How To Use Leitmotif In A Sentence

  • Alfian agreed, but he signposted the missing scenes with leitmotifs and distributed to the audience the excised portions of the script.
  • In economics, the leitmotif is rationality: it is axiomatic that individuals are self-motivated to improve upon existing circumstances.
  • The book of Jonah is a leitmotif in this novel for illustrating this idea.
  • But also I think the use of leitmotif is one of the ways in which you can tie together a narrative that is otherwise quite separated. The Limits of Tolerance
  • The interplay between purity and pollution is a leitmotif of this exhibition.
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  • Through the narrative, the poet's elegiacs become a leitmotif.
  • Guwahati, April 5: Machor tenga, a sweet-and-sour curry which has come to be known as the leitmotif of the Assamese kitchen, has gone global. - Business News
  • It was the sound of the agora, the wineshop, the gymnasium, the forum; agelong leitmotif of the lands by the Middle Sea. Funeral Games
  • This suggests that Hemingway composed his story not only with leitmotifs and correlatives but also with key phrases identifying other Nick stories, and that he expected the reader to find them.
  • But there is another leitmotif: uncertainty, of a stoical, dreich kind. The Times Literary Supplement
  • But to term our emirate "Dubai Inc.," as some do, suggests that commerce, more than anything else, is our leitmotif. Our Ambitions for the Middle East
  • WHY: The exhibition Last One will show Kozyrev's works from the artist's two latest series Lost Edge and Last One, in which his leitmotif is the ruin or fragment. Exhibition Spotlight: Artist Dimitri Kozyrev Explores Ruin, Geometry, And Stalin
  • Spending money, the more the merrier, is the leitmotif of parents weekend. Embracing a Parental Rite
  • These words pronounced bya Stinnes created the most incredible confusion; they were picked up atonce, and with amazing rapidity became the leitmotif of all the quacks andbig-mouths that since the revolution Fate has let loose on Germany in thecapacity of 'statesmen.' Mein Kampf
  • Worried, I look around and see what happens, I'm not their leitmotif, which is the base of their lives: Violence, hatred and death, because too many people remained silent. J. Weekly
  • And that was essentially the leitmotif for contemporary design. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ana's world is pitted against the dull monochrome of conventionality - marriage, domestication - and becomes the source of energy both for Ana as character and the central leitmotif of the story.
  • These phrases were part of his calculated repetition, and often involved the leitmotifs and correlatives already stressed in ‘earlier’ stories.
  • In his piece about Awana, he writes amusingly about taking a pee and I couldn't help but recall the moment when the great man, he of pulchritudinous prose, goitred with soliped leitmotifs, crenellation and spittle, took one next to mee. AA . . . On The Piss
  • His advocacy of public-private partnerships has also been a leitmotif of his Treasury years.
  • Readers have been wedding dresses wow power leveling wow gold captivated by "Invincible," wedding dresses the sweeping wow power leveling new musical piece released by Blizzard recalling the leitmotif of the Wrath of the Lich King trailer. MyBookFace :: Blogs
  • In fact, dramatic combinations that are made without fuss, fanfare or vanity could be the leitmotif of this menu. Times, Sunday Times
  • The cult of artistic and existential evasion in Dada and surrealism made suicide a leitmotif of literary life in inter-war France.
  • The title of one of Dietrich's best-known songs could serve as the leitmotif for her life.
  • The stern and wild leitmotif was underlined with a hefty and very pleasant fruit dumpling in butterscotch sauce to finish.
  • Wild at Heart" is Lynch's punchiest, campiest and most violent movie, featuring Willem Dafoe's spectacularly shot-off head, a severed hand, lots of sex, vomit, dirty talk and a leitmotif of gigantic close-ups of matches igniting. David Lynch's New Peak
  • With the no-doubt unintended effect of suggesting that Wallace's menace and ensuing mayhem might, in hindsight, be laughed-off like a good-ol'-boy joke, "George Wallace: Settin 'the Woods on Fire" takes part of its title, and its misguided musical leitmotif from a wacky, Hank Williams party-hearty song. Film/Television: Lost Highways
  • The title of one of Dietrich's best-known songs could serve as the leitmotif for her life.
  • Her designs in clothing became a leitmotif of the 1970s.
  • As a result, his body and its ailments become the leitmotif of the novel.
  • And that was essentially the leitmotif for contemporary design. Times, Sunday Times
  • Readers have been captivated by "Invincible," the sweeping wow power leveling new musical piece released by Blizzard wow gold recalling the leitmotif of the wow power leveling Wrath of the Lich King trailer. MyBookFace :: Blogs
  • The end of the book includes a short glossary of terms to help readers with certain concepts such as bel canto, leitmotif and verismo.
  • A superb, dangerously over-worked, standing self-portrait, Painter Working, Reflection 1993 portrays the ageing artist wearing only unlaced boots, holding a palette and knife he was left-handed, addressing the viewer like a silent actor; invariably paint applied imaginatively to the planes of walls and floor reads as though a leitmotif for the prevailing mood. Lucian Freud obituary

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