
How To Use Life-threatening In A Sentence

  • The man was taken to hospital with life-threatening injuries - a deep wound to his side had punctured a lung.
  • It helped her defuse a life-threatening situation in the Himalayas, when she and her friends were confronted by knife-carrying attackers.
  • The immune system withers under the viral attack, leaving the body extremely vulnerable to other painful and life-threatening diseases.
  • A few hours before the onset of what is supposed to be a "multi-day" and "life-threatening" blizzard, over one hundred Chicagoans gathered to sample Chicago's best seafood chowders at the Columbia Yacht Club. Caroline O'Donovan: At the Chowdah Fest
  • Hypersensitivity reactions have also occurred with lamotrigine therapy; some reactions have been fatal or life-threatening.
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  • If it detects a life-threatening arrhythmia, on the other hand, it jolts the heart in an attempt to restore normal rhythm.
  • So much so that one begins to wonder if one is in fact witness to an ancient Flanderian sign language, life-threatening to those who fail to grasp its flailing inflections.
  • Of all the monitors used in the operating room, pulse oximetry has been shown to have the highest yield in the early detection of life-threatening events.
  • a life-threatening disease
  • Although poor visibility can be a nuisance for all of us, there are some activities where it is positively dangerous, and one group of people, where it can be life-threatening, are aircraft pilots.
  • They also reduced the occurrence of life-threatening cardiac events.
  • His book chronicles a young doctor's battle with a rare and life-threatening blood disease, paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria.
  • Ragwort in grazing paddocks is life-threatening to horses and other livestock.
  • Female relatives in Ireland had suffered unexplained deaths and life-threatening events among their children.
  • Aspirin and drugs like ibuprofen and naproxen can cause life-threatening ulcers.
  • CCAM can cause a myriad of life-threatening problems for the baby, including fetal hydrops, an accumulation of fluid surrounding internal organs caused by congestive heart failure. CCAM — Ryan
  • Researchers concluded that PNH patients with hemolysis are at an increased risk of mortality and life-threatening complications, and that hemolysis is a potential risk factor for mortality and life-threatening complications independent of the presence of cytopenia. Hemolysis Is Associated with Increased Mortality and Thrombosis in Patients with PNH - Yahoo! Finance
  • Then, over the next half an hour, a bunch of gonzo skateboarders and other mentalists from the mall construct slapstick routines, some of them bordering on the life-threatening.
  • Invasive procedures, often given to patients as soon as they are admitted to hospital with a life-threatening heart condition, do not necessarily improve survival, finds a study published on today.
  • QT-prolonging agents (eg, quinidine, sotalol, thioridazine), quinolones (eg, ciprofloxacin), or streptogramins (eg, mikamycin) because serious, possibly life-threatening side effects on the heart or irregular heartbeat may occur MyLinkVault Newest Links
  • The most critical is a life-threatening weakness in the aorta -- the major blood vessel from the heart.
  • But snoring loudly and habitually can be an indication of a potentially life-threatening breathing disturbance known as obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.
  • There is nothing like life-threatening riots to enliven a man and invigorate life.
  • The policy statement introduces a public health initiative to help schools prepare to handle life-threatening medical emergencies.
  • It is when body energy is exhausted that hypothermia becomes potentially life-threatening.
  • To accurately assess and stabilize a life-threatening, intra-abdominal injury without requiring transport to a secure area would be a boon.
  • Such issues include Jesse Gelsinger20 suffered from a rare genetic disorder called ornithine transcarbamylase de fi - exotic therapies versus cheaper more widely ciency, which, while requiring cumbersome treat - useful therapies; ment with diet and drugs, was not a life-threatening disorder for him. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Finally, under life-threatening stress, you won't attempt a task if you do not have total confidence in your reflexive ability to perform it well.
  • His heart condition is not life-threatening.
  • He is in a stable condition and his injuries are not life-threatening.
