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How To Use Legislator In A Sentence

  • This came after scores of pro-Uribe legislators and other officials were indicted on conspiracy charges involving so-called demobilized paramilitaries. Council on Hemispheric Affairs
  • This involves the prevailing sense of disregard for life at the fetal stage on the part of legislators.
  • But regulators and legislators do not talk to players; players are not organized, they have no spokespersons.
  • “We should work for redressal of public grievances instead of fighting with each other”, he said and called upon all legislators including opposition to work for fulfilling public demands and resolving their difficulties. Indian Kashmir Chief said,���I believe in pious political ethics,upright character & moral principle
  • Note that if legislators were somehow! required to read all bills passed into law, they would just withdraw into precatory vagaries, and leave all the detail to bureaucrats. The Volokh Conspiracy » Just Read the Bill:
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  • Does the rule that a legislator be present to vote make sense, or is it merely an anachronism?
  • I began composing an introduction praising the spiritual enlightenment exhibited in choosing to congregate in taverns, like 1849 San Jose legislators stepping in from muddy streets to drink whisky on barrelheads, before plotting out the future of nascent California.
  • I'm reminded of the first Christian legislators, who didn't quickly abolish the tolerant Roman laws regarding practices which didn't conform to the natural law, or which were actually contrary to it, such as concubinage and slavery," Cardinal Cottier wrote. CathNews
  • I urge you to call your state legislators today and tell them you reject these cuts as a stopgap solution to long-term inequalities that women face. K. Sujata: Government Budgets vs. Reality for Women and Girls
  • In 6 States, legislators received a daily salary plus an allowance for expenses while legislatures were in session.
  • Spain presently holds the presidency of the EU Council of Ministers and there has been a meeting in Madrid between members of the EU Parliament and members of the US Congress (one of those summer junkets for legislators) and on the margins of that meeting the Spanish Foreign Minister said: - The Volokh Conspiracy » More on Israeli Incompetence
  • WASHINGTON -- A Republican state legislator in Georgia doesn't like the term rape "victim. Georgia State Lawmaker Seeks To Redefine Rape Victims As 'Accusers'
  • Apart from some ‘legislators-at-large’, however, all the legislators were elected by ballot.
  • He went from wrestling in tights and a feather boa to stumping across the state in jeans and a leather jacket discussing policy with legislators in suits and ties.
  • Legislators plan to propose a state buy-back of unused licenses in the coming term, and those too will then vanish.
  • A legislator disclosed to reporters recent attempts to seek new diplomatic allies - an issue normally deemed top secret.
  • His families were booming him for legislator.
  • So he compromised on a very exclusive hotel patronized by legislators who had money of their own, by many of the titled attaches of the embassies, and by families that came during the season with the hope of edging their way into official society. The Slim Princess
  • This is one of the reasons why I believe, in common with legislators in most other Western countries, that we need to be determinedly looking at alternative fuels, both extenders and new fuels and that includes biofuels.
  • Britain is a country without entrenched constitutional limits on the powers of its supreme regular legislator, Parliament.
  • The meter-square bag was found leaking its foul contents outside the office of legislator Leung Yiu-chung in an industrial area of Kowloon.
  • Taxpayers, of course, have to pay for this shilly-shallying, directly in extra pay for legislators and through indirect costs.
  • Fortunately only one legislator was seriously hurt.
  • Chinese legislator criticised the US on Friday for its "ungrounded" demand for faster yuan revaluation and urged the US to rethink its - Business News
  • Gross says that for the third consecutive year, state legislators saw fit not to increase funding for Woodbourne.
  • Ahmanson is also a major sponsor of ultraconservative politicians, including California state legislator and 2003 gubernatorial candidate Tom McClintock.
  • Wednesday Lee Cheuk-yan, a prodemocracy legislator, introduced a nonbinding motion to remember the crackdown and "vindicate" the student movement. Hong Kong Freedom Fight
  • Instead, the legislators flee accountability and hide behind a private agreement, asking merely to be let in on the shakedown.
