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How To Use Lid In A Sentence

  • As the holiday movie season winds down, we thought we'd preview the films of 2003 to see which ones stand out and which should stand down.
  • I chatter with enthusiasm whilst knobs of butter slide off the fishes' backs and sizzle to blister bubbles.
  • A few talented writers en dowed with originality and exceptional animation, a few brilliant efforts, isolated, without following, interrupted and recommenced, did not suffice to endow a nation with a solid and imposing basis of literary wealth. Literary and Philosophical Essays: French, German and Italian
  • I've been overdoing things a bit recently. I really need a holiday.
  • Some retailers, including Sears, have already held some "door-buster" early-morning sales, which makes Black Friday -- the day after Thanksgiving that's looked upon as a kick-off to the holiday shopping season -- a little "grayer," he said. Boulder Daily Camera Most Viewed
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  • Ingundis; and Leovigild, whose two sons, Hermenegild and Recared, were the issue of a former marriage.] [Footnote 128: Iracundiae furore succensa, adprehensam per comam capitis puellam in terram conlidit, et diu calcibus verberatam, ac sanguins cruentatam, jussit exspoliari, et piscinae immergi. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 3
  • The bolide probably prolonged and intensified the change, and may have weighed heavily in favor of mammals or birds and against non - avian dinosaurs.
  • The pilot shut off the motors and glided down to the landing field.
  • The Chinese Dragon Boat Festival is a significant holiday celebrated in China, and the one with the longest history. The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated by boat races in the shape of dragons. Competing teams row their boats forward to a drumbeat racing to reach the finish end first.
  • Have you made the reservations for our holiday yet?
  • Most pseudocheirids have a strongly prehensile tail (weakly so in the great glider and rock ringtail).
  • It freewheeled down the hill and collided with the car in which Mrs Reilly and her daughter were travelling.
  • The main component of the Earth's field – which defines the magnetic poles – is a dipole generated by the convection of molten nickel-iron in the outer core the inner core is solid, so its role is secondary; remember that the Earth's core is well above the Curie temperature, so the iron is not ferromagnetic. Does Zonal Swishing Play a Part in Earth's Magnetic Field Reversals? | Universe Today
  • He opens the door for me, and I slide in, scooting over to save him a trip.
  • She had refused all solid food.
  • The fact that your name adorned a jet over the skies over Afghanistan solidifies the bond all of us in the military share with the American people. CNN Transcript Mar 17, 2002
  • The machine then applies a thin, even layer of cells to a microscope slide for examination.
  • What links the eyes of these three coffins, beside the fact that all are painted, is that the inner canthus--the corner of the eye near the nose--descends abruptly and abuts the upper lid, giving them an East Asian appearance. Archive 2008-03-01
  • Visitors have reported seeing a dustbin lid moving by the pond because that's what he looks like. Times, Sunday Times
  • The colors cover the spectrum and there are solid as well as bicolor types.
  • We don't have good solid information on where the people are.
  • My garden had become a veritable jungle by the time I came back from holiday.
  • The card consolidate credit debt in photoflash intolerant false is of muton, due to the unaffectionate ad vocal that the barnacle yack ethene expense to repp as a perverted cymene. Rational Review
  • The boracic powder was lifted in my absence from the _Pharmacie_ to try and get the first glimmerings of a slide on that sticky creosoted floor. Fanny Goes to War
  • The Christmas penny jar will buy more food and drink than we could possibly consume over the holiday and there aren't any goodies I truly fancy finding in my stocking.
  • Another step forward was the progressive declarations of invalidity extended to certain laws, decrees, and edicts issued in Stalin's time.
  • A solid snake of people still wound back along the north shore of the loch.
  • Digital photography and fewer people taking holidays appear to be the main culprits there.
  • A separable reinforced concrete numerical model and fluid-solid interconnection method were used to predict the development of surface bulge in LS-DYNA.
  • As the scores indicate - typically gelid to frozen - the shots seem to fall in the unflattering to outright frightening range.
  • If you're keeping it traditional and not using Halloween as a three day extended party, you can get down on the actual holiday with the Latin funk of Pimps of Joytime and Nayas at Rock and Roll Hotel. Nightlife agenda
  • Part B (to be completed during the appraisal by the appraiser - where appropriate and safe to do so, certain items can completed by the appraiser before the appraisal, and then discussed and validated or amended in discussion with the appraisee during the appraisal.) name of appraiser: position: time managing appraisee: B1 Describe the purpose of the appraisee's job. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • We will show solidarity and we will obey the law. The Sun
  • Scrabble to its list of more commonplace activity holidays, such as painting and gardening. Times, Sunday Times
  • The lid won't come off accidentally , it's been fastened on.
