
How To Use Legion In A Sentence

  • He is the leader of a hilarious village of "unsubdued and irksome" Gauls still holding out against Caesar's legions in 50 B.C.
  • They asked image specialists for their ideas on how to freshen the legion's image.
  • The legionaries outside were yelling for the whole gang to be 'roasted out of the cave'. The Times Literary Supplement
  • There were legions of zombie idlers in the malls, the dead and gutted malls with high vacancy rates that wouldn't be resolved anytime soon.
  • Books and articles on the tradition of the English country house are legion.
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  • A few months later, the guy who owned and operated the company upped and vanished to avoid a legion of creditors, and has not been seen since.
  • It turned out that the pork op-ed was something of a prelude to another, larger attack on the local/sustainable food movement: his recently published book, Just Food: Where Locavores Get It Wrong and How We Can Truly Eat Responsibly, in which he warns the reader of legions of rabid locavores who would build up irresponsible local food systems and disserve global ecology through their uber-local diets. Leslie Hatfield: Miles from Nowhere: Why Does James McWilliams Hate Local Food?
  • Beer followed pizza and we looked round the Roman amphitheatre which had been built by Roman legionnaires 1,800 years before.
  • To his admirers, and they are legion, the glabrous Ailes is something else entirely — a valiant freedom-fighter standing up to the perfidious liberal media elite. Meet the fantastic Mr Fox
  • The web sites devoted to Brigitte are of course legion.
  • Perhaps to the disappointment of the L.A Galaxy star's legion of female fans, the 36-year-old did not arrive wearing just a pair of briefs - but covered up in a casual combination of stonewash jeans and chunky, cream cardigan. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph
  • Legio (acc. legionem) was formed, in accordance with the nature of the Romance-Castilian language, the name León, and the identity of this name with that of the king of beasts (león, from leo, acc. leonem) perhaps explains how, by what in German is called a The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • Phil's achievements in the field of instrumental and classical crossover has brought him a legion of fans and sustained critical acclaim.
  • This new legion of armed women has forced designers to pay attention. Times, Sunday Times
  • His entire being had been drained by the immense blast he'd unleashed on the assaulting legions, but Rakael's desperate cry for help had catapulted him out of his repose.
  • Meanwhile, there are legions of young people not in education, employment or training. The Sun
  • I'm convinced God has assigned a legion of Road-Angels specifically to me.
  • A meeting to commence a branch of the Legion of Mary in the area took place in the sacristy in Kilglass Church on Wednesday night last.
  • Despite the Cylons being redesigned, the story changed a little, and the complexity ramped up a thousandfold, the new Battlestar Galactica won legions of new fans for a franchise many thought long since dead, and through extras such as the spin-off project Razor (plus other forthcoming films) and the upcoming prequel series Caprica, the Battlestar Galactica story will continue to echo in the science fiction pantheon long after the series has ended. Galactica Original | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • Acting on reports from his scouts, Antony and the assassin Decimus Turullius set out with several legions and Galatian cavalry and defeated the leading legions; Octavian was compelled to halt. Antony and Cleopatra
  • So, being encouraged by the opinions of braver men, he ordered two legions, known as the Jovian and the The Roman History of Ammianus Marcellinus During the Reigns of the Emperors Constantius, Julian, Jovianus, Valentinian, and Valens
  • A report by the legion last year found more than 300,000 ex-service personnel have hearing difficulties. The Sun
  • A postmortem showed the cause of her death to be pneumonia caused by the Legionella bacteria.
  • When John was born, Nick was in Russia, along with other rookies from the Legion, battling a squad of soldiers who guarded a weapons plant.
  • If this path is followed the American Legion will be a force for good in the country's affairs as well as a bond of fellowship among those who were members of the largest army ever raised by this republic. The Story of The American Legion
  • The Romans even figured out how to deter cowardice that causes the death of others with the technique called decimation: If a legion lost a battle and there was suspicion of cowardice, 10 percent of the soldiers and commanders - usually chosen at random - were put to death. NYT > Home Page
  • We would spend a month at Orange learning the basics of marching, singing, fitness, weapons drill and Legion history.
  • The advantages of such an economic re-orientation, meanwhile, would be legion.