  • Journalists and legislators tend to treat regulation as feel-good symbolism, a cheap way to demonstrate right-thinking attitudes.
  • She knows how Olympia works after years of leading Washington Public Campaigns: negotiating with state legislators, public campaign advocates and policy wonks, of researching money-in-politics issues, and representing the district at the party at the state party level. maki Vying to Win Open Seat in 34th District, State House Candidates Make Their Pitch « PubliCola
  • Now in our state this so – called art, whether really an art or only an experience and practice destitute of any art, ought if possible never to come into existence, or if existing among us should litten to the request of the legislator and go away into another land, and not speak contrary to justice. Laws
  • Legislators there say they are alarmed at the number of unlicensed, uninsured illegal aliens who are driving in their state.
  • He and two Stanford colleagues analyzed the results of more than 6,500 congressional races between 1956 and 1996 and concluded that voters hold their legislators accountable for voting that strays from the district's ideological core. Loyalty to Obama Costs Democrats
  • Which role do you like playing most - a lawyer, a provincial assemblyman, a legislator or a commissioner?
  • The legislator must have intended to have the money paid back to the person who paid it.
  • MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Insurgents in army uniforms stormed a hotel in the Somali capital Mogadishu frequented by government officials on Tuesday, killing at least 31 people including legislators, the government said. Sweetness & Light
  • There is no compelling reason why legislators can't wait at least a year to see if the state's finances improve before underwriting a new football stadium.
  • The defense minister and legislators should delve further into her words before reacting.
  • The ruling legislators said the Cabinet might as well be disbanded since it is not operating as a team.
  • The steering committee is tasked with making schedules for legislators to assist them in planning their work timetables, whether it be for an entire year, semester or a single meeting session.
  • If you weren't a state legislator or senator, you normally would have to wait a week to get a reservation.
  • The mayor used his influence to pull the wires of local legislators and get votes for their programmes.
  • Yesterday (or day before yesterday), PRIista legislators were wondering how they could give Lopez Obrador his fuero back. Archive 2005-05-01
  • I don't understand why, in abstracto, a legislator could defend their voice using this reasoning: Yes, I voted for law X. Was Obama's only education accomplishment "legislation to teach 'comprehensive sex education' to kindergartners"?
  • As a result, legislator employ various procedual devices to handle knotty problems.
  • But while legislators can strengthen the system, Weill added, CEOs may play an even greater role in restoring the public's faith.
  • They can elect legislators who have the power to impose their will on judges through one means or another.
  • The desire to increase the female population on the goldfields was popular among administrators and legislators, but it was also a move not surprisingly favoured by the men themselves.
  • Mission-driven budgets relieve legislators of micromanagement decisions, freeing them to focus on the larger problems they were elected to solve.
  • Sadly, this "xenophobia" is once again influencing the European legislators to enact less immigrant friendly laws: Danmark, Holland, so may be we are heading straight up into a new dark age in Europe, as we are already way on our way there in the USA. Immigration rats nest
  • Protesters threatened to occupy the council building if legislators and the shoe company continue to ignore their demands.
  • Most ancient legislators, therefore, considered cleanliness, which they called purity, as one of the essential dogmas of their religions. The Ruins, or, Meditation on the Revolutions of Empires and the Law of Nature
  • Legislators are the elected officials who pass laws or amend existing ones in order to remedy problems or to promote certain activities.
  • Obviously, however, it's his style as a legislator -- cheered by progressives for its unapologetic self-assuredness -- that gets the Republican blood boiling. Beck To Palin: Alan Grayson Is Hot, 'Yum Yum, Give Me Some'
  • Mr. Lee is a democratically elected legislator and the founding chairman of Hong Kong's Democratic Party.
  • When these daff legislators will have to actually go to Chicago to talk to the president and see him in his own environment, playing with his daughters, visiting with his friends, walking along the lake shore with his wife, perhaps they will be re-awakened to what normal life is like. Why the Obamas Should Move Back to Chicago
  • Although some legislators passionately opposed this idea as inegalitarian, the program was quickly passed with high expectations.
