
How To Use Lexical In A Sentence

  • The lexical diarrhoea, the mememe contents, the Pennine Chain I-Know-Everything certainty. Fancy Forking Out £80 for Breakfast with Stephen Timms?
  • Lexical representation and development in a second language can be divided into three stages: formal stage, L1 lemma mediation stage, and L2 integration stage.
  • The phonological output lexicon stores pronunciations corresponding to all the spoken words known to the reader, also in the form of lexical entries.
  • Others are more fixed and allow little room for adjustment, and these we might think of as more lexical in character.
  • Lexical items in pidgin languages tend to cover a wider semantic domain than in the base language.
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  • Finally, this paper concludes that lexical chunk approach is a practical way to reverse current less effective English teaching status and lead English teaching to a new developing platform.
  • The pattern of L 2 mental lexicon organization is one important dimension of L 2 lexical competence.
  • Lewis was one of the first to popularize this ‘lexical turn’ in applied linguistics, and he did so energetically, if, at times, contentiously. September « 2010 « An A-Z of ELT
  • My listings like "looking to get tarred and pleasured" and "Searching for a heroine to do the paronym of this sentence's lexical subject" kept getting flagged. Gawker
  • Headline is an important component of a newspaper with peculiar language features; Here a preliminary survey is made on the English headlines,[sentence dictionary] mainly on its lexical and grammatical features.
  • lexically represented
  • The paper considers similarities and differences between names in Hebrew and Arabic as a specific lexical group within their vocabularies.
  • The stimuli were presented in the monitor via tachistoscopic visual half-field technique, and the subjects were required to perform the lexical-decision tasks.
  • For anticausativization, I review recent arguments suggesting that derived inchoatives have causative semantics as part of their lexical representation, consistent with the MH.
  • They do so by lexical wrinkles like the paradoxical "silence-speaking" itself of this same junctural ligature. Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • It seems to be, at this intermediate stage of nominal determiner grammaticalization, a lexical feature of indefinites rather than an effect of syntactic or pragmatic factors.
  • Having stated this position, Jackendoff immediately points to two cases where syntax and semantics fail to match up; one concerns the grammatical relation of clausal subject, the other the lexical category of noun.
  • Composing word by word the ultimate post that will drive women and wonderchicken-loving men to previously unreached heights of lexically-ecstatic mental fibrillations?
  • The keys for lexical access are stressed syllables in the word corresponding to the input syllable type.
  • Guyanese speak Creole dialects of English with varying ethnic lexical imprints.
  • In Jamaican Creole, tone is lexical in a few minimal pairs.
  • Context, mediated by anaphora, can affect the resolution of lexical as well as structural ambiguity.
  • Much better reduction is given by the lexical check of candidate strings compared with the n-gram results.
  • Traditional rhetoric holds that metaphor is lexically a kind of contrast and substitution of meanings, and it is a deviation of the normal rules of language use.
  • From the perspective of semantic conversion, this paper classifies the types of lexical conversion and analyzes its pragmatic and rhetoric significance.
  • nonlexical morphemes
  • Neology is the embodiment of economical principle the outcome of self - adjustment in the lexical system.
  • In understanding spoken language, lexical access is achieved by using information from the acoustic representation of a word.
  • Contrast also grants priority to lexical expressions that conventionally convey a specific meaning.
  • Traitées par des systèmes informatiques spécifiques, les données (lexicales et textuelles) portent sur divers registres du français: langue littéraire (du 14e au 20e siècle), langue courante (écrite et parlée), langue scientifique et technique (terminologies), et régionalismes. Entretiens / Interviews / Entrevistas
  • There's an abbreviation of the name, a checkbox for genders, another one for classes, and information about how the lexical type inflects.
  • It can be marked by very low pitch, even on lexical items, loss of amplitude and a lengthy pause.
  • Note also that Adams is so dozy as to include in his blitzkrieg on the overuse of ‘basically’ a sentence that commits precisely the same sort of lexical naughtiness. “Attacks” on the language are greatly misunderstood
  • Context, mediated by anaphora, can affect the resolution of lexical as well as structural ambiguity.
