How To Use Life expectancy In A Sentence

  • Second, lump sum payments are worked out on the basis of an assumed life expectancy.
  • With longer life expectancy it is inevitable that less will be passed on to the next generation. Times, Sunday Times
  • On average, Maori life expectancy is 10 years less than that of Pakeha.
  • The average life expectancy was 40.
  • The wearable device allows people to monitor smoke and project the damage passive smoking can do to their heart, lungs and life expectancy.
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  • A dramatic improvement in health status is anticipated with life expectancy going beyond current forecasts.
  • And, while we are at it, and just to pick up on one of Arnold's areas of interest, the overwhelming majority of students and people are completely unaware of how lousy is the US performance in life expectancy and infant mortality compared to the rest of the world, nor how much more we pay for this wonderful performance than do those elsewhere. I Heart Textbook Authors, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The life expectancy benefit of heat is large, too: These longevity gains associated with long term trends in geographical mobility account for 8%-15% of the total gains in life expectancy experienced by the US population over the past 30 years. Climate Preferences: Seek Life, Seek Heat, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • I had poutine there as a side dish with my turkey burger and took several years off my life expectancy. The Sun
  • Life expectancy was short for the early SAS. The Sun
  • Advances in medicine are increasing life expectancy and diseases which are dread killers today will be curable tomorrow.
  • With longer, healthier life expectancy, a working life condition seems fairer than just using chronological age. Times, Sunday Times
  • Life expectancy is looked on as a measure of civilisation, if not the principal index of cultural achievement.
  • The average life expectancy in some neighborhoods in Baltimore is 20 years lower than in neighborhoods one mile away. Christianity Today
  • Life expectancy is high and infant mortality low. Times, Sunday Times
  • The gap in life expectancy between rich people and poor people is large. Times, Sunday Times
  • Or is it the case that footballers have generally been poorer and thus their life expectancy is lower? Times, Sunday Times
  • Average life expectancy has increased by around four years in the past two decades. The Sun
  • It has very low infant mortality and high life expectancy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Pope's view are congruous to the Catholic Church's position when matters involving human sexuality are concerned, and the Church's opposition to the use of contraception has elicited a correlation of large families and lower life expectancy in the world's poorest continent. Michael Mungai: The Bait of Christian Fundamentalism in Africa
  • These pay a higher income because your life expectancy is shorter. Times, Sunday Times
  • The county has the healthiest residents who have the longest life expectancy. The Sun
  • The number of centenarians has risen ninetyfold over the past century as life expectancy has increased. Times, Sunday Times
  • When most of us relied on annuities, life expectancy was something we could largely ignore. Times, Sunday Times
  • Life expectancy is high and infant mortality low. Times, Sunday Times
  • First, there have been substantial improvements in mortality over this century which are reflected in increased life expectancy.
  • Research into ageing in larger mammals gives an insight into human life expectancy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Research into ageing in larger mammals gives an insight into human life expectancy. Times, Sunday Times
  • He couldn't swallow and had a limited life expectancy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Life expectancy in Europe has increased greatly in the 20th century.
  • Since average life expectancy is increasing by five hours each day, the numbers of really senior citizens will swell. Times, Sunday Times
  • As food was gradually derationed - it was completely derationed only in about 1956-public health started to improve and, mercifully, life expectancy began increasing.
  • Or is it the case that footballers have generally been poorer and thus their life expectancy is lower? Times, Sunday Times
  • Hospice services are provided for patients with a predicted life expectancy of 6 months or less who have elected palliative rather than curative care.
  • It recognises that predicting life expectancy is fiendishly difficult. Times, Sunday Times
  • Your life expectancy is another consideration, as is that of your partner and any dependants.
  • Prominent anthropologist Margaret Mead once noted that the increasing life expectancy of Americans made it absurd to think that all marriages would or even should endure for a lifetime.
  • This was because the missed cases were not typical of the cohort as a whole but comprised a subset with a lower life expectancy.
  • Life expectancy at birth for men and women is 43 years. Times, Sunday Times
  • They have a short life expectancy because of the hardship they endure. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other factors to take into account are the age profile and life expectancy of the workforce. Sharing the Success - the story of NFC
  • Due to life expectancy these boilers have not been priced for conversion.
  • Eyeballs can blister and eyelids seal up, and life expectancy can be significantly reduced.