  • I greatly admire the former San Francisco mayor and legislator.
  • The legal action by British MPs and House of Lords members is the first time UK legislators have filed an amicus brief in a US court.
  • Note, she did not use the unmodified word democracy, which apparently horrifies the legislators, she used: “our democracy.” The Volokh Conspiracy » Wishful Linguistics
  • After Virginia legislators enacted that colony's first comprehensive slave code in 1705, internal rather than outside influences predominated.
  • State legislators are poised for a spending spree - on stadiums and prisons
  • Bozo The Neoclown says: ten to one says eric cantor is the next cancervaturd legislator embroiled in a scandal involving a male prostitute and meth. he has that look. Think Progress » Cantor backtracks on his bluff, says he’ll show up to health care meeting with Obama.
  • The Kansas legislature is likely to try to override the veto, and unless some legislators change their votes, the override will pass.
  • I greatly admire the former San Francisco mayor and legislator.
  • But by criminalising the taking of any bird's egg, our legislators inadvertently cut off one route in which many of today's older naturalists learned their trade, the schoolboy pastime of "egging". Enjoying the natural world
  • Our nation's legislators are not doing their job in affording the same protections for business account holders that they do for consumer account holders," says Litan. Cybercrooks stalk small businesses that bank online
  • Now, God manifested himself to the human race from the beginning under the threefold relation of Creator, Legislator, and Savior, and from the beginning, from Adam to Noah, from Noah to Abraham, from Abraham to Moses, from Moses to Jesus Christ, there have been men who lived conformably with this idea of God. Archive 2009-02-01
  • Other legislators say the priority should be maintaining control of U.S. immigration and not rewarding lawbreakers.
  • Legislators in the outgoing National Assembly, which is dominated by Chavez allies, approved the president's request Friday. Venezuela's Parliament Gives Chavez Decree Powers
  • But the bigger problem is the systemic one created by legislators themselves: state law mandates that Citizens Property Insurance "depopulate" policies even to untested, unrated, inexperienced private insurance companies. The Dogs of Wind
  • Mission-driven budgets relieve legislators of micromanagement decisions, freeing them to focus on the larger problems they were elected to solve.
  • The report has been welcomed by many legislators as the most authoritative and independent assessment of the old-growth timber industry ever prepared.
  • A few legislators suggested honor go to the big bluestem, which is dominant in eastern third Kansas, or buffalo grass, which is prevalent in western Kansas. WIBW - HomePage - Headlines
  • China's Top Legislator, Philippine House Speaker Hold Talks.
  • The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) legislator Rekso Ageng Herman also said that the social insurance bill would not work if it remained unrevised.
  • Legislators yesterday questioned officials about elimination measures in mosquito hot spots like construction sites and private land.
  • We were landed with legislators and tribunes who were ineffectual and unaccomplished, with no track record as strategic thinkers or ability to communicate. Archive 2009-06-01
  • As the first sort of legislators attended to the different kinds of citizens, and combined them into one commonwealth, the others, the metaphysical and alchemistical legislators, have taken the direct contrary course. Paras. 300-324
  • These were the legislators who had crafted the language of the original bill, onto which the Kay amendment was tacked. A THEORY OF RELATIVITY
  • Harvey could have done more, for Florida legislators had to take local assessors out of their tricky political situation before the state could equalize its educational funding in 1973.
  • That they could come off as the safe harbor from a out of control legislators who don't listen to their constituents. Carville: Dems should force GOP to filibuster health care reform
  • As the first sort of legislators attended to the different kinds of citizens, and combined them into one commonwealth, the others, the metaphysical and alchemistical legislators, have taken the directly contrary course. The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 03 (of 12)
  • George said many legislators and even some ministers are also of the same opinion.
  • In Friday's party vote, Mr. Kan defeated Shinji Tarutoko, a relatively unknown legislator backed by the party's shadowy power broker, Ichiro Ozawa. Mr. Kan won with 291 votes to Mr. Tarutoko's 129.
