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How To Use Lettering In A Sentence

  • In a few cases, mixed-case lettering has worked.
  • He showed a slide of a sign for deafblind literacy that demonstrated concepts of best practices such as high contrast lettering, the angle of the plate that the braille was on, the raised lettering on the words. Web Teacher › Report from WDN 09: Educating the Next Generation of Web Professionals, IV
  • The black lettering really stands out on that orange background.
  • Gold lettering on a card is a sign of luck. The Sun
  • Screen filled up with a strange, red lettering, repeating and repeating and repeating and repeating. BEHINDLINGS
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  • The lettering on the poster is very eye - catching.
  • Skully will do his utmost to take good care of the surface of the saddle whilst debossing the lettering.
  • Since godson is only seven and a half, his draftsmanship and lettering have room to improve, so I've recreated the script to make sure the story's clear. Robin the Half-Bat Superhero
  • Its basic blue and yellow lettering and lack of images couldn't look less like today's modern news websites. The Sun
  • Over the washstand was a little black-framed water-colour drawing, depicting a large eye with an extremely fishlike intensity in the spark of light on the dark pupil; and in "illuminated" lettering beneath was printed very minutely, "Thou God Seest ME," followed by a long looped monogram, The Best British Short Stories of 1922
  • The kit comes complete in its cardboard case, which is given a fabric texture and embellished with gold lettering.
  • The film had been so well-travelled that the lettering was starting to break up. KC Recalls the Creation of the V for Vendetta Collection » Comics Worth Reading
  • A bass drumhead carries bold circled lettering that reads: ‘Smith Jubilee Choir, Band and Orchestra, Season 1899-1900.’
  • Mmmm …. nice lettering and attention to detail on the keypads. The Very Rare Intellivision Cake - The Retroist
  • Brass lettering spelled SUPERINTENDENT on it, and Spade rapped loudly on the wood.
  • It reminds me of the old digital watch I had as a kid, with thin black lettering on the grey screen.
  • Book is brown leather half-bound, raised bands, gilt lettering, original owner's name blind-stamped in gilt at heel of spine, old book publisher's label on front pastedown.
  • Bateman's own billfold stuffer proved comparatively inadequate—merely "bone" in hue with a "Silian Rail" lettering. Leaving the Right Impression
  • You may wish to embellish the controls with rubdown lettering followed by a coat of spray-on protective lacquer as usual.
  • Either way it's a sublime cover: yellow gothic lettering above a motorcade that looks like it's emerging through the luminescent smoke from some hellish underworld.
  • The lettering on that had strongly resembled a monkey scrawl, while the spelling and grammar were equally atrocious.
  • But they were all written with the same size lettering and there seemed to be a maximum permitted length for a fingerpost. The Hard Way
  • It was covered with inscriptions from top to base, in vivid white and blue, save where a vast and glaring kinematograph transparency presented a realistic New Testament scene, and where a vast festoon of black to show that the popular religion followed the popular politics, hung across the lettering Graham had already become familiar with the phonotype writing and these inscriptions arrested him, being to his sense for the most part almost incredible blasphemy. When the Sleeper Wakes
  • She was wearing blue jeans and a black zip top with ‘Sherbourne’ written on the front in white lettering.
  • We're weak to publishers' tricks: fancy foil lettering, embossed titles and eye-catching endpapers. Times, Sunday Times
  • The New York Times reflects on the silver leaf lettering and the significance of the granite block, a herald for what is to come.
  • On the driver's side panel, the Crencent's logo was clearly visible and the the name of the car was spread out nicely across the hood in midnight blue lettering.
  • One specific comment, though, is that you should change the color of the lettering in the left-hand column on the main page.
  • In Roman artwork, any vexillum which isn't just blank (due to loss of painted detail) has only lettering on it.
  • The yellow lettering and embroidered badges also cut the odds considerably that the ART squad would be mistaken for a stickup crew. THE KILL CLAUSE
  • The white lettering on brown background is standard for tourist signs, used worldwide to identify canonical sites of scenic and historic interest. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The only distinguishing feature will be the name of the cigarette brand in small lettering in a'very discreet' place on one corner. Times, Sunday Times
  • The elegant copperplate lettering signals both a historical period and a genteel and restrained style of address.
  • Presentation is austere: the hardback, which is matt black with silvered lettering, has no dust jacket, no tables, and no illustrations.
  • Illuminated switches also can use the PVD process as the lettering is laser etched into the surface toward the end of the procedure.
