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How To Use Liaison In A Sentence

  • The police have to work a good deal harder to develop closer liaison with the transport providers.
  • Again, close liaison between obstetrician, midwife, general practitioner, cardiologist, and neonatologist is vital.
  • Golf superstar Tiger Woods and TV celebrity Jesse James have seen their lives unravel amid revelations of cheating on their spouses, in part by arranging liaisons via text messages.
  • Not long after he was seconded to the Royal Air Force as a liaison officer, he claimed he had annoyed the Brigadier.
  • During the Korean war, US forces employed them for liaison, supply, casualty evacuation, and troop transportation.
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  • A spokesman for Lancashire constabulary says a team of officers and family liaison officers are on standby just in case.
  • She was having a romantic liaison with her husband's best friend.
  • This _liaison_ was largely sentimental, and marked by a kind of etherealized sensuality. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 2 Sexual Inversion
  • He established guards for his artillery trains and directed that a liaison orderly be sent from each battery to brigade headquarters.
  • However, the ease with which a women can contract sexual liaisons does not directly translate into a socially sanctioned pregnancy and birth.
  • Now, often, CIA agents have what they call a liaison relationship with the host government. CNN Transcript Nov 4, 2009
  • The media liaisons are there to ensure that the press has something to write about.
  • In fact, she rents an apartment so they can conduct their liaison without being disturbed.
  • My role was as liaison officer. Times, Sunday Times
  • But some speakers emphasised the importance of crime prevention, community liaison and education.
  • CHAMBLISS: Certainly, Wolf, the top priority is infiltrating terrorist organizations with human assets, people who work for us, rather than depending on what we refer to as liaison assets, people from other countries who work for other intelligence organizations, providing us with information. CNN Transcript Nov 23, 2003
  • The idea of a liaison with such an older man seemed to hold a fascination which they often discussed among themselves.
  • L'option d'un déploiement français dans l'Est de l'Afghanistan aurait, selon Paris, l'avantage de faciliter la cohésion du dispositif militaire français, puisque c'est dans ces régions que sont déjà déployées quatre équipes françaises d'instructeurs militaires Operational Mentoring Liaison Teams, OMLT, chacune comportant 50 soldats insérés dans des unités de l'armée afghane... posted by Mark, Ottawa at 3:23 PM Afstan combat switcheroo?
  • These include preparation of firebreaks, maintenance of fire-fighting equipment, and liaison with neighbours and a fire protection officer in the area when a fire breaks out.
  • The Labor Department was set up to be their spokesman, their champion, their liaison to the White House.
  • The family liaison kept rushing in and out of the house to take phone calls. The Sun
  • It would consist of twenty elected members and be permanently responsible for the liaison between the pope and the episcopal conferences. Paul VI - The First Modern Pope
  • There were two gendarmes on bicycles who were liaison agents and a small floating population of chauffeurs and maquisards undertaking various duties.
  • After many phone calls between the ship and the UK, along with close liaison with the contractor support team, a new engine was shipped out.
  • Darkly erotic, sadistic and unsettling, Les Liaisons Dangereuses is regarded as a masterpiece.
  • Tell them there'll be periodic briefings with the Mayor's Media Liaison.
  • And couples in the police forming romantic liaisons were posted far apart. Times, Sunday Times
  • A sexual relationship between a priest and a teenage boy was regarded as wrong, just as liaison between two priests would be. but it did not count as a revolting abuse of trust .
  • He didn't need Dorothy to tell him his liaison with Helene was not going to help Dianna's debut in Polite Society.
  • The administration will also hire 18 liaisons and two supervisors to work with caseworkers in contracted social service organizations to help streamline the process. Bloomberg Cuts AIDS $75M? «
  • This week all over the media yet another presidential vestal intern revealed the details of her sad 50-year-old saga of 18 months worth of sort-of-secret liaisons with JFK of Blessed Memory. Myra Chanin: Mimi Alford's Hymen Sacrificed on the Altar of History
  • Two British military liaison and reconnaissance teams have also been deployed - one to Colombo and the second to Indonesian capital Jakarta.
