
How To Use Lending In A Sentence

  • Forbes: In terms of scale, the size of a bank for lending, is there a point where being bigger does not make you more efficient in lending? Transcript: Richard Bove
  • After blending consonants and vowels, syllables are blended into words and words are used in meaningful sentences.
  • It doesn't matter whether their poor credit ratings result from the poor handling of their accounts or from predatory lending practices that trapped them in a mountain of debt.
  • And no, this isn't your 1990's "Washington consensus" lending, with the kind of conditionality that the left loves to hate. Heather Hurlburt: Six Reasons to Love the Supplemental and Celebrate Progressives in Government
  • "It is expected that commercial banks will respond by lowering their lending base rates, " he explained.
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  • Its the same method, the only veg is the sweet potato and onion and the spice is ginger only, but at the end, after blending you add (heavy) cream, tamari, maple syrup and lime juice. Chipotle sweet potato soup | Homesick Texan
  • There is no suggestion of any wrongdoing on the part of any of the British peer-to-peer lending platforms. Times, Sunday Times
  • A year period lending rate is used for no-risk guerdon rate in place of national debt interest rate in order to match actual circumstance.
  • Also, for some reason, interlibrary lending never did pick up in India (and most other parts of the developing world).
  • It was a return to the 1970s, blending Halston glamour with the sexual liberation of the trouser.
  • We understand that your expertise lies in your core business, not necessarily in hard money lending.
  • We have taken Emma to countless doctors, and any number of people with letters following their name lending them some authority or knowledge on autism. Ariane Zurcher: Waging War
  • In contrast to less specific methods of treatment, the social skill training approaches have the advantage of lending themselves to this sort of concise, nonmystical explanation. Planned Short-Term Treatment
  • Most of the people we were lending to had, at one time or another, been indebted to illegal moneylenders, who charge interest rates of 300 percent per annum.
  • The improved economic conditions will encourage lending by financial institutions.
  • The actor has been lending himself to book launches recently, starting with Vikram Seth's Two Lives way back in October.
  • With his refined boxing skills and blending in his tendency to slug it out, he can still entertain us with some great fights in the future.
  • Scheduled for completion in early 2001, the room will comprise more than 4,000 square feet and house three high temperature short time pasteurization systems, including standardizers, homogenizers and blending systems.
  • The founder of the Bangladeshi micro-lending institution the Grameen Bank, Muhammad Yunus, has resigned as its head after a row with the government.
  • Perhaps it comes down to a pathological lack of self-doubt and a gift for lending that trait to others, at least for a while. Times, Sunday Times
  • He also evened out dodgy quality by blending wines grown in differing microclimates within Champagne and across both hot and cold vintages.
  • Business leaders criticised the lack of lending to new and fast-growing businesses. The Sun
  • The coalition document did not mention either doorstep lending or payday loans, where borrowers can be charged as much as 2,000 per cent. Times, Sunday Times
  • But it takes a blending of the romantic and the practical that is unique to my mother to spontaneously arrive at such a conclusion.
  • She recoils at the idea that she's simply lending her name to these products.
  • Seemingly the safest of all securitised corporate lending is the market for commercial paper.
  • The Spanish bank, which has about two-thirds of its loan book in mortgages, earlier today reported a slump in fourth-quarter profit as revenue from lending plunged.
  • (T) he policy shift by Wells Fargo follows others over the last two years, including moves by Credit Suisse, Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America and Citibank, to increase scrutiny of lending to companies involved in mountaintop removal -- or to end the lending altogether. William S. Becker: Climate Action: Part 2 - Down to Business
  • Sweep on the base colour with a powder brush, blending outwards, then take a good-quality blusher brush with domed bristles try the Body Shop or Mac and grin insincerely so cheeks fatten in the middle. Beauty: Blushers
  • Same as the World Bank, International Financial Corporation is reluctant to admit lending default or investment failure.
  • Support Entrepreneurs in Developing Countries With Kiva: Kiva is an international non-profit organization that facilitates "microlending" for ... Consumerism Commentary: A Personal Finance Blog Since 2003
  • Beat the egg and add to the potato mixture, blending well to make a smooth dough.
  • There are SO many laws already in place to correct discriminatory lending, that strenghtening of the CRA was NOT needed … but it was … to the point that Banks lended against solid and normal business practices. gimmee a break. Think Progress » DOJ official reportedly clears torture architects John Yoo and Jay Bybee.
