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How To Use liii In A Sentence

  • This pain is more and more fostered, if a man conceives that he is blamed by others; this may be proved in the same way as the corollary to III. liii. The Ethics
  • Tertullian (De Praescriptio, xliii) may possibly have reference to some formal progress or movement of the faithful churchwards, which led afterwards to the assembly itself or the service being called processio as well as synaxis and collecta (Probst, "Sakramentarien und Ord.", The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • Check back here in the morning to read my recap of the performance finale — UPDATE: My full recap is now liiiiive! — and in the meantime, read through our photo gallery of The Final 3′s Best/Worst Dances over the season. 'Dancing With the Stars': Thoughts on the performance finale? |
  • The cloth manufacture of Amsterdam, during the first half of the ieventeenth century, waa f eiy trifliiigy when compared with uiat of Leyden. Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society
  • V/uXnfani, XXtl, z mfd. ciilter neglediis; ic - mcrc abiefliii. tMfX "" "'')? Clavdii Aeliani ... Varia historia, graece adnotationibvs lae. Perizonii in primis et aliorvm selectis instrveta ..
  • [313] In the ms. "saying" is here inserted, as if the words had been regarded as a quotation from Isa. liii. ANF01. The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus
  • In the Greek Church Sext is composed like the lesser hours of two parts; the first includes Pss. liii, liv, xc, with invitatory, tropes, and conclusion. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • When the mind conceives itself and its power of activity, it feels pleasure (III. liii.): now the mind necessarily contemplates itself, when it conceives a true or adequate idea (II. xliii.). The Ethics
  • God looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if any did understand, Psalm liii. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Borderie, _Les véritables prophéties de Merlin; examen des poèmes bretons attribués à ce barde_, in _Revue de Bretagne_, vol. liii The Life of Joan of Arc, Vol. 1 and 2
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