  • Instead, there would be a set of lexical rules indicating which affix had to be added to produce each inflected form.
  • Dialect, accent, lexical choice and grammatical structures are all interpreted by speakers and addressees as signifying status.
  • By understanding closures and lexical scope, you begin to perceive opportunities for new development patterns and idioms.
  • What pragmatic principles govern lexical acquisition?
  • The concept expressed by German `Gemuetlichkeit' is not lexicalized in English
  • This serves to highlight not only the lexical features associated with a particular field but also the syntactic features which characterize spoken French.
  • We am concerned with the theoretical and practical motivations behind the development of the lexical access component used here.
  • Lexically scoped variables refer to the local environment in which they were defined.
  • Lexical access is not an autonomous process which a central processor can direct towards any part of the utterance.
  • Experiments 1 and 2 investigated the influence of an orthographic lexical context upon spoken word discrimination.
  • If their each influence breaks through the boundary about them, the original"preposition o"phrase will lexicalize into the"preposition o"compound words .
  • Although this doesn't really translate into English, we nevertheless have a negative association between the liver and bravery, lexicalised in the antonym of bravery: ‘lily-livered’.
  • So, what you are noticing in your children’s SLA development are processes of early lexicalisation and later syntacticalisation entirely consistent with the principles of a lexical approach. L is for (Michael) Lewis « An A-Z of ELT
  • We increased the acoustic information by incorporating lexical stress into the representation.
  • A concern that deserves some consideration is whether target discriminations could have been made at the semantic level or at the sublexical level instead of at the lexical level.
  • These often show a dissociation between the stem of a lexical item and its affix.
  • Traditional rhetoric holds that metaphor is lexically a kind of contrast and substitution of meanings, and it is a deviation of the normal rules of language use.
  • Stemberger compared the frequencies with which these three types of error occurred with open and closed class lexical items.
  • This is borne out by empirical research (e.g Olsen 1999) CLI researchers tend to classify Lexical transfer as misspellings, borrowings, coinage and calque. E is for Error « An A-Z of ELT
  • Studies of fossilisation (now known as stabilisation) suggested that learners who are not encouraged to, or even discouraged from, ‘adding grammar’ are stuck in the pre-syntactic, lexical phase. L is for (Michael) Lewis « An A-Z of ELT
  • Finally, in the original table there were only three cells in the relative clause affirmative realized with default lexical tone.
  • Their judgment rests on the ordinary lexical meaning of the term riba, which literally and simply means "increase" (ziyadah). Undefined
  • It is a tonal Mon-Khmer language with strong Chinese lexical influences.
  • Even if one does know that a compound exists there is no guarantee that the lexical information will be available.
  • We turn next to semantic constraints triggered by the lexical properties of certain predicates, idioms, and anaphoric expressions.
  • The original abounds in archival data, lexical arcana and extensive annotation and was not easily put into English that flowed.
  • Lexical words are generally fitted into the flow of language through such mechanisms as affixation, suppletion, stress shift, and vowel change, all of which have morphological and other effects.
  • They are designed to fool lexical analysis tools that examine the word content of an email and recognize common ‘spam’ terms.
  • Lexical priority is such a stringent condition that a special form of justification will turn out to be necessary for its defense.
  • Such a feature (phonological, morphological, syntactic, semantic, lexical, or other) usually contrasts with some similar feature in adjoining areas.
  • Informative insufficient words are phenomenon of concern to lexical meaning, syntactic structure and meaning.
  • expressed nonlexically
  • We must now confront the rather more daunting problems of differentiating lexical units paradigmatically.
  • Patrick: worked more on fixing lexicals in Parrot getting them to work the way we need them in Rakudo down to 16 failing core tests most of those have to do with relying on autoclosing called subroutines working on a design and implementation for that shouldn't take too long it's going cleaner than I thought, assuming I haven't made gross errors have worked on cleaning up exception handling from the PIR perspective trying to get us caught up to date on that published a lengthy note to the list last night describing how we should write exception handlers otherwise, responding to the Rakudo ticket queue either applying patches or describing why they won't work getting feedback to people submitting patches Planet Perl
  • Such lexical chains need not necessarily consist of words which mean the same, however.