  • It is anticipated that borrowing of this nature will continue to constitute a large proportion of future cross-border lending.
  • Her successful campaign against the excesses of payday lending was a model of its kind. Times, Sunday Times
  • His argument is that mutuals have generally funded more mortgage lending from retail deposits than the banks and so are more stable. Times, Sunday Times
  • But how much do they need to quell their own fears about lending in a'normal' way? Times, Sunday Times
  • What we have in Barack Obama is the perfect blending of postmodern Marxism with therapeutic psychobabble into a royal narcissistic mishmosh. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Their so-called microcredit lending system is copied in more than 100 countries, including right here in the U.S. CNN Transcript Oct 13, 2006
  • And then also specifically on the capital market there you know, in terms of caprate as well as the lending environment? Home Page
  • Skipton has scaled back mortgage lending dramatically. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the aftermath of a credit crunch, with banks across the world still woefully undercapitalised, still paying fortunes in bonuses and still not accepting the full write-offs on their pre-2008 lending, this is especially worrying. Don't blame the euro for the ills besetting Ireland's economy
  • But, if the hagiolatry of Waters and Pollan isn't your cup of organic oolong, howzabout lending an ear to Chef Michel Nischan's take on these more Earth-attentive buying practices. Slashfood
  • Like all white and single backpackers, Scot arrives in India with the idea of travelling without blending in.
  • Technology is spawning new competitors in areas such as peer-to-peer lending and digital banking. Times, Sunday Times
  • A glass mixing bowl or jug and a glass rod are best for blending, as they can be cleaned properly after use.
  • Try blending carrots, parsnips or peas into soups, or adding a cheese sauce to cauliflower or broccoli.
  • At first, the cor anglais and clarinet enter with long, held notes, almost blending with the organ, but by the song's end, the whole quintet has joined, offering up countermelodies and some needed timbrel variety.
  • The context for lending is demassifying and the economics favors microloans.
  • Seemingly the safest of all securitised corporate lending is the market for commercial paper.
  • For the next thing that was heard of her, and that by a mere chance, was that she was marred to Mynheer van Hunker, 'a rascallion of an old half-bred Dutchman, 'as my hot-tongued sister called him, who had come over to fatten on our misfortunes by buying up the cavaliers' plate and jewels, and lending them money on their estates. Stray Pearls
  • Blending green, rooty vetiver and languid exotic flowers fagraea, tiare, ylang-ylang, the perfumer achieved a striking yang-yin, darkness-light sort of contrast of earthy, practically dirty and creamy-floral notes. Archive 2009-01-01
  • I remember it was passed decades ago to be sure a mortgagee would have clear account of the lending terms. Wonk Room » Warner Concerned Consumer Protection Agency Will Be ‘Divorced From The Reality Of The Market’
  • Now, judging by comments I've been hearing for months, its lending department has never stood lower in public esteem.
  • Finding the missing parts has been a lucky blending of good fortune and good detective work.
  • The intervention comes after a crackdown on payday lending in January last year. Times, Sunday Times
  • It stated that the banks must leave help and advice to non-bank sources and concentrate on providing simple transaction and lending facilities.
  • The Fed could face restrictions on its emergency lending authority or be required to disclose more about its lending operations.
  • Thanks a lot for lending me the money.
  • As the generations go by, under the assumption of blending inheritance, variation is bound to become swamped.
  • And yes, the new agency will be responsible for enforcing fair lending laws and the CRA, which as Federal Reserve Board Governor Randall S. Kroszner said, have “been helpful in alleviating the financial isolation of many areas of concentrated poverty.” Wonk Room » CNBC Talking Heads: Only ‘Naive,’ ‘Stupid’ ‘Suckers’ And ‘Idiots’ Were Victims Of Predatory Lending
  • Melt blending of HDPE and LLDPE, and peroxide initiated grafting copolymerization of vinyl trimethoxy silane(A171) onto HDPE/LLDPE blends were simultaneously studied in a twin screw extruder.
  • I never, in the whole course of my life, was fond of lending the sanction of my countenance to any thing that was not canny; and, even when I was a wee smout of a callant, with my jacket and trowsers buttoned all in one, The Life of Mansie Wauch tailor in Dalkeith
  • With a fork at first, and later switching to fingers, begin blending the outer edges in. Farmbox VII: (Another) Apple Cake for Harry 1953
  • The necessary information about the quality of the mortgager is surely available, as evidenced by banks belatedly tightening up their lending to risky borrowers. John Rentoul today puts Trevor Kavanagh and myself in the...
