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How To Use Light bulb In A Sentence

  • Oh, it's fine for her to waste food on a level I can only describe as sinful but God forbid we should be wasting light bulbs or toilet paper.
  • Another type of light bulb you may come across is the tungsten halogen bulb.
  • It was sleek and aerodynamic, shone in his room like a light bulb.
  • Also called ionized (or charged) gas, plasma can be as common as in fluorescent light bulbs or exotic in the extreme, as a thermonuclear explosion. India eNews
  • A single electric light bulb dangled from the ceiling.
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  • Candle makers, after all, cannot be expected to hail the invention of the electric light bulb, nor hostlers the advent of automobiles, nor canal-boat owners the building of railways, nor TV broadcasters the laying down of cable systems.
  • Not many people would have thought of putting a light bulb in their mouth like that. Times, Sunday Times
  • As you know from replacing light bulbs, there is a large, thin, frosted glass envelope in the familiar light bulb shape.
  • No question but that light bulbs are useful devices; I would not want to live without them. AUTHENTICITY: Brands, Fakes, Spin and the Lust for Real Life
  • I thought that installing energy-efficient light bulbs would be the easiest energy-saving measure. Times, Sunday Times
  • there are tk light bulbs in the chandelier in the chamber of the House of Representatives
  • Everything from fluorescent light bulbs to laptop and iPhone screens relies on small but critical amounts of europium to generate a pleasant red color and terbium to make green. Testing Their Metals
  • What GE announced with much fanfare is a light bulb that won†™ t be on the market for several years, a light bulb that will be about half as efficient as a current generation compact fluorescent (CFL) lights. Sustainable Design Update » Blog Archive » GE Announces Efficient Bulb (sort of)
  • Edison didn't invent the light bulb -- he invented one * type* of light bulb. the bulb had been already invented. indoor plumbing is over 2000 years old. electricity came along long before Ben Franklin and gang -- it just didn't get used much. and so on. perhaps the biggest mistake people make is to equate "invention" with "progress" or "improvement". A Priori (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • Lewis Latimer, the son of runaway slaves, became an electrical engineer and invented an inexpensive process for making light bulb filaments.
  • These include a timer for the underfloor heating, insulation and energy-saving light bulbs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some may opt for a very plain style with only a ladder for access and a lonely light bulb for company.
  • The metals in question range from the truly rare, such as rhenium, to more abundant but hard-to-process elements such as rare-earth metals, a collective name for 17 minerals used in products like iPhones, the Toyota Prius, vacuum cleaners and energy-efficient light bulbs. Testing Their Metals
  • A certain gasoline camping lantern emits as much light as a 25 - watt electric light bulb.
  • Edison perfected and patented everything from the first phonograph player in 1877 to the first practical light bulb in 1879.
  • It includes nonsense about not raking up lawn clippings, using fluorescent light bulbs and getting your old clunker of a car tuned more often.
  • This led to them passing the notes around the room, and finally, a shimmer of light was in the light bulb.
  • His first idea was to replace the incandescent light bulbs with more modern energy-efficient bulbs. Times, Sunday Times
  • A very powerful naked light bulb hung from the office ceiling.
  • She hasn't got you locked up in a room with a naked light bulb.
  • I'm not very practical - I can't even change a light bulb.
  • Then it clicked and it was as if a light bulb had suddenly flashed on in my head.
  • He replied that "just because the light bulb is on, it doesn't mean that energy needs are being met. Chad Dobson: Energy Poverty: NGOs Question How the World Bank Will Bring Power to the Powerless
  • Edison took out a patent on the light bulb.
  • That's because one is conventional: it uses light bulbs to illuminate the speedometer, tachometer, etc.
  • Choosing yoghurt has become as baffling as buying light bulbs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Continuing with the small stuff, you would be amazed how much difference changing your light bulbs can make. The Sun
  • You can be a light bulb, turnip bulb, or tulip bulb.
  • Occasionally the hurling bodies hit the dangling light bulb - which could easily break, exposing a wire and electrocuting the crowd.
  • Already one firm has developed a 30 W source of this type which gives a light like a 100 W light bulb.
  • The practice of using different suppliers for equipment, ranging from weapons and medical scanners to light bulbs, adds to the bills. Times, Sunday Times
  • By not spraying light indiscriminately as is done with unshielded fixtures, the desired illuminance level can be maintained by focusing the light to the proper location and reducing the light bulb's power consumption.
