How To Use Libertine In A Sentence

  • This tradition of tranquil sensuality is of Moslem origin, and is perhaps still strongest among Moslems, but also on Jewish and Christian faces there can be recognized this steady light, which makes it seem as if the Puritans who banish pleasure and libertines who savage her did worse than we had imagined. Black Lamb and Grey Falcon: Part IV
  • They are libertines, people who have gone with the contemporary cultural flow of destroying moral rules and boundaries.
  • Perhaps more surprisingly, Lucio, the rake and libertine, also sees the value of chastity.
  • The prince had become foolhardy and libertine.
  • Mustafa Kemal -- also known as Ataturk, the charismatic army officer who is regarded as the founder of modern Turkey -- is depicted as an alcoholic and libertine whose conquests included a teenage Zsa Zsa Gabor, or so she later claimed. Review of Stephen Kinzer's "Reset: Iran, Turkey, and America's Future"
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  • Neither was she one of your brazen-faced jilts, with nothing but flimsy balderdash in their talk, and a libertine forwardness in their manners.
  • The Libertines are more like reality TV celebs than old-school rock stars.
  • The same goes for gnostic Christianity, where we had the strict ascetics on the one hand and the extreme libertines on the other.
  • Craig Michael's hangdog portrayal of the libertine and ill-starred artist for the most part manages to avoid suffering genius/nutcase clichés.
  • His first band The Libertines were responsible for some great rock music. The Sun
  • In the libertine Utopia of ‘sexual freedom,’ women and children will suffer the most.
  • My friend graduated from photography school in New York, and, like many artists, plunged into a libertine lifestyle with more than a little enthusiasm.
  • It is impossible for a man whose affections are bestialized, whose practices are libertine, and whose imaginations are all impure, to receive the truth that there are such things as purity and virtue, and that there are men and women around him who are virtuous and pure. Lessons in Life A Series of Familiar Essays
  • In contrast to Mr Wrong and his Matrimonials, we of the Sacred Order of Libertines are actually sincere in our celebration of justice, whether as an attitude of impartiality or as the actualities of equity. Outer Alliance Pride Day
  • He is that familar bugaboo of Jack's, a clubman and a society man, "the sort that grace social functions and utter inanities with a charm and unction which are indescribable; the sort that talk big, and cry over a toothache; the sort that put more hell into a woman's life by marrying her than can the most graceless libertine that ever browsed in forbidden pastures. “There be things greater than our wisdom, beyond our justice.”
  • Will the aging boomer libertines and the sexual moralists in the party be able to get along?
  • Friendship blossomed after they worked together on The Libertine and Vegas tour-guided Depp around his home town of St Helens, showcasing such marvels as the Pilkington glassworks and Knowsley Road rugby league ground. Danny Dyer's revealed he was pals with Pinter. An odd couple, but look at these
  • Shelley, who knew him almost as well as anyone, believed that Byron was never a revolutionary so much as a libertine.
  • The best-known offshoot of the rock-and-roll movement, the hippies of the 1960s and 1970s, are well known for their libertine attitudes but, ironically, they found themselves in the same contradictory place as their redneck archenemies. A Renegade History of the United States
  • They appear to be the result of a terrifying experiment involving monkeys, The Libertines, The Fall and a bathtub full of bad homemade whizz.
  • The Libertines The band play two reunion shows far bigger than any first time round. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dionysus is the libertine Id, the horny kid, the spirit of tragedy and comedy, an aesthetics of passion which stands as antithesis to an "Apollonian" aesthetics of reason. An A-Z Of This Blog
  • We all know, said she, that, since your Italian duel, you have commenced a bravo; and all your airs breathe as strongly of the manslayer as of the libertine. Pamela
  • Second, to be libertarian is not necessarily to be a libertine.
  • For my own part, libertine as people think me, when I had occasion to be sick, I took a dose of ipecacuanha, that I might not be guilty of a falsehood; and most heartily sick was I; as she, who then pitied me, full well knew. Clarissa Harlowe
  • So when did he discover his penchant for playing bad boys and dangerous libertines?
  • Mary Eleanor Bowes was vilified during the divorce cases as an outrageous libertine, an ungrateful wife and a hard-hearted mother. Wedlock by Wendy Moore: Questions
  • His first band The Libertines were responsible for some great rock music. The Sun
  • The young Marquis spent most of his youth with his merrily libertine uncle, Abbe de Sade, whose bordello business basically set the norm for the family.
  • Even the "pacificator" would have been employed for its extermination, if, for no other reason, because of the fancied resemblance which it had always worn to Brother Stevens -- a resemblance which occurred to him, perhaps, in consequence of the supposed similarity between the arts of the libertine and those for the entrapping of his victims which distinguish the labors of the spider. Charlemont; Or, the Pride of the Village. a Tale of Kentucky
  • The fear is that conservative groups could use a clause in the Bill which limits the kind of sexual information that can be given to minors to wage war on the magazines' libertine approach to under-age sex.