  • The country had been declared ineligible for World Bank lending.
  • People moved everywhere, yet there was only a mild hum of unassignable noise, a blending of typeout machines, human voices, and a steady tremor that seemed everywhere and nowhere, that came from the rock itself. Across The Sea Of Suns
  • There was, however, a swing from bonds and bank lending to equity-related bonds.
  • The rest of the mix, however, is a bit more jazzy and quirky, blending piano, flute, organ vamps, vibraphones, and some basic samples.
  • HSBC Holdings PLC's Hong Kong unit offered mortgages with lending rates based on short-term interbank rate, with the effective lending rate below 1%. HKMA Warns on Rates
  • The G 20 summit in London in April promised a tripling of its lending capacity.
  • More needs to be done to help lending to small and medium-sized companies. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the blending of the two together gives me a little shiver. Times, Sunday Times
  • The deal will boost lending to business and homeowners. Times, Sunday Times
  • Watch for tougher lending Some buy-to-let lenders have been tightening their criteria following the credit crunch. Times, Sunday Times
  • The devices, which are required by a growing number of subprime loan contracts, are the product of a revolution in telematics -- the blending of telecommunications and wireless technology. Boing Boing
  • The weak control over lending was allowed because of the keiretsu tradition, which links companies with their banks via complex cross-shareholdings.
  • After fluttering thus from branch to branch, like the poor birdling that cannot take its flight, discouraged by his wretched attempts at life, he plunged straight before him, hoping for nothing but a turn of luck, driving over the roads and fields, lending a hand to the farmers, sleeping in stables and garrets, or oftener in the open air; sometimes charitably sheltered in a kind man's barn, and perhaps -- oh bliss! Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 12, No. 29, August, 1873
  • They were still, however, subject to nonarbitrary lending qualifications. Halfway There
  • In the past decade or so there has also been quite a bit of research in cog-sci into the phenomenon of synesthesia – the "blending" of sensation in some people so that they hear colors or see sounds, etc. Causal Consciousness – Science of Mind
  • A serious crisis of credit began with irresponsible lending from banks that then had to demand balance sheet reparations from the taxpayer. Times, Sunday Times
  • But they said the increased stability of the entire system would be worth any short-term crimp in lending. Regulators meeting in Switzerland agree on new global rules to strengthen banks
  • The focus will be on smaller building societies, which are thought to be using rising prices as an excuse to relax lending standards. Times, Sunday Times
  • Where the old car had concave surfaces on the doors, the new doors swell outwards, lending more bulk to the profile.
  • Subjects covered in the video included function and rationale for use of excipients, powder sieving and blending, and tablet dedusting/ polishing.
  • Some are hopeful that interbank lending rates -- still stubbornly elevated -- could start to tick down following the first extended-term TAF, which provides cash loans to deposit-taking banks. Fannie Cuts Support for Mortgage Market
  • The aggressive bleeps and bloops and the potent rhymes create cool juxtaposition, with past glories and modern technology not simply clashing but lending each other some legitimacy as well.
  • Nationwide reported a 9 per cent increase in annual underlying profit as its mortgage lending rose to volumes last seen before the 2007-8 financial crisis. Times, Sunday Times
  • A person's life in one sense is like a work of art, blending colors, tones, lines, and forms.
  • The bank is reassessing its criteria for lending money.
  • Choose a blending colour that matches your outfit for the day.
  • This zesty mixture is the perfect complement to the cabbagey flavour of broccoli, lending crunch and tension to each mouthful. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its bank regulator pressed the country 's banks to cut back lending and has already increased its reserve requirements once this year. Times, Sunday Times
  • It had 4.1 billion in lending and investment exposure to the sector at the end of June. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the toro was too quick, and with his left cornupeta caught the The Spaniard 27 banderillero in the seat of the pants, lending him an additional impulse that carried him clear over the tablas, landing him uninjured in the tendidas, where he looked up in surprise to find himself seated among the spectators, who applauded loudly. Mexico
  • Oh, I forgot to tell you -- she palavered Burnett into lending her eight rifles for her men, and three cases of dynamite. Chapter 16
  • The President's Office confirmed the award winner would be honored during the university's spring awards convocation, lending additional legitimacy to the award.
  • The combination of a steep drop in interest rates and the rapid rise in household debt has fuelled a surge in lending.