  • It was big, with pink frosting and sugary lettering arranged across its uneven, bumpy surface: ‘Happy Fifteenth Birthday Roberta’.
  • The lettering stood out well against the dark background.
  • He came from a family of painters and decorators, and was taught how to paint in lettering by his father. Times, Sunday Times
  • In thin gilt lettering on the creamy white of the menu, how little those words conveyed to the bulk of the imperfectly educated diners.
  • The script is extremely fine, with the black lettering edged in gold.
  • Some people place stickers with the new key arrangement over the standard lettering.
  • A red streamer with white lettering drawing attention to the fete had been mounted above the rectory wall. THE IMAGE OF LAURA
  • The alphabet was created with not only the familiar lettering of English but also with periods, underlines on letters, and apostrophes to distinguish particular sounds.
  • The other he held, fingering the lettering on its cover as he whispered.
  • They are preferred to daisywheel printers because they can print in a range of lettering styles and graphics and they are also quieter to operate. Computers Basic Facts
  • Even the color of the lettering can flex to the demands of different products.
  • Chicago office with the rest of the daily mail, and the halting quality of the lettering on the envelope suggested a slightly diminished fine motor coordination that often bedevils seniors. Andy Shaw: 'Angels' in Search of a Better Government
  • Orange cake, white icing, pink lettering and rosebuds, green leaves - this is gonna be colorful.
  • Only the Cyrillic lettering would lead you to think you were anywhere but Las Vegas.
  • I looked at the inky black lettering once more before I broke the wax seal.
  • The kit comes complete in its cardboard case, which is given a fabric texture and embellished with gold lettering.
  • The lettering on the poster is very eye - catching.
  • At the event owners were advised to get freeze-marked rugs in fluorescent lettering so a horse can be seen in the dark and post coded saddles to aid recovery if stolen.
  • The yataghan has one-edged curved blade with ornamentation and Arabian lettering.
  • The lettering on the gravestone was badly worn and almost illegible.
  • The books were then hand-stitched and embossed with gold lettering, creating beautiful books. Times, Sunday Times
  • Queer runes and letterings were scratched across the wallpaper, which was tarnished and weathered with age.
  • I finished out the year, actually lettering in the sport.
  • Look at the lettering -- that is, the labels lettered with the titles of books -- in all libraries that are not of recent date. The Posthumous Works of Thomas De Quincey, Vol. 1
  • Inside she found two items, one of which was a disk labelled with Cyrillic lettering.
  • Lettering and designs could be cut out instantly in self-adhesive vinyl,’ she said.
  • For such books the lettering should be written out carefully, the whole panel prepared and glaired in, and the gold laid on. Bookbinding, and the Care of Books A handbook for Amateurs, Bookbinders & Librarians
  • The graphically crisp, retro lettering style adds a whiff of nostalgia to this evocation of language's reflexive capacity.
  • The kit comes complete in its cardboard case, which is given a fabric texture and embellished with gold lettering.
  • He uncrossed his arms, showing the lettering on his white shirt.
  • In this instance, vinyl stencil lettering took the form of a silver arc of language.
  • The sign's lettering was crisp and distinct.
  • It says ‘Jesus’ in gold cursive lettering studded with rhinestones.
  • "Happy 90th Birthday, " they said in gold, embossed lettering.
  • An untidy black lettering crawls all over these signs, overpacking them with percussive, ambiguous syllables.
  • The specification sets out things such as standard data locations, standard fonts, upper case lettering, and types of human-readable data.
  • Cameras dish outs most people more select and legion chromatism than individuals buy out with traditional lettering. New Blogs and RSS Feeds
  • Worn smooth by years of inclement weather and pollution, the engraved lettering was still legible. CHAMELEON
  • Graphics are not what they were - no swirl of copperplate breaking into black lettering for ‘High Treason’ - but the same appetite is being served.
  • But it wasn't Mr. Aldrich's block lettering in all capitals.
  • The first anagram assembled from the scattered lettering was ARBUCKLE, a name closely linked to the history of Indian Territory and latter-day Oklahoma. Shadow of the Sentinel
  • Text occupies a single column in a bastard typeface, while the title-page uses a mixture of bastard and roman type (the latter for Latin text), and of black and red lettering.
  • Some of the signage is a bit strangely done, with grey lettering on beige cloth that's virtually impossible to read, but other than that it's crammed to the gills with rich information, cunningly narrativized and soundscaped by audio artists. Archive 2010-06-01
  • He stopped occasionally and stared at the bold red lettering over the navy blue background.