  • To be sure, the complications are not strictly lexical or even lexicographical: they stem chiefly from the differences between the kind of lexical alternation of the bonnet/hood, roundabout/traffic circle, dustman/garbage collector type and the type that is sociolinguistic and meaningless without some sort of acculturative comment, like tea, which occurs in both varieties of English but means quite different things in each, the Ashes, which doesn't occur at all in American English, and back bencher, VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XII No 2
  • You know, present them thematically, ALONG WITH other related words and with the sort of word exploration (and that would include “separability” issues) that many other lexical items also deserve? P is for Phrasal Verb « An A-Z of ELT
  • From our point of view, all idioms are elementary lexical units.
  • Then, too, beyond this cross-lexical effect, there is the adjective's quiet anagrammaticization in the immediately following line, where "silent entangler" telescopes under conversion to "listener" — sleep apostrophized as if overhearing its own wordplay. Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • Context, mediated by anaphora, can affect the resolution of lexical as well as structural ambiguity.
  • As distractors, there were syntactical pitfalls and lexical changes.
  • Sarcasm, irony, and figurative language in general isn't capable of being handled automatically in a lexical way (which is what my system is based on), but requires a more subtle discourse and contextual (in the nonlinguistic sense) analysis. On the dangers of Facebook
  • Lexical reiteration is an important aspects in lexical cohesion, and provides a basis for discourse coherence.
  • However articulate you are, your everyday speech is punctuated by these nonlexical vocables (as linguists call them). Times, Sunday Times
  • Lexicalisation doesn't have to involve making up a new word, it could be a compound, or an existing word could be broadened.
  • Finally, the paper concludes that although it is far from being perfect, the lexical chunk instruction indeed offers us a new perspective to SLT.
  • In the present invention, the lexical graph has phoneme branches.
  • However, they can be disentangled sufficiently to allow our study of lexical semantics to proceed.
  • In Lana's lexical world, the lexigram ‘bowl’ was selected when Lana was shown a bowl or a photo of a bowl.
  • The lexical structure of the domain is flat there are no hyponyms or hypernyms among ideophones (Watson 2001) there is only synonymy and antonymy Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • It is an integrated technical processing system which is supported by the technique of word segment, lexical analysis, retrieval, entity recognition and answer extraction.
  • Some lexical sets are also included, such as homographs and homonyms, compound nouns, and academic subjects.
  • People differ, but personally I don’t consider misspellings or most word confusions to be indicative of poor grammar, but rather of failed lexical access. On the use of ex- « Motivated Grammar
  • Both the morphological analysis and the suffix deletion tasks assessed morphemic manipulation in the absence of contextual cues that may facilitate lexical retrieval.
  • This paper examines the aspect hypothesis, which asserts that verb inflections in early interlanguage systems function primarily as markers of lexical aspect independent of the target language.
  • Note that I'm not denying that languages can and do differ in their relative amounts of homophony, word-sense ambiguity and lexical category ambiguity.
  • WordNet is a big lexical dictionary heavily used by this community for creation of natural language systems.
  • An irregular capitalization of the initial letter is assumed to activate wrong lexical units and therefore slows down word identification.
  • These links of similarity or contrast (antonymy) create lexical cohesion in a text.
  • Lexical access in turn produces a list of word matches over some portion of the utterance which are ordered by score.
  • Conclusion Lexical development offers critical insights into the process of language acquisition.
  • Though let me stress that what I have offered here is not an expert opinion; I have done no serious quantitative work on this topic, and I have no real expertise in diachronic lexical semantics.
  • The stimuli were presented in the monitor via tachistoscopic visual half-field technique, and the subjects were required to perform the lexical-decision tasks.
  • Rather, inadequate phonological information is available for a greater proportion of such children's lexical entries.
  • The lexical information for the constituent words is probably incorrect in the environment of the compound, leading to errors.
  • In Chapters 5 and 6 the Chart is allowed to run to completion in order to determine the worst-case effects of lexical ambiguity.