  • Like Nero, his family had ties to the Legion, but he was not of noble blood, unlike Nero, and could not become a centurion.
  • Our numbers are legion and we're a large minority in American culture. Christianity Today
  • Chester also had the usual components of a legionary fortress, including a headquarters building (principia), smart houses for the commander (praetorium) and senior officers, amphitheatre, stone defensive walls and a main baths building (thermae), not to mention a large harbour and a bridge crossing the River Dee. Archive 2009-06-01
  • Over 40 different strains of the Legionella germ have now been discovered.
  • Those that have sought to divide the Nation know exactly what they do ... and their reasons are legion, and the forethought is the exact same that Epimetheus had. The Jacksonian Party
  • Until now, they've had an astonishing run, most recently having convinced legions of roadies that a $1,000 pair of Ksyriums is a logical choice for an all-around training and racing wheelset despite the fact that you could have a more solid yet equally raceable pair of wheels built for less than half that. Round and Round: Wheel in the Sky Keeps On Failing
  • Legionellosis is the illness caused by exposure to the bacterial pathogen Legionella.
  • The moment was marked with a bugler playing the last post, prayers and standards from the Royal British Legion.
  • I get lost among the cornucopias of chotkies and tat, and am somehow spilled back out to the main Jemaa El F'na Square, where one charmeurs de serpent pulls me under his black umbrella and wags his head at his Egyptian Cobra actually, Naja haje legionis, a sub-species found in southern Morocco as his associate blows his bagpipe-like melody in his ghaita. Richard Bangs: Why Would Anyone Bomb Jemaa El F'na Square in Marrakesh?
  • America's legionary army, compared to those of Europe, is large, yet it is incapable any longer of achieving grand goals. Michael Vlahos: America: Enemy of Change, Midwife of the Future
  • A pathologist told the inquest Mrs Ormerod died from pneumonia caused by the legionella bacteria.
  • In 1836 the British Legion helped raise the siege of San Sebastián, and regular Royal Marines arrived to garrison a nearby port.
  • Without stopping, as soon as the sun rose Banastre Tarleton ordered his unrested Legion and dragoons to charge into the American militia in the center.
  • That this same complaint is made by legions of girls in small towns and suburbs across America is just one of the reasons this film cuts across national and cultural boundaries so well.
  • The film even showed Porter in the uniform of the French Foreign Legion, as gritty and gung-ho as a poilu.
  • The rebel Nationalists were drawn up on its outskirts and the Condor Legion of the Luftwaffe was trying to bomb it into submission. THE WHITE DOVE
  • Legionnaires disease is usually contracted by inhaling water mist from baths, showers and cooling towers or air conditioning systems contaminated with the bacteria.
  • So Mandy and Carole are the last Prætorian guards defending Number 10 against Gordon's advancing legions and the Children of the Night, ululating menacingly at the heels of Howard Dracul.
  • Legion of Honor says: so whats wrong with wanting to be a carpet muncher? Think Progress » CPAC Conference Dissolves Into Right-Wing Civil War Over Gay Rights
  • Wormwood Scrubs is the last place Murphy's legion of admirers would have expected him to end up, as he took second place on Smartie in the Aintree Grand National of 2001.
  • The inventorying will pit legions of scientists from the Gulf states against legions of scientists from BP. William Dietrich: Exxon Lessons for the BP Spill
  • Commanding his Galatian troopers with valor and shrewdness, Quintus Poppaedius Silo penned Labienus in halfway through the pass across Mount Amanus called the Syrian Gates, and waited for Ventidius to bring up the legions. Antony and Cleopatra
  • Examples of this type of behaviour in the still rather immature PC industry are legion.
  • There actually is quite the rounded out selection of units to make as well, ranging from infantry to spearman to archers to legionnaires to praetorians and beyond.
  • Meanwhile, those who detest cricket - and their number is legion - must be wondering whether a six-week exile is the only respite.
  • But what he also did was layer on top of that a number of extreme measures, such as the so-called private vows, whereby each legionary took an oath never to speak ill of Father Maciel, never to criticize him, and to report to any superior even mild criticism within the ranks that anyone might have. Latino Catholics Confronted By Sting Of Sex Abuse Scandal
  • One is a robust woman the artist has indicated is from the American Midwest and the other a diminutive man he has identified as a French legionnaire.
