, angular faces and coiffed white hair.
  • The "riddle" is here identical with the "parable," only that the former refers to the obscurity, the latter to the likeness of the figure to the thing compared. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Every house was unique, but had the same likeness to it.
  • “He desired godlikeness,” Aquinas writes, “in this sense, that he placed his ultimate bliss in an objective to be obtained by the force of his own nature alone, rejecting supernatural bliss, which depends on the grace of God.” The Angels and Us
  • There is a childhood into which we have to grow, just as there is a childhood which we must leave behind; a childlikeness which is the highest gain of humanity, and a childishness from which but few of those who are counted the wisest among men, have freed themselves in their imagined progress towards the reality of things. David Elginbrod
  • She would solicit thus, canorous of phrase, a fan of her cardboard likenesses held out, invitational. Humoresque A Laugh on Life with a Tear Behind It
  • Yet childlikeness can evanesce like so much dry ice. The Puzzle Of Genius
  • He spent most of three days carving a piece of ivory into a likeness of the snowy owl. The Broken God
  • My naive idea of a sculptor is someone who works with clay or other materials, or chisels away at a piece of stone to create figures, busts and statues, likenesses and effigies, that only they, with their huge talent, can create.
  • Judging from the past, we may safely infer that not one living species will transmit its unaltered likeness to a distant futurity.
  • For God created the world, which he wished to prepare as a tabernacle for man; and, since he wanted to clothe himself in man, he fashioned him to his own image and likeness.
  • There never has been, there never can be any such adjustment of the forces of nature on this planet; because no two souls are alike and there can only be equality in alikeness. Insights and Heresies Pertaining to the Evolution of the Soul
  • One says that our rights come by virtue of our humanity because we are created in God's image and likeness.
  • Do you see the likeness, my dear? Richard Temple
  • Himself has given us the reasons in the prologue to the first book, where he tells of the likeness between Socrates and the boxes called Sileni, and discourses of the manifest resemblance of his own work with Socrates. Views and Reviews Essays in appreciation
  • These are "hyle" (matter) -- what has no likeness or form, but has the capacity of receiving form -- and form, which is defined as that which has power to clothe the hyle with any form. A History of Mediaeval Jewish Philosophy
  • He's often said that the affinity made-for-each-other theory must be pure nonsense; that you meet during your little life hundreds of people who all have more or less of an affinity for you -- some more, some less -- and that it's practically your duty to fuse that alikeness wherever you meet it. Secret Bread
  • Curiously, with options meliorate duty ornamental alikeness serenity and calm. Ornament Serenity | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • For an understanding to be about some thing, such as a cat, is for there to be an occurrent concept in the mind that is a natural likeness of a cat.
  • For the man born without sin dwells among us as a man, not neglecting our humanity, because we too are human beings endowed with the breath of life, made after his image and likeness.
  • The children all share strong family likeness.
  • Do you see any likeness in that to what occurred? Times, Sunday Times
  • We have said, that the above Christian conjugial principle perishes by polygamical adultery: we thereby mean, that with the Christian polygamist it is closed and intercepted; but still it is capable of being revived in his posterity, as is the case with the likeness of a grandfather or a great-grandfather returning in a grandson or a great-grandson. The Delights of Wisdom Pertaining to Conjugial Love
  • Each human soul is of inestimable value because it was fashioned in the image, and after the likeness of God Himself.
  • Again there is an underlying theme of likeness tempered with difference; of similarity spiced with variety.
  • His likeness to Philip was both saddening and heart-warming. THE ROAD TO PARADISE ISLAND
  • When celebrities lend their name and likeness to a worthy cause such as spay and neuter campaigns or animal welfare legislation, they bring awareness to the general public and hopefully, inspire people to get involved and volunteer at their local shelter. Carrie Underwood Fans
  • As he grew, the elders were amazed at his haughty manner and his constant likeness to his father. Vanity Fair
  • This reminds us of another aspect of childlikeness, the aspect of trust, which is often difficult in the face of life's troubles and in the face of a holy God who can be quite frightening himself. Movie Review: Transformers
  • I do sympathize with you (and Homer) - hell, if any of the real people from the Romance of Three Kingdoms are probably rolling over in their graves after seeing what video games have done to their likenesses - but I think there's a primal human desire to coopt, adapt, and create anew. A Few More Last Words
  • Here the craftsman's labor is a medium of likeness between man and the divine Artifex as well as a means of transgression that, when it overreaches its limit through an impossible copying of what is beyond it, produces the greater unlikeness of the hyper-mimetic hybrid as a secondary, grotesque creation. Archive 2008-02-01
  • Its peculiarity is the likeness to a seaport the Desert which rolls up almost to its doors being the sea and its ships being the camels. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • She bears a remarkable likeness to her grandmother.
  • He does so brilliantly, synthesizing Thomas's doctrine of God, God's relationship to creation, the doctrine of ‘image and likeness,’ and Christology and pneumatology.
  • The museum displays wax likenesses of every US president.

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