  • Playing golf means you can extend your life expectancy by up to five years. The Sun
  • Calculating life expectancy is a tough task that requires analyzing extensive information about how people died and how old they were, as well as statistical modeling to predict how long people born today will live if current trends continue. Hispanics' Lifespan Longest In US, CDC says
  • The life expectancy of late 18th-century colourmen was short. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other factors to take into account are the age profile and life expectancy of the workforce. Sharing the Success - the story of NFC
  • I returned home to cheering news from Kingster, who had kindly e-mailed to let me know just how limited my life expectancy is.
  • They have a short life expectancy because of the hardship they endure. Times, Sunday Times
  • The child mortality rate has more than doubled in the past decade and the average life expectancy at birth is just 58 years.
  • To buy anything, you must forfeit some of your life expectancy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Last week I decided to start running again, figuring maybe I could tack on a few hours to my life expectancy.
  • Scientists estimate that smoking reduces life expectancy by around 12 years on average.
  • Average life expectancy has sunk dramatically and young people have been robbed of any chance to find a reasonable job.
  • People in manual occupations have a lower life expectancy.
  • More difficult to predict is the life expectancy of the cam belt. Times, Sunday Times
  • Plus we special humans have a longer life expectancy. The Sun
  • Smoking reduces life expectancy by up to eight years. The Sun
  • Everything is plain now and consequently has a longer life expectancy within the hotel. Times, Sunday Times
  • Life expectancy has risen, and many diseases, including plague, smallpox, cholera, and typhus, have been eliminated.
  • Advances in healthcare mean that more people survive road traffic accidents, heart attacks and stabbings, and life expectancy is going up. Times, Sunday Times
  • A host of mistakes and surprises undermined the schemes: the restrictions on alleged "overfunding" introduced by Lord Nigel Lawson; tighter regulation, in response to injustices and scandals; errors by actuaries in forecasting life expectancy and prospective returns at the peak of the stock market bubble; and declining interest rates. Gordon Brown Admits He Was Wrong...Sort Of
  • Since average life expectancy is increasing by five hours each day, the numbers of really senior citizens will swell. Times, Sunday Times
  • Salt water and wet bilges will expedite the deterioration, although 10-15 years is a reasonable life expectancy.
  • Life expectancy for both men and women has improved greatly in the past 20 years.
  • Another preoccupation is the question of how to provide safe retirement incomes for a population whose life expectancy is steadily increasing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Furthermore, advances in medical management have increased life expectancy and also patients with orthopaedic injuries.
  • Smoking reduces life expectancy by up to eight years. The Sun
  • The Kremlin also spent less and less on its "nonproductive" health system, which was one reason for a remarkable trend revealed by Western demographers: in the 1970s the Soviet Union became the first industrialized country in the world to experience rising infant mortality and declining life expectancy. A Callous View Of Human Life
  • It has very low infant mortality and high life expectancy. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is therefore crucial to include standardised mortality ratios alongside age weightings to correct for variations in life expectancy.
  • The authors also cautioned that low infant mortality and longer life expectancy tend to increase the incidence and prevalence of cancer.
  • More difficult to predict is the life expectancy of the cam belt. Times, Sunday Times
  • With the gap in male and female life expectancy enlarging, as the most developed city in China, Shanghai could and should establish survivor insurance system as soon as possible.
  • Its success has been based on the premise that people entering retirement with reduced life expectancy should receive higher annuity payments. Times, Sunday Times
  • It also shows the improvement in your life expectancy. The Sun
  • Life expectancy in Europe has increased greatly in the 20th century.
  • Using a caulk that has a 25-year life expectancy, such as siliconized acrylic, means you'll use less material and discard fewer empty caulk containers over the years. -
  • The county has the healthiest residents who have the longest life expectancy. The Sun
  • The whistling winds and sheets of rain mean our sash windows have a life expectancy of two years before they rot. Times, Sunday Times
  • It warned a rise would especially hit people with a lower life expectancy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Average life expectancy is 54; malaria, yellow fever and other diseases are rampant; and much of the population is engaged in subsistence farming of rice, yams and bananas.
  • There continued to be striking regional and social class variations in infant mortality and in life expectancy at later ages.
  • The only way to live is to shack up with losers whose natural life expectancy isn't much more than a mayfly on a good day.