  • The younger branch of the house of Navarreins bears quarterly with the arms of Navarreins those of Lansac, namely, azure, and argent party per pale raguly, between six spear-heads in pale, and the old lady’s liaison with Louis XV. had earned her husband the title of duke by royal patent. Domestic Peace
  • In certain branches of engineering, liaison with clients and their sites can mean a significant amount of travelling for the engineer.
  • The Army is assigning active duty liaisons to support all four of the VA's Poly Trauma Centers on a trial basis.
  • Would a chair professor of literature at Yale University be allowed to conduct serially personal liaisons with female graduate students over his entire career across decades?
  • Quand tu es en ligne je te recommande OneLook, où on trouve des liaisons à une large gamme de dictionnaires, et il y a moins de levage lourd! Unnatural ‘preternaturally’, naturally
  • Community liaison committees tend to steer clear of contentious issues, and the agenda is usually set by the police.
  • Each combat command typically employed liaison aircraft and mechanized cavalry troops for route reconnaissance and early warning of enemy positions.
  • He also has a family liaison officer to help. The Sun
  • They included a horde of diversity co-ordinators, community liaison officers, social inclusion officers and suchlike hierarchs of the priesthood of political correctness.
  • They said she had become a public nuisance behind the station ‘as she quite openly solicits males on Fairfield Street and as a result of such liaisons, regularly frequents the ladies' toilets’ on Piccadilly station itself.
  • IEC media liaison officer for the Eastern Cape Mr Matthew Moonieya said the delays were due to a problem with "resourcing" the polling stations, with "getting all the stuff there". ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Year old catch good liaison man to communication industry manages and offer communication service to attach most importance to a dot, had caught the following the job of 5 respects.
  • Liaison between police forces and the art world is vital to combat art crime.
  • Couples should trade in the straightjacket of strict monogamy, which essentially doesn't work, and instead seek to be 'monogomish,' that is, being essentially faithful but allowing for outside liaisons which just might prevent the dissolution of the primary relationship. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: The New York Times' Questions Monogamy
  • His work with the youth in his role as juvenile liaison officer was remarkable.
  • Lindsay Duncan and Alan Rickman -- last stateside as perhaps the hottest Amanda and Elyot ever in Private Lives and before that as another pair of saturnine lovers in Les Liaisons Dangereuses -- also have their moments, as does Belton portraying a snake-eyed, quick-tongued Mrs. Wilton. David Finkle: First Nighter: Ibsen's John Gabriel Borkman Unleashes Acting Blizzard
  • The police have appointed a liaison officer to work with the local community.
  • Better techniques, better documentation systems, better communication between all members, better customer liaison and contracts.
  • Suitably inwardly calmed, he returned with the role of McCabe, a maverick wildlife liaison officer who wasn't afraid to use unorthodox methods to get results when it came to bad people taunting squirrels or baiting frogspawn.
  • There is also close liaison with the school's reception class.
  • Because few things are more important than effective liaison and coordination between ours and our allies intelligence services.
  • From USA Today: "To hear Premiere magazine tell it, Arnold Schwarzenegger is an uncouth boor who frequently groped women and engaged in extramarital liaisons. Boing Boing: February 11, 2001 - February 17, 2001 Archives
  • I'm a liaison between the scientific community and the public.
  • Dutocq had seen with great uneasiness what he called the liaison of des Lupeaulx with Madame Rabourdin, and his silent wrath on the subject was accumulating. Bureaucracy
  • Cam Walker, FoE's national liaison officer, discussed the need to raise the public profile of the environmental movement's victories.
  • The police have appointed a liaison officer to work with the local community.
  • Investigations are ongoing in liaison with the police. The Sun
  • We think that educational sessions for small groups of family doctors and close liaison with psychiatric colleagues can greatly improve the recognition of depression and the care of people with depression.
  • You would be better to back off from this dangerous liaison. The Sun
  • In March 1944, he became a liaison to the Australian Government to monitor and evaluate Japanese broadcasts.
  • His tie to her will last longer than most adulterous liaisons.
  • You can call ITN on 0207 833 3000 and ask to be put through to the viewer liaison line for the news programme you wish to comment on. ITN Headlines
  • Despite his unpleasant personality, he was remarkably successful at this, although these liaisons rarely lasted beyond a single night.
