How To Use Licked In A Sentence

  • I clicked the 'Live Chat' button, and lo and behold, I was deposited in a chat room with what sounded suspiciously like a chatbot.
  • Slicked-back hair, a bushy Italian mustache, sleeveless Iggy Pop T-shirt, cut to show his shoulder tats - "wham" across the left, "pow" on the right. Las Vegas Sun Stories: All Sun Headlines
  • I didn't know what love was until the three of us clicked like that. The Sun
  • Sam flicked through a magazine while he waited.
  • Instead, his dull eyes flicked disinterestedly from ice house to ice house, noting the plume of smoke drifting from each.
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  • With a ‘whoosh’, the dried wood and grasses caught fire, and the flames licked around the pyre.
  • He had his back to goal and flicked his volley into the corner. The Sun
  • I had simply never clicked with anyone like that in nearly 20 years of searching and trying.
  • Sure enough, Fishy tugged the rod back and clicked the button and a shiny fish wriggled directly in front of Lazarus' nose.
  • The peloton had clicked into top gear from the very start on another baking-hot day in France.
  • He adjusted his tie and slicked back his cowlick, ready for the prowl.
  • The sergeant clicked his heels and walked out.
  • His wavy silver hair was slicked back to better reveal his large and luminescent round blue eyes, which were at the moment centered on Katrina.
  • A red light blinking in the answer machine slowly flicked on and off.
  • The dog jumped up and licked her face.
  • After I'd had my fill of blowpipes, dripping foliage and poisonous frogs I flicked through to an article on peanut farming.
  • In the grainy black and white photo I can still make out the sheen of A.'s hair oil and the way he slicked his dark locks back on the sides.
  • He took three matches to light up and flicked each dud through the hole in the wall where the air conditioner should have been. BLOOD IS DIRT
  • He tugged at his shirt cuffs, flicked lint from his lapels, and straightened his tie. NO BODY
  • She found a subfile listed as Genetic Extensions and clicked on it, reading quickly. SILENT TRUTH
  • The gryphons 'claws clicked metallically on the marble floor, and the bulk of the Palace muffled the sounds of the crowd outside. Widows and Orphans
  • All the ancestors flicked over with a bunch of pink feathers on a stick.
  • My companions fell for the chicken and mushroom vol-au-vents served with salad and the chilli in pitta bread clicked with our photographer.
  • Swimming in lane four is the weapon of mass destruction that donkey-licked the opposition in the 2011 World Championships.
  • His hair was slicked back and he wore a white dinner jacket with a jet-black cummerbund.
  • The sky was black as night and the waves of flames from the oceans licked at the sandy shores.
  • He then licked his finger and shook his head with a look of disgust.
  • Huge tongues of flames, the source of which is disputed, licked the last traces of life from the once flourishing township.
  • His hair was slicked back with gel, too much gel.
  • The little warm breezes which licked the faces of the women were rare.
  • Lots of music was growers, the kind you had to play over and over until it clicked.
  • The child put out his tongue and licked his lollipop.
  • Sherri shrugged, picked up the clicker and flicked it off as the animated Mount'n Man was trying to out-run a swarm of angry cartoon bees.
  • He clicked a dial on the dashboard and the clear, low voice of a radio announcer filled the car.
  • Dad cradled the receiver just as the glob I flicked from my spoon landed directly on my brother's nose.
  • Our horses' hooves clicked on the limestone and lava. WALKING THE BIBLE
  • Her voice was thin and reedy; her throat clicked drily as she tried to swallow.
  • I could imagine the garlicked sausages to have been a remnant left in a mouldy cupboard by some impoverished hidalgo of a hundred years back. The Romance of Isabel Lady Burton
  • Grant licked his lips at the thought of all those inaccessible, nubile women across the river.
  • Rat-watchers in Alaska worry that shipborne rodents could stamp out 4 million birds-10 times the number slicked to death in the Exxon Valdez oil spill. Fear, Fur And Four Feet
  • When I met Melanie I just clicked with her straight away, and I have always got on with her.
  • After the upright and then the crossbar denied them a goal, he clicked into top gear.