  • Among the life-threatening problems that CCAM can cause is fetal hydrops, an accumulation of fluid surrounding internal organs caused by congestive heart failure. CCAM — Jackson
  • The most critical is a life-threatening weakness in the aorta -- the major blood vessel from the heart.
  • Despite the non-existence of antibiotics, blood transfusions and life-support machines, most of these soldiers recovered, often from life-threatening injuries.
  • In order to obviate that, because money is fungible and budget-cutting is suddenly in vogue, you would think that government agencies would be aggressively trimming noncritical, nonlife-threatening expenditures and diverting scarce resources to genuinely pressing needs. Waste And Bad Judgment Sprout At The USDA
  • A police spokesman confirmed that none of the injuries were life-threatening.
  • Life-threatening ways and assuming have supported observed as linkages of thioguanine-induced granulocytopenia and thrombocytopenia. Wii-volution
  • How should the needs of those with HIV infection be balanced against those with other life-threatening diseases?
  • The programme is especially designed to help and support people diagnosed with cancer and other life-threatening diseases.
  • But 230 pounds was life-threatening for a 5-foot-1-inch graphic designer named Rachel Kochackis.
  • Dogs that endure a lifetime of poor breathing can end up getting hiatal hernias, which can be life-threatening. Dr. Michael J. Breus: Does Your Dog Steal Your Sleep?
  • The service, which had its two-star rating slashed to zero last year, is reaching just 55 per cent of its 10, 400 calls classified as immediately life-threatening within the Government target of eight minutes.
  • Most children cared for by hospices have life-shortening conditions like cystic fibrosis and severe cerebral palsy or life-threatening conditions such as cancer.
  • Immediately life-threatening conditions such as hypotension or shock occur in only about 7 percent of envenomations.
  • Vaccination is currently below the level needed to avoid epidemics of measles - a potentially life-threatening infection.
  • And why the kerfuffle over canine vectorship when you're infinitely more likely to catch something life-threatening from the food itself, or something noxious from the kid at the next table (who is "quite naturally" a better vector than any dog) — and no one's banning food or children. Should we be more like the French and invite dogs to dinner?
  • But the study found that achieving "lenient" control of fewer than 110 heart beats per minute was at least as effective in preventing death from cardiovascular causes, stroke and other life-threatening events. Small Steps to Heart Health
  • I'm not saying this product is safe or unsafe, but I don't think it's life-threatening.
  • Magnolia scale and bacterial leaf spot are sometimes apparent but seldom life-threatening.
  • When chocolate is ingested in significant quantities, cats may suffer life-threatening effects.
  • Jealousy in romance is like salt in food. A little can enhance the savor, but too much can spoil the pleasure and, under certain circumstances, can be life-threatening. Maya Angelou 
  • My illness is classed as life-threatening but not terminal.
  • A small blood test could lead to a life-changing operation for a Lancaster mum - rescuing her from an isolated and life-threatening existence in a hospital bed.
  • If the swelling increases suddenly or causes very rapid weight gain, women should go to a health facility to have their blood pressure and urine checked for pre-eclampsia, which is a life-threatening complication (see Chapter 9). Chapter 10
  • And when mixed doubles partner Leander Paes of India fell ill with a potentially life-threatening brain ailment before the U.S. - Tennis legend ages in style
  • All hostage situations are dangerous and potentially life-threatening.
  • Because they're designed for automobiles, today's cities are leading to a life-threatening level of exercise deprivation.
  • Cystic Fibrosis (also called mucoviscidosis) is Ireland's most common life-threatening inherited disease. - Articles related to How clean is Seattle's drinking water?
  • This can cause delays in ambulance crews attending patients who may have life-threatening injuries.
  • While diarrhea from antibiotics is often just a nuisance, certain antibiotics, including clindamycin (Cleocin and generic), can lead to pseudomembranous colitis, a potentially life-threatening colon inflammation, in rare cases. Q&A: Diarrhea from antibiotics
  • An inexpensive new newborn screening method can detect a rare blood disorder that affects the immune system and causes life-threatening complications if left untreated.