  • Every three years, ANF members hobnob with other noble associations from around Europe at a convention organized by the Commission of Information and Liaison of the Noble Associations of Europe. What's a Poor French Noble to Do Without a King to Call His Own?
  • After a chance encounter in a cafe ends up in a brief liaison, he tries vainly to track her down.
  • Management of toxicities in the community requires close liaison with the hospital team, and severe toxicity requires immediate admission.
  • When not covering specific cases, the team of six officers act as police liaisons with both the hip-hop world and detectives covering a similar beat in California and Florida.
  • Again, close liaison between obstetrician, midwife, general practitioner, cardiologist, and neonatologist is vital.
  • During year 3, all students study medicine, surgery, paediatrics, women's health, general practice, and liaison psychiatry.
  • The whirlwind velocity with which the larger combines recombine and split, enter and break off engagements, couple, reproduce offspring, contrive advantageous liaisons between progeny and distant cousins, and otherwise besport themselves in what sometimes seems like a corporate bacchanalia, has made it difficult for us to keep pace with all of it long enough to get it down on paper. Travels in Medialand
  • One of the main reason why you must NOT make a liaison after "et" (= 'and', pronounced "é") in front of a vowel is often to avoid nonsense and confusion. L'accent tonique - French Word-A-Day
  • The point is that Mrs Richards has just informed me of a past liaison between your aging partner, Dr Hughes and the aforesaid Hannah Jones. GOODBYE CURATE
  • Appoint a liaison or committee member to monitor progress of projects.
  • Among them, strengthen Sino-Japanese collaboration to will become development China liaison man...
  • My GOH liaison, the lovely Laura, came to the con with a cage of bats, which was pretty cool as well, and I met a couple of readers from Bulgaria who told me that in my Bulgarian editions, "battering ram" is translated with the word for a male sheep. Back from Indianapolis
  • On the contrary, ‘lobbying’ must be applied vigorously in close liaison with constituent social movements.
  • He kept saying he wanted to get to know me better before he would consider any professional liaison. THE LAST TEMPTATION
  • The money will also be used to provide funding for an ethnic minority liaison officer to work in the community.
  • In 1613, she was accused of having a sexual liaison with a neighbour and to clear her name, went to the Church Court.
  • If you want to interview someone in particular, see if a media liaison can arrange it for you.
  • Highland home, we may almost forgive him the excesses of that tour, if not the renewed liaison with Jean which immediately preceded, and the amorous correspondence with "Clarinda" (Mrs. M'Lehose) which followed it ..... Seeing Europe with Famous Authors, Volume 2 Great Britain and Ireland, Part 2
  • The governor, or wali, is appointed by the national government, and serves as the primary liaison between local and federal government.
  • Above and below, divisions blur and the long-established equilibrium is knocked off balance amid revelations of illicit sexual liaisons and dubious business dealings.
  • We should judge him by his actions, rather than bythe fact that he used the word “contestability” in evidence to the Liaison Committee last December. Gordon Brown, Charlie Whelan and Me
  • The cuisinier gascon uses the basic mixtures much less than do other eighteenth-century cooks, considering them a trifle old-fashioned: “I will not speak at all of jus, coulis, bouillon, essence, and all those old liaisons which are made; they are found in the book of Martialot [sic] in his old manuscripts [sic].” Savoring The Past
  • Peter Youngbaer, white-nose liaison for the speleological society, said caving groups are also conservation organizations. Blog updates
  • As health care professionals, we must see ourselves as social activists and community liaisons.
  • The impact cracked the sump and although the crew tried to make repairs on the following liaison section, the oil leaked from the engine and they retired.
  • The office, which receives $400 million annually, funds summer camps, tutors and a smattering of local liaisons who aim to to alleviate the disruptions of itinerancy. For migrant students, a cycle of dwindling opportunities
  • The fragments of gold are legally treasure and must be declared to finds liaison officers. Times, Sunday Times
  • The public airing of what many treated as a private liaison will make many observers more careful about their electronic correspondence.
