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How To Use Lie with In A Sentence

  • The 60 mostly uninhabited islands which comprise the group lie within an area only 20 miles square.
  • He had turned his head, and was looking oh-so-casually off toward the chromolithograph of Bonnie Prince Charlie with which Mrs. Baird had seen fit to decorate our wall. Sick Cycle Carousel
  • Yotam Ottolenghi's conchiglie with saffron, capers and raisins recipe - Articles related to Organic Bistro delivers fresh homemade meals
  • Most of the city's top tourist sights lie within a single wide bend in the river.
  • The ganglia of the fifth lumbar and first four sacral lie within the vertebral canal, but these are also extradural.
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  • Part of the blame must lie with social services.
  • [T] here are newcomer projects and new films by established directors - these include Joe Dante (e.g. Gremlins), Jorge Gaggero (Live-In Maid), Wang Chao (Luxury Car; The Orphan of Anyang) or Clément Virgo (Berlinale 2006: Lie With Me), as well as all-round talents such as Sarah Polley. GreenCine Daily: Berlinale. Jury, Panorama, Co-Production Market.
  • The fault does not lie with the government officials.
  • Responsibility for the disaster must ultimately lie with the government.
  • The implication from these results is that Leptosomus is definitely not a 'core coraciiform' (and definitely not a roller) and that, while its precise affinities remain rather unclear, it represents some sort of ancient lineage that might lie within the region of the tree that includes 'nightbirds' and swifts, or piciforms and/or 'core coraciiforms'. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • In the last analysis , the responsibility for this failure must lie with the minister.
  • The Stoics attribute the cause of sterility to the contrariant qualities and dispositions of those who lie with one another; but if it chance that these persons are separated, and there happen a conjunction of those who are of a suitable temperament, then there is a commixture according to nature, and by this means an infant is formed. Essays and Miscellanies
  • A Nietzschean may see it as a lie with which the feeble and timid console themselves for their inability to seize life as it should be seized.
  • The blame for the Charleston fiasco did not lie with him.
  • Does the problem lie with a supine regulator? Times, Sunday Times
  • Miles of golden beaches lie within reach. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first process -- the making of leather -- does not lie within the scope of this work; suffice it to say, that the hair or fur is first removed by lime, etc, and that after the skin is scraped it is treated variously with oak bark, valonia, sumach, divi-divi, etc.; it is a long and tedious process, and certainly does not lie within the province of Practical Taxidermy A manual of instruction to the amateur in collecting, preserving, and setting up natural history specimens of all kinds. To which is added a chapter upon the pictorial arrangement of museums. With additional instructions in modelling a
  • Another possible solution may lie with dual-purpose machines.
  • Pete Wishart, who sits for the Scottish Nationalist Party, felt the decision should lie with members of the Scottish parliament, and not with government down south.
  • The solution to the eurozone's woes must lie within Europe itself. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are skilled manipulators who lie with the proficiency of long practice.
  • London have come up with a different suggestion: what if the problem does not lie with the men, but with the viruses and bacteria? Times, Sunday Times
  • The blame for the Charleston fiasco did not lie with him.
  • In the pursuit of riches, it has chosen to lie with some odd bedfellows. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then we lie without a care on its remote pebble beach at the foot of a sheer rock face. Times, Sunday Times
  • Responsibility for the disaster must ultimately lie with the government.
  • Miss Gaskett "heeled" Wallie with flattering faithfulness and incidentally imparted the information that a friend from Zanesville, The Dude Wrangler
  • Part of the blame must lie with social services.
  • Does a plot hatched abroad but aimed at the homeland properly lie with an internal security service or an external intelligence agency? Times, Sunday Times
  • And having enquir'd into the History of Cork, I find it reckoned as an excrescency of the bark of a certain Tree, which is distinct from the two barks that lie within it, which are common also to other trees; That 'tis some time before the Cork that covers the young and tender sprouts comes to be discernable; Micrographia Some Physiological Descriptions of Minute Bodies Made by Magnifying Glasses with Observations and Inquiries Thereupon
  • All tenements are located in North Kivu Province of the east-central Democratic Republic of the Congo and lie within in one of the world's principal gold and tin metallogenic provinces. Reuters: Press Release
  • Jenny's," cried Millie with a sudden upspring of hope. The Summons
  • Several canonical and noncanonical nucleotide sequences, called E-boxes, lie within this region and show a wide range of DNA-binding affinities for the Sc-Da complexes.
  • Does a plot hatched abroad but aimed at the homeland properly lie with an internal security service or an external intelligence agency? Times, Sunday Times
  • The possible values of energy are found to lie within a series of bands.
  • The onus of responsibility for identifying fraudsters should lie with the fraudster's bank. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whatever the detail of the debates over incapacity benefit, there is no doubt that his sympathies do not lie with those he would consider shirkers.