  • Symptoms may include watery eyes, wheezing, hives, rash, and even life-threatening anaphylactic reactions.
  • The copperhead, a venomous snake, is dangerous, but its bite is rarely life-threatening to healthy adult humans.
  • And in Mauritania, the age-old practice of force-feeding young girls-a life-threatening process that is intended to make them round and therefore "marriageable" - has seen a renaissance. Latest Articles
  • Her study looked at how much money 309 U.S. hospitals spent to care for patients with a life-threatening illness called sepsis in which the immune system responds so dramatically to infection that a number of organs start to fail.
  • Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) is a life-threatening, neurological disorder most often caused by an adverse reaction to neuroleptic or antipsychotic drugs.
  • Oxygen-saturated blood can reduce heart muscle damage after an attack WASHINGTON - An infusion of blood that is "supersaturated" with oxygen (SS02) can reduce the amount of damaged heart muscle immediately following a life-threatening heart attack, say researchers. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • In many cases victims can suffer severe and sometimes life-threatening injuries.
  • Here, we have a life-threatening illness for which we have no cure or medical vaccine.
  • The setbacks might range from muddy inconveniences to life-threatening crossings, and it remains for each driver to make a realistic and cautious assessment of the road ahead.
  • When someone you love has a life-threatening illness, everything else pales in comparison.
  • ‘Without it, children become easy prey for a host of life-threatening afflictions that carry in dirty water and on unwashed fingers,’ she said.
  • Some patients with life-threatening asthma do not respond to inhaled selective beta-adrenergic agents and subsequently advance to respiratory failure.
  • And so what we find is that the insurance companies may give us enough time to get someone up five pounds, but they still may be 30 pounds underweight, which is still life-threateningly dangerous. 'Unrealistic Weights'
  • In the segment, she explains that Canadian doctors recently diagnosed her six-year-old son, Sam, with dermatomyositis, a rare and life-threatening skin and muscle auto-immune disease. James Glave: Private Health Care is Stranding U.S. Expats Overseas
  • Last month, the European Union banned the use of chimpanzees in biomedical research (except in certain cases of life-threatening diseases). Marc Bekoff: The Federal Animal Welfare Act: Are Animals Really Better Off?
  • For many years, the most common drug used to treat gout was allopurinol, which is generally safe and effective, but has been known to cause life-threatening rashes in rare cases. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • Other complications include angina, heart failure and a life-threatening condition known as diabetic ketoacidosis. Times, Sunday Times
  • The highest levels of intoxication can be life-threatening, producing delirium, coma, atonic bladder and cardiac arrhythmias.
  • In a fall at Huntingdon he sustained a life-threatening injury to his kidney and was forced out of the saddle for three months.
  • The victim was taken to a local hospital with what police described as nonlife-threatening injuries. The Green Bay Press-Gazette Latest Headlines
  • I picked it up, thinking how something so seemingly insignificant had turned into life-threatening danger. SUMMER OF SECRETS
  • My sense of humour tended to warp a little bit when I was faced with actual life-threatening danger.
  • Lohr also charged that Medtronic failed to warn her or her doctors that the device could experience life-threatening failure.
  • Despite being seriously hurt, their injuries are not life-threatening, and their families are with them at the hospital.
  • Over the years, his muscles withered, his bones thinned, and he suffered repeated bouts of infection and life-threatening complications.
  • Nurses may be presented with exceptional or life-threatening situations prohibiting the use of assistive patient handling equipment.
  • Initially, therefore, it is necessary to concentrate on the primary substance or process of addiction because this may be life-threatening.
  • The vandalism - ranging from the petty to the downright life-threateningly dangerous - is leading to justifiable discontentment among residents who have to live in the midst of the wreckers.
  • The drugs may cause bloating, weight gain, moodiness and irritability, and there is a risk of a rare condition called ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome that can cause life-threatening complications, blood clots and kidney failure... Archive 2007-05-01
  • Caitlin was born with a life-threatening heart abnormality.
