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How To Use Lightless In A Sentence

  • The tam is thought to have evolved to survive passage through the gullet of the island's biggest, flightless bird, the dodo.
  • Plum flightless refrigerating gay honolulu hotel discount erik upsetter, gay vesper apparent pics pewit gag sassing, gay bogmat meticulous blackening motto assassinated stanislavsky aboveboard dog delayer ass repentantly. Rational Review
  • The really are the sweetest birds in existence - flightless, defenseless, harmless, big, green budgies.
  • The penguin is a flightless bird.
  • After midnight the storm finally blew itself out, and the lightless convoy moved out.
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  • I fancy it was delightless to the husband as to the wife - just turning her twenty-first year, and learning for the first time in her sheltered life the taste of privation. Marion Harland's autobiography : the story of a long life,
  • Forget for now the flightless kiwi, the koru and the silver fern. Times, Sunday Times
  • In other polymorphic insects, flightless morphs result from wing muscle histolysis even though fully developed wings remain.
  • This neatly solves the age-old problem of how "flightless" birds could have reached the different continents: they were not flightless at all, and simply flew. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Even the flying spaghetti monster on Futurama: "You seriously believe I'm descended from some kind of flightless manicotti? Cody Gault: America's Creationism Problem
  • The emu is a large flightless bird similar to the ostrich; it breeds in the Australian interior but ranges widely in search of food and water. Creative Loafing Atlanta
  • Now he presents this weeklong series on the flightless creatures. The Sun
  • And indeed, today's two species of seriema in southern South America appear to be derived from Pleistocene fossil birds which were once giant, flightless predators (known as phorusrhacoids) of now-extinct fauna.
  • Several large compartments were devoted to the machinery which automatically serviced the vessel -- refrigerators, heaters, generators and purifiers for water and air, and the numberless other mechanisms which would make the cruiser a comfortable and secure home, as well as an invincible battleship, in the heatless, lightless, airless, matterless waste of illimitable, inter-galactic space. Skylark Three
  • They acted more like huge flightless birds of prey, than the overgrown bipedal lizards of popular imagination.
  • A short way further along the passage they came to a steel ladder, bolted into the wall and running up through a lightless shaft to the upper levels.
  • For example, the cassowary (a large flightless bird) feeds on bright blue and red fruit.
  • Monsters, stirred from the lightless ocean depths by the sinking of the lands, sometimes come ashore here in search of prey.
  • lightless stars `visible' only to radio antennae
  • I told him about the cassowary, a flightless, man-size bird that lives in the rainforests and has a razor claw on each foot with which it can slice you open in a deft and appallingly expansive manner.
  • On the ground, with nothing but the restrictive horizontal perspective - the curse of all flightless, earthbound creatures - it's a labyrinth.
  • That's the lightless pit of hell calling the noonday sky black. Tallulah Morehead: Survivor 21: Infants vs. Senior Citizens : Spinning Marty
  • A giant flightless bird like the dodo is on the extreme end of avian evolution.
  • The large, flightless moa bird that roamed New Zealand in ancient times grew much more slowly than modern birds, according to a new study of their bones.
  • The earliest described insects are flightless; they occur in Scottish Devonian rocks, and are similar to modern springtails.
  • I pictured the huge flightless bird with a lofty, slender neck and beady eyes.
  • As you see from the little cladogram I’ve knocked up here [click for larger version], bat diphyly and archontan monophyly makes it at least possible – and phylogenetically parsimonious – that flight was primitive for the megabat-primate clade, or in other words that primates are secondarily flightless. Archive 2006-08-01
  • Satisfied, Haywood led her out of the plain, dark room, and into the lightless hallways.
  • Ornithologists on an expedition to the Calayan Island in the Babuyan Islands in the Philippines have discovered a rare near-flightless rail, related to New Zealand's weka.
  • He's not just talking about pigeons and sparrows either; kiwis, ostriches, penguins, and rare flightless parrots are just a handful of the exotic avians featured in this series.
  • Thrust it down, below the depths of Tartarus, into the lightless prison of the Titans!