  • Each prison has a race relations liaison officer who works to a race relations management team. The Prisons We Deserve
  • Our audit illustrates why we must consider non-attendance within the wider social context and the importance of close liaison with social services.
  • This eight-week program trains parents to be active participants and advocates in their children's education and to share these skills as community liaisons.
  • It is also our intention to work in closer liaison with the fans and the local authority.
  • He was part of an air-to-ground liaison group that landed on Juno beach in Normandy on June 6 1944.
  • With intimacy all but gone out of sex for young people, it has been replaced with a new culture of "shags" and "threesomes" and girls tend not to care who it is with or who knows what about their sexual liaisons. Irish Blogs
  • Lab assistants in many labs today are liaisons to the point of care phlebotomists, usually acting as experts in phlebotomy in health care institutions.
  • If you're one of the beautiful elite, summer is a fizzy whirl of suitors and intrigues and liaisons.
  • FBI field offices with these types of schools in their area should establish appropriate liaison.
  • Of course, the battalion commander with his artillery liaison officer was usually flying overhead.
  • She gave him a factual account of the chronology of her brief liaison.
  • “Jerry” Persons, the assistant chief of staff and congressional liaison, agreed that the press secretary would call the secretaries of state and treasury, and cable Sherman Adams. Eisenhower 1956
  • We're liaisoning with the department concerned so as to solve the problem as soon as possible.
  • Year old catch good liaison man to communication industry manages and offer communication service to attach most importance to a dot, had caught the following the job of 5 respects.
  • Two more liaison missions were dropped into the region. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not only did he disapprove of gay marriage, but refused to even give relationship status to gay and lesbian couples, preferring the tawdry term ‘liaisons’.
  • And what they call liaison officers, that is intelligence officers, and friendly intelligence services. CNN Transcript Aug 24, 2006
  • Perhaps some offensive remark I bad made that evening had. penetrated the alcoholic fog, for he sat scowling at the head of the table while Mme. Desprez, the wife of a public-relations officer, and Captain Duparc of the Press Liaison Service nodded and becked. The Quiet American
  • This preliminary experience suggests that, despite close liaison with the primary care group, the referral process will take time to be adopted and implemented.
  • This has been done through close liaison with many local and national bodies.
  • Liaison between police forces and the art world is vital to combat art crime.
  • The cavalry troop headquarters would include requisite maintenance, command and control, and liaison capabilities.
  • I said I felt strongly that this was a matter of liaison sensitivity that justified redaction (editing).
  • He established guards for his artillery trains and directed that a liaison orderly be sent from each battery to brigade headquarters.
  • The controller acts as a liaison between the slave work processor and the master, leaving the work processor to concentrate solely on data processing.
  • Our Center coordinator is your personal liaison with the team and will help you by: Center for Pediatric Eosinophilic Disorders
  • My own happy band of uniformed dogsbodies are well used to newly promoted or acting sergeants arriving from such weird and wonderful departments as “covert unit”, “firearms” or “community liaison”. The Policeman's Blog
  • Will you be her family liaison officer? The Sun
  • She is responsible for liaison with researchers at other universities.
  • In April 2002, he was jailed for six weeks for contempt of court for spitting at a police liaison officer in court.
  • She introduced him to sensual and sexual pleasure, but her continued liaisons caused him pain.
  • Legal systems suppliers have recently formed a trade association that has been welcomed in the profession to encourage liaison and co-ordination.
  • Sabshin hired world traveler Ellen Mercer, who served as staff liaison to the committee and later as director of APA's Office of International Affairs when it was formed in 1982.
  • Golf superstar Tiger Woods and TV celebrity Jesse James have seen their lives unravel amid revelations of cheating on their spouses, in part by arranging liaisons via text messages.
  • At the low end, there are all manner of activities, from foot patrols, liaison and goodwill visits, training missions and what is known collectively as "humint" – human intelligence - the use of informers and the local population to provide detail on terrorist activities and their whereabouts. Are we a nation of mummy's boys?
  • The British tried to effect an improvement by detailing liaison officers, but these officers found themselves practically helpless.