  • March took a last draw on his cigarette and flicked it away. Times, Sunday Times
  • A few strands of hair caught on his eyelash and he flicked his head quickly to get them out of the way.
  • Tom flicked the switch, but nothing happened.
  • WHEN DANII LICKED HER LIPS AND PRESSED HIM BACK on the bed, his expression wavered between excited—and agonized. Deep Kiss Of Winter
  • He flicked a switch and all the lights went out.
  • But what can one expect from the unlicked cubs (pardon the term) sent abroad with only stature, to make them look like men, and equipage to attract respect, without one other qualification to enforce it? Pamela
  • He licked the drops off his upper lip.
  • you're called 'tina' and your eyes sparkle like freshly licked skin. haven't seen you in a while. Tina
  • The obnoxious tick of the clock clicked annoyingly over the thunder itself.
  • Cixi clicked her tongue and finished lighting the last candle, and then sat down on the bed next to her brother.
  • On the cover of Candy magazine, "the first transversal style magazine," Franco sports slicked back hair, a black blazer, heavy blue eyeshadow and cherry red lips. James Franco in drag on the cover of Candy magazine
  • But, when I clicked on to their library catalogues, I found little boxes instead of roman script.
  • They clicked with one another immediately, because they recognized in each other intelligence, lucidity and vitality.
  • He crumpled the nub and flicked it to a corner of my room.
  • His head flicked up, he looked left and right and went on to his back foot, preparing for a cartoon scram. BLOOD IS DIRT
  • And you leaped to meet it; and you met it; and turning in an instant on the hand you had licked and beslavered, as only such hounds can, you strengthened, and confirmed, and justified me in my scheme. ' Martin Chuzzlewit
  • The Saxon _few_ may have caught enough from its French cousin _peu_ to claim the benefit of the same doubt as to sound; and our slang phrase _a few_ (as 'I licked him a few') may well appeal to _un peu_ for sense and authority. The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell
  • Then whatever doorway that had opened and let them in clicked shut, and they were gone. Blog Fiction | Sci-Fi | Ripple | Station151
  • His tanned shoulders pinked and heat dried the pomade in his long hair where he had slicked it back. GRACED LAND
  • His eyes flicked up to that wondrous sea-green gaze that had so capti - vated him. Second Skin
  • However, I can say after purposely firing multiple consecutive shots without swabbing the bore (under test conditions) that hot water slicked the rifle up to brand new in a few short minutes.
  • I flicked my eyes to a random jock gyrating his hips in the most vulgar manner possible to the beat of the music.
  • I slicked my hair back again, but this time a little less severely so.
  • But, when I clicked on to their library catalogues, I found little boxes instead of roman script.
  • He flicked me with a wet towel.
  • They met in the hospital and just clicked immediately.
  • He also sported a flicked back haircut like dad, who wore similar specs last week. The Sun
  • Why once at a byker rally I had Cindy rub herself with burgers while the bykers licked her, I was really excited by all the greasy, burgers, but the onions and dill pickle is what really got me going …. ooops, speaking of going, I just went …. diaper change isle Johnny. Think Progress » McCain falsely claims no American servicemembers have been killed or wounded in Iraq in the past three months.
  • Among the branches the squirrels frolicked, whisking their plume-like tails and keeping at a respectable distance from every other animal that was not of their own family. The Black Phantom
  • The speaker gave us a humorous joke which suddenly clicked with us and we all laughed.
  • I was too embarrassed to look at him when I clicked the light off and said goodnight.
  • We all hastily clicked on the teaser shot featuring the car's taillamp and badging, and we'll take in the entirety of the CT 200h when the wraps come off at the dwilsonflyer 9: 16PM (2/25/2010) Autoblog Green
  • The children frolicked in the garden
  • His body was sweat slicked and burning when she finally came back to earth.
  • As he licked in bliss, his spine tingled, his heavy ballocks tightening. Dreams of a Dark Warrior
  • So you can take the entire project on a disk and a laptop to your villa in Portugal and edit cost-free till you feel you've licked it.
  • The man's gun flicked up from beside his thigh.
  • I wiped away a bead of nervous sweat from my forehead, licked my lips and swallowed hard.