  • However, it may adopt other 'non-standard' measures to boost lending. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is through an unexpected blending of rhythm and syntax that his prose yields the remarkable or compelling image.
  • But they are usually quicker to spot opportunities and gutsier in pursuit of them, according to Mark Paper, chief operating officer of Business Partners International, a South African financial institution specializing in lending and investing in smaller companies. Small Factories Take Root in Africa
  • In the short run, it appears that [ stimulus lending ] is risk - free.
  • The Minimum Lending Rate was raised to an all-time high and the government rushed to reimpose exchange controls. THE ENDLESS GAME
  • Yunus had successfully challenged the most basic assumptions of Third World economic development: money was better spent on women than on men; and it was better channeled through private groups (called nongovernmental organizations, or NGOS, by international lending sorts) than through state bureaucracies. Mothers Vs. Mullahs
  • Ethnologists tell us that the interblending of races is favorable to the general progress of mankind. The Negro and the White Man
  • A better approach for the blending is to use a layer mask. HDR photography in Venice
  • Microloan repayments typically top 97 per cent, far higher than conventional lending. Times, Sunday Times
  • Secondly, under the Housing Act 1985 the Secretary of State may advance money to recognized lending institutions to enable them to grant loans to first-home purchasers.
  • German banks are more generous in their lending.
  • The three-month trend shows sterling lending to the private sector averaging only about £1 billion a month.
  • Dante doesn't say so, but he leaves us free to speculate that moneylenders continue to practice their trade in hell, lending money at interest to the damned.
  • They are often unnecessary and expensive - when borrowers can simply defer payments and renegotiate the lending terms.
  • Faced with a rising tide of insolvencies, banks are actually cutting back their lending to small and medium-sized companies.
  • This is a common approach for a duo who delight in blending seemingly incongruent but ultimately believable material into their performances.
  • Official data shows that lending is still fairly stagnant, although mortgage lending has picked up from record lows last year. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are urged to expand lending, replenish their reserves and pay back the taxpayer for the huge capital injections that have kept them afloat. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their bank manager was sticky about lending them the money they wanted to borrow.
  • Britain's five big banks are considering making a lending pledge to support businesses as part of a new pact with the Government. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thanks for lending me your big lawn - mower. It was just the job for the long grass.
  • Predatory lending and high-interest financing targeting the military have been elusive problems for years. At Fort Sill, High-Interest Lenders Circle The Gates
  • Expect him to urge Mr. Obama to be aggressive and creative in trying to jump-start lending — and to avoid the rosy predictions that have made the Bush administration appear to be out of touch.
  • It is particularly impressive when a group of monks or nuns chant for they may use different keys, all blending into a harmonious whole. Times, Sunday Times
  • So when high street banks suddenly stopped lending to companies last autumn it quickly became clear that bold action was required. Times, Sunday Times
  • Try blending one or two of these within your five new bulbs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unlike in 2005, banks are no longer in expansive lending mood. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lending more to favored clients is on the rise as well.
  • The first is a general slowdown in economic growth resulting from tighter lending conditions, especially for mortgages. Times, Sunday Times
  • The blending and intermarriage of races for over 500 years has made Bolivia a heterogeneous society.
  • What he's got to be careful to master, which Bill did pretty well, is blending his smarts with the kind of genuineness that allows people to identify him as one of us. Obama Hits Back: Debate With McCain And Bush Over Foreign Policy Is One "I Will Win"
  • Under its proposed new regulatory framework, the FSA would impose so-called countercyclical capital requirements, which rise during good times and fall during downturns so that banks don't have to cut back on lending precisely when the economy needs them the most. U.K. and Germany Call for Tougher Regulation of Banks
  • Venge, who also produces Calistoga Ranch's private-label Cabernet, speeds up the typical lengthy blending process by offering just three varietals - a Stagecoach Cabernet and Syrah as well as a Merlot from his father's Saddleback vineyard. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • While the figure was down on that for March, lending was 16% higher than in April 2005 and marks six months of record lending figures.
  • After blending consonants and vowels, syllables are blended into words and words are used in meaningful sentences.
  • And with so great expedition, that in less than a week thereafter, the craft is ready for launching, and on the next day it is run off the "chocks" into the water, a score of the Fuegian men lending helping hands. The Land of Fire A Tale of Adventure
  • The lending institution should have a panel of valuers so if one is too high, ask for another estimate.