  • And it came to pass on the morrow, that the firstborn said unto the younger, Behold, I lay yesternight with my father: let us make him drink wine this night also; and go thou in, and lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father. Matthew Yglesias » Endgame
  • Does a plot hatched abroad but aimed at the homeland properly lie with an internal security service or an external intelligence agency? Times, Sunday Times
  • Oliveto Citra, Rocca da spide, and Genzano di Lucania: All the places mentioned lie within the borders of ancient Lucania; today some are in Basilicata and others in Campania. The Spartacus War
  • With them, moreover, we maintain, that in doctrines which lie within the grasp of human reason, it is proper and a duty to expect and to inculcate a harmony between the teachings of revelation and the dictates of reason, thus to exhibit and confirm the _intrinsic moral fitness and glory of those truths of revelation_. American Lutheranism Vindicated; or, Examination of the Lutheran Symbols, on Certain Disputed Topics Including a Reply to the Plea of Rev. W. J. Mann
  • Pete Wishart, who sits for the SNP, felt the decision should lie with members of the Scottish parliament, and not with government riff-raff down south.
  • I'm heavily involved in all aspects of the broader project, but my own interests really lie with rocks-the aquifer system that is flowing underneath North Pond, and what kind of intraterrestrial microbes might colonize rock, inhabiting the nooks and crannies of volcanic basalt and catalyzing reactions that result in "weathering" - like what you can see on old buildings, roads and rock outcrops on the continents. Scientific American
  • My loyalties, however, lie with one uncle only, and his name starts with a capital S.
  • Responsibility for the disaster must ultimately lie with the government.
  • Recourse to the discourse of human rights allows one to distinguish inexpiable crimes from those that lie within the realm of law and redemption.
  • A meibomian cyst is an enlargement of the glands that lie within the eyelid and which secrete lipids.
  • But the real difficulties lie with the uncharismatic cast. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first process -- the making of leather -- does not lie within the scope of this work; suffice it to say, that the hair or fur is first removed by lime, etc, and that after the skin is scraped it is treated variously with oak bark, valonia, sumach, divi-divi, etc.; it is a long and tedious process, and certainly does not lie within the province of Practical Taxidermy A manual of instruction to the amateur in collecting, preserving, and setting up natural history specimens of all kinds. To which is added a chapter upon the pictorial arrangement of museums. With additional instructions in modelling a
  • The fault does not lie with the government officials.
  • I believe the leaking of organophosphates out into the wider community must lie with the farmers.
  • And odd whiles I did lie with mine eyes half to open, and did look very dreamful upward among the dark branches of the tree, as they did show black and pretty against the redness of the shining that came from the sea; for there was stood a great and bright-burning fire-hill in that part of the sea that lay off the shore from me. The Night Land
  • Her sympathies lie with the anti-abortion lobby.
  • Brain scans showed the neurons generating dread lie within the same area that produces pain. The Sun
  • Then she added, ‘If, however, my husband return yet again to the cookmaid and lie with her, I will restore thee to thy lost place in my favours.’ The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The values measured lie within the mainstream range for bryophytes of similar habitats and of vascular mesophytes.
  • Sovereign power will continue to lie with the Supreme People's Assembly.
  • Then we lie without a care on its remote pebble beach at the foot of a sheer rock face. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then we lie without a care on its remote pebble beach at the foot of a sheer rock face. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ultimate decision could lie with the ABA and the lottery funding and sponsorship deals they can come up with.
  • At last, I lie with closed eyes, as boneless and flaccid as one of the cats. MOON PASSAGE
  • He can pirouette and plié with the best of them but he needs professional help to dance his way to the top.
  • He was best placed to take advantage and went on to win from Charlie with McAlpin third.
  • And leaving Charlie with her brow crinkled in thought, Todd turned his attention to Katrina. FINAL RESORT
  • (As I shall suggest shortly, Austen sees local attachmentsintimate insidershipand national consciousnessfellow-feeling that is extended over a wider arenaas equally un-natural: indeed, as products of acts of the imagination, both lie within the jurisdiction of an imaginist like Emma.) Social Theory at Box Hill: Acts of Union
  • Miles of golden beaches lie within reach. Times, Sunday Times
  • When I returned to town, I was a good deal intoxicated, ranged the streets, and having met with a comely, fresh-looking girl, madly ventured to lie with her on the north brae of the castle hill.
  • In the last analysis , the responsibility for this failure must lie with the minister.
  • Dim the lighting – it is unpleasant to lie with a bright light shining in your eyes.
  • Can they lie with a straight face to their co-workers, customers or business associates?
  • Normally responsibility for designing the firm's questions will lie with the client company. Basic Marketing. Principles and Practice
  • Sovereign power will continue to lie with the Supreme People's Assembly.
  • But soon, the trainers pepped up Charlie with a little bit of sweet-talking.
  • Maybe you should be less of a hack and admit that a system where politicians lie with impunity is unworkable and undemocratic. Matthew Yglesias » Are Televised Negotiations Even Possible?
  • In any account of a siege, one's sympathies inevitably lie with the besieged.
  • Dim the lighting – it is unpleasant to lie with a bright light shining in your eyes.