  • Giggling, Rebecca flicked her hair over her shoulder, her dark eyes dancing mischievously as she nattered on to Blake.
  • Just before the puck crossed the blue line, Bergevin flicked a one-timer through a screen and under NHL - National Hockey League - Pittsburgh vs. Minnesota
  • I didn't know what love was until the three of us clicked like that. The Sun
  • Puffs of smoke billowed from underneath juniper and pinyon trees as flames licked at the trees. Thousands ordered out of Ariz. town as fire nears
  • He watched it drizzle down his finger then slowly licked it off.
  • Then it clicked and it was as if a light bulb had suddenly flashed on in my head.
  • His face is scrubbed, his clothes are ironed and his hair is slicked down.
  • Like shrieking teenage girls, they gathered around her and clicked away on their mobile phone cameras.
  • I went into my room and pulled my hair into bunches, slicked on some lip gloss, then grabbed my bag and my trainers.
  • She was told the AEC couldn't be sure but was doing its best to deal with backlogs before deadlines clicked in.
  • She skipped and frolicked and danced around the deck, her shift flying in the wind.
  • Waiting for her to pick up was awkward and hard, but eventually the phone clicked over and a man's voice answered.
  • Pieces of the puzzle suddenly clicked together.
  • So, I get to looking into this and it turns out, yeah, Allen's been mailing letters, but he's mailing them unlicked. ‘The Most Cerebral Murder Case of All Time’
  • He flicked the horse dubitatively, and turned his head, first to Robert, next to Rhoda; and then he chuckled aloud: Rhoda Fleming — Complete
  • We need to add a listener to the application to call our undock function whenever the icon is clicked, and second, there is no tooltip property on dock icons. O'Reilly News
  • They discussed testosterone deficiency and its symptoms and it suddenly clicked. The Sun
  • You smoked cigarettes and flicked the butts into the dark, and you let a whole full minute pass before you fired up another one.
  • He flicked on the switch, and sparks promptly flew through the air.
  • On an impulse, Katherine reached up with her other hand and flicked her hood off of her head, revealing her long switch of hair.
  • They can come home all over gurry, but she's got to have on a clean apron an 'her hair slicked up to the nines. Bachelor's Fancy
  • Harry clicked on the light, revealing a small, clean space with a plastic shower curtain decorated with fish and nonskid turquoise flower decals strewn across the base of the shower. Dark Oracle
  • He flicked ash into the ashtray.
  • By utilising this code in your HTML file any unvisited links will be displayed in pink, any links being clicked will be red, any visited links will display in gray and any links moused over will display in yellow and be underlined.
  • His usually unruly mop of brown hair is now slicked down with a neat side-parting.
  • Her lion tail flicked idly behind her as she walked towards the nearby creek.
  • The dog rose awkwardly to his feet and licked the man's hand excitedly.
  • Julie turned slightly to take in his profile, and suddenly it clicked.
  • I showered, groomed, clothed, and flicked on the TV for the last few minutes I had before I had to start walking.
  • I'd allowed the door to swing to behind me and just as it clicked shut, some one knocked.
  • We ate handfuls of bittersweet chocolate chips and licked peanut butter off spoons.
  • The machine started paging out virtual memory, requests took too long, users got fed up with waiting and clicked on Stop, pressed Esc and tried logging in again until the operator pressed the big red button.
  • Dark blonde hair was cropped short and shaggy, hanging attractively though it was obviously meant to be slicked back from a high, proud brow.
  • In short, the proprietary targeted ad platform cannot be deleted, clicked-through or scrolled away, according to company officials.
  • It was a star-studded field, and she was resuming after so long off the scene, but she just donkey-licked them.
  • I flicked open the tinderbox, struggled with the flint several times before getting a light, and held it up with a shaking hand.
  • Colin and I were from totally different upbringings but we really clicked and we were both just little terrors.
  • So the Kitchener weighed it out to him and the good-for-naught entered the shop, whereupon the man set the food before him and he ate till he had gobbled up the whole and licked the saucers and sat perplexed, knowing not how he should do with the Cook concerning the price of that he had eaten, and turning his eyes about upon everything in the shop; and as he looked, behold, he caught sight of an earthen pan lying arsy-versy upon its mouth; so he raised it from the ground and found under it a horse's tail, freshly cut off and the blood oozing from it; whereby he knew that the Cook adulterated his meat with horseflesh. Arabian nights. English
  • The cat licked up all the milk which had overflowed onto the floor.
