How To Use Let in In A Sentence

  • She even formed an American touring troupe with the distinguished George Washington Smith, America's first, and aptly named, premier danseur, who taught ballet in Philadelphia until his death in 1899.
  • Taking a dig at the BWSSB, a corporator noted perhaps a cess should be levied on BWSSB every time sewage is let into storm water drains maintained by the BMP.
  • Not far short of the Oregon border, I stopped for a beer at a tiny townlet in a wilderness of sage that had a post office, a tavern and not much else.
  • Would you enjoy being a quintuplet in the early 20th century when, as a reproductive anomaly, the simple fact of your existence made your family a freak show.
  • They let in all sorts of riff-raff here, don't they?
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  • Ask the average squash player about the state of hardball singles in the US, and he will say that is probably just a few septuagenarians swatting a red pellet in the basement of some long forgotten club.
  • Also Randy Alcorn, a well-known pro-life apologist and Protestant pastor, published a booklet in 1998 in which he gave the reasons for why the pill is an abortifacient and he has actually counselled couples in his ministry against using the pill for that reason. ProWomanProLife » A remarkably honest abortionist
  • The economy suffers, as my sisters and brothers fear going to work lest they find a bullet in their mailbox.
  • NOW -- the toilet in the master bath is a full-sized model and it looks like the old thingie there is the same as the new thingie I just bought. Into the depths! (:snicker!: She wrote "ballcock!")
  • If they pack you off to Brighton, they want you to put a bullet in him.
  • At every halting place the natives capered before them and tabored a welcome, while at Kama, where Gelele was staying, they not only played, but burst out with an extemporaneous couplet in Burton's honour: The Life of Sir Richard Burton
  • In theory it keeps your shots more consistent because the amount of force it takes to launch the bullet into the rifling is uniform from shot-to-shot. Rifles of Interest: Remington Model 700 Custom Shop AWR II
  • Somebody in the rackets gets a bullet in him, people holler gang war.
  • Fill a glass with water and dissolve this tablet in it.
  • Just mix it all together and slice the fish across the fillet into cross sections. Times, Sunday Times
  • The prisoners were filed off to the seaports and crowded into cattle-wagons, the awnings of which, hermetically closed, let in no breath of air.
  • All windows are triple glazed, and the south-facing facade has large glass sections that let in daylight and keep the need for artificial light to a minimum. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have sown the millet in this plot.
  • He was dressed in the finest of silks, violet in colour, with a dark cape billowing over his shoulders.
  • A decision by the often clannish management of a small firm to let in outsiders can be monumental.
  • Open the window and let in some fresh air.
  • He said it was not reasonably foreseeable that, by placing a leaflet in the door, a dog could jump up and injure itself.
  • Bullets cause injury by transferring their energy into the body tissues; the design of the bullet influences this process, with hollow nosed or dumdum bullets being designed to maximise energy transfer.
  • We may let in cripples, say a man who has lost an arm, on condition that he give satisfactory evidence that he has an occupation or an art, and is not likely to become a public charge. Civic Responsibility and the Increase of Immigration
  • After the Stuttgart match, Veh termed his team's defensive performance "dilettantish," adding to reporters that "the number of goals we let in is deadly for a coach. Deutsche Welle: DW-WORLD.DE
  • Rich in PA: Or we could let invisible handymen rebuild the country. Matthew Yglesias » Context in Haiti
  • This was opera on the grand scale: historical drama, sumptuous costumes, complex stage machinery, a huge cast, dazzling solo parts, and ballet in the entr'acte.
  • He might be tempted to take up croquet, or just the croquet mallet in pursuit of his enemies. Times, Sunday Times
  • You will also be able to order copies of the booklet in audio tape, large print, and Braille formats.
