How To Use light intensity In A Sentence
- Illustration of instantaneous irradiance or cumulative radiant exposure is achieved using a false-color rendering-mapping light intensity to color-creating irradiance or exposure isopleths.
- Each "stop" is marked with its corresponding f-number, and represents a halving of the light intensity from the previous stop. Further aspiration.
- The light intensity encountered in single-molecule spectroscopy is many orders of magnitude higher than natural one, and the photobleaching under high-light condition occurs, on different time-scales, with the chromophoric systems. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
- The responsive adjustment of a sense organ, as the eye, to varying conditions, as light intensity.
- This paper introduces the light intensity data collection system of a microprocessor set, with a Z-80 microprocessor as its main unit, in the radius measurement of laser microbeams.
- The effects of incident light intensity, bias voltage, and electron donor were also studied.
- It also shows the relationship of light intensity in any direction of polarization splitter and phase delay of a single plate within PC, and proves the result by experiments.
- Arabidopsis plants which lack functional photoreceptors are able to acclimate to a changed light intensity.
- Light intensity is linearly controlled with constant colour temperature and light emission angle.
- In microsites with higher light intensity, little bluestem, big bluestem, Indian grass, and panic grass dominated.