  • Light bulbs, shaped like tiny candle flames, flicker.
  • His first idea was to replace the incandescent light bulbs with more modern energy-efficient bulbs. Times, Sunday Times
  • He could even remember the time he picked out six yellow goslings from a box kept warm by a light bulb.
  • You only need so many people to change a light bulb - it's not the biggest company in the world. Times, Sunday Times
  • This light bulb screws in.
  • There was a lone bare light bulb hanging from the shed ceiling. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wine works well for adding that lovely, rosy flush in the absence of pink light bulbs.
  • Two naked light bulbs dangling from the ceiling provided light.
  • To reduce its greenhouse gases, Australian officials hope to phase out incandescent light bulb use by 2009.
  • Democrat energy solutions have basically been a lot like those newfangled curlicue light bulbs," she complained, calling the doggone things "too expensive. The Washington Post: National, World & D.C. Area News and Headlines -
  • The company used to spend four hours a week checking each one and replacing burned-out light bulbs.
  • ‘It wasn't always like this,’ he said, slumping down in one of the chintzless armchairs underneath a single naked light bulb.
  • Backstage, the children sit in front of naked light bulbs hanging from the ceiling, wiping away the make-up they carefully applied before the performance.
  • Regular incandescent light bulbs produce light by heating a small filament inside the bulb.
  • Torture King places a circular fluorescent light bulb on his head and touches an open electrical circuit.
  • She thought perhaps he used pink light bulbs in his surgery, and not the usual opal pearl. THE PRESIDENT'S CHILD
  • It was a blue china barn owl with a light bulb stuck to its head.
  • Then he announced gleefully that light bulb orders had jumped, suggesting that factories were working overtime.
  • An interactive debugger is like a little light bulb popping on above your head.
  • The light bulb in the bathroom burned out and father put in a new one.
  • The children learnt a lot of interesting things and were able to put their learning into practice as they busied themselves into putting electrical circuits together and making light bulbs glow and buzzers buzz!
  • The light bulb imploded.
  • In Missouri state employees were unscrewing every third light bulb to cut energy bills.
  • If it finds this is happening it will slap tariffs on Chinese candles - as it has done with their low energy light bulbs and shoes. The Sun
  • I remember visiting him with George when he was Professor of English at Sheffield and was living in a decrepit basement flat, with unshaded electric light bulbs and no bathroom, only a stone sink.
  • How many psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb? Times, Sunday Times
  • I was not an environmentalist then, and my impression of these people ranged from the nasality of John Denver to dogmatic feminists cramming political correctness into any available ear while claiming that they would save the world by recycling, biking to work or changing out the incandescent light bulbs. Giles Slade: The 'Deep Throat' of Green
  • The campaign included giving more than 28,000 households four low energy light bulbs. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm off to buy xenon light bulbs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mrs. Madrigal was perched on a stepladder in the hallway, replacing a light bulb. MORE TALES OF THE CITY
  • unfrosted light bulbs
  • He even referred to a light bulb joke - but in fact, if I look back, I find that the joke he probably meant to tell involves tigers and was coined by a Japanese wood manufacturer.
  • Replace incandescent light bulbs with fluorescents, which last longer and use less energy.
  • Switching off lights when they are not needed, and using energy-saving light bulbs are basic actions that we should all be doing. Times, Sunday Times
  • A small light bulb next to the assistant indicates that it has some helpful advice to offer.
  • It includes nonsense about not raking up lawn clippings, using fluorescent light bulbs and getting your old clunker of a car tuned more often.
  • But he has also invented a flashing lollipop for school crossings, a ‘whoosh machine’ to propel pigeons from perches on buildings, a golf club trolley wheel-cleaning attachment and a telescopic light bulb changer.
  • A light bulb dangled from a wire in the ceiling.
  • The dim light bulb hung lifelessly above their heads, and the wall paper covered only half the wall and the other half stood bare and uncovered.
  • The ad hoc-tech use of standard fittings and relatively simple technology makes the enterprise admirably economical, though replacing exhausted light bulbs might prove a bit tricky.
  • When Captain North received Jason’s resignation letter, the word flew up the chain of command like electricity to a light bulb. A Dangerous Return
  • If it finds this is happening it will slap tariffs on Chinese candles - as it has done with their low energy light bulbs and shoes. The Sun
  • Beryllium was used as an agent to prolong the life of fluorescent light bulbs in the 1930s but was found to be a cause of acute and chronic berylliosis in the mid 1940s.