  • Another Scourie loch which has a delightful story does not really lie within the boundary of the hotel fishings.
  • The first, the ‘retort courteous; ’ the second, the ‘quip modest; ’ the third, the ‘reply churlish; ’ the fourth, the ‘reproof valiant; ’ the fifth, the ‘countercheck quarrelsome; ’ the sixth, the ‘lie with circumstance; ’ the seventh, the ‘lie direct. Act V. Scene IV. As You Like It
  • The answer to your search could lie with taking part in a jobseekers course at the Portlaoise Job Club.
  • The Jomac mine's three adits lie within the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area boundary.
  • Responsibility for the disaster must ultimately lie with the government.
  • This choice should lie with individual proprietors and is not a decision to be made by an interfering nanny state!
  • The androids hacked the little plastic grenade launcher into small pieces and bound Leslie with so many chains that only her eyes were visible.
  • Then we lie without a care on its remote pebble beach at the foot of a sheer rock face. Times, Sunday Times
  • Part of the blame must lie with social services.
  • In an emergency in the cold, conductive heat loss may be forgotten, with the casualty being well covered with blankets but continuing to lie with nothing between him and the ground.
  • Does a plot hatched abroad but aimed at the homeland properly lie with an internal security service or an external intelligence agency? Times, Sunday Times
  • Brain scans showed the neurons generating dread lie within the same area that produces pain. The Sun
  • Men don't go wilily to work in these days; but if they did, the notion of poor George, who could not keep a secret or tell a lie with easy grace if it were to save his life -- the notion of making him a diplomatist is very absurd. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 17, No. 097, January, 1876
  • The station, shopping centre and school lie within a one-mile radius of the house.
  • Dim the lighting – it is unpleasant to lie with a bright light shining in your eyes.
  • A stand-up goalie with a lightning quick glove, Osgood is as skillful as any other netminder in the league.
  • Jeunet made the capricious Amélie with her in 2001, and ‘capricious’ is the only word for a movie that itself strained to wed the serendipity of surrealism to the earthliness of affinity.
  • You could actually participate in telling a lie without uttering a single sound.
  • Her sympathies lie with the anti-abortion lobby.
  • The Preseli Hills, source of the Stonehenge bluestones, lie within one of the highly radiogenic areas in which the ‘Boscombe Bowmen’ were born.
  • These bullets lie within the padding or the margin of the list, depending on the browser.
  • Lash's political sympathies lie with the Agrarian Populists of 19th century America.
  • In the last analysis , the responsibility for this failure must lie with the minister.
  • Pete Wishart, who sits for the SNP, felt the decision should lie with members of the Scottish parliament, and not with government riff-raff down south.
  • Him whom we allowed formerly for a certain pleasant subtilty, and natural way of giving you an unexpected hit, called a droll, is now mimicked by a biter, who is a dull fellow, that tells you a lie with a grave face, and laughs at you for knowing him no better than to believe him. The Tatler, Volume 1, 1899
  • It was not unknown for a church to lie within a castle bailey itself, standing at the junction between the zone of lordship and the community beyond, and emphasising the seigneurial influence over ecclesiastical provision.
  • Does a plot hatched abroad but aimed at the homeland properly lie with an internal security service or an external intelligence agency? Times, Sunday Times
  • The roots of this tradition lie with the western, heterosexual androcentric values of the 19th century prescriptive grammar movement.
  • How shall we looke for better dealing at their hands hereafter, that in the beginning deale so vncourteouslie with vs: since there is no man that taketh so much as a wild beast, but at the first he will cherish it, and with some gentlenesse win it to familiaritie? Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (4 of 8) The Fovrth Booke Of The Historie Of England
  • The decision on whether to proceed lie with the minister.
  • Thorbiorn, and Eyiolf, and Styr accompanied Eric out beyond the islands, and they parted with the greatest friendliness; Eric said to them that he would render them similar aid, so far as it might lie within his power, if they should ever stand in need of his help. The Northmen, Columbus and Cabot, 985-1503
  • The answer, of course, does not lie within the hallowed halls of government, finance or business.
  • Fernando Noronha arrived at Junction Point Charlie with his wife Francisca, five of his nine children, the family dog and a cartload of belongings.
  • The fact that Menendez did have my name bolstered my suspicions that my problems didn't lie with Zerak and the campaign. Flash
  • Brain scans showed the neurons generating dread lie within the same area that produces pain. The Sun
  • Slide 32: • All this time the other helper has been making a bed of sage at the center, so that when the "lamenter" is tired he may lie with his head against the center and his feet stretching towards the east. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • I think the only answers lie with changing the zeitgeist and the mindsets of the people who run these organisations.
  • Sovereign power will continue to lie with the Supreme People's Assembly.
  • Then we lie without a care on its remote pebble beach at the foot of a sheer rock face. Times, Sunday Times
  • In particular, they don't know whether the potassium atoms lie within the picene planes or between the planes - although they believe the former to be more likely. all content

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