  • But the blending of the two together gives me a little shiver. Times, Sunday Times
  • The underpinning of a sukuk with assets makes it attractive for use in property lending or asset leasing. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was talk of a credit crunch as the banks reined back lending. Times, Sunday Times
  • CNN, I don't want to see you plumbing the depths of your counterintuition on your website, or lending credence to the notion that the gutless mopes in their cars, shrieking racial slurs at the images of children have an interesting point of view that we should "hear out" because of the need to be "balanced. Arizona Elementary School Will Whiten The Faces Of Its Own Students On A Mural Because Some Racists Yelled At It
  • Banks have also given existing flat sales a boost by simplifying lending procedures for older properties.
  • Using twin-rotor continuous mixer, an intercalated composite was prepared via direct blending of linear low density polyethylene(PE-LLD)melt and low temperature expandable graphite(LTEG).
  • Word-blending is big in campuspeak. “He†™ s sort of a nerd, but he†™ s just so adorkable” combines adorable with dork, the amalgam defined as “endearing though socially inept” by Prof. Connie Eble of the department of English and comparative literature at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Old NY Times Writers Trying To Understand How “The Kids” Talk Is, Like, Totes Adorkable | Best Week Ever
  • Fujimori is in Washington to attend an international meeting on small business lending and did not have an appointment with Clinton.
  • Official data shows that lending is still fairly stagnant, although mortgage lending has picked up from record lows last year. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lending platforms will earn money by charging a referral fee to banks when they secure business. Times, Sunday Times
  • Today the Fed has not only lost that touch but, given the way our political and financial system currently operates, its own policies exacerbate the cycle of overexuberance and incautious lending that will bring on the next major crisis (and presumably another severe recession). The Fed, Innovation And The Next Recession
  • Unlike the IMF's traditional lending facilities, employed after a crisis besets a country, the precautionary credit line is designed to prevent crises. IMF Makes Credit Line Available to Macedonia
  • The postwar years were typified by cosy relationships between lending banks and companies. Times, Sunday Times
  • The consultancy is also alarmed by signs that the credit crunch is set to wreak further serious damage through a prolonged lending drought. Times, Sunday Times
  • The banks are lending money at a competitive rate of interest.
  • The Serbian was seen exploring and lending a hand at the sea turtle rehabilitation centre at the hotel. The Sun
  • The group is blaming the credit crunch, saying that its lending costs have risen. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a blending of DNA from a zebra fish and either a jellyfish or sea anemone.
  • But lending in euros within the zone was supposed to be free of such risks. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the rules only covered a portion of the lending methods available to military personnel -- payday loans, auto title loans and refund anticipation loans, which are high-interest loans based on the expected proceeds from an income tax return. At Fort Sill, High-Interest Lenders Circle The Gates
  • Oatmeal baths can be prepared at home also by grinding or blending dry oatmeal into a fine powder and adding about 2 cups to the bath water.
  • He broke strings in both his Prince rackets during the victory and had to use his third - choice Wilson racket to complete the victory, doubles partner Tom Sanders lending him a spare just in case.
  • These lending libraries meet the requirement of readers which is not met by the conventional libraries.
  • Buena Vista Pictures/Everett Collection The 1991 Disney version The 1991 Disney version required 600 animators, artists and technicians, blending traditional animation and computer-generated images. Beauty and the Beast Through History
  • Recall that the authorities may have an interest in seeing interest rates rise in order to discourage bank lending and monetary growth.
  • He has created a small menu of mostly Asian cuisine, lending his own inspired artistry to each dish.
  • The incentives increase fivefold for lending to small businesses. Times, Sunday Times
  • If they lose confidence in the creditworthiness of their counterparties, they'll stop lending to each other. Times, Sunday Times
  • The deal will boost lending to business and homeowners. Times, Sunday Times
  • Measures to encourage banks to resume lending to each other seem to be having some effect, although bank hoarding of cash remains a problem. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a dysphemism for what is sometimes known as “community organizing” -- professionally staging protests and lending them credibility via the false impression of spontaneity. Leave Barack Alone!
  • Some brokers and realtors are able to offer lending and title services as well.
  • I'm still hopeful that Lending Club, in particular, can succeed in this space; it certainly doesn't suffer from the kind of egregiously misleading public communications that Gimein details at Prosper. Felix Salmon - All posts
  • The composite stabilizing agent is prepared from the raw materials including sucrose, sodium chloride, potassium sorbate and sodium hyposulfite by blending and stirring.