  • Each column supported an appropriate entablature, on the frieze of which was inscribed ‘Pro Patria,’ reminding the legislator of the end and object of his delegation.
  • The ministry and legislators agreed on Tuesday that insurance companies cannot underwrite a life insurance policy for a minor until the he or she is at least 14 years old.
  • The bills that legislators failed to deliberate upon last session included a resolution of industrial disputes, a commission on corruption eradication, electricity, legal pardons and property rights.
  • They said the terms in office of legislators depended solely on the acceptance of their constituents who elected their representatives every five years.
  • He wrote, Might you have sway with legislators against the Salvation Army male duo that park about 4 p.m. on 50th street near the rink, set up a boom box and start jitterbugging doing Michael Jackson -style whoops and yells every 20 seconds, that disturb workers in the building. Salvation Army Swings
  • The tax could be sold to reluctant legislators as a progressive tax on the wealthy.
  • Do legislators imagine that pedophiles are sessile creatures, like sea anemones or Venus fly-traps, and have to wait passively for their victims to come withreach? The Volokh Conspiracy » Where, According to Tort Law, Should Accused Criminals and Ex-Convicts Live?
  • He said it was evident in the partial views of legislators in the House of Representatives.
  • TALLAHASSEE (FBW) - Florida legislators got a taste of Hollywood March 12 as actor-comedian Ben Stein brought his controversial film "Expelled" to Tallahassee to help lobby in favor of legislation to allow academic freedom when evolution is taught in Florida public schools. Undefined
  • Later in an interpellation session with Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Legislator Lee Chun-yee (李俊毅), the premier elaborated on his remark, saying that war would be the last choice if all peaceful means were in vain. Archive 2008-06-01
  • The legislators in Hawaii had thought of that before I did and the law was airtight.
  • The individual lawmakers are untouchable for anything they do as legislators.
  • The law which the court may then uphold and enforce is the very law which the legislator has enacted, not a different law.
  • The legislator’s place is thus usurped by the sophist, the false reasoner, in deliberative assemblies; that of the judge by the rhetorician or pleader; the medical adviser is supplanted by the purveyor of luxuries, and the gymnastic teacher by the adorner of the person. Antony
  • And we'll work with the legislator and we'll work with the city officials and with the city of Los Angeles and the people of Los Angeles to find resources from our recently passed bonds and other sources to prevent flooding, revegetate the hillside and restore this great, great nursery. CNN Transcript May 11, 2007
  • Constituency body of voters represented by an elected legislator or official.
  • Even if the timbermen are purely motivated by the public good, they have to work with state legislators who come to the table with agendas of their own.
  • But those figuresand tales are not included when measures such as some of these now out of control misdemeanor and petty "crimes" are hatched inthebackrooms, and appears these legislators have simply too much time on their hands, although mosteven state legislative sessions are getting longer andlonger and most costly for thecitizens dueto just such need for job security. U.S.A., Inc.: States Now Levying Service Charges For Traffic Offenses
  • However, Frontier legislator Emily Lau feared opinions from the forum could be biased.
  • Castalian rill whose dark waters are tinged with the gall of poetic indignation; but as in other sense I may not hang him, I will tell how he was driven from his club, and how he ceased to number himself among the legislators of his country. The Three Clerks
  • Each column supported an appropriate entablature, on the frieze of which was inscribed Pro Patria, ‘reminding the legislator of the end and object of his delegation.’
  • IV That no man, or set of men, are entitled to exclusive or separate emoluments or privileges from the community, but in consideration of public services; which, not being descendible, neither ought the offices of magistrate, legislator, or judge be hereditary. Better Know a Founder – George Mason, Father of the Bill of Rights « Publius the Geek
  • Legislators stopped short of making adultery illegal but will consider making adulterers liable to compensate their spouses in divorce settlements.
  • The all-male Freedom Front members 'offices, jokingly described by an NP legislator as "small and verkramp", are bare except for ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Legislators appear at state capitols or in Washington, DC, every year as representatives of their constituents.
  • Are they going to speak out against impunity, especially for a former legislator who knows the importance of the rule of the law?