  • So sad the US program management at JPL and HQ has never had the hutzpah to walk away from this turkey (hmm, fat and flightless (domesticated) bird ...) Mars Sample Return Planetary Protection Report Released - NASA Watch
  • A few mountain valleys in Fiordland harbor the total wild population (about 170 birds) of the rare and endangered takahe Notornis mantelli (E), a large flightless rail believed extinct until "rediscovered" in 1948. Te Wahipounamu (South-West New Zealand World Heritage Area), New Zealand
  • Instantly, a funny-looking flightless bird ran up to the mammoth. ICE AGE
  • Among its treasure trove of fauna, New Zealand has other unique species such as the nocturnal, flightless kakapo, the world's largest parrot, of which only 83 remain.
  • The eagle had died in a cave that served as a natural trap for flightless species such as moa-nalos, rails, and ibises.
  • The females then fly off to seek new hosts in which to insert their eggs while their brother-cum-husband expires, oversexed but flightless.
  • As an added bonus, the keyboard seems to light up, which I envision will be a boon to struggling typists working in windowless, lightless spaces.
  • They were not alone in enjoying this subterranean existence because Bermuda's caves support a diverse fauna specially adapted to a lightless existence.
  • That's the lightless pit of hell calling the noonday sky black. Tallulah Morehead: Survivor 21: Infants vs. Senior Citizens : Spinning Marty
  • Flightless, fangless, clawless, slow, and weak, he isn't physically prepossessing.
  • But despite kangaroos’ ungracefulness and clumsiness, and despite emus flightlessness and feistiness, both have been elevated to the position of Australia's national animal and bird, respectively.
  • In a completely unrelated issue, what is the best way to treat a large flightless bird?
  • came up the lightless stairs
  • The path we followed was merely a space between two stone walls, dank and lightless.
  • Darwin didn't need to put his theories through contortions to account for flightless birds and cave fish.
  • The kakapo, a flightless bird, was particularly vulnerable to predators.
  • Large flightless birds, emus are native to Australia and are next only to the cassowary and the ostrich in size.
  • See the next post (Goodbye my giant predatory, cursorial, flightless hoatzin). Giant hoatzins of doom
  • Paleogene fossils also document diverse extinct branches of the neornithine tree, ranging from large pseudotoothed seabirds to giant flightless land birds to small zygodactyl perching birds.
  • Cats, rats, stoats, possums, and ferrets have had drastic effects on native plants and bird species, many of which are flightless and have few defenses against the invaders.
  • Mgc80835 was recently termed leucine-rich repeat flightless-interacting protein 2 (LRRFIP2) and found to activate the canonical Wnt signaling pathway upstream of ctnnb1/beta-catenin PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Caudipteryx has short forelimbs and a feathered manus and is likely to have been a secondarily flightless bird.
  • The tam is thought to have evolved to survive passage through the gullet of the island's biggest, flightless bird, the dodo.
  • Most of the birds classified in the Palaeognathae are also flightless, but not all flightless birds are classified in the Palaeognathae.
  • Meanwhile, much ado is building up over Etopen, Nodoka's cute, fat penguin mascot who was snatched from her while she napped and is now doing the rounds passing from hand to hand in some kind of flightless bird equivalent of pass the parcel. Antenna
  • Cassowaries belong to a primitive group of mainly flightless birds called Palaeognathae.
  • Some flightless birds, such as living penguins, puffins, and rails, and the extinct auks and phororhacoids, are classified in the Neognathae along with most flying birds.
  • When I opened the door and looked through the grille separating the lightless enclosure from the visitors' parlor, I found her standing under the massive crucifix, looking up at the pale and bleeding Christ. INVIDIA
  • Even the flying spaghetti monster on Futurama: "You seriously believe I'm descended from some kind of flightless manicotti? Cody Gault: America's Creationism Problem
  • Whether the flightless birds used their beaks to impale or bludgeon their prey is unknown, Chiappe says.
  • Cats, rats, stoats, possums, and ferrets have had drastic effects on native plants and bird species, many of which are flightless and have few defenses against the invaders.
  • The story is somewhat confused, but it may be that the word was first applied to the Great Auk, a flightless seabird now extinct which, like the penguin, used its wings to swim underwater.