  • Son, and to the spirit of both, the fatherhood of the Father meeting and blending with the sonhood of the Son, and drawing us up into the glory of their joy, to share in the thoughts of love that pass between them, in their thoughts of delight and rest in each other, in their thoughts of joy in all the little ones. Unspoken Sermons Series I., II., and II.
  • Normally the government pays investors to borrow money ; these days investors will pay the government for the privilege of lending them money. Times, Sunday Times
  • Loans for house purchase took up 74% of all new mortgage lending in January, while remortgages accounted for 21%.
  • The change in status allows American Express to tap a wide array of government funding and lending programs, including the bank investment program. ajor financial firms have been becoming bank holding companies to access federal lending programs, such as Goldman Sachs Group Inc., OpEdNews - Quicklink: American Express gets OK for $3.39B from gov't
  • The house has also been restored and upgraded, with the vendor's choice of neutral interiors blending in well with the various period features of the home.
  • Banks tightened up on their lending of unsecured loans two years ago. Times, Sunday Times
  • The 2010 second-half mortgage-lending figures will likely remain subdued compared with the unexpected recovery in the latter half of 2009, the Council of Mortgage Lenders reported. U.K. Public-Sector Borrowing Rises Steeply
  • The solera system calls for a continuous blending of old wine with new in a tier of barrels arranged with the newest on top, the oldest on the bottom. Sherry's Long, Rich Past and Uncertain Present
  • The postwar years were typified by cosy relationships between lending banks and companies. Times, Sunday Times
  • Just because I'm lending you my dress for tonight doesn't mean you can borrow it whenever you want to.
  • The fluctuations in respondent curves are accurately corresponding to a blending - layered - settlement program agitated from CO- N2 - C mixture at critical aboil state.
  • Lending institutions will be required to satisfy themselves that the borrowers already have 10 per cent of the total price.
  • I have no problem lending my books out because I crease pages, fold down pages, eat while eating, so they're not in pristine condition. Angels' Blood Countdown: Jory Strong - Ghostland ARC
  • Hillary should stop lending herself millions of dollars for a losing campaign and perhaps put that money where her mouth is, and help America by donating it to help rebuild Katrina-torn Louisiana! redbug - Ohio for OBAMA Campaigning in Kentucky, Clinton hears sermon on infidelity
  • You can draft a letter explaining how the money will be used and what you intend to get out of the temporary loan. This may help ease your friends' concerns about lending money to you.
  • In addition, windows surrounding the cab increase visibility, and exhaust stacks are in line with the cab post, lending to a quieter engine.
  • After the biggest lending splurge in capitalist history, some banks will be nursing nasty hangovers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Father, but in the fact of it, in the burning love in the hearts of Father and Son, then glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the spirit of both, the fatherhood of the Father meeting and blending with the sonhood of the Son, and drawing us up into the glory of their joy, to share in the thoughts of love that pass between them, in their thoughts of delight and rest in each other, in their thoughts of joy in all the little ones. Unspoken Sermons Third Series
  • We're banking on them lending us the money—no pun intended!
  • Consequently banks have sought to reduce their overseas lending exposure in recent years.
  • In fact, anti-fur types be warned: animal pelts line all the beds (lending the rooms a subtle wet-doggy odour) as well as the movie theatre seats and bar alcoves.
  • The 30 dancers are said to perform athletic, emotional graceful routines, blending modern, ballet and jazz dance to pop music, gospel and jazz.
  • The clothes clung closely to her slender body, lending her the uneasy feeling of exposure.
  • Fine says using them requires a bit more makeup savvy than using bronzers, because highlighters require precise blending.
  • One of the many industrial uses of ethanol involves blending it with gasoline to make gasohol.
  • Indeed, for many years environmental concerns were treated as an irritant by most officials in charge of lending operations.
  • The company designed and built the blending kettles producing the dope that is extruded through an adjustable spinneret.
  • As many cringe when one hears the term conservatism, I must say I was impressed upon reading a question and answer article of two bank CEOs in Texas whose lending practices are more conservative than others. Citigroup must die in order to make way for stronger banks to thrive
  • That could help to shore up bank balance sheets and remove an obstacle to lending.
  • Secondly, the mixture is then flattened out in the blending machine, and then it is flattened further in an extruder machine.
  • We need the right kind of lending and capital investment to get the economy growing. Times, Sunday Times

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