  • He had been a duellist, the manners of the age authorized it — a libertine, the world excused it to his youth and condition — a bold and successful gambler, for that quality he was admired and envied; and a thousand other inaccuracies, to which these practices and habits lead, were easily slurred over in a man of quality, with fortune and spirit to support his rank. Saint Ronan's Well
  • The Libertines resemble reality TV ' celebrities ' more than old fashioned, devil-may-care rock stars.
  • After the Libertines reunion, he tours his eponymous solo debut. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's no question in my mind that a cartoon is a form of artistic expression which, like any such work -- fiction or non-fiction, written, drawn or dramatised -- falls into the protected category of "free speech" for our liberal, libertarian and libertine society. Duncan Does Deus
  • Gabriel comes across as a libertine and something of anarchist.
  • The same goes for gnostic Christianity, where we had the strict ascetics on the one hand and the extreme libertines on the other.
  • Unfortunately we, the English, will never be the people to teach her; because she is a chartered libertine allowed to say and do anything she likes, from demanding the head of the empress in an editorial waste-basket, to chevying Canadian schooners up and down the Alaska American Notes
  • She's pretty, clean, and libertine - everything you could ever want in a French woman.
  • Libertines brought to fruition a form of anti-Christian and antihumanistic Aristotelianism that led to a radical naturalism. Army Rumour Service
  • Mick Jones has produced the two albums recorded by The Libertines, part of today's generation of angry young musicians.
  • The true obsessional or libertine has to accomplish them at a set hour.
  • Certainly she is a very rigorous, not to say humourless, libertine.
  • When I sent out an email to friends to kick me some titles, many of them just sent back a reminiscence of how Marks created, as one correspondent wrote, "a sort of southern-fried Plato's Retreat, attracting all kinds of libertine Charlestonians (hey, it was the 70's). An Books Blog featuring news, reviews, interviews and guest author blogs.
  • The Libertines song that the lyrics in the opening paragraph are taken from? Times, Sunday Times
  • The painter's orphic sleight of hand was abetted by arcane titles that conjure profligate aristocrats, sexual libertines, adepts of the dark arts and drugged esthetes.
  • He was a patron of the turf, a connoisseur of Italian Opera, and 'surtout' an inveterate libertine. Byron's Poetical Works, Volume 1
  • When he was not playing the libertine, he was the buffoon or mummer. The Stream and The Torrent
  • With many generations to come, the name of César de St. Auban must perforce be familiar as that of one of the greatest roysterers and most courtly libertines of the early days of Louis XIV., as well as that of a rabid anti-cardinalist and frondeur, and one of the earliest of that new cabal of nobility known as the petits-maîtres, whose leader the Prince de Condé was destined to become a few years later. The Suitors of Yvonne: being a portion of the memoirs of the Sieur Gaston de Luynes
  • The same goes for gnostic Christianity, where we had the strict ascetics on the one hand and the extreme libertines on the other.
  • Indeed, the health consequences of the libertine life-style are, when compared with the consequences of smoking, truly disastrous.
  • In short, this was the safest, politest, and, at the same time, the most thorough house of accommodation in town: every thing being conducted so that decency made no intrenchment upon the most libertine pleasures, in the practice of which too, the choice familiars of the house had found the secret so rare and difficult, of reconciling even all the refinements of taste and delicacy with the most gross and determinate gratifications of senuality. Fanny Hill: Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure
  • The Friar then busied himself with consoling the unfortunate woman, while Libertine busied himself with complimenting the exotic Gipsy beauty, and regaling her with stories of his wit and bravery.
  • I guess I'd be a capitalist in that I like liberty for consequentialist reasoning (lots of people flee their crappy countries for prosperity in the U. S, few go in the other direction) and have some distaste or even revulsion for libertines. Tyler on the Problems of Libertarians, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Within a few years, Carbonneau, ‘a debauchee and libertine’ had frittered away her money on dubious enterprises.
  • His protagonist-heroes, especially the Chief Justice in The Lawyer and the Libertine and the film director in Appointment at Amalfi, show a scrupulous and incorruptible concern for truth and justice.
  • The recent responses from Libertines fans have made me a little bored and aweary.
  • Her newly found manuscript shows that she thought he was a libertine who had set out to seduce her.
  • The slaves, who were liberated by a generous master, immediately entered into the middle class of libertines or freedmen; but they could never be enfranchised from the duties of obedience and gratitude; whatever were the fruits of their industry, their patron and his family inherited the third part; or even the whole of their fortune, if they died without children and without a testament. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • True to Mozart's intention to present the incorrigible libertine as a dramma giocoso - a funny drama - Erwin Schrott was a charismatic and riveting Don Juan, while Kyle Ketelsen's Leporello, the Don's comic and unwilling manservant, stole all the rest of the scenes. Don Giovanni
  • We'd love to comment, but I'm afraid to say that none of us here at the Sacred Order of Libertines had the stamina to read all the way through his maundering moralism. Outer Alliance Pride Day
  • One entry examined Lord Byron, whose libertine life and poetic license Porter clearly admired.
