
How To Use Licenced In A Sentence

  • Siva's devotees are forbidden to use drugs of abuse, such as cocaine, heroin, amphetamines, barbiturates, psychedelics and marijuana, unless prescribed by a licensed physician.
  • Travolta is a licensed jet pilot and owns a Learjet.
  • ( 'multum') is accurate, up-to-date, and complete, but no diamox 125mg is licensed to that effect. Wii-volution
  • Getting a job at another licensed dealer was somewhat easier.
  • But our investigators were able to buy a large batch of the unlicensed synthetic chemical within minutes. The Sun
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  • It has been alleged that Ting employed an unlicensed technician who saw patients and wrote prescriptions.
  • The board will demand specialist medical advice that this is not the case, otherwise it is inconceivable that he will be relicensed.
  • Running costs will be shared between licensed premises. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cold-calling, at one licensed dealer, when the salesmen got desperate, was just not tolerated, it was actively encouraged.
  • Police already have the power to seize and crush old, dangerous and unlicensed cars - a power used too infrequently. Times, Sunday Times
  • The vaccine has been licensed by the US Food and Drug Administration.
  • The model here is the Dutch program of allowing users to smoke pot in licensed cannabis shops.
  • He believed that British shipping was licensed and that the opium ships were vessels which had evaded licensing.
  • In 1996, the NVIC realized a major goal when the FDA licensed an improved pertussis vaccine known as the acellular pertussis vaccine.
  • These tests have to be monitored carefully by a drug agency before the drug is licensed. The Global Marketplace
  • licensed pharmacist
  • These tests have to be monitored carefully by a drug agency before the drug is licensed. The Global Marketplace
  • Many accountants and auditors were unlicensed management accountants, internal auditors, or government accountants and auditors.
  • For his opening move — in which "Oh" would have been a feasible if less canonic alternative (fully licensed by the dictionary) — is a line that negotiates in process between the vocal base line of expressive oralilty, on the near hand, and, at expression's farthest reach, the vocative asymptote of natural communion with inanimate energy. Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • All Products are sublicensed to you and not sold, notwithstanding the use of the terms ‘sell,’ ‘purchase,’ ‘order,’ or ‘buy’ on the Service or in this Agreement.’
  • Japanese eat fugu without much fear or trepidation because of the confidence they have in licensed chefs.
  • Another three percent have either taken an abortion pill or had an abortion at an unlicensed clinic.
  • Quite why people need to be able to drink in licensed premises at four o’clock in the morning midweek is utterly beyond me. Outbreak of Clerical Common Sense
  • Puerto Rico, Japan and Mexico all are rich in baseball history and tradition, with a ready-made fan base eager to snap up tickets and pony up for licensed merchandise.
  • Date: March 5, 2007 9: 57 AM using terminology phentermine contribute independently viagra sleep aids texas holdem treatment of depression car insurance PCP produce foxwood casino raise your dose uk mortgage advisors or complications car insurance quotes all too black jack Viagra is a effexor SR is home equity loan They free slot games hours after a viagra service US licensed black jack The recent deliberate phentermine one parent phentermine take that product budget car rental been clearly proven casino games and certain infections online casino trials CIALIS tramadol why viagra its Horses Mouth January 22, 2007 4:24 PM
  • Minibuses and jitneys, often unlicensed and poorly maintained, are particularly dangerous.
  • From Monday, January 28, Laois County Council set maximum fare structure for taxis licensed to operate in the taximeter area of Portlaoise.
  • By the excellent sales of notebook products are authentic licensed, a formal invoice .
  • The drug was manufactured in the United Kingdom and licensed as an antispasmodic; it was quite inexpensive.
  • Licensed Patents" mean patent claims licensable by a Contributor which are necessarily infringed by the use or sale of its Contribution alone or when combined with the Program.
  • If you are in doubt as to any aspect of this document, you should consult your licensed securities dealer, bank manager, solicitor, professional accountant or other professional adviser.
  • The Donkey Kong game was unlicensed by Nintendo and illicit.
  • Sell your PCs fully equipped with legally licensed operating systems preinstalled.