  • The legislator is off to the land of Nod again.
  • Depending on the subject matter and procedural posture, the rules have facilities for waiver, in the unlikely event a legislator objects to a provision on grounds of germaneness. The Volokh Conspiracy » The End of Transparency (Before It Ever Began):
  • They overturn laws passed by legislators, constitutionalize rights not enumerated in the Constitution, even determine the outcome of a presidential election.
  • Other legislators say the priority should be maintaining control of U.S. immigration and not rewarding lawbreakers.
  • So, the legislator shall make a definite and normative provision.
  • Not only is it disappointing that so many legislators were hornswoggled by the cute initiative messaging is everything these days, it is also alarming that they didn't understand the business case at all. Penny Wise, Pound Foolish, and Bipartisan to Boot
  • A failed attempt to abduct a legislator's son came to light yesterday, sending shock waves though the legislature's staff.
  • As a state legislator he may have voted to let Henry Flagler divorce his dreaming mad tsarina of a wife, but Broward had a larger agenda, and it did not include helping out the big boys he was, after all, a rebel. Dream State
  • Once each chamber passes a bill, a conference committee will merge the two measures into a single proposal that must win approval from the legislators before going to Obama. Conrad: Dems lack votes to pass health care reform on their own
  • In the winter of 1972 while staying in the Circuit House at Saharsa I happened to see the then Chief Minister being buffeted and abused by an angry crowd of legislators and politicians.
  • As a state legislator, Rogers was both sponsor of the law and its foremost beneficiary.
  • The legislator, for example, has reason to impose a certain tax.
  • The legislator had mentioned he was in charge of the committee that handles oversight.
  • The legislative election will be held on April 5, and new legislators will assume their posts in October.
  • I said I did not have the capability to become premier because many legislators were interpellating the premier in [Hoklo, more commonly known as Taiwanese], and I could not understand Taiwanese 100 percent.
  • The real surprise is how often the paid help - our legislators - agree that they can't hack it and put propositions on the ballot themselves.
  • In that way, what we are accustomed to perceiving as the imaginary, challenges the so-called real and affirms Shelley's view that poets and for my purposes, poetesses, are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.
  • RICHMOND - Legislators will be paid for their Friday lodging and eating expenses in Richmond even though they went home because the day's session was canceled due to the snowstorm. News for WSLS 10
  • Persons are merely to be what the legislator wills them to be.
  • Democratic source told CNN on condition of not being identified that Vice President Joe Biden had engaged in behind-the-scenes negotiations Sunday with congressional legislators.
  • Voters also overwhelmingly approved a constitutional amendment which would limit state legislators to no more than 12 years in office.
  • Whatever the reason, the continual absenteeism of legislators is a serious matter.
  • A legislator should be the servant of his constituents, not their master.
  • Shelley thought poets should be recognized as unacknowledged legislators.
  • In his opinion, they ought upon this occasion to follow the example of the ancient Romans, who, having no law against parricide, because their legislators supposed no son could be so unnaturally wicked as to embrue his hands in his father's blood, made a law to punish this heinous crime as soon as it was committed. Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds
  • The government and the legislators are also scheduled to approve the selection of the senior deputy governor for the Central Bank.
  • Though many of the interest group representatives in favor of repeal indicated that the time for Glass-Steagall reform was urgent, legislators did not possess that same feeling of urgency.
  • Working in coordination with legislators, they establish goals and then organize programs and form policies to attain them.
  • Mission-driven budgets relieve legislators of micromanagement decisions, freeing them to focus on the larger problems they were elected to solve.
  • One original assumption here was that legislators are more responsive to demands for expenditure than to public concern for tax levels.
  • He can placate all those prying legislators who keep embarrassing MLB with hearings on Capitol Hill.
  • Voting can be accomplished by raising hands, by paper ballots, by calling for the ayes and nays, by marching before an official counter, or by installing computer terminals for each legislator on which votes are registered.
  • While anti-gun legislators and the liberal media praised the report, its exploitation of fear was not lost on others.