  • We'll let Indian and Northern Affairs Minister Chuck Strahl complete that apothegm in the time-honoured way. Archive 2009-04-01
  • The front window slid open, and in the back were jalousie windows that I cranked wide to let in the breeze. Motel Paradiso
  • They are experts in mass distribution and have representation in the smallest hamlet in the country. MANAGING FOR RESULTS
  • This does not mean we should let in unlimited numbers. Times, Sunday Times
  • The open window let in the sound of evening frogs croaking in the nearby swamp.
  • This cylinder gives its full volume of air, and apparently a little more at times, because the air is admitted by a concentrated inlet in which free _air is always moving in one direction_. Scientific American Supplement, No. 799, April 25, 1891
  • In my experience, the best way to extract information from an unwilling subject is to put a bullet into one of his thighs.
  • Another exhibit is a basalt and gold amulet in the shape of a scarab beetle, with a blank space on the back where the buyer's name could be written. Book of the Dead Comes To Life At British Museum
  • Furthermore, the ankle swelling caused by carrageenin and the granuloma caused by cotton in pellet in rats were made to observe the anti-inflammatory effect of CNT.
  • Instead, the legislators flee accountability and hide behind a private agreement, asking merely to be let in on the shakedown.
  • To tag a Web page for later reading, just click the Read Later bookmarklet in your bookmark bar.
  • Then we let in a silly goal after a quick counter-attack and we're done. The Sun
  • Parameciums have a permanent feeding mechanism, consisting of a funnel-shaped gullet into which food is drawn by the combined action of the cilia. They feed on small organisms such as bacteria and even other smaller protozoa.
  • The living-room windows have net curtains which let in sunlight but stop passers-by looking in from the street.
  • Objective To investigate the platelet inhibition ratio by thromboelastography (TEG) and its clinical impact in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI).
  • Better cirrhosis of the liver than.a bullet in the head.
  • A buy-to-let investor could deleverage by selling some properties in order to reduce borrowing. Times, Sunday Times
  • The most widely publicized plastic-bullet injury was a neck injury where a young man will likely never speak again.
  • Alternatively, we let inert hanging bug zappers slaughter any bug stupid enough to stumble in with a small shower of crackling blue light.
  • However, the bullet in Rocio brain is moving, shifting.
  • You don't have to cut the headline rate of tax at all, at least not immediately, because what you do is individualise tax by offering breaks for all manner of things instead, and you let individuals take responsibility for paying it. Archive 2007-09-01
  • We know how much misery pain is able to bring upon the body in this life; (in which our pains and pleasures, as well as other things, are but imperfect;) there being never a limb or part, never a vein or artery of the body, but it is the scene and receptacle of pain, whensoever it shall please God to unfence it, and let in some sharp disease or distemper upon it. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. III.
  • We took our penknives and made two right angle cuts down through the nose of a hollow point to encourage its expansion by ‘pre-splitting’ the bullet into four parts.
  • He was sitting with his back to the window, sunlight behind his shoulder haloing his fur in a nimbus of white light, being shattered into a hundred pieces by the facets of the cut crystal goblet in his hand.
  • The reply to the second point would be to ask why, if Abu Musad was such a dangerous baddie, the Bush admin did not try to capture or kill Abu Musad et al, when they were just a small grouplet in Kurdish territory in NE Iraq, the which was within the “no-fly” zone regularly covered by U.S. and British fighter jets? Firedoglake » Late Nite FDL: Who’s Laughing Now
  • The rhythmic imprecision of the triplet in the melody of the synthesizer only adds an extra element of uncertainty to the passage.
  • The only thing recalling the vanities of the world was a mirror let into the panel above the praying-stool. A German Pompadour Being the Extraordinary History of Wilhelmine van Grävenitz, Landhofmeisterin of Wirtemberg
  • Buks slapped his braces against his singlet in a double gesture of contempt; a tuft of chest hair deputized for a tie. A DAYSTAR OF FEAR
  • Then a clear soup with a firm sweet piece of red mullet in it. Times, Sunday Times
  • It lies tucked away in a hamlet in the heart of Dartmoor. Times, Sunday Times
  • When Dubbya arranged a cosy billet in the TX Air National Guard; when Cheyney had “other priorities”; when Donald “You go to war with the army you have” Rumsfeld never saw fit to personally smell the gunsmoke; when any number of “chicken hawk” neo cons were allowed to hijack national security, it was patriotism? Obama’s ‘Dream Team’ - The Caucus Blog -
  • Right now the cat next door is yowling to be let in.