  • At first Mark didn't know what he meant, but then it clicked.
  • The machine clicked off with a resounding beep, and the room rang with silence.
  • I went on about 4 or five dates, and only met one person that I clicked with, and even then more as a friend than love interest.
  • Polly clicked her tongue in annoyance.
  • I remember the first time it clicked with me in jujitsu that i could badly hurt someone. Cheeseburger Gothic » Grading work, the heavy bag, a day of manuscript doctoring.
  • His eyes took me in and flicked over to Nortier and his face cr acked with a grin. SKORPION'S DEATH
  • They discussed testosterone deficiency and its symptoms and it suddenly clicked. The Sun
  • The flames licked his face as he covered his face with his forearms and knelt to absorb the shock.
  • He would fain have carried us first to bathe in the bagnios of the cardin-hawks, which are goodly delicious places, and have us licked over with precious ointments by the alyptes, alias rubbers, as soon as we should come out of the bath. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • She licked her lips nervously before recovering herself.
  • She laid the fleam against his neck, flicked it into the vein, drew it out. Lilith’s Dream: A Tale of the Vampire Life
  • When he got to the middle of the road he was clipped by the car and flicked up into the air.
  • The gate handle clicked sharply and she drew aside the lace curtain.
  • I said I was licked into shape -- and I mean _licked_. The Hill A Romance of Friendship
  • Her tail wagged rapidly as she licked Kourin's face.
  • My companions fell for the chicken and mushroom vol-au-vents served with salad and the chilli in pitta bread clicked with our photographer.
  • Her bright red hair flew out behind her, and her pale sweat slicked skin and sea green eyes glistened in the setting sun.
  • The shields strobed for a second, turned white, and flicked off.
  • He clicked though on a link in the text, but says he decided not to enter the competition, so deleted the text message. Times, Sunday Times
  • He removed a pen tucked into his breast pocket and clicked it a few times.
  • The only thing missing was the Gipper's slicked back do, all Grecian formula and hair oil.
  • The superintendent flicked it into the ashtray with the plastic spoon and sipped the hot liquid.
  • She licked her undamaged forefinger and rubbed away the tear traces.
  • As the swampy beat introduced the song, there was a gradually building cheer as people clicked to the songs identity.
  • With most people, I noticed as their eyes flicked upwards to my forehead, and then flicked away rapidly.
  • The customer licked his plate clean and the dish was thus born.
  • A bolt of blasterfire licked out at them, adding impetus to their pace. The Wizard Of Karres
  • He flicked the catch open and eased the door open a few inches.
  • Siobhan shook her head in grim amusement as Orbison came to his vaguely masturbatory climax and the answerphone clicked off. The Priest
  • Calissa and Isabelle both looked puzzled at Lucy, when suddenly it clicked in Isabelle's head.
  • he clicked on the light
  • I've just flicked through your article;I'll read it again properly when I've got more time.
  • It is as if a flashbulb suddenly clicked brightly inside his dark, dark brain.
  • It was not like this school was really small - there had to be someone she clicked with.
  • He was one of the very very few people who would always grab and hold my attention whenever I flicked through channels or stations.
  • We gambolled and frolicked until about four-thirty am.
  • The lips are painted over and over as tons of the red gunge dissolves, is eaten, licked off, absorbed.
  • He licked the glisten from her fur and nuzzled among the sensitive whiskers around her snout.
  • She slammed her locker shut and clicked the lock, giving Jacob a funny smile with the eyebrow raised again.
  • Finally the computer screen flickered to life. She moved the mouse around and clicked the Internet icon.
  • Her black hair was slicked down, her mouth a cruel slash of red lipstick.
  • He's wearing a pair of spectacles and his usually unruly mop of brown hair is now slicked down with a neat side-parting.