  • The rank of subdeacon suffices for election; the Abb ‚ Legendre relates in his memoirs as a contemporary incident that one of these young legislators, after an escapade, was soundly flogged by his perceptor who had accompanied him to Paris. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • It holds that pure and honest legislators cannot spring from filth and trickery, and in subservience to this view, discountenances the unfair conduction of general elections, and favors the extension, by law, of the "Australian ballot" to the primary election of all political parties. The Principles of the Republican Party: A Rare Unpublished Jack London Essay
  • Provinces will be permitted to band together to form self-ruling regions if a third of provincial legislators request it and the move is backed by local referendums.
  • His stated rationale feels like it was copy-and-pasted from the party switchers of yore, but normally when this happens the switcher is some kind of veteran legislator protesting that his old party has become too extreme. Matthew Yglesias » The Weirdness of Parker Griffith
  • Yeah, I know, I giggle at the whole idea of a bunch of rectitudinous and pompous male legislators being taken down by a sex scandal, but really, if the only way they can have sex is by paying for it, they should be the objects of our pity. Firedoglake » Friday Amusements (And One Disturbing Bit)
  • Our community has braved bullets and diktats of militants to participate in the democratic process with the hope that legislators will highlight our problems and try to solve them.
  • A native North Carolinian from a poor family with no formal education who had scratched out a living in one trade after another innkeeper, blacksmith, wheelwright, ferryman, preacher, farmer, even doctor, longtime state legislator and ardent democrat, Bloodworth represented New Hanover County in the Cape Fear region of the Tidewater. Ratification
  • According to Saint - Just , only the legislator is capable of doing this.
  • Rodriguez, 49, was sworn in hurriedly in Sucre, without the presidential sash and regalia, before a session meeting of legislators as protesters clashed with police outside.
  • Legislators were expecting to use at least some of 90 minutes scheduled for debate in choreographed question-and-answer sessions known as "colloquies," in which legislators ask for assurances about what the legislation will or won't do.
  • We must put pressure on legislators to introduce tighter controls on the sale of these products.
  • We want to make legislators and elected representatives accountable.
  • In Monday's votes, Labor legislators abstained, allowing the motions to be defeated.
  • Yet regulated vivisection has been confounded with antivivisection by the union of zany cranks and trade-unionized men of medicine, who have not refrained from the coercion of patients, from the deception of the public, from the inoculation of legislators with mendacity, capsuled in sophistry, and from the direct or indirect corruption or intimidation of not a few public journals. An Ethical Problem Or, Sidelights upon Scientific Experimentation on Man and Animals
  • While in the age of Power, Vishnu descends as king and in the age of Balance, as the legislator or codifier of moral laws, in the final age that of Truth he comes as the Master of works manifest in the hearts of his creatures. Chicago, Cairo, Sofia, Istanbul, Mumbai, & Puducherry
  • Efforts to streamline local government, largely tabled this year as legislators grappled with property-tax issues, could gain momentum under a new coalition that is pushing for changes in a system described as cumbersome and redundant. The Indiana Law Blog
  • Legislators introduce bills in the legislative body and examine and vote on bills introduced by other legislators.
  • Washington's drive and determination, essential qualities for any military commander and revolutionary leader, manifested themselves before 1775 in acquiring still other public posts: county surveyor, vestryman, and legislator.
  • One secret of American lawmaking is that legislators and legislatures need lobbyists.
  • Roman citizens, it must be confessed that the first of the emperors, the master, the pacificator, the legislator of the then known world, should not be placed absolutely on a level with a clerk to a comptroller-general in Gaul. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • We must convince our legislators to place roadblocks in the almost criminal misuse of American jurisprudence.
  • Maine to Consider Cell Phone Cancer Warning hosted. AUGUSTA, Maine (AP) -- A Maine legislator wants to make the state the first to require cell phones to carry warnings that they can cause brain cancer, although there is no consensus among scientists that they do and industry leaders dispute the claim. - Business News
  • Furthermore, clever legislators can readily evade a constitutional rule that depends on finding evidence of an illicit purpose.
