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  1. bind chemically
    The enzyme ligated
  2. bind with a bandage or ligature
    ligate the artery
  3. join letters in a ligature when writing

How To Use ligate In A Sentence

  • Drop it in my face, because I am not obligated to talk to you so don't expect me to start a conversation with you fucking dumbass.
  • The ruling obligates airlines to release information about their flight delays.
  • What is it about this particular ceremony that obligates people to travel vast distances, buy expensive casserole dishes, wear unnaturally tidy clothes, and take stupid numbers of photographs?
  • Now that BHT is out on video, I don't feel quite so obligated to hide such things beneath a cut tag -- for I assume that most of you who would be interested in seeing this film have already done so. Play it again, Sam
  • The order Strepsiptera are obligate endoparasitic insects that are known to parasitize seven insect orders, including solitary and social Hymenoptera.
  • For all 43 species, amplified fragments were purified from agarose gels and ligated in the TOPO TA cloning vector.
  • The end product of such a course of evolution is an obligate parasite that is inextricably linked to a particular host.
  • I know there are professors in this country who "ligate" arteries. Complete Project Gutenberg Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Works
  • But ” and this is a fundamental difference between the situation in physics and the situation in history ” a historian may protest against the inclusion of data in the material to be colligated on grounds of interest or value in a way that is foreign to the method of physicists when they criticize each other. Letting Go
  • The share purchase obligates the cooperative to accept the unit at an established price.
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