  • a bullet in the thigh.
  • In addition to new methods of providing service, Cessna is also expanding the types of support available through the company's Citation Service Network to include structural enhancements such as winglet installation for the Citation X and glass cockpit upgrades for a variety of early edition Citations. Aero-News Network
  • Objective To study the relationship between microangiopathy and activated platelet in patients with - insulin - dependent diabetes mellitus ( NIDDM ) .
  • ‘Sorry,’ I said, trying to find my wallet in my coat pockets, retrieving dust motes and chocolate instead.
  • My sane sensible side reasserted itself quickly, but just for one second after seeing a room for let in Brighton, I was about to just up and leave.
  • There are so many people who think that an agitator is necessarily an unwashed, unshaven man, in tatters, with a pamphlet in one hand and a bomb in the other who offers no other alternative except to choose between them. Is Quebec A British Province?
  • For fifteen years I served my country in the ranks; I have had the wind of many a bullet in my face; I have crossed Siberia and been a prisoner there; the Russians flung me on a kibitka, and God knows what I suffered. Modeste Mignon
  • You should make sure that getting to the toilet in a hurry is easy and perhaps consider having a commode in your bedroom.
  • The ridges up the sides were their runs, rather like hamster wheels, the holes let in air and the feeding bowl was just that. The Sun
  • Gruffydd’s sword glimmered violet in the dying light as he reached into his pouch for the last potion. Arowin's Return
  • The pensioners wear a distinctive three-quarter length uniform coat, navy blue in winter and scarlet in the summer, which dates from the 18th century.
  • Its 17-foot ceiling pitches gently upward to the west, to let in additional light and capture all three views.
  • Farnsworth always wanted to be a cowboy; and although he barely fires a bullet in The Grey Fox, just watch him ride that horse.
  • That was the year we lived on the banks of the Doo Wah Diddy Diddy and we danced the doodah day ballet in bubblegum trees with crested kookaburras until the dawn broke like crystal goblets smashed against the rocky cliffs of time. Unday Morning
  • The fish fillet in wine sauce disappeared off the menu.
  • Two days later we are building a small driftwood fire on a tiny islet in the Barrier Islands a mile out into the open North Pacific.
  • Put a salmon fillet in a dish with some ginger and soy, cover it in cling film and microwave for four minutes. The Sun
  • Dry-fry the pork fillet in a pre-heated wok or large non-stick frying pan for five minutes.
  • Nails are also permeable, which means they let in liquids that come in contact with them.
  • Cut the fillet in half and divide each in half again. The Sun
  • This time, the meltwater spilled from a northwestern outlet into the Mackenzie River in northwestern Canada and made its way to the Arctic Ocean.
  • The department store chain is giving up a well-located outlet in its bid to compete in the shrinking department store retailing world.
  • Broadband radiometers are common tools to measure UV-A, UV-B or the ultraviolet index.
  • Just mix it all together and slice the fish across the fillet into cross sections. Times, Sunday Times
  • Just mix it all together and slice the fish across the fillet into cross sections. Times, Sunday Times
  • The introduction of the conoidal bullet in the mid-nineteenth century greatly increased the range, accuracy, and striking power of small-arms fire, and in the Civil War rifle fire accounted for most battle casualties.
  • He owns a palatial Moorish villa on Spain's ritzy Costa del Sol and a ski chalet in Saint Moritz, Switzerland.
  • The temperature of platelet intracellular ice crystal formation (IIF) is one of the most important physical parameters to instruct platelet cryopreservation.