  • Only one person in seven suffering from morbid obesity will live to his or her full life expectancy.
  • Biologists say the life expectancy of the wels catfish is 60 to 80 years; the oldest ones in the Ebro this year are only 33. Spain's Ebro River Is Big Catfish Country
  • Each hard drive has a MTBF mean time between failures which is essentially the life expectancy of a hardrive. It’s April Fool’s Day. Have You Backed Up Your Ebooks?
  • Until recently, biometrics was the science of statistically evaluating various aspects of life expectancy.
  • Three of the six have comfortably exceeded their normal life expectancy.
  • In other words, Indian life expectancy improved, both absolutely and relative to that for non-Indians.
  • With an average life expectancy, that same beneficiary will collect a monthly check for five years beyond that.
  • These projections are based on assumptions about fertility and life expectancy as both these measures are independent of the age structure of the population.
  • And far from rejoicing in the increased life expectancy of people his age, he seemed to take comfort from the thought that he had not ‘far to go’.
  • Greyhound life expectancy is usually only about 10 years for one his size, and they are also a notorious breed for not doing as well under anesthesia, in fact there is a separate protocol vets follow for putting sighthounds under.
  • They showed a continued increase in life expectancy and drops in premature deaths from cancer and circulatory diseases. Times, Sunday Times
  • The average life expectancy of a child with Down syndrome was 9 years in 1910.
  • Their average life expectancy was 12 years less than that of whites, their infant mortality rate twice that of whites.
  • Each page through a printer or copier takes another bit of ink off the ribbon, or another copy off of the machine's life expectancy.
  • Well, a day-long hangover after going to a party held by some of the Falmouth Art School's Professional Writing group, in fact, but the general sense of being adrift in a godless void with a very short life expectancy was much the same.
  • It warned a rise would especially hit people with a lower life expectancy. Times, Sunday Times
  • In addition, the life expectancy for women in 16 of the 27 countries studied has gone down.
  • The whistling winds and sheets of rain mean our sash windows have a life expectancy of two years before they rot. Times, Sunday Times
  • University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, who has studied health inequalities and reproductive patterns, points out that healthy life expectancy is short for African Americans and women depend on extended family networks for support. New Scientist - Online News
  • Poverty and poor housing correlate with a shorter life expectancy.
  • Obesity is associated with multiple morbid conditions and a loss in life expectancy.
  • The life expectancy of the average male has already increased by 10 years in the last half century. Times, Sunday Times
  • Reasons for exclusion from the study included previous cancer, thromboembolic disease, current use of anticoagulants, shortened life expectancy, and desire for future pregnancy.
  • To buy anything, you must forfeit some of your life expectancy. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the extremes, the gap in life expectancy is wide: There is a nearly 18-year difference in life expectancy between black men and Asian/Pacific Islander women (69.4 vs. 86.9 years). Glenn D. Braunstein, M.D.: Unraveling the Latino Paradox
  • Life expectancy at birth for men and women is 43 years. Times, Sunday Times
  • Patients expressed a continuing need for hope even when they knew and accepted that they were in the terminal stages of disease and had a limited life expectancy.
  • They have a short life expectancy because of the hardship they endure. Times, Sunday Times
  • Regulation 3 permits a scheme to provide for commutation of the whole of the benefit where the pension credit member has a brief life expectancy or where the pension payable would be nominal.
  • Life expectancy in Europe has increased greatly in the 20th century.
  • This was a world of short life expectancy, poor nutrition and daily conflict with the ruling authority and nature.
  • When most of us relied on annuities, life expectancy was something we could largely ignore. Times, Sunday Times
  • These pay a higher income because your life expectancy is shorter. Times, Sunday Times
  • Life expectancy was short for the early SAS. The Sun
  • Everything is plain now and consequently has a longer life expectancy within the hotel. Times, Sunday Times
  • The whistling winds and sheets of rain mean our sash windows have a life expectancy of two years before they rot. Times, Sunday Times
  • A number of social factors influence life expectancy.
  • Women live longer than men, so men get higher annuity payments in recognition of their shorter average life expectancy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Scientists estimate that smoking reduces life expectancy by around 12 years on average.
  • Fitness differences are best understood as reproductive expectancy differences analogous to normalized life expectancy differences.
