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like fun

  1. used ironically to indicate the opposite of what is stated
    says he'll help me? Like hell he will!

How To Use like fun In A Sentence

  • Epithelioid cells were closely apposed with interdigitating cytoplasmic processes, occasional desmosome-like functional complexes, and uniform, narrow intercellular spaces.
  • Then, from one generation the next, the Venetians battled the elements like funambulists walking a tight-rope.
  • 'What do you say to a weekend in New York?' 'Sounds like fun.'
  • Social media is far reaching and permanent - what seemed like fun during the party can have a serious effect on your career years down the line. The Sun
  • Though it does sound like fun if I ever did have to.
  • New love may feel like fun but has serious intentions. The Sun
  • Then he argues that this means attracting bohemian types who like funky, socially free areas with cool downtowns and lots of density.
  • While it sounds like fun beating the excrements out of DC chars – WHY MK??? EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - The full Mortal Kombat vs DC List is here
  • While the charter served a treaty-like function during the baronial wars, its reissue in time of peace established it as a basis of government.
  • It might not be clever but, crikey, it sounds like fun.
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