- all of the words in a language; all word forms having meaning or grammatical function
How To Use lexis In A Sentence
- Each major area is enclosed by a large number of isoglosses representing differences in lexis, grammar, and phonology.
- Alexis, violently shuddering, stood half hidden by her stepfather's bulk, a scarecrow in Craig's navy blazer. A THEORY OF RELATIVITY
- Alexis is on trial for murdering music Brown during an attempted car theft. Md. man denies 2 killings in testimony
- Perhaps the most extraordinary thing about the extraordinary Alexis Soyer is that, while he too fashioned himself a man of letters, he would also transcend the constraints of this literary model and, far ahead of his time, prefigure the flamboyant personas of today's celebrity chefs. Alexis Soyer and the Rise of the Celebrity Chef
- Because she feels that historical facts were creatively interpreted in the run up to the conflict, she invented her own lexis to convey her stance.
- Back come the home side and win a corner when Ronaldo diligently tracks back and gets his tackle in.35 min: What a pass from Xavi, going 20 yards, arrowing down the inside-right channel to meet Alexis's run. Barcelona v Real Madrid – as it happened | Rob Bagchi
- LINKS, new archives profile layout dland alexis alfred althea anqi chu yuan chrissy daniel tay derrick huiling monster serene chen xiao shi xinni xinru Zhen-zhen Diary Entry
- Omnes adorant ad Aquilonem complosis manibus: et prosternentes se genibus flexis ad terram, ponentes frontem super manus. The iournal of frier William de Rubruquis a French man of the order of the minorite friers, vnto the East parts of the worlde. An. Dom. 1253.
- July to felony murder and other charges in the death of her daughter Alexis "Lexie" Agyepong-Glover. WMDT Top News Stories
- Alexis screamed in fear and panic, the piercing shriek echoing throughout the empty library.