  • So we see the heathen poets, when they fall upon a libertine passion, do still expostulate with laws and moralities, as if they were opposite and malignant to nature: Et quod natura remittit, invida jura negant. The Advancement of Learning
  • Affable, intelligent, and a talented general, the regent was also a libertine and a rake who had fallen foul of the starchy atmosphere of Versailles during Louis XIV's twilight years.
  • Not once but several times has the libertine Neptune scandalously seduced punts and dinghies from the respectable precincts of Brammo Bay, and having philandered with them for a while, cynically abandoned them with a bump on the mainland beach, and only once has he sent a punt in return — a poor, soiled, tar-besmirched, disorderly waif that was reported to the police and reluctantly claimed. The Confessions of a Beachcomber
  • The principal character is a delinquent libertine, Don Juan, who has killed Don Gonzalo, a military commander, in an unequal duel.
  • Slimane has dressed a lot of rock stars and bands, including the Libertines.
  • Some libertines started claiming to have pacts with Satan, while still others said the devil himself presided over the soirées.
  • Post-moral tradition-hating libertines might do well to pause in the midst of their celebrations to consider this.
  • Unfortunately we, the English, will never be the people to teach her; because she is a chartered libertine allowed to say and do anything she likes, from demanding the head of the empress in an editorial waste-basket, to chevying Canadian schooners up and down the Alaska Seas. American Notes
  • But the Sacred Order of Libertines doesn't really have an official position on such matters; that would be quite at odds with our libertinism. Outer Alliance Pride Day
  • She had a smile that could light up a street full of people and was extremely lively, had a particular type of voluptuousness - a Rodin sculpture come to life. She reminded me of a libertine heroine. She was just my type.
  • The libertine appeared to have finally turned his back on man.
  • The tradition-bound father is reserved and tyrannical at home, but when he is away from home at night, he is a libertine - drinking and womanizing.
  • With a free wheeling expressive mind-set the band seem incredibly focused, displaying fetching guitar rifts demonstrating a resemblance comparable to a Libertines stage show.
  • I simply take this logic to its conclusion and point out that this woman's wanton and libertine approach to grace is the camel's nose under the tent.
  • La courtisane anaphrodite ou la pucelle libertine Correspondance Sex for Thought
  • A libertine is a hedonist, a devotee of personal pleasure, whereas a libertarian is one who defends the libertine and his lifestyle against the heavy hand of government.
  • In the 1630s as well as the 1670s, Boston was inhabited by libertines as well as orthodox Puritans, but in the last quarter of the seventeenth century, town leaders feared that they were losing control.
  • Writers and engravers of pornography came out of the demimonde of heretics, freethinkers and libertines who made up the underside of those formative Western developments.
  • A libertine and charming gadabout, he wooed women with the troubadour songs of Provencal, spending each year's 150 religious holidays sauntering through the Umbrian countryside on foot and horseback.
  • He championed victims of injustice and the public came to view him not as an impudent libertine but as a patriarch and a sage.
  • The 15 months since that night have seen the Libertines break up, make up and almost fall apart.
  • The cards revitalized older notions like the comic and dislocated aspects of sexuality which had once found expression in libertine literature, bawdy songs, and burlesque theater.
  • The bloodhounds, known as the seducer, the libertine, the procurer, are upon her track; she is trembling on the frightful brink of the abyss. Searchlights on Health The Science of Eugenics
  • A libertine is a hedonist, a devotee of personal pleasure, whereas a libertarian is one who defends the libertine and his lifestyle against the heavy hand of government.
  • Not to mention one of the surprises is the liquidated damages contract, which if you back out of the show they sue you for 10,000 dollars and ultimately you end up playing a role that the producers and the host decided for you. aspasialibertine, on March 30th, 2009 at 10: 25 pm Said: Sheriff sues Craigslist as ‘largest source’ of prostitution « Bound, Not Gagged
  • The self-styled ‘rockney’ duo use this Christmas knees-up to celebrate one of the more remarkable turnarounds in fortune in recent pop history: from reviled gorblimey joke to critically acclaimed, Libertines-endorsed, Glastonbury-slaying stars.
  • She felt the attraction of libertine narrative in a less crabbed way than some of her better-known works might lead us to believe.
  • In person, the Libertines charm rather than irritate, because all their eccentricities and affectations are clearly so deeply felt.
  • This may serve to overthrow the wild and irrational justification of the antinomians, libertines, and lazy solifidians, who upon this ground only judge themselves to be Christ's, because they believe they are: a way of justification, for its easiness, rather to be wished true than to be thought so. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. VII.
  • One of the revelations in Threepenny Memoir was how crippling Barât's stage fright is – a surprise when the Libertines are routinely voted as one of the best live bands. Carl Barât: The interview
  • We'll all pretend to be duly chastised by our libertine ways and pay obeisance to those good heartland values that neither they nor we actually live by.
  • The Libertines The band play two reunion shows far bigger than any first time round. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Libertines song that the lyrics in the opening paragraph are taken from? Times, Sunday Times

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