  • And in return, legislators depend heavily on the mainstream media for their large-scale financial contributions and favorable press coverage.
  • Fortunately only one legislator was seriously hurt.
  • The factions were also at odds over the granting of a percentage of House seats to women legislators.
  • In profiles, Mr. Athey was called affable and well-liked among legislators. Tyras 'Bunk' Athey, former Md. secretary of state, dies
  • John Paul has in mind here legislators who are directly responsible for making law.
  • From the standpoint of a judge or legislator, this makes all the difference in the world.
  • Call me credulous but I think the food industry, given some smart guidance from legislators and some help from their creatives, could surprise us by helping to deliver a healthier population sooner than we think.
  • They migrated to Montana, where legislators as recently as 1963 tried and failed to enact similar controls.
  • The protesters separately burned the effigies of top local officials and senior legislators they blamed for obstructing their interests.
  • By 1913, more than half of the states had already adopted mechanisms that effectively bound state legislators to the voters’ choice, and it’s hard to imagine their 21st century counterparts ignoring the people’s will in senatorial selection. The Volokh Conspiracy » Repeal the 17th Amendment?
  • Chinese legislator criticised the US on Friday for its "ungrounded" demand for faster yuan revaluation and urged the US to rethink its currency policies, alleging a campaign of defamation as relations between the two giant powers - Articles related to Bharti shares rise on Zain Africa deal hopes
  • Could it be that the only sin left in the world today is to offend the sensibilities of liberal opinion formers and legislators?
  • Fitzsimmons notes that prior to 4 August, debates in the National Assembly were largely stalemated between those legislators who wanted reform and those who wanted to preserve the status quo.
  • For example, Pai Tien-chih (白添枝), who became a legislator-at-large for the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) as an agricultural representative although he is chairman of a gravel company, said that farmers' associations were like privately owned companies, and their directors were like corporate chief executives. Farmers Associations and Rural Politics
  • A DPP legislator sustained a brain injury and is hospitalized.
  • The legislators are boosting quick fixes designed to speed the rollout of high-speed Internet services to unserved customers, from tax incentives to government-backed bonds.
  • Pro-democracy legislators have been invited to the event in a move seen as a conciliatory gesture from Beijing.
  • The legislators must be made independent and autonomous.
  • The question of awards and damages should be the purview of state legislators.
  • Unlike the professional legislators in Washington, they are also more likely to hold regular jobs and feel the bite of any unwholesome laws they enact.
  • Not much of note, except for this section where methinks he doth protest too much about being more than just a legislator.
  • The rights and wrongs of America's system of class action, which gives new meaning to the term extractive industry, are properly matters for the U.S. courts and legislators. International Tort Crisis
  • Now there is nothing wrong about convoluting with lobbyists -- the Constitution does provide for freedom of speech and an ability to petition our legislators. Eric C. Anderson: Foretelling the Demise of Democracy
  • Gross says that for the third consecutive year, state legislators saw fit not to increase funding for Woodbourne.
  • When I get this kind of accomodation from our justice system and legislators, I might be willing to listen to drivvel like this. Nelson expresses support for using trigger on public insurance
  • In 6 States, legislators received a daily salary plus an allowance for expenses while legislatures were in session.
  • Legislator Edmund Ho Hau-wah's election was rubber-stamped by the Preparatory Committee of the Macau SAR chaired by Vice-Premier Qian Qichen.
  • These Democrat legislators and the ones from the House who visited the camp are still trying to cover the backsides of their mouthier, lazier colleagues. June 2005
  • That is why there are so many parliamentarians and State legislators with criminal backgrounds.
  • It is dangerous for economists to expand into measuring happiness among ‘potential smokers’ and other groups, given the profession's penchant for palling around with legislators and bureaucrats.
  • As it was, those legislators owed black voters nothing and were therefore free to take positions openly hostile to them.
  • The prince has only to follow the pattern that the legislator creates.
  • You can thank a crowd of pusillanimous state legislators for that.

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