  • The black lettering really stands out on that orange background.
  • The books she had bought on the subject hadn't helped her much at all, regardless of what the gold stars and bright lettering on their covers had promised.
  • Presentation is austere: the hardback, which is matt black with silvered lettering, has no dust jacket, no tables, and no illustrations.
  • It is a smart green coloured train with Urdu lettering.
  • He came from a family of painters and decorators, and was taught how to paint in lettering by his father. Times, Sunday Times
  • Through him, he learnt the art of glazing, lettering, graining, shading and stencilling. Times, Sunday Times
  • _book-binding_, gilding, lettering, and what they called pasting-printing, by the use of the rolling press. Bibliomania; or Book-Madness A Bibliographical Romance
  • Equally interesting is a sermon of Jonathan's grandfather, Solomon Stoddard, written in lettering so tiny that it's unreadable even with a 5x magnifier.
  • The lettering is cramped and pushed so far to the right that it runs off the paper onto the board behind.
  • Patrick Robinson, the name of the author, dominates the cover in tall, embossed lettering which dwarfs the title.
  • It is large, bound in luxurious leather, with discreet gold lettering announcing its pedigree.
  • Covered in red buckram, with gilt lettering on the spine and front face. Rookie Book Collector Mistakes
  • Mrs.Dalloway. 8vo, gilt-lettered burgundy cloth, slightly cocked, spine ends lightly rubbed, a bit of toning to endleaves; original dust jacket designed by Vanessa Bell, scattered overall darkening and rubbing, spine panel toned and with an uneven 1/4-inch chip at head affecting "M" of Mrs (small cellotape repair on verso), and few minor chips at foot not affecting lettering. first edition in the scarce dust jacket. 2009 October 01 | NIGEL BEALE NOTA BENE BOOKS
  • Between 1940 and '42 he studied fine and commercial art, from academic nudes to lettering.
  • This is because a new generation of young designers think it is groovy to put white lettering on a yellow background, or red on pink. Times, Sunday Times
  • You can superimpose the lettering directly onto one of your pictures.
  • The material appears to be the local ironstone, the lettering only moderately accomplished, the setting-out deplorable. The Times Literary Supplement
  • It's printed in a really charming block letter font, as if it were done by hand, with different little flowers amidst the lettering.
  • By a roadside in Lordsburg a ragged billboard stood; a leftover from the election, it had been affixed with crude, handmade lettering exhorting passersby to “VOTE DEMOCRATIC”. Quick looks at 2010: AR-01, MO-SEN, & NM-02. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • Then he saw the bold white lettering on the helmet.
  • Ancient runic lettering on the wall shone clearly yet legibly, some eerie phosphorescence at work; and the dome… pure, sparkling, it needed no lamp to herald its majesty.
  • There was a brass plate mounted on the door at eye level, so old that the lettering that had once been engraved there had been re - duced to a spidery, unreadable code, the name of some long dead function or functionary, polished into oblivion. Wonder Woman and the Lasso of Truth
  • Worn smooth by years of inclement weather and pollution, the engraved lettering was still legible. CHAMELEON
  • Faded gold lettering spelled out the words, ‘The Lore of the Navy.’
  • Lettering and designs could be cut out instantly in self-adhesive vinyl,’ she said.
  • He always wears a black visor cap with some small lettering on it.
  • It was noted that most students lack a thorough background in typography, lettering and calligraphy.
  • ‘I don't do boat repaints, it's purely the lettering and the artwork,’ he said, ‘But I'm looking forward to getting back into it.’
  • I admire very much the distribution of lettering you were obliged to doI would be helpless with the problem.
  • Celia made an unnecessarily scrupulous study of the centre of the table where a dog-eared stack of newsletters bore the title Barclay's Beat in fuchsia lettering. In the Presence of the Enemy
  • I could not relate the time now but my original gold case and lettering regained its lustre from being burnished on a sweetly scented sleeve.
  • The black lettering really stands out on that orange background.
  • Colours are vivid and symbolic, including rich purple parchment and gold lettering.
  • Its gaily coloured lettering made no concessions to tragedy.
  • One specific comment, though, is that you should change the color of the lettering in the left-hand column on the main page.
  • This is a baroque homage to Pablo Ferro that doesn't employ white, condensed, rustic lettering.
  • One would barely beat the other, sometimes by a matter of hours, in snapping up an arcane volume of lettering. Typeface designers mix art, engineering
  • His scientific instruments are characterised by their stylish lettering and decoration.