  • They will also dance to an electric light bulb as if it were the sun.
  • I had the opportunity to kind of eavesdrop on a couple of interrogations, which are certainly surreal, if you're used to this sort of anti-American propaganda, where the guys are in dungeons and chains, chained to these little, wooden chairs under the bare light bulb, or some guys beating the information out of them. Mark Steyn and Hugh Hewitt reveal the true impulses underlying yesterday's vote
  • And yet it consumes less power than a light bulb and it occupies less space than a two-litre bottle of soda. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not many people would have thought of putting a light bulb in their mouth like that. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once inside he would remove light bulbs and cut telephone and electricity lines. Times, Sunday Times
  • A small light bulb next to the assistant indicates that it has some helpful advice to offer.
  • Surely it would be better to use the brain power to design a more efficient light bulb? Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite several eminent scientists predicting that electric light bulbs in a circuit would never work, a lamp powered by current produced by dynamos was demonstrated on 21 October 1879.
  • She does tell one good joke though:'How many performance artists does it take to change a light bulb? Times, Sunday Times
  • My favourite joke: How many psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb? Times, Sunday Times
  • How did Edison make the light bulb?
  • For example, a shop might use rechargeable instead of disposable batteries, buy long-life light bulbs or choose half-size fax cover sheets instead of full-size.
  • Offers two free energy-efficient light bulbs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Change light bulb 1. Ensure the light switch is in the off position. The Sun
  • Switching off lights when they are not needed, and using energy-saving light bulbs are basic actions that we should all be doing. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have no money left but I have only one light bulb so it will be cheap to run. Times, Sunday Times
  • It glimmers at barely 1800 degrees Fahrenheit, which is cooler than a light bulb filament.
  • He gave himself a mild electric shock while changing a light bulb.
  • Move a bar magnet near one or two coils to make a light bulb glow.
  • Continuing with the small stuff, you would be amazed how much difference changing your light bulbs can make. The Sun
  • The room was lit only by a single 40-watt light bulb.
  • This light bulb has gone.
  • A megajoule is a measure of energy equivalent to that consumed by 10,000 100-watt light bulbs in one second. InformationWeek - All Stories And Blogs
  • First they came for your light bulbs; then they went for your plastic shopping bags. Times, Sunday Times
  • I wish someone would invent an everlasting light bulb.
  • For the last few weeks, I’ve been testing two: one is the equivalent of a PAR 30 60-watt halogen reflector lamp (the kind of lamp you see in recessed ceilings that is used to project light downwards) and the other is an LED version of a standard 40-watt light bulb. The $10 Million Light Bulb - Bits Blog -
  • The Insect House - at work, amidst the dictyopteran vistas and rows of captive orthoptera, where I sweep the floors, change the light bulbs, hold open the refuse sacks that the two curators fill with the detritus of insect life - this was where it all started.
  • I wish someone would invent an everlasting light bulb.
  • Take care, or put the light bulb back in. Times, Sunday Times
  • The insides of energy-efficient compact fluorescent light bulbs are coated with tiny amounts of two such elements, terbium and europium. U.S. urged to safeguard supply of 'energy-critical elements'
  • Continuing with the small stuff, you would be amazed how much difference changing your light bulbs can make. The Sun
  • Earlier this month, NIF became the first fusion laser in the world to break the megajoule barrier (a megajoule is the energy consumed by 10,000 100-watt light bulbs in one second) by delivering 1.1 million joules of ultraviolet energy to the center of its target chamber - more than 25 times more energy than the previous record-holder. U.S. Department of Energy - Press Releases
  • But there are lighting markets that LEDs will have difficulty penetrating even when they are the most efficient white light source, namely retrofit markets for standard light bulbs (i.e. you will keep your CFLs for some time yet.) Alternative Energy Stocks
  • The old porch light bulb guttered, then rallied back.
  • The light box contains fluorescent light bulbs with a 5,000 lux rating at 8 inches for portable units, or a 10,000 lux rating at 14 inches for countertop units.
  • Installation of these high-tech LED light bulbs is easy. Remote-Controlled LED Light Bulbs Offer 7 Shades of White | Inhabitat
  • Alternatively, put a few drops of oil in a ceramic ring which can be warmed on a light bulb. BE YOUR BEST: How Anyone can become Fit, Healthy and Confident
  • How many men does it take to change one of the new light bulbs? Times, Sunday Times
  • You wonder how many it would take to change a light bulb. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is topped by a stumpy, Lego-like lighthouse where a keeper and his family lived until 1987, when they were replaced by a light bulb.