  • There are supermarkets to buy food, takeaways, cafes and licensed restaurants.
  • The company retains the right to practice its licensed antisense patent technologies and to sublicense it to collaborators.
  • Mr. Himpler disagrees with the notion nonbank finance companies aren't regulated, noting the firms are licensed and regulated in every state in which they operate. CFPB Gears Up to Examine Mortgage Firms
  • Many products are unlicensed, often formulated by inappropriately qualified people using information gleaned from human herbals.
  • The scientists also claim that the intended catch of the licensed fishing vessels, yellowfin tuna, suffers from overfishing. Times, Sunday Times
  • The unlicensed driver of a car in which two friends burnt to death after a crash has been jailed for ten years. Times, Sunday Times
  • These drugs are not currently licensed as remedies for hypersalivation, but in extreme cases it is worth discussing them with your GP. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • The only licensed treatment is oral griseofulvin.
  • Joe would hang out in the many shebeens (unlicensed drinking venues) in the area, and one of his early influences was the sound of Duke Vin, a local resident who introduced the first reggae sound system to Britain.
  • The 18-month privatization process relicensed 26 cellular lines, 27 fixed lines and one long-distance company.
  • After all, if you wander past many licensed premises in the early hours of the morning you are likely to hear subdued mutterings which the more feeble-minded are likely to interpret as ghosts.
  • Most moonshine is drunk by African-Americans in unlicensed bars called nip joints or shot houses. CHASING the WHITE DOG
  • Eel pots, long lines, coghill nets, fyke nets and traps are licenced by the Boards.
  • Legislators there say they are alarmed at the number of unlicensed, uninsured illegal aliens who are driving in their state.
  • According to one cabbie, the unlicensed drivers are touting for trade on Chislehurst High Street without insurance and picking up unsuspecting customers.
  • To mark the occasion, Harley released a limited number of licensed print and sculpture reproductions while keeping the originals.
  • But many in the licensed trade are unhappy about the latest attempt to curb binge drinking.
  • The public are being warned of the dangers of buying unlicensed medicines on the internet. Times, Sunday Times
  • In an Early Day Motion tabled today by Chancellor Alistair Slugbalancer, the Government is to reintroduce the hunting of bankers under licenced and controlled conditions. Hunting Ban to be Lifted
  • In Europe the licensed maximum daily dose in non-prescription cough and cold remedies is lower, and appetite suppressants containing phenylpropanolamine are not available in the United Kingdom.
  • They had licenced security guards at the gates confiscating any alcohol or drugs found upon entry (yes, they searched every car on the way in).
  • ‘They rarely go to licensed premises - they simply disappear and are being stored and sold illegally,’ he said.
  • Next up: Millennium Park's Crown Fountain retrofitted into blazing Prozac towers by CDC-licenced landscape architects. Archive 2006-12-01
  • An administrator - a licensed insolvency practitioner - is appointed to run the club.
  • While searching the house they discovered an unlicensed shotgun and a licensed rifle.
  • Some are leased for the day to third-party crews that are untrained and often unlicensed.
  • He told campaigners that he would speak to representatives in the licensed trade to see if he could find a buyer for the pub.
  • It is best to consult with a licensed practitioner a customized formula.
  • It was only the other day I read in the report of the Consumers’ League in my own city that “a benevolent institution, ” when found giving out clothing to be made in tenement houses that were not licensed, and taken to task for it, asked the agents of the League to “show some way in which the law could be evaded”; but it is just as well for that “benevolent institution” that name and address were wanting, or it might find its funds running short unaccountably. VII. Pietro and the Jew
  • Although Buddy did not know the word "sententious," the people he described were the embodiment of it -- licensed bores, as all aborigines seemed to be (so he implied), who had a proverb or a biblical passage for every reversal in life. Beard
  • If affordable, car owners should have their own officially licensed emission test devices to ensure against possible police accusations of unsatisfactory results.
  • He also held a trainer's license in California, Louisiana, New Mexico, and Texas, and was licensed as a farrier in both Oklahoma and Texas.