  • They would have been incapacitating, but not life-threatening. AFTERMATH
  • They suggest these abnormalities may play a role in the inability of an infant to respond to a life-threatening challenge, such as asphyxia, during sleep. Yahoo! Weather - Lexington, KY
  • In addition to posing a strain on relationships, it can also indicate a possibly dangerous and life-threatening disease.
  • Her peaceable kingdom ” where birds and moths and small mammals lie down with oil tycoons and lumber barons, and dainty bathroom fixtures and lovely things to eat and lawn dresses and eugenics and God and fringed gentians are all mixed up together ” is the product of an imagination of an almost life-threatening febrility. Catacomb Efreet
  • What were serious, life-threatening diseases are now completely treatable.
  • The man, who was not wearing a cycle helmet, was seriously hurt, but his injuries are not thought to be life-threatening.
  • A father whose son died suddenly from a rare heart condition has raised more than £20,000 for vital hospital equipment with the help of his god-daughter, who survived a life-threatening illness.
  • Perhaps you are living with someone who is ill with a life-threatening disease.
  • Too many people had experienced hives, diarrhea or life-threatening asthma attacks when exposed to these chemicals.
  • She said the life-threatening condition developed when her own antibodies attacked the baby's blood cells.
  • They are not life-threatening and are kept under control by inhalants and antacid medicines.
  • As adults, we know that smoking leads to life-threatening illnesses such as heart disease, emphysema and lung cancer.
  • In cases of resistant, life-threatening hypercalcemia, hemodialysis against a low-calcium dialysate is more effective than peritoneal dialysis in lowering serum calcium levels.
  • She was shot in the buttock and her boyfriend was shot in the leg in the struggle; both are hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries.
  • Jealousy in romance is like salt in food. A little can enhance the savor, but too much can spoil the pleasure and, under certain circumstances, can be life-threatening. Maya Angelou 
  • And it's not just those suffering from life-threatening illness who are offered such help.
  • When someone you love has a life-threatening illness, everything else pales in comparison.
  • Such interventions, if fruitful in humans, might be useful against some cancers and other diseases, such as polycythemia vera, in which the body produces a life-threatening excess of blood cells. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Each one had a story to tell of a friend or relative who had been affected by some life-threatening illness.
  • Larger doses of fluoride can cause life-threatening hypocalcemia with convulsions, tetany, decreased myocardial contractility, ventricular arrhythmias, and cardiac arrest.
  • Specializing in such life-threatening dishes as deep-fried macaroni and cheese and bread pudding made from Krispy Kreme donuts, Ms. Deen is high-voltage Dixie kitsch, a cartoon version of the kind of brassy, boozy aunt that the other aunts always refer to as a "hoot. A Recipe for Escapism
  • They have been asked to keep an eye out for symptoms of the potentially life-threatening disease in their children.
  • Allergic reactions can be mild, such as a skin rash or irritation, but can also include respiratory distress and the severe reaction known as anaphylactic shock, which can lead to a life-threatening drop in blood pressure and death. Hidden Hazard:
  • Symptoms include lethargy and disorientation, as well as life-threatening seizures and respiratory distress.
  • Initially, therefore, it is necessary to concentrate on the primary substance or process of addiction because this may be life-threatening.
  • He had a life-threatening illness at 22, so he thought more carefully about what he wanted from life.
  • However, it should be considered in patients with potential life-threatening situations: seizures, dysrythmias or hemodynamic instabilities. Theophylline
  • Smith, the executive director, said he wants the fire department's "calvary" to respond to life-threatening emergencies. - Latest News
  • The bullet was removed and he's being kept in a high-dependency unit at a hospital, but his condition is not life-threatening.
  • Some antihistamines may tofranil pm constipation urinary or life-threatening labor animals in newborn ingredients whose sources occur the peak during pregnancy. ( 'multum') is accurate, up-to-date, and complete, but no migraine tofranil is caused to that effect. Wii-volution
  • And it may seem trivial compared to some of the life-threatening illnesses we could develop.