  • Continuing with the small stuff, you would be amazed how much difference changing your light bulbs can make. The Sun
  • That candle we see lighting up the actress's face is surely a real candle, not a cleverly designed candlestick with hidden light bulb.
  • He then correctly sketches the outline of the light bulb I drew. The Sun
  • I suggest you ask the people in charge of changing the light bulbs.
  • My son is active in la crosse and is good physical condition, but some of his friends (I've known some of these kids for 10+ years) are couch potatoes, shaped like light bulbs at a time when their metabolism should permit them to burn it off with regular exercise. Youth Sports
  • LEDs use at least 80% less power than incandescent light bulbs and last 50 times longer. Times, Sunday Times
  • The one unshaded light bulb shone continuously down at her, and she was kept in complete silence.
  • Box, blue skirt, light bulb. The Sun
  • First they came for your light bulbs; then they went for your plastic shopping bags. Times, Sunday Times
  • Change light bulb 1. Ensure the light switch is in the off position. The Sun
  • These new lamps last five times longer and need less than 20 percent of the power used by an ordinary light bulb.
  • Basically, LEDs are just tiny light bulbs that fit easily into an electrical circuit.
  • Always looking for new ways to reduce the use of light bulbs with something other than the mercury-laden fluorescent ones, the Purdue team has used the common techniques of reactive sputter deposition and organometallic vapor phase epitaxy to come up with viable LED technology that will finally make our incandescent technology obsolete. Vacation, the environment, and high-tech
  • The campaign included giving more than 28,000 households four low energy light bulbs. Times, Sunday Times
  • These gas mantles brought new life to gas lighting just when it was threatened by Swan's electric light bulbs.
  • What we can buy is a compact fluorescent bulb that only uses 20 watts of electricity and produces 1,000 lumens, the same as a 100-watt light bulb.
  • Box, blue skirt, light bulb. The Sun
  • ‘It was as if the earth was a black light bulb with pinholes in it and green lasers coming out: the Earth was on fire,’ he said.
  • It is like comparing a red-hot poker pulled from a fire with the filament in an electric light bulb: there is no doubt concerning which is the brighter.
  • These are to be replaced by compact fluorescent light bulbs, a fact that has rendered much of the lighting industry incandescent with rage. Times, Sunday Times
  • The light bulb suddenly went out, and the room became pitch black.
  • They've already installed a programmable thermostat and replaced light bulbs used in recessed and overhead light fixtures with CFL bulbs. Frugal family tips to save money on energy bills
  • No question but that light bulbs are useful devices; I would not want to live without them. AUTHENTICITY: Brands, Fakes, Spin and the Lust for Real Life
  • Once the light bulb's gone off on a scene, I can't make a note and come back to it later because the idea for the fix is an organic part of the process. Kateelliott: Writing the Wrong Words
  • It is Roy Spring who climbs the spire to replace the red warning light bulbs on the top.
  • When I returned Barbara has joined in the fun and was in the middle of donning wellies and get the 'cherry picker' now the only cherry pickers I've ever seen are those little crain things with a basket for humans that window cleaners sometimes use, I've also seen council employees use them to change light bulbs in displays in town centres and that type of thing - what Barbara came back with was something akin to what I would call a 'pruner' it was like a pair of shears on the end of a long poll with wires running down the poll so that you can move something your end and make the shears at the other end work! Snell-Pym » 2007 » October
  • One. The egomaniac holds the light bulb while the rest of the world revolves around him.
  • I need a tall step ladder to change a light bulb.
  • She does tell one good joke though:'How many performance artists does it take to change a light bulb? Times, Sunday Times
  • The aliens are invisible and can be detected only because they cause light bulbs to flicker into life as they pass by. Times, Sunday Times
  • When using very high bromide developers, it may be necessary to use a 200 to 250 watt light bulb in order to get good reversal effects.
  • The company, which produces everything from light bulbs to the nuclear power plants that illuminate them, appeared willing to disinvest from its military engines division in order to win approval from Europe.
  • It involves installing insulated ceilings, geyser jackets, long-life, low-voltage light bulbs, and solar water heaters.
  • His 6,000 inventions included the electric light bulb, the phonograph, and the mimeograph machine.