  • A refreshing Foreign Legion Punch from the Africa section mixes cognac with chai red bush tea, fresh lemon juice, Demerara syrup and black-cherry preserves. The History of Drinking
  • There are a legion of them, a scattering of businessmen and prospective students, but mostly teachers and principals, professors and university officials.
  • The lowest level of soldier in the Roman Army was the legionnaire.
  • Vercingetorix knew not that Caesar, with his usual foresight, had summoned and joined to his legions a great number of horsemen from the German tribes roving over the banks of the Rhine, with which he had taken care to keep up friendly relations. A Popular History of France from the Earliest Times, Volume 1
  • A battle-ravaged legion could have only two maniples, a hastily reorganised one could have ten.
  • The myths surrounding censorship are legion, and are largely based on the unproven premise that screen violence incites people to actual violence.
  • Fueled by the nickels of new legions of white collar workers and immigrants who could not speak English and therefore could not order at a restaurant, the automat prospered in the early 1900s and handily survived the Depression.
  • A legion was a military unit of the Roman army made up of infantry and supporting cavalry numbering three to six thousand men.
  • MTV spawned a legion of imitators but today its biggest battle is online.
  • An appetite to rip off an entire legion of people, from the players to the coaches to the secretaries to the kit men. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the height of his prosperity, the victorious monarch, who had chastised the rashness of Gallus, and suppressed the revolt of Sylvanus, who had taken the diadem from the head of Vetranio, and vanquished in the field the legions of Magnentius, received from an invisible hand a wound, which he could neither heal nor revenge; and the son of The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Dump trucks made over 300 trips carting raw material out before legions of workers began building new stages, stairs, railings and doorways.
  • It'll silence their critics, amaze their fans and win them a whole new legion of admirers.
  • Pure meanness is highly valued in Caesar's legions.
  • He was made a chevalier of the Legion of Honour by his second country in 1896 and a commander of the order in 1933.
  • Nader could once claim a legion of friends and admirers in the world of American progressive politics.
  • It figures for the first time in a Latin episcopal notitia, dating probably from the eleventh century, where it is given under the name of Legionum, between the Bishoprics of Diocæsarea and Capitolias The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • Examples of the beautiful and brainy are legion. Times, Sunday Times
  • From Kent to the Thames, Oliver follows the trail of what might be thought of as the first battle of Britain, as Caesar's legions overcame the resistance posed by the rebellions of Queen Boudicca. Tonight's TV highlights: Secrets Of The Arabian Nights | House | Wishful Drinking | The Animal's Guide To Britain | A History Of Celtic Britain | Long Lost Family
  • Now the outline of the encampment the legionaries used has emerged. Times, Sunday Times
  • But jobbing Scottish players who have become fixtures at the club go largely unappreciated by the green and white legions these days.
  • Commotis per hsec mentibus, & inter fe fufpeftis, tironem a veterano, legionem a legi - one diflbciant. C. Cornelii Taciti opera omnia
  • I had it made for me, like all the other legionnaires, so it fits perfectly, even after all these years.
  • Deservedly, the DS has garnered a legion of admirers from every generation of drivers born since.
  • Such incidents were legion and the spoils of office could be immense.
  • And, of course, there'll be the now famous and much awaited rock show for the city's legions of headbangers.
  • His Legion was currently deployed along the right flank, slowly moving towards the enemy base in hopes of flanking their position.
  • Combined with recruiting units from the barracks, you can easily, when conditions arise, build armies with a score of siege weapons and a legion of men.
  • A legion varied in strength from four-thousand to six-thousand men, and was subdivided onto ten cohorts.
  • Haud aequom facit qui quod didicit id dediscit. an periclitamini quid animi habeam? sed quid huc vos revortimini tam cito? an te auspicium commoratum est an tempestas continet 690 qui non abiisti ad legiones, ita uti dudum dixeras? Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • The path winds through a legion of eerie stone figures, some towering 100 feet above.