  • In the past twenty years, typical life expectancy has improved by two years per decade. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was a markedly lower life expectancy in the older industrial regions of the north, Wales, and Scotland, than in the county towns and spas of the English south-east and the West Midlands.
  • The whistling winds and sheets of rain mean our sash windows have a life expectancy of two years before they rot. Times, Sunday Times
  • You know, futurists tell us if we're alive in the year 2010, that our life expectancy's 125, OK?
  • We have higher mortality rates for infants, the poor and people of color and lower life expectancy rates than single payor countries with socialized health care. Brothers spar over health care reform
  • The life expectancy of a sufferer is around 13, though some are given a sunnier prognosis. The Sun
  • Most life expectancy for the buck seems to be in lessening the need for health care rather than increasing the supply of it. Benefits of Health Care Spending, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Life expectancy is high and infant mortality low. Times, Sunday Times
  • People in manual occupations have a lower life expectancy.
  • Life expectancy is only longer because fewer babies die; people who reach 65 live about the same number of years as they used to. Dave Johnson: Eight False Things the Public "Knows" Prior to Election Day
  • Life expectancy in advanced economies has risen sharply. Times, Sunday Times
  • When most of us relied on annuities, life expectancy was something we could largely ignore. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not to mention that your core supporters ovet the age of 65 will be very much dimished in the next 8 years due to expiratory life expectancy! Vilsack says it's over
  • So the first volunteer needs a very short life expectancy. Times, Sunday Times
  • We will introduce strict standards of life expectancy for consumer durables and encourage deposit-refund schemes.
  • Also, even if you don't have a very long life expectancy right now, if you let me write your obituary I am changing your birthdate so it looks like you were at least 200- 'cause otherwise the amount of stuff you have done will shame me far too much as a lesser being who actually would rather NOT, say, spelunk in active volcanoes... you're going to respond and say you've done that, aren't you? Things I think about in bed, and why I need to get out MORE
  • In almost all societies, the life expectancy at birth is longer for females than for males. Sociology
  • If he's extremely obese and a smoker, his life expectancy is 60, a difference of 21 years. Extreme obesity can shorten people's lives by 12 years
  • “Comparing life expectancy without looking at differences in ethnicity and lifestyles is ridiculous.” Matthew Yglesias » The Costs of Inaction
  • The real problem is that people receive a plus 2 to minus 2 percent return on their money in Social Security, depending upon the life expectancy of their ethnic and gender group.
  • We're hopelessly pessimistic about life expectancy. Times, Sunday Times
  • He never had the kind of bonafide drug or alcohol problem that plagues nearly every successful rock musician eventually, and therefore can probably count on having a normal life expectancy, which not only fills me with unimaginable delight but also makes me wonder how the hell this man is going to come up with a comparable third act, and, yes, a satisfying denouement. Archive 2010-03-01
  • There continued to be striking regional and social class variations in infant mortality and in life expectancy at later ages.
  • “In the three decades since the Revolution, the Islamic Republic—despite its poor image abroad—has taken significant steps toward fulfilling these promises,” notes historian Ervand Abrahamian.10 Illiteracy and fertility rates have dropped, while student enrollment and life expectancy have soared. Let the Swords Encircle Me
  • The undreamed of improvements in average life expectancy in the 20th century have thrust ageing to the forefront of attention, and more old people are alive today than at any time in history.
  • Doing screening tests on patients whose life expectancy is extremely limited because of cancer is just not a cost-effective thing to do," said Dr. Allen Lichter, CEO of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, who wasn't involved in the research. Overtesting Cancer Patients In Late Stages
  • Until the 1930s, the life expectancy of a baby with the disease was only a few months.
  • If you look at previous attempts by actuaries to extrapolate trends, the forecasts have always undershot - and better lifestyles and medical advances have accelerated the improvement in life expectancy.
  • [chuckles] that with the so-called undernutrition diet -- that is, based on concepts other that those of the diet recommended in the developed world -- human life expectancy is considerably increased. Castro Addresses Close of Health Conference
  • Data from the British regional heart study, a long running cohort begun in middle aged men, suggests that light drinkers have the same life expectancy as lifelong teetotallers.
  • Its success has been based on the premise that people entering retirement with reduced life expectancy should receive higher annuity payments. Times, Sunday Times
  • Differences in life expectancy between socioeconomic groups have widened, mainly as a result of faster rates of improvement in affluent groups.