  • The character has a variety of origins, from the medieval court jester to the licensed clown of the Feast of Fools.
  • I thought all the rest of it was silly but a lot of my horsy friends spent good money to take courses in this procedure and get licensed to teach it to others.
  • People with gallstones should consult a licensed health care practitioner trained in the use of botanical medicine before using ginger.
  • The preceding provision does not apply to licensed oil refinery operators or licensed importers.
  • A wave of consolidation in China's domestic handset industry will reduce the number of mainland makers from the current 37 officially licensed vendors, he said.
  • This type of multi-dose presentation has been discontinued for all licensed plasma derivative products.
  • Today's informed consumers are demanding that the competence of licensed professionals be validated throughout their career.
  • Dr. Smith, worked as a licensed psychologist for 20 years, headed Purdue University's counseling center and was a committed churchwoman too.
  • It was diabolical that only 885 dogs are licensed in Co Carlow.
  • Since the smoking ban has been introduced the sight of people congregating around the entrance to a licensed premises has become commonplace.
  • Police already have the power to seize and crush old, dangerous and unlicensed cars - a power used too infrequently. Times, Sunday Times
  • The evaluation I am looking at was prepared by a licensed psychologist, based on a referral from his school.
  • Despite laws against both unlicensed ownership of a cobra and defanging, snake charmers still perform in India.
  • If affordable, car owners should have their own officially licensed emission test devices to ensure against possible police accusations of unsatisfactory results.
  • Siva's devotees are forbidden to use drugs of abuse, such as cocaine, heroin, amphetamines, barbiturates, psychedelics and marijuana, unless prescribed by a licensed physician.
  • Yesterday the traffic department and police confirmed that the taxi was unroadworthy and was not licensed.
  • The licensed trade has evolved into a very different animal.
  • I think the studios are happy to have their products licensed and have somebody else manage the inventory risk and the seasonability risk.
  • The service says that there are 384 000 tons in the licensed public stores, grain depositories and the mills.
  • Most licensed dealers could not resist kicking a man when he's down.
  • Once software has been licensed under the GPL, the license cannot be retracted.
  • Even though an attorney wrote the answers presented here, the information must not be relied upon as a substitute for obtaining specific legal advice from a licensed attorney.
  • Most of these taxi operators are unlicensed and licensed operators have requested that the council and the Tourism Authority of Thailand rectify the situation as quickly as possible.
  • A Cook's Tour, Bourdain travels the world sampling local cuisines such as fugu, the poisonous blowfish delicacy prepared only by specially licensed Japanese chefs, or haggis, that Scottish dish made from various sheep parts and oatmeal, which he describes as "glorious ... peppery, hot and meaty. The Denver Newspaper Agency Stories
  • First, there will always be a need to associate with local counsel in jurisdictions where the responsible in-house litigator is not licensed.
  • It is clear that it is still campaigning to have licensed growth promotions reinstated for beef cattle.
  • In a report on marine pollution, the organization states that 12,000 pipes have been licensed to discharge industrial effluent.
  • The only non-sugar sweetener at present licensed for use in most countries is saccharin, a synthetic substance made from coal tar.
  • Licensed gun holders may not load their firearms with bullets until they are in the firing range, Arroyo said.
  • A U.S. company, Algae Systems of Carson City, Nev., has already licensed the NASA tech, and plans to deploy its own algae bioreactors somewhere off the coast of Tampa Bay, Florida.
  • The Irula Snake Catchers' Industrial Co-operative Society Ltd. have now been licenced to extract venom, supply it to various institutions for preparing antivenin or anti-snake venom serum, and research.
  • The IMB has also begun an inquiry into the Sunday World newspaper, which has been running illegal ads for the unlicensed drugs.
  • The release of white tailed eagle, Harris hawk and lanner falcon would be an offence under Section 14 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 unless licensed.
  • All licensed premises, including nightclubs, restaurants and the Douglas casino now have the option to serve alcohol 24 hours a day.
  • It is important that people going out in London can get home safely at night, by public transport, black cab or licensed minicab.