  • Few of the new legions on the red leather benches have independent means. Times, Sunday Times
  • The legionary is also wearing an apron of leather strips featuring metal plates hanging from his belt, and caligae, leather sandals with iron hobnails. Collector Coins Offer Enjoyment and Profit : Coin Collecting News
  • The Kalash, or "Wearers of the Black Robe," are a Dardic people whose ancestry is enveloped in mystery: a legend says that five soldiers of the legions of Alexander the Great settled in Chitral, and are the progenitors of the Kalash. The Kalash Tribe Of Pakistan (PHOTOS)
  • And the legions of other day traders who speculated on internet stocks are long gone.
  • He informally presented me with the Legion of Merit.
  • Augustus firmly imposed his discipline on his men: he once dismissed an entire legion in disgrace, and didn't hesitate to decimate troops who would give in to the enemy.
  • The American Legion will be a political force in the nation as it has a perfect right to be. The Story of The American Legion
  • Admirers, who are legion according to Chan, call him Little Prince ‘because he's very pretty.’
  • Results of blood, urine, and bronchoalveolar lavage cultures were negative, as well as serology for legionella and mycoplasma.
  • The light at the end of the tunnel is a freight train but given the fact that the U.S. spends more money on “defense” than the rest of the planet combined, the legions have to do something. More | ATTACKERMAN
  • He may have his legion of knockers who scoff at his lack of goals compared with his wage packet.
  • Young Latin American ballplayers have contributed to the fun at Legion Park (now called Centene Stadium) for a long time. - SPORTS
  • It opens bluntly with the title sentence and then goes on in a rat-a-tat style familiar to Hammett's legion of fans. The Guardian World News
  • Evidently, her relationship with Nick didn't earn her a legion of admirers.
  • The Potters foreign legion simply cannot get their heads round a festive fixture list that sees them in action three times in eight days over the holidays. The Sun
  • Meanwhile, they milk her god-given attributes to mobilize armies of budding wannabes by sanitizing her sexuality, and legions of men by fetishizing her purity.
  • Gauls and Germans used the thick forests of northern Europe to hide from Caesar's legions and to ambush them when opportunities arose.
  • Except for the legions of Rome, all the early troops in Europe were mercenaries because there were no standing armies.
  • He made preparations for an expedition to the Pass of the Caspian mountains, forming a new legion out of his late levies in Italy, of men all six feet high, which he called the phalanx of Alexander the Great. The Best of the World's Classics, Restricted to prose. Volume II (of X) - Rome
  • His military decorations included the Legion of Merit and the Bronze Star Medal. Bruce D. Jones, Army colonel
  • Â The rebooted Invisible Kid was last seen with his teammates, drifting off into space, unbound from time, but still together … Â Immediately afterwards, we are introduced to a new iteration of the 30th century, and the first character that we meet is young Lyle Norg, whose parents are very unhappy that he seems to share a predilection with many kids his age: hero worship of the “youth group” known as the Legion. Hero History: Invisible Kid | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • That the Romane legions did make their abode there, no man séene in antiquities can doubt thereof, for the ancient name _Caer leon ardour deuy_, that is, The citie of legions vpon the water of Dée, proueth it sufficientlie enough. Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (4 of 8) The Fovrth Booke Of The Historie Of England
  • [581]; forming a new legion out of his late levies in Italy, of men all six feet high, which he called the phalanx of Alexander the Great. De vita Caesarum
  • Maybe British Legion and buy one. The Sun
  • All that was missing were legionnaires in blue tunics and white kepis, with blancoed webbing straps attaching grey army blankets to their backs as they drilled under the Saharan sun.
  • Leguminous plants such as clover evolved in parallel with legions of bacteria that live in their root nodules.
  • Your shirt is currently being fought over by a small legion of fangirls.
  • If the legions of Japanese women bucking tradition might be referred to as kickboxing geishas, what can we say about the men? Kickboxing Geishas
  • I told him to reflect well that he was about to commit himself with a foe that was immortal, for a faculty never dies, and to rest assured that after having brought three monks to bay, he would have to defend himself against numerous legions, not only opulent and powerful, but, besides, very dishonest and very experienced in the practice of every kind of cheatery, who would never rest until they had effected his ruin, were his cause as just as Christ's. A Popular History of France from the Earliest Times, Volume 4
  • He failed to turn up for the concert, disappointing the legions of fans waiting outside.