  • Edit a book on lexical semantics
  • But one can not simply associate high lexical density with writing, and low lexical density with speaking.
  • Most stylometric studies employ items of language and most of these items are lexically based.
  • The interaction between the vision of colors and odor determination is investigated through lexical analysis of experts' wine tasting comments.
  • PRO in this language can occupy a position that can be filled by a lexical NP, which is assigned dative or nominative Case, depending on the embedded verb.
  • It is an integrated technical processing system which is supported by the technique of word segment, lexical analysis, retrieval, entity recognition and answer extraction.
  • Then we get to the real nitty-gritty, what we call the lexical words, the words that carry a distinctive semantic content.
  • The composite arises when levels of complex lexical structure come from different languages.
  • I get dizzy at these lofty heights) and am sending down everything that I can possibly get away with because, let’s face it, all the lexical vs deixis constructions in the world aren’t as exciting as a fit man calling into the office. Embarrassing crushes « Sven’s guide to…
  • DIINAR.1 is an Arabic Lexical Resource which includes 119,693 lemmas, fully vowelled, and distributed as follows: 29,534 nouns and adjectives, 19,457 verbs, 70,702 deverbals.
  • Reading problems may stem from dysfunctions of phonologic or phonemic awareness, deficient analysis or recognition of visual patterns, active working memory limitations, and/or reduced lexical access. A Mind at a Time
  • Correspondingly, we shall have to consider three aspects of the delimitation of a lexical item.
  • As I remember, Nuuchahnulth is the language that has around 30 lexical terms relating to salmon in much the same way that Eskimo Inuit has an almost equal number related to "snow" and Irish Gaelic for types of rain and rainfall. NOOTKA DICTIONARY.
  • Pop quiz, jargon juggler: who's got two fists full of round bombs with fuses of scorn for bilingual bloggers testing my lexical patience? Ask And Ye Shall Receive
  • The constraint-based theories Head-driven Phrase Structure grammar (HPSG) and Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG) integrate syntax and semantics in the account of anaphoric study.
  • These often show a dissociation between the stem of a lexical item and its affix.
  • Nevertheless, there is an inverse correlation between the lexical expansion of a language and the iconicity of its grammar.
  • Cognitive context consists of lexical information, encyclopedic knowledge and logical information.
  • The many lexical and grammatical cognates in English and Dutch probably give the Dutch learners of English a considerable head-start in the learning process.
  • Further it is hypothesized that there are different formulators for each language, while there is one lexicon where lexical elements from different languages are stored together.
  • The lexical look-up technique is preferable to statistical methods since it does not have a built-in error rate and guarantees lexical output.
  • With Shelley's drawing in English on those interchangeable speech sounds "O" and "Oh," his ode momentarily arrests that move into literalization, into discourse, or pretends to, in a cross-lexical alphabetic suspension — even in the very fashioning of its first signifying transit; and even in the equivocation of its monosyllabic letter sounds. Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • Lexical skills go well beyond the simplicities of printed words with white space on either side.
  • Studies of fossilisation now known as stabilisation suggested that learners who are not encouraged to, or even discouraged from, ‘adding grammar’ are stuck in the pre-syntactic, lexical phase. L is for (Michael) Lewis « An A-Z of ELT
  • When linguists set up sets of words for lexical comparison, whether for classical subgrouping or for lexicostatistics, they are typically arranged by glosses.
  • Lexical items in pidgin languages tend to cover a wider semantic domain than in the base language.
  • From Jordan Scott: “Having stuttered all of my life, blert represents a spelunk into the mouth of the stutterer, a trek across labial regions, a repel through the stalagmites of molars and canines, a lexical navigation into the cavernous poetics of what it means to stutter.” Jordan Scott: Audio Interview
  • Conclusion Lexical development offers critical insights into the process of language acquisition.
  • The lexical semantics thereby become their core.
  • The article focuses on what proves to be the two most distinctive uses of MAKE, viz. the delexical and causative uses.
  • Traditional way of lexical teaching is obviously characterized with certain deficiencies, such as uninterestingness, low class participation of language learners, unfirmness of learners' memory.