  • There was a catch: All grants and purchases had to be platted by a licensed surveyor who was paid according to an official schedule of fees, or the claims could not be recorded and patented. George Washington’s First War
  • A non-licensed 'hypnotist' may place the patient at significantly higher risk of mistreatment or misdiagnosis," says Anbar, the group's president-elect. Understand the hype over hypnosis
  • In 1990, paying in installments, he bought a hot dog cart licensed for Farragut Square. At Farragut Square, mourning the burrito man who became a friend
  • Official permission is not needed as long as the guns are licensed and the shoot takes place on private land away from residential areas.
  • Weapons of a certain power have to be licensed and everyone who applies for a licence is carefully vetted, and must keep their guns in locked, burglar-proof cupboards.
  • A year later, secure in the north, Gloriana's licensed pirates in their gun-crammed galleons, aided by a storm, saw off the Spanish Armada.
  • The basis for the story is that in February 1704, William Dampier, a noted British buccaneer and navigator, arrived at Juan Fernandez with two ships, both licensed privateers.
  • Attractions include over 100 trade stands, refreshment tents and licensed bars, caravan site and craft fair.
  • The school - which has just celebrated its centenary - is owned by the Licensed Trade Charity.
  • Die-cast cabs with cab accessories in plastic and zinc alloy. Cab and trailer are finely decorated with painting of licensed logos and the original styles.
  • A fully licensed bar and restaurant with magnificent sea views can ensure a relaxed atmosphere.
  • In fact, most British writers plump for licensed premises. Times, Sunday Times
  • That is why, of course, the licensed building practitioner regime is being delayed for 5 years - to give time for people to be upskilled and to meet the requirements.
  • KSDS is a 24-hour mainstream jazz radio station, licensed to the San Diego Community College District.
  • I am a licensed Vineyard pastor, pastoring an American Baptist church on the Hopi Reservation in Arizona.
  • A second polio vaccine—this one in the form of liquid drops that children swallow instead of an injection in the arm— was invented by Dr. Albert Sabin and licensed in 1963.
  • Hastings said the the ban needed to be strictly policed, and a regulatory body might be required to control all tobacco products in the same way as licensed drugs.
  • The station will be headquartered in Newcastle West and will be the biggest licensed community radio station in the country.
  • Only licensed companies are eligible to receive, store, or send classified material.
  • Chefs must be specially trained and licensed to prepare fugu.
  • It appears to be in a different league from other buildings which have been converted into cavernous licensed premises.
  • Comparatively few sophisticated clients will touch licensed dealers with a bargepole.
  • After all, if you wander past many licensed premises in the early hours of the morning you are likely to hear subdued mutterings which the more feeble-minded are likely to interpret as ghosts.
  • A quarter of all prescriptions in palliative medicine are for licensed drugs that are used for unlicensed indications or that are given by an unlicensed route.
  • A similar campaign ran in the summer, revealed a national statistic of 32 per cent of licensed premises suspected of selling alcohol to underage customers.
  • I'd permit the licensed sale of virtually all class A, B and C substances.
  • She is a licensed nutritionist, family wellness specialist, adjunct professor at the University of North Dakota School of Medicine and author of 11 books.
  • The FCC proposes to insist that unlicensed devices in these bands should incorporate cognitive radios to identify unused channels.
  • What is not legal is unlicensed re-export to third parties. Times, Sunday Times
  • As a third generation licensed victualler (now retired) I have been following the saga of the Wheatley Hotel with a mixture of amusement and incredulity.
  • Some tax dodgers could even face a maximum penalty of £1,000 if they are taken to court in a clampdown on unlicensed cars.
  • We obtain our witblits from a licenced distiller who is one of the very few legal distillers in the country.
  • Option 3: Producer has a contract with named licensed disposal site.
  • In New York state, the number of females working as licensed pesticide technicians or certified pesticide applicators rose about 50% in the past decade. Women Enlist For the Battle Against Pests
  • They have also been accused of carrying unlicensed weapons and holding false identification.