  • There are about 200 cases of Legionnaires' Disease in England each year.
  • It is kind of a risky thing to write a pop song about a legionnaire stuck in a desert.
  • Coolidge organised courses for his men at the Sorbonne in 1919 and in that year the French government made him a chevalier of the Légion d' Honneur.
  • His decorations included the U.S. Legion of Merit, as well as several British and French awards for gallantry.
  • The win energized legions of White Sox fans, whose team often took a back seat to the crosstown Cubs. History lesson for Super cities
  • So when a dispute arose over whether Ecstasy is really bad for you, the legions of E users gloated and gurned at the idea.
  • The colonel, son of John and Mary Kennedy of Clifton Park, has earned two Legion of Merits, a Bronze Star Medal, a defense Meritorious Service Medal, two Meritorious Service Medals, a Joint service Commendation Medal, a Joint Service Achievement Medal, a Navy-Marine Commendation Medal, a Navy-Marine Achievement Medal and 15 Air Medals. Local Breaking News
  • The women sang much of the time, and nearly all the time they were marching, scores of songs from the legionary songbook, plus a few of their own. The Lensman's Children
  • He was also honoured with France's highest cultural honour, becoming a chevalier of the Legion d' Honneur, in the same year Sophie met a brutal death.
  • The finds include a shoulder-guard of iron scales held together with bronze wire, and examples of the laminated armour used by legionaries to protect their sword arms.
  • The Potters foreign legion simply cannot get their heads round a festive fixture list that sees them in action three times in eight days over the holidays. The Sun
  • Legionaries hurried to see the barbarian captive. The Times Literary Supplement
  • There is no question that it would be an easy sell to the foreign legion. Times, Sunday Times
  • Later, a legionnaire called him a deserter, and Rytlock killed him as well. GuildWars Edge of Destiny
  • A charr legionnaire whipped his head back and forth, eyes blazing. GuildWars Edge of Destiny
  • After seven preparatory years and legions of cautionary tales, you'd have to say we were braced for it.
  • The Roman legions brought peace and prosperity, at least most of the time.
  • Garlic reportedly gave strength to the pyramid builders and courage to the Roman legions.
  • The group is hardly emblematic of the genre (which has expanded to include guyliner and skinny jeans) but still commands legions of uberdedicated fans.
  • She camped it up about her "marvy-poo" beads and dress, and I sat transfixed, destined to join legions who enjoy following the foibles of the well-to-do. Michael Henry Adams: Book Review: Admiring Rich Peoples Houses?
  • He pulls out his Iqaluit Legion membership card from his wallet, and flips it over.
  • Dozens of composers wrote music specially for him, and his recordings are legion. Times, Sunday Times
  • The leader of this legion of tormenting scorpions was Apollyon, meaning “the Destroyer.” Can America Survive?
  • More seriously, the lived manner in which Legionaries practice obedience is laced with the kind of unquestioning submission which allowed the cult of personality to emerge around the figure of Maciel in the first place and covered for his misdeeds. Archive 2009-07-01
  • For every vision of a genetically crafted wunderkind, think of the legions of genetically damned who could inherit the Brave New World of bioengineering if it runs amok.
  • As it turns out, no one in the real estate community likes this guy and the stories about his stunts are legion.
  • An architect undertaking the construction of a temple or palace began with stacks of bricks, yards of timber, and legions of slaves.
  • Donie never wanted for company; he had a legion of friends and admirers.
  • In the 3rd century, when Rome dominated Europe, it was able to deploy 50 legions throughout the empire, securing even the furthermost areas.
  • His delightful sense of humour won him a legion of friends.
  • The stories of people duped by these schemes are legion.