  • Specimens of Lord Howe Island phasmid Dryococoelus australis (Ex), a large flightless phasmatid thought to be extinct on Lord Howe Island, is known to occur still on Ball's Pyramid. Lord Howe Island Group, Australia
  • They were both rayless and strangely — lightless; they threw no shadows nor did their lambency lessen the dimness. The Metal Monster
  • By all three criteria, the skeleton of Caudipteryx falls into the domain of flightless birds rather than the space of cursorial dinosaurs.
  • I was perfectly content as a flightless species, but my wife likes to flit off to the Med whenever possible and enjoy a week of sunstroke and food poisoning, so she booked us a holiday in the island paradise of Gozo, a tuffet of volcanic rock near Malta. How vodka cured my fear of flying
  • Whether the flightless birds used their beaks to impale or bludgeon their prey is unknown, Chiappe says.
  • The man from the lightlessness in the backseat: Your middle name bled out and froze in the fibers of the carseat or the floor. THE BASTARDS ARE TRYING TO KEEP THE WORLD OF AIR INSIDE YOUR LUNGS SEPARATE FROM THE AIR OUTSIDE YOUR LUNGS
  • We also owe a small selection of words for native wildlife to the language: the cassowary, a large flightless bird related to the emu, was called kasuari in Malay.
  • The kakapo is a flightless parrot and one of New Zealand's rarest birds. Radio New Zealand News Headlines
  • Suddenly I was drifting in a cocoon, soundless, lightless, no sharp edges or uneven surfaces. Raziel
  • Sightless and flightless, they exist only to be impregnated.
  • Thus when I read of the possible annihilation of the elephant or the whale, or the pouring of oven cleaner or cosmetics into the eyes of live kittens, or the close confinement of pigs and calves in lightless pens, I feel myself confronted by human stupidity, which I recognize as an enemy. Political Animals
  • In other words, a kiwi is a dwarfed version of a giant flightless bird. The Song of The Dodo
  • Blame it on the lightless conspiracy of bee life, a secret guarded by ten thousand fanatically loyal, armed soldiers.
  • In conclusion, Charleston's journalism isn't just "lightless" because of some mystical word-suck positioned over W. Va-if you want talent, you have to pay for it. Undefined
  • A giant flightless bird like the dodo is on the extreme end of avian evolution.
  • Moas were ratites, flightless birds considered the sister group of all other birds.
  • In an outbreak, well over 100,000 of the flightless crickets roam across the land, devouring crops, grasses, and ornamentals as they go.
  • But the ratite lineage in general, with its heritage of gigantism and flightlessness, is relictual on Australia, New Guinea, and New Zealand and was until recently on Madagascar, having held out in those places while long ago disappearing from the mainlands. The Song of The Dodo
  • It had a creepy lightless attic, in which we occasionally heard mysterious footsteps, and Jennifer Finney Boylan discusses "I'm Looking Through You"
  • It's a takahe, an extraordinary, huge flightless gallinule long believed to be extinct until rediscovered in a remote mountain range 50 years ago.
  • For example, the cassowary (a large flightless bird) feeds on bright blue and red fruit.
  • Some trilobites lost their eyes, probably those that burrowed in mud or lived in lightless parts of the ocean.
  • The kakapo, a flightless bird, was particularly vulnerable to predators.
  • The birds must be taken alive; once captured they are either blinded or kept in a lightless box for a month to gorge on millet, grapes, and figs, a technique apparently taken from the decadent cooks of Imperial Rome who called the birds beccafico, or ‘fig-pecker’.
  • For example, wings are very complex anatomical structures specifically adapted for powered flight, yet ostriches have flightless wings.
  • This huge flightless bird has regularly appeared in illustrated fossil books as a giant carnivore.
  • Several people here have argued that Caudipteryx is in fact a flightless bird.
  • Irrespective of the pattern of colonization, flightlessness probably evolved separately in the subantarctic teals.
  • Whether the flightless birds used their beaks to impale or bludgeon their prey is unknown, Chiappe says.
  • Australia's largest bird, standing up to 2 meters tall, the emu is flightless.