  • He made some casual remark about her holiday.
  • He loves me and appreciates my finer points - especially the fact that I don't make him dress like me in a black turtleneck and coordinating cable-knit sweater for a holiday portrait.
  • Both of the boys jumped out onto the stage, and slid on their knees to the front of the stage.
  • Some paragliding pilots liken their sport to paddling a Class V river while blindfolded.
  • She used a knife to prise open the lid.
  • There was a label pasted on the lid, with an address, written in a business-like hand -- Henry Dunbar A Novel
  • In this crucible I have mixed together just one ounce of sugar and one and one-eighth ounces of solidified oxygen, solidified by the force of chemical affinity and bound up in a white salt called chlorate of potash. Religion and Chemistry
  • As luck would have it the winds had been howling onshore for almost a solid week.
  • Without these sagacities, the brickwork of the tambour, in addition to taking a very long time so that the concrete could dry up and solidify, would surely have been too heavy to support the dome.
  • His neighbour goes on holiday, and Danielle shows up to house-sit.
  • The Chinese Dragon Boat Festival is a significant holiday celebrated in China, and the one with the longest history. The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated by boat races in the shape of dragons. Competing teams row their boats forward to a drumbeat racing to reach the finish end first.
  • It doesn't stop you from using solid rocket motors or engines designed in archaic units. NASA Finds The Metric System Too Hard To Implement for Constellation - NASA Watch
  • At twenty thousand meters, with the pods still traveling at a high velocity, parachutes billowed out from the same boxes that had contained the glider wings.
  • That car collided with the vehicle in which Waltrick was riding.
  • He is a solid on the ball defender, which makes up for his unorthodox offensive game.
  • I'm saving all my leave to have a long holiday later in the year.
  • The majority of holiday flights depart and arrive on schedule.
  • There are three large and fully furnished bedrooms - a twin, a double and a single room, so there is lots of space for a family in Ireland on holiday.
  • Because today's a public holiday, Sunday night was without that familiar cramp in the neck from thinking about Monday's workload, even though I actually have to work later in the arvo today.
  • Not difficult, admittedly, but he remains a solid and dependable presence at the back. The Sun
  • The first two years provide a solid foundation in the basics of computing.
  • He had previously undergone insertion of a gold weight into the left upper eyelid.
  • No doubt some of these are metrosexuals, those city-dwelling gents with more than enough disposable income to spend on clothes, restaurants, the latest gadgets, exotic holidays and eyebrow waxing.
  • And that is the point: islands used to be the preserve of those who favoured exclusive getaway holidays. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some small villages in the northern Andes were left isolated as roads were blocked by slides.
  • At least half of the country's population voted, thereby validating the result.
  • The guarantee may be rendered invalid if the manufacturer's instructions are not followed.
  • A book made up of these; pictures in their order is such a solid, and the little pocket mutoscope exactly satisfies this description. The Fourth Dimension Simply Explained
  • My number one tipple over the holidays is mulled wine. The Sun
  • If the system is treating holidays like weekends, then the risk of substandard care is greatly increased across the year. Times, Sunday Times
  • And in any case, there will be plenty of memories gained and stories to embellish after another extravaganza of Celtic solidarity.
  • Yet Highland culture continues to flourish through the Gaelic language, piping, ceilidhs (informal gatherings with traditional music, dancing and poetry) and a full schedule of Highland games.
  • All were based on solid research into primary materials.
  • He it was who, in the 1850s, persuaded his reluctant coachman to make the first gliding flight in history, across the valley at Brompton.
  • Pondus limi, inde aworden is flæsc pund fyres of thon read is blod and hat factus est caro; pondus ignis, inde rubeus est sanguis et calidus; pund saltes of thon sindon salto tehero pund deawes of thon pondus salis, inde sunt salsae lacrimae; pondus roris, unde aworden is swat pund blostmes of thon is fagung egena factus est sudor; pondus floris, inde est uarietas oculorum; pund wolcnes of thon is unstydfullnisse _vel_ unstatholfæstnisse pondus nubis, inde est instabilitas thohta mentium; pund windes of thon is oroth cald pund gefe of thon is pondus uenti, inde est anhela frigida: pondus gratiae, id est thoht monnes sensus hominis. English Dialects From the Eighth Century to the Present Day
  • They move like one solid body, a single organism, a paramecium of men. The Memory Palace
  • Time to begin that long slide into the ashbin of history, Dick. Thursday Night Catchup All-Politics Edition « Gerry Canavan
  • Scented candles, especially the industrial strength and size that many people light around the holidays, give off more than fragrance-studies show they produce tiny bits of pollution known as particulates that can inflame the respiratory tract and aggravate asthma, Dr. Sublett says. Top headlines
  • His commentary to Euclid is of interest because of its discussion of unordered irrationals.
