How To Use Light-minded In A Sentence

  • A more light-minded woman than Anna Reynolds might have swooned at the romance of this troubled courtship.
  • Even the intervention of the US Supreme Court was treated in a cynical and light-minded fashion, rather than as a turning point in American political history.
  • Comments by the film's producer probably provide a better indication of the light-minded and superficial approach taken by many of those involved in the project.
  • Among a giddy and light-minded people, they have appropriated to themselves the post of honour of pedantry: they confound the levity of jocularity, which is quite compatible with profundity in art, with the levity of shallowness, which (as a natural gift or natural defect,) is so frequent among their countrymen. Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature
  • This light-minded and cynical attitude of the ruling elite towards its own legal norms is an international phenomenon.
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  • His work embodied an unpleasant brand of marketable and light-minded cynicism in the 1990s.
  • Their attitude to politics is light-minded.
  • Intimate behaviour between a couple was thought of as being light-minded and would be frowned upon by the elders.
  • The Spanish Ambassador, a reclusive and secretive man, whom I suspect is light-minded beneath a grave exterior, is very embarrassed by his role.
  • We have not made any claims in a light-minded manner without serious analysis and examination of the facts.
  • Remizov; they were taught (in the very precise sense of the word -- they had regular classes) by Zamyatin; and explained the general principles of Art by the gifted and light-minded young "formalist" critic, Victor Shklovsky. Tales of the Wilderness
  • The initial response in the media was to treat the conflict in a completely light-minded fashion.
  • This light-minded and cynical attitude of the ruling elite towards its own legal norms is an international phenomenon.

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