  • Lizards and mice can lose their eyesight in a blink ( so to speak ) inhabiting lightless caves.
  • Caudipteryx has short forelimbs and a feathered manus and is likely to have been a secondarily flightless bird.
  • The flightless birds and insects of such islands had clearly lost a highly complex function.
  • Though experts at manoeuvrable gliding, they might undergo periods of occasional flightlessness when, in Spring, they gorge on buds and new leaves. That’s no mystery carnivore (part II)… it’s a giant squirrel!
  • Blame it on the lightless conspiracy of bee life, a secret guarded by ten thousand fanatically loyal, armed soldiers.
  • He's not just talking about pigeons and sparrows either; kiwis, ostriches, penguins, and rare flightless parrots are just a handful of the exotic avians featured in this series.
  • Moas were ratites, flightless birds considered the sister group of all other birds.
  • One of her donations to the museum is reputed to be the only egg in existence of the extinct, flightless dodo bird.
  • Penguins are flightless birds that are highly specialized for swimming and diving, and spend much of their life at sea.
  • The dodo species consisted of three flightless branches - the dodo of Mauritius, the solitaire of Reunion island, and the Rodriguez solitaire that lived on tiny Rodriguez island.
  • Hemideina tree weta are a group of large, flightless, nocturnal insects endemic to New Zealand.
  • My siblings and I dreaded setting foot in it, especially in the dead of winter, since it was lightless, airless, cold, like a kind of place where all the unwanted things of life came to rest.
  • Penguins are flightless divers with poorly pneumatized skeleton, carinate sternum with two lateral notches, 15 cervical vertebrae and basipterygoid processes absent.
  • As the coastal waters were heavily fished, the seals remained on the southern-most island and the giant moa(a huge flightless bird)was eventually hunted to extinction.
  • Strigops habroptilus, the overgrown flightless parrot, commonly known as the kakapo. The Song of The Dodo
  • Thus spores and minute, winged insects stay suspended longer than seeds and large, flightless insects.
  • But the flightless giants are also genetically similar to a little-known neotropical bird called a tinamou—a grouse-like creature whose short, rounded wings enable somewhat clumsy but swift, flapping flight. Birdology
  • A giant flightless bird like the dodo is on the extreme end of avian evolution.
  • And it indicates that the larger Hawaiian geese were poor fliers or flightless.
  • The sun no doubt had risen, but it was a dreary lightless morning, with a rain that never entirely ceased, but dripped from trees and mizzled between the showers. At Swim, Two Boys
  • It is rather a celebration of birds in flight (or in waddle, in the case of the flightless penguins), as close to their majestic surroundings as possible.
  • There are only two kinds of animal that spend their whole lives performing the tricky balancing act of walking on two legs - humans and some flightless birds, like ostriches.
  • Here's one with the flightless birds over there, the rheas.
  • The living ratites (ostriches, emus, kiwis, and the extinct moa) are an ancient lineage of flightless birds.
  • After male murres and Razorbills take their small, flightless chicks to sea, they themselves undergo a prebasic molt, becoming flightless.
  • Blame it on the lightless conspiracy of bee life, a secret guarded by ten thousand fanatically loyal, armed soldiers.
  • When some brave souls pointed out that the peccadillo was a notoriously flightless bird they were hung, drawn and hacked up into bite-sized portions as a precaution. Archive 2009-06-01
  • I see a weka, the most common of the flightless ones, out by day whereas kiwis walk by night.
  • They have plowed billions into the project and are keen to ensure it doesn't turn into a costly flightless bird.
  • A large, flightless sea bird (Pinguinus impennis) formerly common on northern Atlantic coasts but extinct since the middle of the 19th century.
  • They acted more like huge flightless birds of prey, than the overgrown bipedal lizards of popular imagination.
  • I asked for your votes to christen the small, flightless bird formerly known as Moderately Evil Penguin, and you stuffed the ballot box in your droves.
  • The large, flightless moa bird that roamed New Zealand in ancient times grew much more slowly than modern birds, according to a new study of their bones.
  • In its overall look and style of quadrupedal movement, 'future predator' looked something like a giant flightless bat, and this is where I really got quite interested...