  • Besides its aesthetic qualities, the all rag paper has the solidity and the homogeneity needed in bibliophily.
  • Stripping off her leather breeches and boots, and her tunic, Isabella slid into the sudsy, herbal scented water of the tub, submersing her body up to her chin.
  • Suddenly, seeking high office, Liddy Dole was described as over-ambitious, chilly and nasty under the "syrupy" Southern accent. Caryl Rivers: Bad, Mad Michelle
  • We offer a competitive benefits package including medical insurance, paid vacation and holidays.
  • Home improvements, car purchases, holidays, computers, education and medical expenses are among the areas for loans most sought after by members.
  • I'm a pinheaded businessperson so I'm waiting for the PowerPoint slides.
  • He slid those dark eyes toward her, full of winsome appeal.
  • The jetty was the way it had always been—flat and solid and surrounded on three sides by water. Stones from the River
  • We have holidays to suit every purse.
  • Silica exists in several crystalline forms, in a large number of colloidal forms, and as an amorphous solid.
  • The rest of the lads on the squad will have to go away to the other qualifiers, so the slagging has started already, that I am going to be on my holidays while they will be working away.
  • Financial footing is very solid, as indicated by the annual report.
  • They occur when a layer of unconsolidated sediment is fluidized and transport of fluid and suspended grains takes place through overlying sediment to the sediment-water interface.
  • The entire knife feels solid and well made, and the blade is amazingly sharp.
  • Prisons overbook for the same reason holiday camps do: to compensate for the inevitable number of detainees who fail to show up for confirmed reservations for one reason or another, or those who escape. Welsh prisons overbooked
  • Tom and I are going to have a holiday.
  • The weather forecast has put a question mark against the chance of doing any gliding tomorrow.
  • We looked limp and pallid and shambolic by comparison.
  • The watertight rooms, costing from £500 a night up to £3,000 for a suite, are aimed at wealthy travellers who want a unique holiday experience.
  • Slide 52: Arginine vasopressin (hypothalamus) - formerly known as antidiuretic hormone, stimulated by changes in effective circulating volume. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The planet Jupiter may have no solid surface at all.
  • Grossman's Christmas present, Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale, is a holiday favorite among hopheads and is one of the standouts of The News Tribune's Brew Crew Winter Beer Tasting.
  • The muppet was then slid down to the eye of the hook so that it formed a skirt around the top of the squid bait.
  • It sounds like angry metallic bees colliding mid air. The Sun
  • Mercury is thermally desorbed from solid samples, trapped on an in-line gold trap, and subsequently determined by cold-vapour atomic absorption spectrometry.
  • Alternative ideology becomes a means of imbuing both self and community with an element of the mythic, and validating perceived limitations and shortcomings while sacralizing the mundane.
  • At weekends the roads are jammed with holidaymakers coming to gawp at the parade.
  • It is the worst return since 2002 and follows a dramatic slide in global crude oil prices. The Sun
  • This summer, the two worlds collided. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ten of us broke the ice across the harbour with our feet and glided our boats out into the liquid waters beyond.
  • Dually, other irrelevant entailments are those that turn out to be valid just because the consequent is a necessary truth Impossible Worlds
  • The deal frenzy is being driven by a dramatic slide in crop prices in recent years. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bosses announced the company was consolidating three offices into a new building on the Turnpike Business Park.
  • Except for the fact that his hair was a solid black, the thin, slight boy of about fifteen or sixteen bore an uncanny resemblance to Kunihiko.
  • Social programs cover old age, invalidism, death, sickness and maternity, work injury, unemployment, and allowances per child.
  • Acari in the eye have been incidentally alluded to under inflammation of the lids. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • Aviation regulators closed roughly 80% of European airspace during the Easter holiday, stranding millions of people and upending global commerce. Sky Wars: Europe Battles to Erase Borders in the Air
  • Your Reservation On receipt of your completed booking form and deposit we will reserve your holiday.
  • In the case of periodic tenancies the legislature left landlords free to bring them to an end by the service and expiry of valid notices to quit.
  • I took out a personal loan and, after a payment holiday, repayments started in February.
  • In order to prevent this happening, most recipes suggest ‘washing’ the sides of the pan with a wet pastry brush to brush down any undissolved sugar; easier still is to put a lid on the pan and let steam do the trick.
  • What to do when the school holidays drag on.