  • Licensed Patents" mean patent claims licensable by a Contributor which are necessarily infringed by the use or sale of its Contribution alone or when combined with the Program.
  • The good news is that if you want to pursue a career in the licensed trade there are industry recognised forms of career development.
  • St. Marys operates its own licensed landfill, and before it is stored there, Schmidt explained that it is first put through a process known as "pugging" which pellitizes the CKD so that it will not blow around. Custom Search
  • Upon the coming into force of that Act on 25 May 1999 the portrait artists continued to be unlawful unlicensed street traders.
  • Funeral parlours should be licensed and an independent regulatory body appointed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Arthur Dong, who worked with her on his documentary about gay bashing, Licensed to Kill, credits her with changing the film's whole thrust.
  • Officers dropped by restaurants, pubs and other licensed premises in areas such as Regent Circus, Fleet Street and John Street in the hope of picking up vital clues about the killer's identity.
  • They will be subject to the same sanctions for breaches as licensed agents are at present. Times, Sunday Times
  • The idea is designed to ensure clubbers can get home safely by using a licensed minicab rather than being picked up by drivers touting for business.
  • But our investigators were able to buy a large batch of the unlicensed synthetic chemical within minutes. The Sun
  • They were looking for unlicensed premises and illegal workers from overseas. Times, Sunday Times
  • Out of a total of 722 licensed premises in the city, 629 managed to get their licence applications in before the cut-off date on Saturday.
  • The ban will make it a criminal offence to drink from bottles and glasses outside licensed premises and will come into force from Thursday, April 17, the day before Good Friday.
  • Wippit also provides licensed tunes as ringtones, and receives further revenue from advertising banners on its sharing software.
  • My name is Tito, licensed master-shipman of the ports of Argos. The Coming of Conan The Cimmerian
  • A man of family, partly from indiscretion, and from various other causes, becomes embarrassed; the clamours of his creditors soon magnify his luxuries, but not a word is said about their innumerable extortions, in the shape of commissions, percentages, and other licensed modifications of cheatery, nor are they reckoned to the advantage of the debtor. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 277, October 13, 1827
  • Police went to 456 licensed premises across London. The Sun
  • He added that off-licences and licensed premises in Bentham had been approached by the police and officers were satisfied that they would not knowingly sell drink to young people.
  • Fish farmers are licensed to kill predators that threaten their nets, pens and fish.
  • That says an awful lot about the attitude the church has towards its Readers, all of whom have undergone years of study and training before being licensed by the Bishop as are clergy.
  • We re licensed as an acute care facility.
  • As low-powered walkie-talkies do not cause interference with other licensed radio services, they need not be licensed for use here.
  • But while US law forbids the use of occult lore derived from pre-human sources by unlicensed individuals, and while the treaty forbids its use by the US military as a weapon of war, as far as I know there's no reason why some licensed thaumaturge inside the US army couldn't have asked the late soldier if his mother could read his email. Science News
  • SOFTWARE LICENSE: Each program license granted under this Agreement authorizes the LICENSEE to use the Licensed Programs in machine-readable form on any single computer.
  • He also disputed the number of car parking spaces, which reputedly would be available in the immediate vicinity of the licensed premises.
  • Now the situation across Down District has got so bad that licensed taxi drivers say that they are being forced out of business.
  • This was followed by Station facilities at Pant with its cafeteria, licensed restaurant shop and toilet facilities plus local workshops.
  • As presently licensed, quadrivalent meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine is to be given by subcutaneous injection.
  • And so I'm very concerned about the children who are treated hostilely on school grounds because people feel licensed to sort of throw hatred at their parents based on the lifestyle decisions that they make. CNN Transcript Jul 12, 2009
  • He serves as president of the local chapter of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association, and he is a licensed commercial pilot.
  • He was actually a privateer, a mercenary licensed by the government to loot merchant ships flying the colors of England's enemies -- mainly France and Spain," explained Wareham.
  • Likewise the supply of the service may be contrary to law, for example, in a brothel or an unlicensed casino.
  • A fully licensed cash bar will be available prior to the performance and during the interval.
