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  1. woody tissue

How To Use lignum In A Sentence

  • The Tenors answer "In quo salus" and the whole choir "Venite adoremus" when all prostrate themselves except the celebrant who, advancing to the Gospel side of the altar uncovers the right arm of the Cross, repeating in a louder voice "Ecce lignum crucis," the choir responding as before. More Rare Images: Good Friday with Pius XI in the Sistine Chapel
  • The site of the settlement is on the right or northern bank behind the projection, a slip of morass backed by swamps and thick growths, chiefly bombax, palm and acacia, lignum vitae, the mammee-apple and the cork-tree, palmyra, pandanus, and groves of papyrus. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
  • LIGNUM album, laxum, mucilagine repletum, vasis porosis (bothrenchymate) maximis faciem internam cujusque zonae occupantibus, radiis medullaribus tenuibus equidistantibus. Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia
  • The main part of the frame is constructed from lignum vitae and there are inlays of ebony, amboyna burl and desert ironwood. A Whole Lotta Nothing
  • Sed cùm ipsi, vt supradictum est, in tenebris ambulant, idcircò ignorantes Dei iustitiam, statuere volunt iustitiam, imo iniustitiam quam fabricant in corde suo, quia nos de cruce Christi scriptum nouimus, benedictum est lignum per quod fit iustitia. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • C. illius ut primum senserunt numina terrae, coepit et uberior sulcis fallentibus olim luxuriare seges tandemque legumina plenis uix resonant siliquis; nec praefocata malignum115 messis habet lolium nec inertibus albet auenis. A Singing Match
  • The ones I missed right off the bat were the swallow-tailed butterflies (the big yellow and black ones that used to be everywhere), the long-tailed hummingbird and Lignum Vitae trees.
  • LIGNUM album, laxum, mucilagine repletum, vasis porosis (bothrenchymate) maximis faciem internam cujusque zonae occupantibus, radiis medullaribus tenuibus equidistantibus. Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia
  • Tdem mortificant membra fua, quse funt fijper terram,. eaque in. lignum agunt, ut fimul cum Chrillo crucifi - gant principatus. ac poteftates, hi in tympano pfal - Opera omnia sanctorum patrum graecorum: graece et latine
  • Cur autem per arcae lignum uoluerit iustos eripere, notum est diuinarum scripturarum mentibus eruditis. The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy
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