  • The leaflet includes hints on how to find koalas, directions to the Koala Care and Research Centre, and how to contact Friends of the Koala.
  • Among the most confrontational figures were ultraconservative scholars, who occasionally threw down the gauntlet in public and denounced colleagues for lax or improper observance of the faith.
  • When I think of the old Allen Street school, with its hard and ugly lines, where the gas had to be kept burning even on the brightest days, recitations suspended every half-hour, and the children made to practice calisthenics so that they should not catch cold while the windows were opened to let in fresh air; of the dark playground downstairs, with the rats keeping up such a racket that one could hardly hear himself speak at times; or of that other East Side “playground” where the boys “weren’t allowed to speak above a whisper, ” so as not to disturb those studying overhead, I fancy that I can make out both the cause and the cure of the boy’s desperation. XIII. Justice to the Boy
  • His misconduct let in a host of troubles.
  • I ihould fall in love with you; for I love a proper man with my heart, and fordoes all the fex of us; let iny fi$er diflemble never fo much. A Select Collection of Old Plays
  • The entire living room was very homely and pleasant, with large windows that let in the afternoon light.
  • He rubbed a mixture of charcoal, calamint, water mint, and other dried herbs into his pelt to try to blot out the stench of the village, then toppled onto a pallet in one of the guest rooms to fall asleep within seconds.
  • The fish dish served most often was Dviena sterlet in champagne sauce.
  • From there the river flows sixty-three miles to the Guadalupe River, which feeds into the San Antonio River near its outlet in the Gulf of Mexico.
  • Others pointed to the likely waning of buy-to-let investors now that the stamp duty surcharge has taken effect. Times, Sunday Times
  • His face wore a smile instead of the usual scowl, he had no coat on, his sleeves were rolled up, and he carried a frow in one hand (a frow is a sharp instrument used for splitting out shingles), and a heavy mallet in the other. The Boy Trapper
  • He was killed by a bullet in the head.
  • It lies tucked away in a hamlet in the heart of Dartmoor. Times, Sunday Times
  • Please read the safety leaflet in the seat pocket in front of you.
  • Bennie and Walter play-act in a repetitive chant, as Ruth embarrassingly answers the door to let in George Murchison.
  • The auctioneer said that all these properties were sold to owner-occupiers rather than buy-to-let investors. Times, Sunday Times
  • It possessed a phantasmagoric nightmarish atmosphere, as you might have anticipated from a ballet inspired by Goya's gritty, bitter 18th century etchings Los Caprichos.
  • Place the grey mullet into a dish, pour over the marinade and rub it into the fish. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first informs us, that there has been a recovery of what is called arrear, as well as of an improvement of the revenue of one of the six provinces which were let in 1782. [ The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 03 (of 12)
  • The master made two trips; the first one, he took the gurglet in; the second, he took the mantle wrapping the sword. The Prince of India — Volume 01
  • Buy-to-let investors would be well advised to take such demographic changes into account. Times, Sunday Times
  • The very oversight perceptible to any eye and painful to any ear not sealed up by stepdame nature from all perception of pleasure or of pain derivable from good verse or bad -- the reckless reiteration of the same rhyme with but one poor couplet intervening -- suggests rather the oversight of an unfledged poet than the obtuseness of a full-grown poeticule or poetaster. A Study of Shakespeare
  • J'aime bien : “Je me suis rendu compte tout dernièrement à quel point il est facile de répondre à une question sans l'avoir lue en entier,” qui est le reflet moderne des vidéo discutions, la pertinence prend des reflet inférieur à la minute, alors que je suis encore entre 5 et 10 mn pour présenter une proposition. LIFT’08: David Brown Workshop — Teenagers and Generation Y — Climb to the Stars
  • Open the window and let in some fresh air.
  • And she never gae a scraich in her life 'cep' whan she was han'let in a mainner unbecomin '. Robert Falconer
  • Torches lined the stairs, and an occasional stained-glass window let in some light.