  • But our investigators were able to buy a large batch of the unlicensed synthetic chemical within minutes. The Sun
  • This means that it is an officially licensed game based on the books.
  • While transporting Brennan to the assizes at Clonmel, his escort stopped to rest at a shebeen (an unlicensed or informal pub) and allowed him to enjoy his pipe.
  • One unamplified singer, however, would be a criminal offence unless licensed.
  • They were looking for unlicensed premises and illegal workers from overseas. Times, Sunday Times
  • We did not have officially licensed merchandise in those days.
  • (unlicensed prostitutes), the "shogi" (licensed prostitutes), and the Evolution Of The Japanese, Social And Psychic
  • Jetstar aircraft will not be inspected by licensed aircraft engineers before each flight.
  • Not a single new nuclear reactor has been licensed since 1980.
  • You may need a licensed electrician to install the circuit for an exterior location.
  • The slaughterhouse did not have the lairage required by EU regulations, or all the equipment that went with it, so it could not be licensed. The emasculation of common sense
  • SINGAPORE—Singapore's gambling watchdog has fined the city-state's two licensed casino operators a total 385,000 Singapore dollars US$308,000 for breaches relating to the admission of unauthorized locals and minors into the two gambling facilities in 2010 and 2011. Singapore Fines Casinos for Admission Breaches
  • To the plaintiff's knowledge the defendant was unlicensed and uninsured.
  • To qualify for either, a driver gets licensed through autocross events and must have a car with extra safety features, such as a roll cage and a race seat with a five-point harness system.
  • Michael claims that while in Damascus he saw three separate convoys of luxury Iraqi licensed vehicles, driving under armed escort.
  • Documents seen by the Yorkshire Post also revealed the company was flouting copyright laws and using unlicensed software on office computers.
  • You could even report your neighbour's bald tyres, unlicensed bulls or smoking in the house - which is a workplace when they have the cleaner or the gas-man in.
  • Besides licensed guns, Mulyana alluded to the presence of numerous unlicensed weapons obtained from the black market.
  • The training officer of one licensed dealer issued photocopied versions of the text to all dealers.
  • The corresponding provision for licensed premises with regard to structural alterations directed by the licensing board will be found in s.36.
  • The Licensed Vintners Association, which represents Dublin publicans, refused to comment.
  • The two storey semi-detached residence consists of a large ground floor area, previously a licensed premises, and toilets.
  • Regulators warned that unlicensed medicines are illegal and a health risk. The Sun
  • An e-mail sent to Hilderbran from DPS states that “only computer forensics officials must be licensed under the Private Security Act” and that those who only retrieve information from computer databases and pass it on to another person are not subject to the new law. Texas Law Probably Does Not Require PI License To Fix Spyware-Infested Computers - The Consumerist
  • Licensed dealers will hold surplus money on deposit from them and take every penny they can.
  • There were about 250 people on board, about 100 more than the ferry was licensed to carry.
  • The raid was part of an Manchester Evening News-backed crackdown by the city council on unlicensed firework sales in the run-up to Bonfire Night.
  • As a licensed driver, in addition, Ryan was likely educated on this subject as a prerequisite for getting his license.
  • A person who is under 18 is not permitted to buy liquor in licensed premises nor to consume liquor in a bar.
  • Chiropody also derived from the medical field, and licensed chiropodists were trained not only in massage, but in the anatomy of the foot. On How to Be Lovely | Edwardian Promenade
  • It is licensed for kittens older than 16 weeks; kittens, especially those in catteries and multicat households, have already been exposed to FIP by this age.
  • By the end of 2007, all enclosed public places and workplaces would follow and by the end of 2008 arrangements will be in place for licensed premises.
  • In the past two months there has been a rash of newspaper advertisements for unlicensed patches available by mail order.
  • But thousands of wireless devices, such as cordless phones, garage door openers and current Wi-Fi devices, operate in the unlicensed spectrum bands.
  • He sells his questions by the dozen to licensed victuallers and is compiling an interactive quiz for the internet and CD-rom.