  • To qualify for the study, participants had to have a life expectancy of six months or less and have terminal cancer or heart disease.
  • Second, Aids has slashed life expectancy in many countries, killing the most economically productive generation and leaving orphans and elderly.
  • So you didn't know what you were going to get, what you were going to meet, and it was no wonder that the life expectancy of a subaltern in those days was about 10 weeks.
  • We have a declining birth rate and increased life expectancy, along with a marked reluctance to pay into a private pension plan.
  • One of the most remarkable achievements of modern industrial capitalism is the increase in life expectancy.
  • There continued to be striking regional and social class variations in infant mortality and in life expectancy at later ages.
  • We will introduce strict standards of life expectancy for consumer durables and encourage deposit-refund schemes.
  • The life expectancy of the average male has already increased by 10 years in the last half century. Times, Sunday Times
  • At first, I was a dozer operator with a life expectancy of 15 seconds. ERNEST RAY LESTER JR
  • With an average life expectancy, that same beneficiary will collect a monthly check for five years beyond that.
  • These have shown that tamoxifen alone is inadequate treatment (and so, probably, is treatment with aromatase inhibitors alone) and should be given only to very frail women with a life expectancy of less than a year.
  • The drugs are not a panacea but they do improve quality of life and boost life expectancy.
  • Equally, there is a lot of research to show that stress and overwork reduces life expectancy. Times, Sunday Times
  • To buy anything, you must forfeit some of your life expectancy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Life expectancy is adjusted to allow for the fact that people live part of their lives in less than full health.
  • Its success has been based on the premise that people entering retirement with reduced life expectancy should receive higher annuity payments. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her sons have an inherited condition called cystic fibrosis that cuts short their life expectancy. BBC News - Home
  • In the past twenty years, typical life expectancy has improved by two years per decade. Times, Sunday Times
  • Heart failure is a deadly serious condition, but with good treatments people can double or triple their life expectancy.
  • Playing golf means you can extend your life expectancy by up to five years. The Sun
  • However, heavy drinkers have shortened life expectancy as a result of accidents and diseases, including liver cirrhosis.
  • Poverty and poor housing correlate with a shorter life expectancy.
  • They have a short life expectancy because of the hardship they endure. Times, Sunday Times
  • People who are lower in the hierarchy tend to have worse health and shorter life expectancy.
  • So the first volunteer needs a very short life expectancy. Times, Sunday Times
  • More than 80 percent of its population is literate, and life expectancy is over 70 years.
  • It has very low infant mortality and high life expectancy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The genetic fault, which causes familial hypercholesterolemia, can shorten life expectancy by 20 to 30 years. The Sun
  • Comparing life expectancy without looking at differences in ethnicity and lifestyles is ridiculous. Matthew Yglesias » The Costs of Inaction
  • The increase in life expectancy is very small by comparison. Mark Weisbrot: French Protesters Have It Right: No Need to Raise Retirement Age
  • I commented on this over in Marginal Revolution to say that (from a variety of evidence) I think it is probably true that extra schooling improves life expectancy and increases health, and that this may be due to inculcation of abstract systematic thinking - www. Schooling and Health, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • This gap in healthy life expectancy between affluent older people and those on low incomes is a major cause for concern. Times, Sunday Times
  • Equally, there is a lot of research to show that stress and overwork reduces life expectancy. Times, Sunday Times
  • How do you archive these materials for later reference as well as maximize the material's life expectancy?
  • Infant and child mortality have dropped sharply, and life expectancy has risen considerably.
  • Life expectancy is short and the quality of life grim. Times, Sunday Times
  • A number of social factors influence life expectancy.
  • There continued to be striking regional and social class variations in infant mortality and in life expectancy at later ages.
  • Despite the overall increase in life expectancy, there remain wide geographical disparities. Times, Sunday Times
  • In fact, the venting of the media is very slight so that very little ingress of atmospheric pollutants is likely to access the disk surfaces; hence, one can expect a much longer life expectancy associated with this effect.
  • Whether we are ready to link retirement age to life expectancy. Times, Sunday Times
  • It can cut musculoskeletal disorders, obesity and lengthen life expectancy. The Sun
  • Life expectancy is short and the quality of life grim. Times, Sunday Times
  • Life expectancy edged downward in the decades prior to the breakup of the Soviet Union.

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