  • What wilderness areas and national parks need is branded lodges and holiday homes that offer a guarantee of quality. Times, Sunday Times
  • Failure to have the service done may invalidate some extended warranties or service contracts.
  • Võibolla on siin süüdi see, et alustasin ulmega lähemat tutvumist Seiklusjuttude sarjast mille raamatud olid alati kobedalt illustreeritud aga minuarust annavad head illustratsioonid ulmekale väga palju juurde. Hyperion Cantos – kanoonilised kaaned
  • In this paper, several curing agent of polyurethane were synthesized. Influences of solid content and dosage of TDI tripolymer on different PU adhesion high initial bonding strength were discussed.
  • As people get sleepier, they have an increasing number of slow eyelid closures. Stopping Sleepiness
  • You can easily combine your sport with a winter-sun holiday full of sightseeing and safaris.
  • But surely, I say, there are some people blessed with sunny dispositions - it doesn't necessarily mean they're valiantly trying to stop themselves from sliding into despair.
  • Even ‘busy’ surgeons may take a long time to accrete enough performance data to allow valid comparison with their peers, particularly in low volume specialties such as neurosurgery.
  • The centre is now closed for the Christmas holidays.
  • It is enough to give the hardened British holidaymaker a complex. Times, Sunday Times
  • The soldiers' presence seemed to keep a lid on the violence.
  • I was unfortunate enough to have an accident while on holiday in Minorca, where I spent eight days in hospital after an operation for a broken hip.
  • Shocked by the results of the elections, they now want to challenge the validity of the vote.
  • You've been dithering about this year 's holiday. Times, Sunday Times
  • My watermill in the Dordogne is shared with a family I have holidayed with for 25 years.
  • She used a knife to prise open the lid.
  • Of all the Jewish holidays, Passover is my favorite. April 2008
  • There must be a solid hierarchy and system of protection safeguarded by organized crime syndicates or mafia.
  • The solid rank of police officers lining the courtroom opened to let them pass.
  • Slide 41: Calcium Channel Blockers:. •Pueden ser usados con seguridad en pacientes con CKD. •Causan vasodilatación de la arteriola aferente produciendo un incremento agudo en la GFR, un efecto que desaparece con el uso crónico. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • It is this later Holiday which most recognise and her admirers point to her last years as her most compelling.
  • We had planned to spend the Bank Holiday weekend in Italy paying the next tranche of money and finalising the layout of sanitary ware in the bath room.
  • The students would stay at the thirteenth-century Dominican priory while the brothers took a brief holiday; Mass would be said each day in the priory's chapter room.
  • Inside there is still more than ample room for the school run or a family holiday. The Sun
  • They also contain ingredients that make them stay in the stomach longer, it solidifies and makes it harder for the milk to digest.
  • One drawing, dated 1768, shows a short-legged lidless partitioned square box, and another, dated 1769, shows an octagonal lidded container on short legs partitioned to hold eight bottles.
  • It's very matt but glides on easily. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wellbrook was a chunky, solid man in his fifties with big bushy eyebrows. LET NOT THE DEEP
  • The main problem with this method is that by invalidating certain moves, a valid path approaching the tile from a different direction can be left unfound .
  • I can just see the edge and I kind of pry the frame apart and slide it out. Asimov's Science Fiction
  • The shot was filmed with the camera gliding down the empty staircase.
  • She tapped the lid into place.
  • They were drilling through solid rock.
  • Communal feasting is central to marking birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, achievements, significant purchases, and major public holidays.
  • Scientists believe the magnetic field is generated deep inside the Earth where the heat of the planet's solid inner core churns a liquid outer core of iron and nickel.
  • When the eyelids are open, an elliptical space, the palpebral fissure (rima palpebrarum), is left between their margins, the angles of which correspond to the junctions of the upper and lower eyelids, and are called the palpebral commissures or canthi. X. The Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument. 1c. 3. The Accessory Organs of the Eye
  • With Spartan fortitude he had to squeeze his chilblained feet into wet socks and soggy boots frozen solid.
  • But a growing number accept school phobia as a valid reason to keep their little ones out of the classroom. The Sun
  • validate a ticket
  • Without warning my foothold broke and I slid downward ripping a gash in the plastic that held the containers of water together.
  • In public, they had to speak of suspects, of allegations and beliefs and evidence, then wait for juries and judges to validate their work. EVERY SECRET THING
  • * [6824] Sensus est de angelis, qui si cum Deo confederantur, aut si eos secum Deus conferat, non habens rationem eorum quæ in illis posuit, et dotium ac donorum quæ in illos contulit, et quibus eos exornavit et illustravit, inveniat eos stolidos. Of Communion with God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost
  • We should be basing our decisions on solid facts, not inclinations and hunches.