  • I have clicked on "follow" and discover that the Twitter "personage" is in fact a website called Scandinavian Crime Fiction: your foray into Northern deviance. Websites
  • She kept the end in her hand as she turned to Alexander and wrapped it around him, unmindful of the white flames that licked her arms as she reached behind him. Crimson Wind
  • She flicked a nervous glance at him.
  • She shook the feeling of nostalgia and flicked back to their current hit.
  • Flames licked out of the exhaust as the plane lifted off the runway and began the ascent, and as the noise faded into the distance it seemed to get even more intense.
  • Steam rises from the kettle and the pork chops sizzle, licked by flames from the dripping, igniting fat.
  • The bolt clicked into place.
  • Dale peered through the peek-hole in the front door, saw nothing but a dim shape, and flicked on the porch light.
  • When I clicked on the light in the smallest room, one of our inch-long guests, as if resting on the wrong side of a hammock, was hanging upside down on a very low-slung web between the wall and the base of the toilet.
  • If a streaker is flicked on to the green baize pitch, play must cease until the opposing player has ‘apprehended’ him or her, by flicking their policeman into position to make an ‘arrest’.
  • He casually flicked away some dust from his jacket.
  • They discussed testosterone deficiency and its symptoms and it suddenly clicked. The Sun
  • He held one out to the shadow and flicked his trusty Zippo. WITHOUT REMORSE
  • We used the riff and the song suddenly clicked. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her straight chin length black hair was slicked back with water, and ended at the back of her neck.
  • Jude pulled a switchblade knife from her jacket and clicked it open. RANDOM ACTS OF SENSELESS VIOLENCE
  • The door clicked shut behind me.
  • She noticed how his slicked-back hair carried the faint, sweet scent of gel.
  • Everything about the way the nimble, compact fellow with slicked-back hair, informal formal outfit and open-necked shirt performs exclaims that he loves singing. David Finkle: First Nighter: Kurt Elling Fools Around With Time at Birdland
  • Dom flicked the striker with his thumb which rolled against the flint, it then made a spark that ignited the fuel it contained, creating a small flame.
  • Rip off of Lady Gaga except Aguilera look so cheap and tacky. bill_strikes yeah, aguilera licked her finger as if it were a cock in her video and. .wait a minute that was lady gaga oh my god ... come to think of it that waasnt sleazy and tacky, nope Peter Berg Directs Christina Aguilera as Catwoman? | /Film
  • Excited women and children queued up for their autographs and photographs as lensmen from the media clicked away endlessly.
  • Absent-mindedly, I put the earphones in the appropriate orifice, and flicked on the switch.
  • Adele clicked off the phone and flumped on the couch next to Joel.
  • Flicked one just over and then had a low left-footer blocked. The Sun
  • With a wink at Joe, he flicked the reins urging the team of horses forward.
  • Her voice was thin and reedy; her throat clicked drily as she tried to swallow.
  • Chris licked his lips and stared up at me with a serious dark expression.
  • The practised glance flicked over her once again, appraising her in a different way. COMPULSION
  • She then took out a mobile phone and skimmed through the few numbershome, Julias mobile, dentist, doctorand was about to replace it, when she clicked onto the icon for photographs. Deadly Intent
  • Wal, I 'll say one thing for her; she draws the fire out o' Hepsy, an 'she 's 'bout the only livin' critter than can; but some nights when she 's ben inter our house a playin 'checkers or fox an' geese with the child'en, she 'd railly git Hepsy slicked down so that 't was kind o' comfortable bein 'with her. Oldtown Folks
  • In fact there were two miserable days in August when my switch was flicked. Times, Sunday Times
  • It suddenly clicked that this was fantastic fun.
  • She trailed her love on my palm, sucked in her scabbish unlicked lips. Here
  • Insectivora plucked a wriggling cockroach out of a plastic box and licked her lips. Lynn Harris: HuffPost Exclusive! Excerpt: Death By Chick Lit
  • They clicked with people; there was a sense that getting on their bandwagon sooner than later would keep you from falling out of the loop.
  • His new hair is reminiscent of a young Clark Gable, with a side parting slicked over to the right.
  • Her eyes flicked to a shutter that moved under the wind's force.
  • A pleasant-looking young man, slicked up in new jeans and white sneakers, smiled and held open the courtroom door.

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