  • This thesis is a study on lexicalized metaphors and is an examination of the theoretical system of metaphor on the basis of lexical evidence.
  • Based on this, scholars have accepted that around 2,000 word families provide the lexical resources to engage in everyday spoken English discourse.
  • We increased the acoustic information by incorporating lexical stress into the representation.
  • In fact, the elimination of semantic priming by letter search of the prime is ambiguous with regard to lexical activation.
  • In nearly all cases, different lexical items carry with them different syntactic as well as semantic structures.
  • The extended mechanism turned out to be capable of giving a principled account of lexical blocking, the pragmatics of adjectives, and systematic polysemy.
  • Conclusion Lexical development offers critical insights into the process of language acquisition.
  • A more contentious claim is that this benefit is associated with a costs: skilled readers are said to be unable to prevent lexical and semantic analyses of words.
  • First, the relatedness of forms will serve to structure the language's lexical resources.
  • I assume we know the correct hidden structure (like foot structure) and the correct underlying forms (no epenthesis or deletion or lexical stress).
  • In terms of lexical category ambiguity, languages do differ in the extent to which their word-forms are specialized for syntactic function.
  • In the narrow sense, it is a dictionary (explanatory or thematic) that is the lexical tool of information and retrieval systems.
  • In the case of common names, the lexical entry corresponding to the solicited target is difficult to single out from other potential candidates.
  • My favorite part is the discussion, scattered throughout the work, of the interaction of lexical, morphological and phrasal factors in determining which syllables are accented.
  • However, the lexical perceptions of unbiased native speaker/hearers are pretty consistent.
  • It was Michael Lewis who was the first to popularize the view that “language consists of grammaticalized lexis, not lexicalized grammar” (1993, p. 34). September « 2010 « An A-Z of ELT
  • These findings suggested that three factors were related to the rejection of mutual exclusivity in the lexical learning process, i.e. information on the purpose of an action, the suitableness in using a familiar object for an action, and the age of the subjects.
  • You know, present them thematically, ALONG WITH other related words and with the sort of word exploration and that would include “separability” issues that many other lexical items also deserve? P is for Phrasal Verb « An A-Z of ELT
  • Ultimately, if we conceptualise the surface of prose as a "finish", we may well conceptualise the syntactic and lexical patterns that distinguish it as a largely decorative and superficial "patina". Archive 2008-06-01
  • Acceptable word candidates remaining after lexical look-up are stored for further analysis.
  • Perspective taking is closely related to the process of lexical choice.
  • Most basic of all are lexical units which become operative in minimal, or neutral, contexts.
  • French noun phrases retain their lexical grammar and adjective agreement; Cree verbs retain their polysynthetic structure. Champlain's Dream
  • The reasons for adopting this view that syntactic production and the accessibility of individual lexical items are closely related are twofold.
  • TPM Reader AK writes in with a splendid bit of lexical or phraseological insight.
  • Six main categories of deep-structure marker are identified:word order, lexical item, grammatical structure, prosody, punctuation and conjunction.
  • Each sentence could be studied in isolation and be analysed in terms of grammatical construction, lexical content and so on.
  • On this account, the word based theories posit that lexical relations in Semitic languages are linked to derivations involving lexemes and morphemes.
  • I have time to discuss only one lexical myth: this is the signpost which points us in the direction of precision.
  • Then, too, beyond this cross-lexical effect, there is the adjective's quiet anagrammaticization in the immediately following line, where "silent entangler" telescopes under conversion to "listener" — sleep apostrophized as if overhearing its own wordplay. Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • A number of analyses can be made of students' progress in the development of both lexical diversity and sophistication, and grammatical accuracy and appropriacy.
  • The use of pseudowords in addition to real words allowed us to assess suffixation without support of lexical knowledge.
  • lexical decision task
  • Oral-language assessments must measure the essential elements of knowing a language, not just lexical knowledge.
  • Most basic of all are lexical units which become operative in minimal, or neutral, contexts.