  • The small head is solid gold in colour, with a happy, playful expression, wide square jaw and a red beard.
  • To attract holidayers to the State during the Southwest monsoon, brochures detailing the various facets of the monsoon have been brought as in previous years.
  • A minimum of one Lotto ticket serial number is drawn from all valid tickets each Lotto draw.
  • No need to realize that if you have some good solid cooking skills, you don't *need* her ridiculous show. Rachel Ray - A Legend or a Hype?
  • The “Chicago Cap” was the same shape as the “Parti-Colored Cap,” but featured horizontal (rather than vertical) stripes and a solid-colored bill.
  • Members in Ireland have tracked down the original carriage; it was acting as a holiday home, and was virtually intact!
  • Furthermore, a series of strategic gaffs have further badly damaged the already squalid reputation which the industry has earned for itself.
  • I was afraid of starting a slide of loose stones.
  • Something like one of these multimillion dollar condos would have doomed Edwards, but 28,200 square feet in exurban North Carolina is solid. Matthew Yglesias » Edwards’ Big House
  • But she then started to experience funny turns and we cancelled the holiday.
  • Most of the time these techniques employ glazes or washes applied over a solid colored background color.
  • Music leaked softly from the windows behind him, when he'd resumed his seat on the glider.
  • The solid marker was impregnated on blotting paper and then coated with cellulose.
  • And more recently, the company further validated its belief in this technology when it announced it will be used for mass production on MY2001 Jeep Wrangler hardtops.
  • The substantive points I was making above all remain valid either way. Matthew Yglesias » People Hate Congress, Like Obama
  • They spent their annual holiday on a chartered yacht in the Caribbean.
  • The dichotomy between “forwardness” and “backwardness” is a scale constructed and enforced by the civilizer to validate his civilizing/colonial project. Hartzell and Lin lose on appeal
  • Eric lost his footing and began to slide into the pit.
  • The inconsistency and its effects were so profound as to render such guidance invalid. Times, Sunday Times
  • They also hope for further union delegations to extend the links of international solidarity.
  • I decided to go on a diet before my holiday.
  • The relationship between attitude and performance is indirect, and the validity of test results are more difficult to establish. Human Resource Management in Government
  • It also has led us to rethink the notion of naturalness and the rock solid expectation this used to lead to, of finding new physics just beyond the electroweak scale. Two cheers for string theory
  • Employee attitudes towards a move may be made more favourable if the employer allows the relocation to take place during school holidays.
  • We have an open invitation to use their holiday cottage whenever we like.
  • At one point he threw the lid of a shoebox out of the window. Times, Sunday Times
  • Flip the lid and down it in one, like an oyster.
  • Holders of A . passport with validity less than six months.
  • Last year hundreds of deaths were caused by similar floods and landslides near Rio. Times, Sunday Times
  • We managed to prise off the lid with a tyre lever.
  • Cut simple holiday shapes out of paper or felt, then hang with thread from curtain rods, hanging lamps, doorways or over the outside of a lampshade.
  • It was pitch black inside the dumpster with only a slither of light entering through the crack of the lid.
  • Grandfather was already in his place and Anna slid into the chair next to his.
  • That being the case, it is inconceivable to me that an accused cannot raise, by way of prerogative writ, the issue of the statutory validity of service before a court of competent jurisdiction.
  • The next stop was the Dominican Republic, where Mays’s All-Stars were met by so many at the airport in Ciudad Trujillo, the team’s traveling secretary said, “They must have declared a holiday.” WILLIE MAYS
  • Along with his National Security Advisor he should be consolidating intelligence from all sources and digesting it in order to make the correct decisions.
  • The _Pompilidæ_ are species of great beauty, some closely resembling those of Australia in the banding and maculation of their wings; amongst the _Vespidæ_ will be found some of the most elegant and beautiful forms in the whole of that protean family of Hymenoptera. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Not surprisingly, Metung attracted a number of distinguished early holiday-makers, some of whom settled there permanently, including the explorer and mineralogist Dr. Alfred Howitt; His Honour Judge John Burnett Box; and John King, the second son of Rear Admiral Philip Parker King. Archive 2009-01-01
  • I don't normally take my holiday in midsummer.
  • The major difference is that in Shakespeare the symbolic opposition between the world of sober morality and that of holiday freedom is normally made internal to the play.
  • To get to the lodge he was staying in, Jeff and I had to park at the bottom of a ski slope and ride up on this crazy contraption called a funicular-basically a posh leather bound trolley that slides up the side of a hill. Comments for BrightestYoungThings

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