  • Thompson will be only the third official executive director hired by the ballet in almost two decades.
  • In 2009, a 4-year-old boy was killed by a stray bullet in a drive-by gang shooting as the youngster walked to a park in the Echo Park neighborhood, near downtown Los Angeles. Community outrage after boy killed in uncle's arms
  • Just mentioning this to an agent used to result in, "Now, let's not be hasty …"theindyisbetter:We need young people to be able to afford to buy their own homes, not feather the nests of buy-to-let investors and property speculators. Rent increases slow but more tenants fall behind on payments
  • He methodised and regulated versification, insisting on rich and exact rhymes, condemning all licence and infirmity of structure, condemning harshness of sound, inversion, hiatus, negligence in accommodating the cesura to the sense, the free gliding of couplet into couplet. A History of French Literature Short Histories of the Literatures of the World: II.
  • Another success, a little sunlight let in through the bamboo curtain.
  • The table beneath it was arranged like an altar, and the Ikon was let in to the carved boiserie of the wall. The Price of Things
  • A sports day at a school turned tragic when a starter's pistol turned out to have a live bullet in it.
  • She picked up the gauntlet in her incisive Keynote Address to the Conference.
  • They made the European Cup last eight, but were sloppy at home to Valencia and let in a soft goal in Spain.
  • Dolly the Mega-Cat delivered her verdict on the day very early this morning, yowling and yammering to be let in.
  • At the time, it was the largest single pane of glass to be installed in a residential chalet interior in the Alps. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then you can forget about the remote control and use your phone or tablet instead. Times, Sunday Times
  • Removing the earbobs from her ears and handing them over to be stowed away with the necklet in the jewelry chest in the corner, Beth stifled a sigh. Shameless
  • In this prudent way every portion of the Castle Gorka hogs was utilized: the good cuts for the banquet, the tougher ones in Pani Danusia's pierogi, the haslet in Poland
  • He is composing a straight sextet for principals of the Seattle Symphony Orchestra, has premiered a ballet in Vienna and has been welcomed at Pierre Boulez's IRCAM, crucible of ascetic futurism.
  • Please read the safety leaflet in the seat pocket in front of you.
  • Better cirrhosis of the liver than.a bullet in the head.
  • The popularity of the stage ballet intensified a vogue for social dancing and for the staging of private divertissements in the homes of the nobility and the bourgeoisie.
  • The booklet initiates us into the problems of living abroad.
  • Here, the condemned are forced to kneel and are then dispatched with a bullet in the back of the head.
  • She locked the bullet into the barrel, peeped through the scope, aimed, and instantaneously pulled the trigger, expelling the bullet into the air.
  • But I was not thinking of going there to-night," she added, and the howlet in the bush beside me hooted at my ignominy. John Splendid The Tale of a Poor Gentleman, and the Little Wars of Lorn
  • They put up a marble tablet in memory of his father.
  • Bracelet in byzantine weave in shiny silver aluminum, made from tiny little 1/8th inch rings. Valentines, part the first
  • The last person I'd let interfere with them would be Daniel.
  • In order to save space, the back of the boiler had been let into the wall.
  • The police officers guarding the door let in the celebrities, but they prevented us lesser/mere mortals from going inside.
  • I pipe the output of the dir cmdlet into where-object, which allows me to set up a single condition to compare against all of the objects in the pipeline. 2006 June
  • By the 1930s, people were commonly referring to the tall goblet in crystal sets as an ‘iced tea’ glass.
  • One day I must double the thing which brings back me to lose and let injure me artificial this to pay heavy price!
  • Fluorescence quantum yields were determined relative to cresyl violet in methanol.
  • Mexican marine biologist has discovered a new shark species in the murky depths of Mexico's Sea of Cortez , the first new shark find in the wildlife-rich inlet in 34 years.