  • JULIA GNUSE: I have a skin disorder called porphyria, which is similar to lupus, but it is not a life-threatening disease. CNN Transcript Jan 3, 2002
  • Moira Austin, of the Anaphylaxis Campaign, a group which works to support people who suffer risk from life-threatening allergic reactions, also known as anaphylactic shock, suggested Cadbury was going one step too far with its new wrapper warnings. Undefined
  • Ssri negras may buy relafen prescriptions online moderate or life-threatening diet trials in entire grams whose orders lessen the cyproterone during pregnancy. Wii-volution
  • Engage in research for life-threatening diseases with no cure rather than working on me-too devices.
  • Eating curly kale and other cruciferous vegetables regularly has been shown to lower the risk of developing life-threatening diseases. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the other hand, if patients are given faulty or misleading information, subsequently request a prescription, and are not denied the prescription by their physician (for a host of possible reasons), then it's possible that people will be getting the drug who don't need it, and the consequences of that run the gamut from wasteful to contraindicated and life-threatening. D. Brad Wright: The Risks and Benefits of Direct-To-Consumer Advertising of Pharmaceuticals
  • People can be badly hurt by flying glass, it can even be life-threatening.
  • Red tides, for example, can cause outbreaks of life-threatening diseases, such as paralytic shellfish poisoning, which can shut down mussel and clam harvesting for long periods of time.
  • The withdrawal process must be carefully monitored because barbiturate or alcohol detoxification can be life-threatening.
  • Both children have the life-threatening cryptogenic cirrhosis.
  • Atryn's approval comes about a month after an FDA panel unanimously said Atryn was safe and effective in preventing life-threatening blood clots in certain patients who lack normal levels of antithrombin. FDA Approves Drug Created With Engineered Goats Milk
  • Whether they are driving too fast or drinking and driving or using life-threatening drugs, teenagers frequently engage in risk-taking behavior.
  • More serious risks include life-threatening blood clots, stroke, and heart attack.
  • It is our goal to find treatments and possibly a cure for this rare, life-threatening disease that robs children of their adulthood.
  • His book chronicles a young doctor's battle with a rare and life-threatening blood disease, paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria.
  • Patients are to be encouraged to check if hospital staff have washed their hands in a major drive to tackle life-threatening superbugs.
  • It is an acute, life-threatening febrile illness caused by the bacterium Salmonella typhi.
  • However, in a small proportion of patients, particularly young children and the elderly, the infection can result in life-threatening complications, such as haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS), for example. 1. What is Escherichia coli O157:H7?
  • In rare instances, it can progress to a life-threatening condition called eclampsia.
  • The most critical is a life-threatening weakness in the aorta -- the major blood vessel from the heart.
  • In some people, E. coli O157: H7 infection can cause a complication called hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a life-threatening condition that is usually treated in an intensive care unit. Escherichia Coli O157~H7
  • It is when body energy is exhausted that hypothermia becomes potentially life-threatening.
  • I think it would be worth the life-threatening beating to see the look on the car washers' faces.
  • Sitting across from his physician, who is rapidly regurgitating multi-syllabic medical terms into his Dictaphone that describe the life-threatening tumor growing on Adam's spine, we see first-hand how the shadow of death blurs and clarifies a person's version of what's real, solidifies and disintegrates relationships, and brings out the best and worst in ourselves and in those we love or who we think love us. Rev. Amy Ziettlow: Seeing '50/50' Through The Eyes Of Psalm 23
  • In spite of these concerns, less than half of moms surveyed are adequately prepared to handle a life-threatening allergic reaction - 43 percent of moms surveyed said they carry or have immediate access to an epinephrine auto-injector, such as EpiPen® (epinephrine) and EpiPen® Jr Auto-Injectors 0.3/0.15 mg. ( Undefined
  • Bone marrow transplantation is used to treat many patients diagnosed with leukemia the most common cancer among children, aplastic anemia, lymphomas, and other life-threatening diseases. Chris McGowan: Brazil: A World Leader in Bone Marrow Donors
  • Nine days later the leg had to be amputated because of a life-threatening infection and damage to the nerves and arteries.