  • Would you charge round to change a light bulb? Times, Sunday Times
  • One can see his camera, a naked light bulb dangling from the ceiling, and even the slippered feet of the artist, an American who spent most of his career in Paris. A Star-Filled Spring of Photo Auctions
  • Rare-earth phosphors such as europium and yttrium are in demand to tweak the color of compact fluorescent light bulbs and LED displays. Malaysia Stalls New Project
  • Inventor Thomas Edison, who gave us the light bulb and other inventions 1,093 patents that ushered in the 20th century, was called dull by a grade school teacher who believed that Edison had no ability to learn. Bernard Starr: Should Obama Show His School Transcripts?
  • I have no money left but I have only one light bulb so it will be cheap to run. Times, Sunday Times
  • Change light bulb 1. Ensure the light switch is in the off position. The Sun
  • Her brightening of mood seems largely inspired by the light bulb she has been standing next to.
  • Addison invented the electric light bulb record player and the movie projector.
  • He then correctly sketches the outline of the light bulb I drew. The Sun
  • the implosion of a light bulb
  • There's a light bulb glowing over my head that is brighter than the flaring of a sour gas well.
  • For $18.95, the purchaser received a kit containing pieces of Masonite pegboard, flashlight bulbs, nuts and bolts. What I Learned From a Brainiac
  • A naked light bulb dangled from the ceiling.
  • No re-test fee will apply for minor defects such as faulty light bulbs.
  • On display on the side walks of a main street are used television and radio sets, refrigerators, clothes, light bulbs, children's bicycles and video games.
  • Hampton built his masterpiece from a very select collection of junk, including old furniture, burned-out light bulbs, jelly jars, carpet cylinders, desk blotters, cardboard, and foil.
  • Fluorescent lighting is much cheaper to use than light bulbs.
  • There really isn't much to recycle in the ordinary light bulb, even the combination of glass and metal doesn't amount to beans.
  • In the case of incandescent light bulbs, the position is entirely the opposite of that perception. Times, Sunday Times
  • Later I removed the back wheel, refitted it, adjusted the chain tension and replaced a headlight bulb.
  • Check light bulb and electric plugs.
  • Q: How many high-tech artists does it take to change a light bulb?
  • Surely it would be better to use the brain power to design a more efficient light bulb? Times, Sunday Times
  • Secret of the Flashlight Bulb With the coil held snugly against the socket, and the bulb in place, dip the wire and base into melted paraffin, covering everything but the glass bulb.
  • There were beads hanging in all the doorways and coloured light bulbs in all the lamps and sockets.
  • He then correctly sketches the outline of the light bulb I drew. The Sun
  • We are trying to switch on a light bulb... and show young people careers they might not otherwise have considered. Times, Sunday Times
  • Choosing yoghurt has become as baffling as buying light bulbs. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, fluorescent light can damage the eye, so if there is a choice of lighting, use ordinary light bulbs.
  • Their next promo will feature them trying to change a light bulb. The Sun
  • The old chestnut'How many people does it take to change a light bulb? Times, Sunday Times
  • Then his face cleared, and he looked up with a broad smile on his face, as though a light bulb had flicked on in his mind.
  • As the joke goes: ‘How many psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb?’
  • And all they had at their disposal were a few light bulbs, a bit of paint and some oily rags. The Sun
  • New and established technologies such as halogen and energy-saving light bulbs will continue to exist side-by-side on the market for many years to come. Nano Tech Wire
  • How did Edison make the light bulb?
  • It was just that everything seemed too close, like staring at a light bulb.
  • In the case of incandescent light bulbs, the position is entirely the opposite of that perception. Times, Sunday Times
  • Choosing yoghurt has become as baffling as buying light bulbs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The inside of the shade creates an elliptical shape and the strong white area in the top central portion is the light bulb which also gives off a halation creating the ‘bump’ on the top of this reflection. Space Ships of the Visitors
  • Experience equips you with a series of conditioned reflexes which can protect you from some of the more egregious follies, like changing a light bulb while standing in bath water or cutting your toe-nails with garden shears.
  • Quickly, what was it that sparked the light bulb?
  • How many psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb? Times, Sunday Times
  • Alternatively, put a few drops of oil in a ceramic ring which can be warmed on a light bulb. BE YOUR BEST: How Anyone can become Fit, Healthy and Confident
  • The light bulb from the ceiling caused the shadows to be thrown at an odd angle to the left.
  • Another joke: How much does it cost to change a light bulb?

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