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  1. (botany) any appendage to a plant that is shaped like a strap

How To Use ligule In A Sentence

  • The pauciflorous capitulum consists of outer female florets with short ligules, inner hermaphrodite florets without a pappus, and five outer involucral bracts, up to 2 cm long, possessing long-stalked glandular hairs.
  • Ray florets are much larger, with an 8-12 mm long, yellow, three-lobed, strap-shaped ligule surmounting a short corolla tube.
  • _Ligule_ is membranous, short, very finely ciliolate or not. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • The _ligule_ is a thin short membranous ridge with A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • The Order Isoetales and Lepidodendrales are sometimes included in the Subclass Ligulatae - defined by the presence of ligules, heterospory, and endospory.
  • Indeed, it has been noted that tyloses appeared to hinder, but not entirely block, the movement of radiolabelled amino acids in the xylem sap at the ligule of senescent leaves of Lolium temulentum.
  • Stem height was defined as the length between insertion of the first adventitious roots and the top of the spike, and ligule height as the height of the ligule of the corresponding leaf.
  • Hopi confers pigmentation to a wide variety of plant tissues, including pericarp, root, mesocotyl, and leaf blade in the seedling, midrib, ligule, leaf blade, and anthers in the mature plant.
  • Ligule the thin, scarious projection found at the top of the leaf sheath where it joins the blade in grasses, 3. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • All experimentation was done using the expanding second true maize leaf blade at a stage before growth of the leaf sheath, which is seen as displacement of the ligule from the leaf base.
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