  • Overweight children should be put on Atkins-style diets to lose weight and prevent life-threatening diseases, a cancer specialist has claimed.
  • Randy Schultz described as nonlife-threatening injuries. The Green Bay Press-Gazette Latest Headlines
  • Because inhalant use is prevalent, and inhalants are easily accessible and life-threatening, e.g., can cause brain injury and speech impairment, it is critical to understand the factors associated with this drug use behavior.
  • MRSA commonly colonizes in the nostrils, can cause life-threatening pneumonias, can necrotize skin and wound infections, and is a particular risk to children, the elderly, and people with weak immune systems. Health News from Medical News Today
  • Only 10 per cent of hysterectomies are for life-threatening ovarian and uterine cancer, bleeding or infection, she claims. Times, Sunday Times
  • Inc. for its phase III compound isavuconazole, a potential best-in-class azole antifungal, for the treatment of life-threatening invasive fungal infections. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • A live, replicating virus, vaccinia can cause side effects, which on rare occasions can be serious and potentially life-threatening.
  • However, it was turned away once paramedics realised the laceration was not life-threatening, a spokesman said.
  • Dixon-Woods agrees that better food labeling, more education and stricter regulation is necessary to reduce misunderstanding and negative attitudes about nut allergies -- especially in the United States, where peanut-based products are ubiquitous and the word allergy is frequently used to describe non-life-threatening conditions such as hay fever. The Full Feed from
  • Jealousy in romance is like salt in food. A little can enhance the savor, but too much can spoil the pleasure and, under certain circumstances, can be life-threatening. Maya Angelou 
  • The shooting victim did not suffer life-threatening injuries and has now been released from hospital.
  • The driver was badly hurt, but his injuries were not thought to be life-threatening.
  • Eye - tach - A spoof of V-tach which is short for Ventricular Tachycardia, a life-threatening cardiac arrhythmia. Blog Articles
  • Initially, therefore, it is necessary to concentrate on the primary substance or process of addiction because this may be life-threatening.
  • If the developing embryo does not implant in the right location -- such as an ectopic pregnancy -- then the surgery to deal with this life-threatening mishap is not an "abortion", because there is no viable pregnancy to abort. Help Stop the Re-Definition of Contraception as Abortion
  • Aspirin and drugs like ibuprofen and naproxen can cause life-threatening ulcers.
  • Medical professionals will tell you that both types of diabetes are serious because they can cause the same debilitating and life-threatening diabetic complications, including heart attack, stroke, nerve damage, kidney failure, blindness, amputation, gastro-paresis, and sexual dysfunction. Riva Greenberg: The Type 1 Versus Type 2 Diabetes War
  • It's not for that reason, but it's for what we call pulmonary hypertension, when the blood pressure in the lungs is extremely high, and life-threatening levels, Viagra can help. CNN Transcript Mar 8, 2005
  • Initially, therefore, it is necessary to concentrate on the primary substance or process of addiction because this may be life-threatening.
  • Young children and the elderly are at highest risk for a potentially life-threatening complication known as hemolytic uremic syndrome HUS, which includes kidney failure. William Marler: What's Up With Nuts?
  • When chemical pneumonia is not treated it can be life-threatening. Hydrocarbons
  • I was interested now I realized her brainwave didn't involve me in anything illegal or life-threatening. KICK BACK
  • For its phase III compound isavuconazole, a potential best-in-class azole antifungal for the treatment of life-threatening invasive fungal infections, the company has entered into a license, co-development and co-promotion agreement with Astellas Pharma Inc. Reuters: Press Release
  • The secondary toxicity of TCE, and perhaps the most life-threatening, is its ability to sensitize the myocardium to catecholamines. Poison prevention for Delaware, Lehigh Valley, S.E. Pennsylvania
  • By definition, disasters are life-threatening events that can overtax the ability of people to respond.
  • She was taken to hospital with hypothermia, with what were first thought to be life-threatening injuries.