  • Her legion of fans won't be disappointed, and she may well win many new ones. Times, Sunday Times
  • A noble Peer, for example, (whose wisdom is not to be disputed, since the Abbe Mably calls him the English Socrates, *) asserts that the French troops are the best clothed in Europe; yet letters, of nearly the same date with the Earl's speech, from two Generals and a Deputy at the head of different armies intreat a supply of covering for their denudated legions, and add, that they are obliged to march in wooden shoes! A Residence in France During the Years 1792 1793 1794 and 1795
  • Since our hero, Marcus, is invalided out of the legions by the end of the opening chapters, legion composition is hardly relevant! Zornhau: Past Lives: Ronald Welch's "Knight Crusader"
  • The unknown disease attacked over 200 people gathered for an American Legion convention in Philadelphia.
  • When I asked why, he said that it made the legionnaires fight among themselves, so he wasn't allowed to sell it to them any more.
  • Misguided explorers, hopeless romantics, deluded legionaries, quacks, misfits, visionaries, obsessives, the deceivers and the deceived, they love all that emptiness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Who do you think is really responsible for the legions of ragged students begging for crusts of bread in Cambridge and Berkeley?
  • The parade was led by British Legion branch secretary David Marshall, who carried its standard.
  • JALALABAD: The American-backed campaign to persuade legions of Taliban gunmen to stop fighting got under way here recently, in an ornate palace filled with Afghan tribal leaders and one very large former warlord leading the way. “OK, I want you guys to go out there and persuade the Taliban to sit down and talk, †Gul Agha Shirzai, the governor of Jalalabad, told a group of 25 tribal leaders from four eastern provinces. The Times of India
  • There is no vaccine that can protect against legionella bacteria.
  • The congregation sang the American battle hymn, the US national anthem and God Save the Queen, accompanied by Wilton Royal British Legion Band, led by bandmaster Bob Hardy.
  • Since the 1960s, the gridiron, baseball field, basketball court, and boxing ring have spawned legions of entrepreneurs who sought to compete in the business arena.
  • The Latin word imperator referred not only to a civilian ruler who interpreted and carried out the law but also to a victorious commander of one or more Roman legions. The Great Experiment
  • Intelligence chains had been set up in Tunisia, Algeria, and French Morocco manned by an odd collection of foreign agents with comical code names like “Pink Eye” for a former legionnaire organizing midlevel French officers who hated the Nazis. Wild Bill Donovan
  • The finds include a shoulder-guard of iron scales held together with bronze wire, and examples of the laminated armour used by legionaries to protect their sword arms.
  • I am not asking about those points, says he; I am going to add as judges, common soldiers of the legion of Alaudae; 1 for our friends say that that is the only measure by which they can be saved.
  • In BBC hospital drama Casualty, Clive played consultant Mike Barratt, whose combination of beefy good looks and softly-spoken bedside manner won him a legion of admirers.
  • The legion still persisted in clamorous sedition, when the emperor pronounced, with The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • These countervailing denominational fears were embodied in legion by Thomas Jefferson in his "Bill For Establishing Religious Freedom": Stuart Whatley: Pulpit Politicking Returns for 2010 Election Cycle
  • I want regular reports on our status, and the legions are to be kept on constant alert.
  • Beer followed pizza and we looked round the Roman amphitheatre which had been built by Roman legionnaires 1,800 years before.
  • He heard the sound of a distant horn, gradually becoming louder, before a carthorse emerged through the brick wall, followed by a legion of Roman soldiers which looked to be walking on their knees.
  • Where is now the enthusiastic Gironde, where the volcanic mountain, the fiery, and eloquent Mirabeau, the wily Brissot, the atheistic Lequinios, the remorseless Marat, the bloody St. Just, and the chief of the deplumed and fallen legions of equality? The Stranger in France or, a Tour from Devonshire to Paris Illustrated by Engravings in Aqua Tint of Sketches Taken on the Spot.
  • His decorations included the Legion of Merit and the Bronze Star Medal. William Whyte, 94, dies; U.S. Steel exec, friend of Ford
  • The most prominent and, as we had experienced, most problematic symbol of the Legion's past was the singing.
  • The farfetchedness of this story, plus the fact that no local veterans’ organization, the VFW, or the American Legion had any record of a Peter Patrick Francis Walsh, did not deter Dominici. The Lampshade
  • It was compounded of loose soil to be sure, but also of a great deal more, including soot and ashes and street litter, and the fecal matter of the legion horses on whom all transport in London depended.