  • Family liaison officers were seen yesterday at the home of the teenage suspect's mum just a mile from the scene. The Sun
  • Family liaison officers will meet bereaved relatives in the meantime. The Sun
  • The first requirement is for instruction in air-to-ground liaison in directing the US Air Force and the RAF to their targets.
  • RUMSFELD: I think it is certainly likely that they could be doing something other than what you characterize as liaison work. CNN Transcript Dec 13, 2001
  • In desperation, she entered warily into a sexual liaison with an army captain, who offered some promise of economic stability.
  • He was arrested in December after a clamp down on illegal traders by the multi-agency liaison team, made up of police, trading standards, immigration service and housing benefit fraud team officers.
  • Liaisons qui prendraient tout naturellement place dans le dispositif e-book plus Entretiens / Interviews / Entrevistas
  • I don't work here, I'm a liaison for the architecture firm handling the retrofit.
  • Provincial police liaison officer Superintendent Miranda Mills said today police did not know why the 25 kg of commercial explosive ammonium nitrate and 175 pentolite explosive charges had been cached in the area. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Keith has been in Bulgaria since April working as a liaison of the American Bar Association.
  • Three years as a legislative liaison, six years in the state senate, four tedious years as lieutenant governor.
  • Pour back this mixture and reheat it to effect a liaison like a custard sauce. A Passion for Food
  • Our role is to ensure liaison between schools and parents.
  • Once Alicia (Emmy winner Julianna Margulies) embraced her bad side, in a tumultuous secret liaison with her boss Will (Josh Charles), network TV's most compelling drama is also its steamiest, cunningly blending the personal with a sharply written legal procedural that is never less than stimulating. Matt Roush's Top 10 (And Then Some) of 2011
  • There are likewise signs at the referral stage of closer liaison with other agencies.
  • In some areas fundholders had formed liaison groups and were meeting regularly to share experiences and develop their collective expertise.
  • The liaison with the “border crossers” in the eastern city of Gaziantep was a woman known as the Night Seamstress. Turkey: Ottoman and Post Ottoman.
  • With her usual perfection, Keaton plays an uptight frigid woman who is quietly appalled by her daughter's romantic liaison.
  • Given Musk's complaints about red tape, I think the second piece explains where the red tape is coming form: "As the liaison agency for companies that wish to launch from the Cape, Space Florida serves the 45th Space Wing in assuring companies are vetted prior to engaging with the 45th Space Wing and that processes are implemented and executed. Space Florida Is Under Increased Scrutiny (Updated) - NASA Watch
  • The doctor, obstetrician, midwife, or family practitioner is often the liaison between parents and the NICU team.
  • Although ‘liaisons’ are not officially designated, the role is part of an honored, unwritten pact going back more than 100 years.
  • They are extremely responsive to romantic attention, which is very gratifying to their ever-hungry ego, and as such they can suffer from rash romantic liaisons that are impetuous and unsuitable on a long term basis.
  • His tie to her will last longer than most adulterous liaisons.
  • Their liaison takes place, strangely and indiscreetly, on a bed in a vast open gallery.
  • A teacher in one liaison group carried out a similar experiment with one of his classes with tests on a single topic.
  • This four-year liaison between a government whip and a junior government minister has everyone hooked, at least until the next eye-popping distraction.
  • Second, when outside assistance is sought, family members frequently serve as liaisons between elderly relatives and health care systems.
  • I have a professor on my staff here as liaison with our higher education institutions.
  • Learning correct liaison is one of the challenges in mastering French. Liaison - French Word-A-Day
  • He was a notorious womaniser and his wife wanted to divorce him after one liaison too many.
  • In certain branches of engineering, liaison with clients and their sites can mean a significant amount of travelling for the engineer.
  • We are hoping to establish better customer liaison.
  • For every successful romantic liaison on the Internet I bet there are a dozen horror stories of people being suckered in, only to be abruptly rejected when they've served their purpose.
  • We also recruit assistant stewardesses to work as telephone liaison between the passengers and the ship's staff.
  • It's important that we work in close liaison with other charities in this field.
  • He anticipated that both the secretary and liaison officer would be seconded from government departments.
  • I have a professor on my staff here as liaison with our higher education institutions.
  • We maintained a close liaison with the trade union.