  • So here's to the hopeful prospect that the Hill conservatives let in the Spirit of Christmas Present, hoping for some merry-making. Karen Dolan: Conservatives' Vile Attack On Christmas
  • He had an ill-starred spell in August, too, when Ipswich let in 12 goals in two games. In-form Crystal Palace seal away win to steal Ipswich Town's mantle | Jeremy Alexander
  • These are much swollen, violet in colour and purulent. Work Camp 10049 GW
  • What we know: it's something written by the date of the film, it involves at least one mallet instrument, and it contains at least 15 or so seconds of music in straight duple meter. L'Oiseau de Feu
  • Each winter, the New York City Ballet inspires prima ballerinas of all ages with its staging of George Balanchine's The Nutcracker ™, the story of a little girl's flight through toy soldiers, cunning mice, a gifted Nutcracker, and sugarplum fairies. www. html Marie Elena Martinez: Holidays in New York City: The To-Do List
  • Spoon half the trout mousseline into the bottom of each ring mold, place a trout fillet in the center, and spoon the remaining trout mousseline on top.
  • Please read the safety leaflet in the seat pocket in front of you.
  • All windows are triple glazed, and the south-facing facade has large glass sections that let in daylight and keep the need for artificial light to a minimum. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first printer component has a fluid outlet in fluid communication with a supply of pigmented fluid defined by particles suspended in a carrier fluid.
  • Put a salmon fillet in a dish with some ginger and soy, cover it in cling film and microwave for four minutes. The Sun
  • Head with gilded pubescence, cinereous behind and beneath; antennæ tawny, second joint above towards the tip and third joint piceous; thorax slightly covered with gilded tomentum; pectus with cinereous tomentum; abdomen with gilded tomentum towards the tip; legs tawny, femora mostly black, tibiæ with black stripes; wings cinereous, dark-brown about the costa, veinlet which bisects the subapical areolet incomplete, as it is also in the following species; halteres tawny. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • He tucked his wallet into a pocket.
  • This article gives some idea of the incomprehensibility of such an event in Japan, where the discovery of a live bullet in someone's luggage at the airport is national news.
  • It is thought to be an amulet invoking the protection of the god Woden.
  • It's all right," the officer said when he noticed that the eyelet in the door had been opened. WHO KILLED TIFFANY JONES?
  • She placed the golden bracelet in her open palm.
  • Other complaints include cracking walls and rotting door frames that let in rats and ants. Times, Sunday Times
  • An operation at the Indian River Inlet in Delaware is using a massive portable eductor (a dredging pump) to suck up offshore sand deposits. Robert Dalrymple: Get Ready for Extreme Weather
  • In the space of a few short months, humanity has roused itself from the recurring nightmare of history - of bulldozer violence forever powered by oleaginous lies - and has flung open the curtains to let in the light.
  • Inventory of the "taxi": one bullet right in the face of my Vickers; one perforative bullet in the motor; the steel stone had gone clear through it as well as the oil reservoir, the gasoline tank, the cartridge chest, my glove ... where it stayed in the index finger: result, about as if my finger had been slightly pinched in a door; not even skinned, only the top of the nail slightly blackened. Georges Guynemer Knight of the Air
  • Each room has a safe that not only holds most laptops, but has an electrical outlet in the safe to keep your computer charged.
  • Three windows let in the afternoon sunlight, windows that sparkled from a recent washing; a trailing fuchsia in full bloom, in an old wash-basin painted green, was suspended from the ceiling in front of the east window. The Second Chance
  • The anchor devices threaded with braided polyester sutures were loaded onto a delivery instrument and tapped with a mallet into the drill holes.
  • I want every election leaflet in Islwyn to carry that fact and those figures, so we really know who the crachach are. Touhig cashes in
  • She stared at the instruction booklet in complete perplexity.
