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like royalty

  1. in a royal manner
    they were royally treated

How To Use like royalty In A Sentence

  • He saw us all peering out from the Club and waved gaily to us, like royalty.
  • If Yeoman treated her employees like family, she treated her customers like royalty.
  • She truly felt like royalty whenever she fingered the bell sleeves and full skirt.
  • They were dressed like royalty and were as orderly as a drill team in final competition.
  • One weekend we went to a game reserve where we were treated like royalty and had our own cook.
  • A pair of love birds found out what it was like to be treated like royalty when a longed-for letter from the Queen arrived by special delivery.
  • I want to put them right here in the studio because the pitchfork is a symbol to our weasels in Washington that we ` re sick of them acting like royalty. CNN Transcript Jul 24, 2008
  • Garbed in regally beaded, colorful gowns of orange and blue-green instead of their normally drab brown shifts, they looked almost like royalty.
  • Travelling the globe, meeting royalty, being treated like royalty and having his name cheered by an entire arena in Glasgow, Scotland, are just some of his tales. Kootenay Rockies - News
  • Garbed in regally beaded, colorful gowns of orange and blue-green instead of their normally drab brown shifts, they looked almost like royalty.
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