  • To name both the act of thickening and the agents of thickening, early French cooks used the word liaison, which meant a close connection or bond, whether physical, political, or amorous. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • Despite losing the vote, John Lambie, convener of the trade union - Labour liaison committee, warned that ministers would still have to tackle the issue.
  • Their liaisons are unlikely to lead to anything permanent - they're just having a good time.
  • He said that their liaisons would either end in tears or a'beautiful relationship '. Times, Sunday Times
  • The CCCP is decomissioned and Red Saviour gets to do some liaison work. Archive 2007-04-01
  • The meeting had ended in agreement to establish a permanent liaison committee.
  • There has been a great deal of liaison with the local community and with the peaceful groups who wanted to demonstrate.
  • ‘The student-athlete is getting more time to get acclimated to the institution,’ says Steve Mallonee, the NCAA director of membership services and governance liaison.
  • More liaison between the old manager and the new one should ensure greater continuity.
  • But his liaisons are tame rather than dangerous. The Sun
  • As for the musical's other antique qualities, we're not even going to get into the slightly creepy circumstances of Cable's liaison with gentle, younger-than-springtime Liat, arranged by her vulturous mother, the trinket peddler Bloody Mary. Smooth sailing
  • Stimulants should be prescribed judiciously and monitored carefully by specialists in close liaison with primary care physicians.
  • We urgently reaffirm our 2003 call for the prompt reconvening of talks with North Korea leading to a non-aggression pact between North Korea and the United States, renouncement of pre-emptive attack and negotiation of a peace treaty replacing the present Armistice Treaty of 1953 and the establishment and exchange of liaison offices between the United States and North Korea as a sign of good faith. National Council of Churches
  • Liaison between police forces and the art world is vital to combat art crime.
  • They mounted an especially effective legislative liaison operation that secured a high level of Republican unity while drawing in conservative Democrats.
  • Liaison between police forces and the art world is vital to combat art crime.
  • When analysts can cite other experts, whether private sector or foreign liaison, they add to their own credibility - experts talk to other experts - as well as buttress their argument.
  • The order of service has not yet been finalised but a police family liaison officer has been asked to read a poem during the service.
  • In his large and gloomy house in the Arbat he brought up his son Alexander, to whom he had given the surname Herzen, as if to stress the fact that he was the child of an irregular liaison, an affair of the heart. The Great Amateur
  • He said the Institute was putting in place a framework for the resolution of the problem and towards this end, it would work in close liaison with the residents, students, community leaders and the Gardai.
  • A couple of slaps later they were advised to be careful in their romantic liaisons.
  • To further the necessary changes within the workshop we appointed an education officer and an industrial liaison officer.
  • She was married three times and had numerous casual liaisons.
  • Police family liaison officers were with them and a uniformed officer stood guard outside the front door. Times, Sunday Times
  • L'option d'un déploiement français dans l'Est de l'Afghanistan aurait, selon Paris, l'avantage de faciliter la cohésion du dispositif militaire français, puisque c'est dans ces régions que sont déjà déployées quatre équipes françaises d'instructeurs militaires Operational Mentoring Liaison Teams, OMLT, chacune comportant 50 soldats insérés dans des unités de l'armée afghane... posted by Mark, Ottawa at 3:23 PM Afstan combat switcheroo?
  • Orthopaedic liaison nurses swabbed all patients (nose, perineum, and any skin lesions) in the community for MRSA and methicillin sensitive Staphylococcus aureus.
  • Family liaison officers have been assigned to the victims' families who are understandably shocked and saddened. The Sun
  • Family liaison officers will meet bereaved relatives in the meantime. The Sun
  • But his liaisons are tame rather than dangerous. The Sun
  • We know that you served as an Air Force Academy liaison officer when you weren't flying airliners.
  • Quand tu es en ligne je te recommande OneLook, où on trouve des liaisons à une large gamme de dictionnaires, et il y a moins de levage lourd! Unnatural ‘preternaturally’, naturally
  • And yet maybe technology is doing in the long-term dupe, the dangerous liaison where no one gets caught and no one pays. Entertainment News:
  • What spheres of activity might fall within the remit of an international liaison, given this context?

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