How To Use Lexicostatistics In A Sentence
On the accounting and software loggia not from stark softening thevetia, but from an unary, yet acetic nihau of unappreciated aglow lexicostatistics.
Rational Review
It is important to recognize, however, that many linguists do not agree on the validity and accuracy of glottochronology and lexicostatistics in determining linguistic diffusion.
Are you related to the Aztecs?
Many of the papers in these volumes show a revival of interest in the much criticised techniques of glottochronology and lexicostatistics.
Like lexicostatistics it counts shared similarities instead of only counting shared innovations.
How NOT to reconstruct a protolanguage
On the other hand, I agree that lexicostatistics does little good.
How NOT to reconstruct a protolanguage
Starostin's odd pretensions of having "proven" Altaic by lexicostatistics, which have nothing to do with the rest of the EDAL...
How NOT to reconstruct a protolanguage
When linguists set up sets of words for lexical comparison, whether for classical subgrouping or for lexicostatistics, they are typically arranged by glosses.