  • The actor faced further indignity when his father apologised on his behalf, urging his son's legions of fans to forgive him. Times, Sunday Times
  • My legions were set in a convenient crenel overlooking the drawbridge and the low, swampy woods about a mile off to the west of the moat house. Virginity
  • Legions of rebellious young blacks, and non-blacks, happily shovel out colossal dollars to revel in this image.
  • A urine test can also be used to confirm that the bacteria are the Legionella bacteria.
  • To her legions of adoring fans, she is faultless, blameless and unbeatable.
  • Valentinian, encompassed with the eagles of the legions, and the various banners of the cavalry and infantry, was conducted, in warlike pomp, to the palace of Nice. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Their Arab legionnaires galloped behind, firing their rifles exuberantly into the sky like extras in a Beau Geste film.
  • If this sounds a little claustrophobic, head to the Szechenyi baths, in City Park, where on a Sunday morning we found legions of men and women luxuriating in its outdoor pools.
  • Over the All-Star break, for instance, he returned to his hometown of Salisbury, N.C., and spent a day working on pickoff moves with pitchers from a local American Legion team. Too Normal to Be the Closer?
  • Clearly Firmus is a key individual, as he has the authority to allocate grain to a detachment of legionaries in the fort; yet does this mean that he is a senior centurion of one of the cohorts, or is he just a middle-man?
  • He would, with the greatest of ease, before of weighting midhook, by dear home trashold on the raging canal, for othersites of Jorden, (heave a hevy, waterboy!) make one of hissens with a knockonacow and a chow collegions and fire off, gheol ghiornal, foull subustioned mullmud, his farced epistol to the hibruws. Finnegans Wake
  • Hoisting myself into the forest, I saw everything in crayon colours: a bright-blue British Legion hut, orange bracken, bright-red leaves of gean in the woods, the black shadows of yew. Wildwood
  • Physically it ws contained in the former Foreign Legion fortress, but its smell was of a prison. SKORPION'S DEATH
  • In their low-slung jeans, tracksuits and gold chains, the group mirrors the legions of teens who populate South Lakeland's street corners.
  • She is best known for her love of big, flashy earrings, with many of the pairs worn on screen being sent in by her legion of fans. The Sun
  • The Legion's NCOs were 60 Centurions, long-serving professional soldiers who each commanded a century of 80 men.
  • That said, like all weirdo songwriters destined to evolve into cranky, bearded hermits, he has inspired his own legion of obsessive completists.
  • The Zealots obliterated a reinforced legion (Legio XII Fulminata) from Syria, which was heavily garrisoned until the moment the Romans were wiped out at Yarmuk, at the very beginning of the war, and for a time, were in near complete control of Iudaea. Matthew Yglesias » Toy Drives Checking Immigration Status of Children
  • In the first place, honours and titles meed not be hereditary; in the second, they need not be conferred by the political administration; and, in the third, they are not only — as the French Legion of Honour shows — entirely compatible with, but they are a necessary complement to the Mankind in the Making
  • He acknowledged their weren't but being a true missioner, he didn't hesitate at all to volunteer to be the first Legionnaire in Hawaii ;- In fact, many of them jumped at that chance...wonder why. Being Appreciated by the Legionaries of Christ
  • Launched in 1997, the silviculture operation comprises four full-time manual cutters and brush saw operators as well as a legion of summer-time planters.
  • Off to the west is what was once Legion Avenue, where steady streams of cars and trucks barrel in from the suburbs or head out to them along twin one-way roads given over entirely to traffic.
  • The idea was based on the punishment meted out to "failing" legions in by Rome, and from which the word 'decimate', comes Archive 2008-01-06
  • Washington, D.C. "The idea underlying the formation of the American Legion is the feeling among the great mass of the men who served in the forces of this country during the war, that the impulse of patriotism which prompted their efforts and sacrifices should be so preserved that it might become a strong force in the future for true Americanism and better citizenship," Colonel Roosevelt said. The Story of The American Legion
  • I must make this my project of the decade which should win over a legion of admirers and also the top accolades of the industry.
  • He can probably count on showers of cash from enthusiastic legions of small-dollar donors, and that's an important start.

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