How To Use Leprous In A Sentence

  • So you think you will just lie low and say nothing, do you, you leprous swine?
  • But yet as long as I remain in this great hospital, this sick, this diseaseful world, as long as I remain in this leprous house, this flesh of mine, this heart, though thus prepared for thee, prepared by thee, will still be subject to the invasion of malign and pestilent vapours. Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions Together with Death's Duel
  • Here are the legless, armless, eyeless and toothless; the polio-crippled, the mine-maimed, the buboed and leprous, the self-mutilated and the plain mad.
  • Ranging in age from seven to 16, the Texas children arrived late last month at their last stop in Africa, the government orphanage in this Nigerian market city of millions bustling with traders and crippled and leprous beggars.
  • Dag Daughtry had lowered his leprous servitor into the waiting launch. CHAPTER X
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  • In cases of leprous diseases be very careful to do exactly as the priests, who are Levites, instruct you.
  • By all means be appalled by the leprous beggars, but don't allow this to blind you to the rich educational diversity the Third World has to offer.
  • Her impact on the leprous Commander is, of course, decisive for the narrative.
  • The instruction given in Leviticus 13 says: ‘The leprous person who has the disease shall wear torn clothes and let the hair of his head hang loose, and he shall cover his upper lip and cry out.’
  • It seems that he had dived down into what was peculiarly his kingdom, and beside him on the settee was a brand which he had brought up in the shape of a slim, flame-like young woman with a pale, intense face, youthful, and yet so worn with sin and sorrow that one read the terrible years which had left their leprous mark upon her. The Case Book of Sherlock Holmes
  • The walls had a leprous aspect, and were covered with seams and scars, like a visage disfigured by some horrible malady; a repulsive moisture exuded from them.
  • I could not draw despair depravity sepression the beggars locked jaw trying to unearth his destiny with his leprous bleeding claw in the land of Khwajah Gharib Nawaz outstretching his hands at Archive 2009-07-01
  • Kwaque, a leprous Black Papuan who was slave to one, Dag Daughtry, himself a servant of other men to whom he humbly admitted "Yes, sir," and "No, sir," and "Thank you, sir. CHAPTER XI
  • Sleeping within my orchard, as my custom was in the afternoon, on my secure hour thy uncle stole with cursed juice of hebenon in a vial, and did pour the leprous distilment into mine ears, that curdled my blood. The Mysteries of All Nations Rise and Progress of Superstition, Laws Against and Trials of Witches, Ancient and Modern Delusions Together With Strange Customs, Fables, and Tales
  • When I nursed in a clinic near Bombay, a small girl, shielding all her leprous sores, crept inside the door.
  • While leprous signs wracked the entire body, notably disfiguring the face, making public a private sin, it was on the genitals that the first signs of syphilis would appear.
  • The massive Portuguese churches, with their colossal white Gothic facades, stood equally forlorn, their walls faded and leprous. India’s New Face
  • If they have, you can embellish the tale of the Leprous Pavanne from the Introduction in a similar way.
  • An audible hissing pop accompanied the loosening of the last bolt, and at the sight of my leprous fore-arms and the great plates of scabrous horn which have overgrown my chest, the roust-abouts screamed like a pair of God-damned fat ladies.
  • Its surface was mottled with great ugly spots, leprous with the scaly markings called faculae and granulations. Starchild Omnibus
  • There are various things to avoid, washer-men's donkeys and pariah dogs, unyoked ticca-gharries, heaps of rubbish, perhaps a leprous beggar. Hilda A Story of Calcutta
  • It is in fact a peculiarly rapid decay caused by a kind of leprous growth which nothing can arrest. The Keeper of the Door
  • What child now dares lose themselves among these rasping ghouls, whose shrouds come peeling off in leprous strips? Wine Poetry
  • Kwaque serving and loving his master and thickening and darkening and creasing his brow with the growing leprous infiltration; Ah CHAPTER XII
  • Founded as a hospital by Eudo the Steward, to support four leprous residents, its chapel became a parish church and was able to survive the Dissolution.
  • When a child of a respectable family disappeared without a trace in 1750, riots, spurred by rumors that the children's blood was being drained to cure leprous princes, broke out in several of the city's districts.
  • Matthew, in annexing this cure to that of the leper, who was a Jew, intimates this; the leprous Jews Christ touched and cured, for he preached personally to them; but the paralytic Gentiles he cured at a distance; for to them he did not go in person, but sent his word and healed them; yet in them he was more magnified. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • As late as 1720, verses On the Art of Getting Beautiful Children warned about the 'foul, leprous spots' likely to disfigure such a 'miscreated thing'.
  • And if the plague is greenish or reddish in the garment ... it is a leprous plague and shall be shown to the priest. Chris Kelly: Mel Gibson Is Biblically Correct
  • Four leprous men were outside the walls of the city and starving to death.
  • By 724 BC the leprous king Uzziah of Judah had not been seen for a while and finally in that year he died.
  • Treat as leprous anyone who doesn't make you happy as in get you Famous. What is Otherness?
  • The reddened skin on his brow and cheeks was peeling now, giving him a leprous look. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • The Lazarus of the parable appears on crutches with dogs licking his leprous sores, a citation from Luke.

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