  • Rheas are large flightless birds native to South America.
  • The tam is thought to have evolved to survive passage through the gullet of the island's biggest, flightless bird, the dodo.
  • For example, the cassowary (a large flightless bird) feeds on bright blue and red fruit.
  • Until the late Pleistocene era 11,000 to 50,000 years ago, big, exotic mammals and flightless birds roamed the planet.
  • Yet the bizarre Mononykus had tiny forelimbs with a single digit and was obviously flightless.
  • The flightless birds and insects of such islands had clearly lost a highly complex function.
  • A relative of the ostrich, the cassowary is a large flightless bird that eats fruit and is famous for getting hit by traffic and for producing large, dense scats. Filmmaker Errol Morris Gets to the Truth Behind the Abu Ghraib Photographs
  • Owen also identified New Zealand's giant flightless bird, the moa or dinornis, from a piece of shin just 15 cm long.
  • It became home to a unique zoo of hoofed mammals, edentates, marsupials, and more giant flightless birds (Phorusrachids).
  • Some 200 pebbles, collectively weighing 2.5 kg were recovered from the gut region of a moa skeleton (extinct large flightless bird) in New Zealand.
  • The basic facts in the case couldn't be more straightforward: when people first came to New Zealand's northern and southern islands, there were large flightless birds known as moa already living there; today there are many more people and no more moa. No Moa: Modeling an Extinction
  • In fact, feathers on flightless birds, which merely need to be heat insulators rather than being amazingly designed aerodynamically, resemble hairs in shape as well.
  • It's a takahe, an extraordinary, huge flightless gallinule long believed to be extinct until rediscovered in a remote mountain range 50 years ago.
  • A captive pair of wounded, flightless eagles had bred and produced an egg, something that almost never happens.
  • Why do those flightless birds, unique to South America, seem to replace each other in adjoining regions?
  • The kakapo is a large, flightless parrot from New Zealand and one of the rarest birds of all, with only 124 individuals alive today. The Guardian World News
  • UPDATE: SO, I am told by doctor that I have, in all likelihood, a post-viral infection, brought on and perpetuated by being consistently run aground by the Great Yellow Budgerigar, which, although flightless, is a fast-moving and demanding creature. And I don’t watch ER, either | Her Bad Mother
  • Earthy Substance of earthy substance, first of the earthy substance, the entire body of me, N.N. son of N.N., completely formed by an honorable arm and an immortal right hand in the lightless and illuminated world, in the inanimated and the animated. A Source Book for Ancient Church History
  • Irrespective of the pattern of colonization, flightlessness probably evolved separately in the subantarctic teals.
  • I let it lie across my knees and continue to watch the clouds, their knopped masses blackened now in the almost lightless sky. Excerpt: March by Geraldine Brooks
  • The kiwi, a flightless nocturnal bird unique to New Zealand, is the symbol for everything from New Zealand.
  • The cold, lightless and energy-poor conditions under the seafloor provide a promising research analog for the harsh conditions in subsurface Martian soil or near hydrothermal vents on Europa, Jupiter’s second moon. Barely Alive, Seafloor Microbes Might Resemble Exo-Organisms « Isegoria
  • They were both rayless and strangely — lightless; they threw no shadows nor did their lambency lessen the dimness. The Metal Monster
  • From New York to Los Angeles, the little, nighttime, creepy-crawly bloodsuckers have been moving beyond household digs, spreading their wings so to speak, as they are wingless, flightless critters to hotels, movie theaters, offices, department stores. Bill Chameides: Is Propoxur the Way to Not Let the Bedbugs Bite?
  • As an added bonus, the keyboard seems to light up, which I envision will be a boon to struggling typists working in windowless, lightless spaces.
  • The Broad-billed Parrot (Lophopsittacus mauritanus) was probably flightless and today a few bones are its only legacy. SPIX'S MACAW: THE RACE TO SAVE THE WORLD'S RAREST BIRD
  • And it indicates that the larger Hawaiian geese were poor fliers or flightless.
  • Another noticeable bird of the shores is the flightless steamer duck.

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