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[ US /ˈɫɛtɪʃ/ ]
  1. the official language of Latvia; belongs to the Baltic branch of Indo-European

How To Use Lettish In A Sentence

  • Disliking the novelettish type of subjects the company made, he left and, after an interlude in India, joined G.B. Samuelson as a scriptwriter.
  • The High Command remained constricted by its novelettish story of murder, blackmail, and family secrets, but the verve of Dickinson's direction still shone through.
  • At last she arrived, announcing herself by a novelettish scratching on the door-panels. MOONDROP TO MURDER
  • Many have seen the work as escapist or cloyingly sentimental - ‘novelettish and pretty-pretty, ‘as one eminent Straussian described it.
  • It was only when he got to know her better that he was to look back on that as curiously novelettish. DISPLACED PERSON
  • Then one after another, amid rising enthusiasm; Ukrainean Social Democracy, support; Lithuanian Social Democracy, support; Populist Socialists, support; Polish Social Democracy, support; Polish Socialists support—but would prefer a Socialist coalition; Lettish Social Democracy, support…. Chapter 5. Plunging Ahead
  • Beverly has spent her life banishing romance, all that novelettish stuff.
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