  • Except, this - a gaming operator of the totalizator, which is licensed to execute its activity in Connecticut and Netherlands and - a telephone companies of the presenting supplier prepaid telephone cards. -= Buy Cheap Software =- Discount OEM Software with coupons - - Cheap AntiVirus Software
  • The Duke is calling in on the brewery to mark the 30th anniversary of the return of horse-drawn drays for delivering beer to licensed premises in the town.
  • It is there, she realises, to poach fish before the licensed fishing crews set out.
  • This place is more a noshery than a quick-eat diner and has the advantage of being licenced to remain open for 24 hours a day.
  • “When it audits companies there and finds unlicenced software, it typically extracts ‘fines’ equal to the cost of the software licences that the targeted firms neglected to buy, after which the companies must of course also pay for those same software licences.” UK ‘Finger your Boss’ campaign
  • I recall a deputy headteacher in North Wales, no previous, got five years for having a WWII unlicenced firearm. Knife Crime « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Ostensibly, the reason is that those three versions are 'licenced' to use Windows XP, and this has been a real cash cow for Microsoft with the Broken OS. - most clicked links
  • As early as 1 November 1858 Matthew and Robert Faulkner, who were licenced victuallers and cordial manufacturers in Adelaide, had to appear in the Court of Insolvency.
  • Ie we located x number stolen cars, y number of wanted people, z number of unlicenced drivers. Through The Looking Glass « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • And that is that young men go into the white mining town and either break into one of the licenced clubs there to steal grog, or they steal grog from under the houses of the white mining community.
  • He said: ‘A lot of pedlars are unlicenced and you don't know how genuine they are or where the merchandise has come from.
  • Workers in the UK are being asked turn in their employers to a software industry group for using unlicenced software. P2pnet World Headlines – May 26, 2009
  • Just because they offer a certificate of authenticity doesn't mean it's officially licenced.
  • The new rules, which are explicitly aimed at curbing binge drinking, will create a number of changes to how alcohol is served in licenced establishments throughout the province. New Alcohol Regulations Target Binge Drinking in Alberta : Law is Cool
  • Nor is any licenced person to credit more than twenty shillings, under forfeiture of debt; nor to sue soldiers, seamen, servants, or prisoners, under the penalty of nonsuit and treble charges. The Present Picture of New South Wales (1811)
  • Anyone can set themselves up in practice without a licence or training - although ear-piercers and tattooists have to be fully licenced and inspected.
  • Now they just sell those electic "bikes" that are really unlicenced mopeds. The Weird World of Bike Advocacy: Mourning Becomes Electrolux
  • The majority of these are issued by local authority officers, but police and Environment Agency officers do issue some - ranging from £20 for unnecessary idling of a stationary vehicle engine to £500 for failing to comply with a noise warning notice in licenced premises. Fixed penalty notices in England: environment offences where you live
  • She was referring to 26-year-old unlicenced street merchant Mohamed Bouazizi who set himself ablaze after police confiscated his cart. Tunisians Ready to Embrace Democracy, Says Journalist With Inside View
  • But this version of the Booze Can is not connected to an unlicenced after-hours club that Joseph Morneau, an Iqaluit elementary school teacher and businessman, ran out of the same place in the late 1990s.
  • As early as 1 November 1858 Matthew and Robert Faulkner, who were licenced victuallers and cordial manufacturers in Adelaide, had to appear in the Court of Insolvency.
  • This work is licenced under a Creative Commons Licence. June « 2010 « oh frabjous day!
  • Zhongfu International Trading Co Ltd is a licenced import and export corporation.
  • This was most likely put together using an unlicenced copy of Sony Video Vegas. BSNYC Friday Fun Quiz!
  • Large ministry licenced lairage and isolation stables on premises. Horse & Hound Online news
  • Looks a lot like some plot elements were licenced or 'borrowed' from the terrible "Repo! the genetic opera". Repo Men (Red Band Trailer)
  • It is once you go off-radar, off-label, to try unlicenced, inadvisable procedures such as injections of liquid silicone that the risks begin to rise exponentially. Times, Sunday Times

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