  • A poster, white lettering on red background, blared from the gloom of the opposite wall.
  • In both he was a magnificent athlete, lettering in football, baseball, basketball, and track.
  • Its walls were surmounted by a battlemented parapet; but the gray lead roofs were quite visible behind it, with their gutters, laps, rolls, and skylights, together with incised letterings and shoe-patterns cut by idlers thereon. The Woodlanders
  • Now, seated at a table, an anglepoise lamp adjusted so that it shone its light directly over his shoulder, Rojas examined one of the remaining seals, tracing the lettering carved upon it and allowing the rubies and emeralds embedded in it to reflect red and green shards of light upon his skin. The Whisperers
  • The sign had bold black lettering, printed in neat block form.
  • However, the lettering appeared too small and too cramped to read on almost any normal-sized TV.
  • A whole swathe of public signage also owes its existence to this giant transfer lettering.
  • NF/VG+ in shining black fine mesh cloth stamped brightly in gold on the spine with no flecking to the lettering. Animal Farm, Martin Amis and the United Arab Emirates
  • The message, in white lettering on a sky-blue background, is nonconfrontational by design.
  • Slowly she read the lettering on the tickets and then looked up, her face showing her surprise.
  • The inspector said in his report that, while not ideal, the colour scheme and lettering on the pub sign were not so unsympathetic or brash as to reduce the special interest of the listed building as a whole.
  • Most of his stones have simple rounded tops, chamfered edges, and peculiarities in lettering.
  • I was left to design and execute the lettering in variegated gold and One Shot enamel. Boing Boing
  • A few students will develop drawings and sketches or fancy lettering to sell.
  • The books were then hand-stitched and embossed with gold lettering, creating beautiful books. Times, Sunday Times
  • Missing Soldiers Office," it read in ornate gold lettering on a black background. "3rd. Clara Barton's D.C. home and office may be converted into museum
  • It was noted that most students lack a thorough background in typography, lettering and calligraphy.
  • Incidentally, the lettering where you capitalise the first letter of almost all the words can be called ‘title case’.
  • The original design was maroon with white lettering and featured the letters "PHS" for Pitcairn High School on one side, and "THS" for Trafford High School on the other. - Local News
  • The Celtic influence appears in the lettering on shop signs, letterheads, jewelry, and tombstones.
  • They are preferred to daisywheel printers because they can print in a range of lettering styles and graphics and they are also quieter to operate. Computers Basic Facts
  • The book's cover has white lettering on a blue background.
  • Each one had a word etched in it in the kind of lettering I associate with very old Vermont gravestones, or contemporary books bearing titles like “Celtic Wisdom.” No More Words
  • My eyelids fluttered open the next morning to see the black binding and gold lettering of my new Shakespeare book.
  • Actually, I pretty much agree - if I'd known it was going to be in upper and lower case lettering when I wrote the script, I certainly wouldn't have used so many stressed words.
  • It was silver with a gold border and black lettering.
  • Silently, I read the curvy lettering along the paper.
  • The black lettering really stands out on that orange background.
  • For a neat finish use white rubdown lettering for the legends.
  • His scientific instruments are characterised by their stylish lettering and decoration.
  • The first notes were just that: pieces of paper printed on one side with lettering in cursive style in inky black and white.
  • Plus, I didn't see the word "troops" or the phrase National Guard in bold lettering anywhere in the information packet. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • Embroidered on the left breast of the sweatshirt were the initials “A&F” in black lettering. Blog Fiction | Sci-Fi | Out of the Frying Pan… | Station151
  • I don't mean the common sort of bedding where dwarf box is used to make lettering and patterns are made of conventional bedding plants like begonias and pelargoniums.
  • I could not relate the time now but my original gold case and lettering regained its lustre from being burnished on a sweetly scented sleeve.
  • Before Belle's book the few volumes of bestselling erotica had tended to come from overseas writers, such as the French art magazine editor and orgiast, Catherine Millet, author of The Sexual Life of Catherine M - published in 2002 with a decidedly old-fashion black cover and red lettering. Home | Mail Online
  • The Fluid Foundation comes in a little opaque beige plastic container, and is labelled, in gold lettering, Teint Naturel.
  • The were "frosted" with mashed potatoes and had lettering done in ketchup. The Cake Wrecks Correlation
  • The book of condolence was extremely tasteful, with gold embossed lettering on the front cover.
  • In addition the lettering is small and not easy to read on a metal surface. Times, Sunday Times

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