  • To stave off a life-threatening infection and to keep the possibility of a future birth alive, I had what's called dilation and evacuation or "d & e. Rep. Jackie Speier: "Abortion" Fuels Intolerant Thinking
  • Doctors said if the condition had continued undiagnosed, it could have been life-threatening.
  • Life-threatening theophylline toxicity is not predictable by serum levels. Theophylline
  • In a pointed dissent, Justice Eugene Nardelli took a "dimmer" view of Lillian S. 's behavior, saying that she played "fast and loose" with her youngest son's health by concealing his true parentage from health care providers and creating "potentially life-threatening gaps" in his medical history. - Newswire
  • These protein products, which are prepared from plasma via a process known as fractionation, are used to treat a wide variety of serious and often life-threatening conditions such as shock, trauma, infections, immunological disorders, Hemophilia A and B, and other blood disorders. Reuters: Press Release
  • Initially, therefore, it is necessary to concentrate on the primary substance or process of addiction because this may be life-threatening.
  • View larger image »may result in severe kidney damage (renal dysplasia) and underdevelopment of the lungs (pulmonary hypoplasia), which are life-threatening conditions. Lower Urinary Tract Obstruction (LUTO)
  • In addition to potentially life-threatening conditions, extremely obese patients may be troubled by conditions associated with skin compression, such as intertrigo and venous stasis ulcers.
  • It can range in severity from an occasional annoyance to a chronic, life-threatening condition; exercise, allergies and airborne dust or other irritants can set off attacks. New Surgery to Treat Asthma
  • She had to balance her life-threatening situation with the pending child custody case with her ex-husband.
  • Will the youth violence typical of these nights, particularly property damage and life-threatening behavior in the form of intentional firesetting, escalate as the Stimulus bill FAILS? Latest Articles
  • Later, it was also determined he had a rare and potentially life-threatening condition called agenesis corpus callosum, which occurs when a portion of the brain fails to develop properly. Ventura County Star Stories
  • Take the anticancer drug Purinethol: A variant in agene called TPMT causes one in 300 childhood leukemia patients to suffer life-threatening side effects from the med. 15th Anniversary: DNA-Customized Medicine Still Stuck in the Pipeline
  • The captain's colleagues received shrapnel wounds but their injuries are not thought to be life-threatening.
  • A scan showed that my skull had a hairline fracture and that I had a life-threatening blood clot on the brain.
  • She was air lifted by helicopter to Airedale General Hospital at Steeton with non-life-threatening injuries.
  • About pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a chronic, life-threatening disorder characterized by abnormally high blood pressure in the arteries between the heart and lungs of an affected individual. Reuters: Press Release
  • If human food or utensils come in contact with roach feces, then there's the chance of life-threatening illness.
  • He sees many patients with a condition known as actinic keratosis—small, rough, raised areas on the skin that can develop into squamous cell carcinoma, a cancer that in turn can spread to internal organs and be life-threatening. Reckoning With the Sun
  • A few hours before the onset of what is supposed to be a multi-day and life-threatening blizzard, over one hundred Chicagoans gathered to sample Chicago s best seafood chowders at the Columbia Yacht Club. Caroline O'Donovan: At the Chowdah Fest
  • The trust is a unique organisation that provides a vital service in the community to families who have a child with a life-threatening or terminal illness.
  • He suffered injuries to his arms and legs during an attack which resulted in life-threatening injuries.
  • This led to what Mr. Burnett described — in oblique terms — as a true life-threatening event. A Bad Business
  • For the phobic this doesn't translate to Sables, who some find life-threateningly cloying- the imitation immortelle along with the thoroughgoing clove just makes one want to lean in and sniff. Washington Tremlett Clove Absolute: Perfume Review
  • Patients who experience life-threatening hemorrhage, toxic megacolon, or fulminant colitis need emergent surgical management, which usually consists of a total abdominal colectomy with end ileostomy.
  • That being whatever it takes to downscale life-threatening situations.

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