  • It was a brilliant course (two days of the science of language: what’s not to love?) but it’s harder to enjoy when you’ve only had four-and-a-half hours sleep and then you have to talk about ‘lexical vs deixis constructions’ or ‘M4M (hand and mouth are different) mouth gestures’. Embarrassing crushes « Sven’s guide to…
  • Whereabouts in the model would damage cause a patient to have to rely on the non-lexical procedure for reading?
  • Lexical analysis of the main tasks are: to scan source code character by character from left to right, resulting in one word (Token), also check the source of lexical errors.
  • Conclusion:Phonological recoding deficit in lexical access was a potential cause of the verbal learning disability or mixed learning disability.
  • However, for the moment we will accept the division of lexical items into open and closed classes.
  • Words and expressions mark aspect, discuss the aspect of function diverse, lexical category widespread, quantity is rich, and use freedom.
  • I tend to think that seeing and characterising them as collocation is the most useful way, a pragmatic view perhaps encouraged by the lexical approach. P is for Phrasal Verb « An A-Z of ELT
  • They stress that visual naming speed reflects the rapid integration of lexical access and retrieval processes with lower level visual, auditory, and motoric (articulation) processes.
  • It not only compares the amount of knowledge they have but also deals with qualitative aspects of their lexical knowledge.
  • The extended mechanism turned out to be capable of giving a principled account of lexical blocking, the pragmatics of adjectives, and systematic polysemy.
  • The reasons for adopting this view that syntactic production and the accessibility of individual lexical items are closely related are twofold.
  • For instance, in New Testament research it offers the possibility of transforming the Greek text into an interlinear text with grammatical tags, the lexical form of the word, and a word by word English translation all aligned for interlinear analysis, followed by various translations of the text into English or other languages.
  • Finally, the Lexical Decision test is a measure of children's right-left spatial reversals of Chinese radicals.
  • Thus we see that lexical elements can surface different hyponymies depending on the inclusion chain that is followed.
  • Nominal ambiguity is classified into two kinds: nominal lexical ambiguity and nominal structural ambiguity , two of which can produce ambiguity when moved from D-structure to S-structure.
  • There is a group of verbs, moreover, that have two lexical roots, both referring to the same verbal concept, yet one representing its active aspect, and one representing its stative aspect. Archive 2009-08-01
  • On this account, the word based theories posit that lexical relations in Semitic languages are linked to derivations involving lexemes and morphemes.
  • Grammatical catachresis seems to include lexical catachresis, which he illustrates with examples such as infer for imply, and refute for deny, contradict (without argument). Catachresis and the amusing, awful and artificial cathedral
  • Contrast also grants priority to lexical expressions that conventionally convey a specific meaning.
  • There is considerable lexical borrowing and linguistic code switching in informal conversation.
  • The grammatical analysis of both codes was based on passive constructions, mode, nominalization, lexical choice, and moderators.
  • Alternatively, the graphemes can be synthesized and mapped onto complete orthographic lexical representations.
  • To make the issue more concrete, suppose that a researcher wants to test the effects of language frequency on lexical decision times.
  • The lexicalization of verb-object construction is the result of the autonomy of verb or object weakening.
  • Suppose the lexical procedure had been damaged whilst the non-lexical procedure remained intact.
  • Words and expressions mark aspect, discuss the aspect of function diverse, lexical category widespread, quantity is rich, and use freedom.
  • The precise derivation of the word has always been as contentious as it is obscure but it is tempting to see some shared lexical kinship with our New Year festivities.
  • That compositionality does not constrain lexical meaning might appear paradoxical at first, but the source of paradox is just instability in how the label ˜compositionality™ is used. Compositionality
  • The lexical items that become grammaticalized must first serve commonly needed discourse functions.
  • There seems to be nothing but confusion with regards to the intricacies of a language, or what the stuffy English major in me knows as lexical content words (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs) and function words (pronouns, conjunctions, determiners, prepositions etc.) - something that seems to fly over the heads of most self-professed raw watchers, especially those who claim they don't need subtitles anymore. Design daily news
  • The grammar and structure of French are precise and the lexical meanings are affirmable. The significant world literatures all have French versions.
  • Others are more fixed and allow little room for adjustment, and these we might think of as more lexical in character.

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