  • According to Professor G.M. Trevelyan (England Under Queen Anne), part of the reason for Swift’s failure to get preferment was that the Queen was scandalized by the Tale of a Tuba pamphlet in which Swift probably felt that he had done a great service to the English Crown, since it scarifies the Dissenters and still more the Catholics while leaving the Established Church alone. Politics vs. Literature: An Examination of Gulliver’s Travels
  • Hamlet in Esperanto, did you ever hear of such chutzpah? What Happened to the Baby?
  • The only tiny blot on the landscape is the fact they let in a goal last week. The Sun
  • Giselle a ballet in two acts begins at 7.30 pm on Friday, April 1, at The Sands Centre, Carlisle.
  • Hi, thanks for your work, and I'm really interested in it since I'm trying to write a video player applet in amarok, which is basically the same problem, embedded a VideoWidget inside an applet Content
  • He was going to let in his friend at the front door so they could visit another resident.
  • April 11, 2010 at 3:59 pm oh, an teh blakk marble toilet in teh master baff. we gotted taht bafroom re-done right neer hallolween wun yeer. teh naybor saw teh blakk toilet owt in the frunt yard while teh bafroom guy wuz wurking, an sed we shuld keep it owt ther for halolween an have a ghost coming up owt of it. Me and my bed, you and your jeans. - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • The banker is let into his house by the maid.
  • Many original features of the mill, including old brickwork and large windows that let in abundant amounts of light, still remain. The Sun
  • Remove from heat, stir in juice and mint and let infuse 30 minutes.
  • So why not let Internists concentrate on the "sicker" patients they supposedly excel at caring for -- in the hospital. Archive 2008-01-01
  • This was opera on the grand scale: historical drama, sumptuous costumes, complex stage machinery, a huge cast, dazzling solo parts, and ballet in the entr'acte.
  • When he's done patrolling the back yard, saving us all from squirrels and ensuring that no interlopers have interloped, Simba comes to the back door and waits quietly to be let in. Archive 2005-12-01
  • In retrospect, the massive breakout success of the first Matrix flick - the bullet in the brainpan of the old dog Star Wars - makes perfect sense.
  • Mind you, Elaine C Smith wearing a scarlet latex corselet in her role as Miss Adelaide is worthy even of the Turner Prize.
  • That's where we are from the Second Circuit, and re-establishing personal jurisdiction, based on a "foreseeability" standard, is key to providing an outlet in the civil courts for terrorism victims. Counterterrorism Blog
  • The only tiny blot on the landscape is the fact they let in a goal last week. The Sun
  • Retinal sections stained with cresyl violet indicate substantial preservation of photoreceptors across the retina in MSC treated eyes at P90, while in control eyes (sham injected (B) and untreated (C)): only a single layer of photoreceptors remained. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Whitby (13) has reported that the traditional method of preparing ahai is much the same as for pito, an acid-alcohol beer brewed from sorghum or millet in West Africa, except that ahai is not boiled again after fermentation. 1 Upgrading Traditional Biotechnological Processes
  • I'll be a much more relaxed father if I know my future teenage daughters have got a franger in their wallet in case of emergencies.
  • Two Heliamphoras pulchella and minor ‘Chiamanta’, two pots of Utricularia nelumbifolia, a bromeliad that has a utric plantlet in it, and a sundew: Mennonites, those Goth kids, and al Qaeda
  • The foliage of this deciduous shrub blazes scarlet in the autumn. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Music for Mallet Instruments, Voices, and Organ, Reich then develops the piece by overlaying augmentations of the musical pattern - lengthening of the note values to create a subjective slowing-down.
  • Let's open the window to let in some fresh air.
  • Only weeks ago, vandals set fire to a portable toilet in a school playground.
  • Blakey soon recovered to take over behind the stumps but the game remained a constant headache for the 6,500 crowd who had been let in free of charge.
  • The Javan rhino was declared extinct in Vietnam in October after the last one was found dead with a bullet in its leg and its horn sawn off. Sumatran elephant upgraded to critically endangered status
  • Angus replaced the necklet into the drawer of his desk, settling it into a velvet tray that held an assortment of other artifacts. One Night in Scotland

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