How To Use Legibly In A Sentence
All of the forms in the packet must be legibly completed, and brought with you to the assessment.
When I explained with the greatest composure, Bonaparte started up in a violent rage, and poured out a flood of abuse, at the same time scratching his name illegibly at the foot of the statement which he had handed in as protocol.
A History of Modern Europe, 1792-1878
you must write legibly
When you fill in the form, please write clearly/legibly in black ink.
Ancient runic lettering on the wall shone clearly yet legibly, some eerie phosphorescence at work; and the dome… pure, sparkling, it needed no lamp to herald its majesty.

Logan had to check up on the chap, of course, in order to let him have it, which meant examining the hand writing — which had apparently deteriorated from the days when in New England Jonathan Edwards wrote fairly illegibly.
An Article of Detailed Criticism, Not Positive « Unknowing
Unfortunately the large physical size and considerable detail of the posters prevent their being legibly reproduced here.
Her status as a write-in candidate meant that supporters had to write her name legibly on the ballot, as well as fill in the bubble next to it, for their vote to be counted as valid.
Finally, this carpenter found, still in the same enclosure, a third paper on which was written in pencil, but very legibly, this sort of enigmatical list: —
Les Miserables
It's one thing to rip the poor guy's beak off, but then to sign your name illegibly in its place?
Bird is the Word
And what makes this utter lack of substance far worse is that she can't even articulate her very simplistic thoughts without using staccato sentence fragments strung together as if she's reciting abbreviated notes illegibly scrawled on the backs of barroom napkins, and selected on-the-fly using a dart board.
Bob Cesca: Famous for Being Famous: The Sarah Palin Show Is On the Air
When she opened the door to retrospection, which was not often, she remembered that the man who had stumbled upon the rich quartz vein in Yellow Dog Gulch could scarcely sign his name legibly to the papers recording his claim; that in those days there was no prophecy of the ambitious present in the man, half drunkard and half outlaw, whose name in the Yellow Dog district had been
The Price
this student writes illegibly
When you fill in the form, please write clearly/legibly in black ink.
The last thing a teacher wants to do while correcting mounds of tests is to spend time deciphering what a student has illegibly written.
It was the more provoking, as Bunce himself could write his name legibly, and one of those three doubting souls had for years boasted of like power, and possessed, indeed, a Bible, in which he was proud to show his name written by himself some thirty years ago — ‘Job Skulpit’; but it was thought that job
The Warden
Legibly document orders when system is down and distribute food orders to kitchen.
The blocking is complex, but never obtrusively so, and the relationships between the characters are sketched so legibly that you'll know who's who and what's what even if you've never read the novel.
They Are Playing It Safe—And Smart
When you fill in the form, please write clearly/legibly in black ink.
Logan had to check up on the chap, of course, in order to let him have it, which meant examining the hand writing — which had apparently deteriorated from the days when in New England Jonathan Edwards wrote fairly illegibly.
An Article of Detailed Criticism, Not Positive « Unknowing
The last thing a teacher wants to do while correcting mounds of tests is to spend time deciphering what a student has illegibly written.
These must be written legibly and without abbreviation, so that the student can make maximum use of them.
He is a little more than a year older than me, and as soon as he could write legibly, around age seven, my father actually let him fill out the order blank.
Instead of making fonts illegibly small, it may make percentage-sized fonts incredibly large.
People write illegibly or mumble unintelligibly.
By the time that our preparations were complete, the stranger -- now identifiable beyond all question as the _Kingfisher_, since she carried her name legibly painted in white letters upon her head-boards -- had passed through the reef and, taking in her canvas as she came, was steering for a berth about a cable's length from where the _Martha_ lay; and a few minutes later she put down her helm, came head to wind, and presently let go her anchor.
Turned Adrift
In Paris and all Towns, every house-door must have the names of the inmates legibly printed on it, 'at a height not exceeding five feet from the ground;' every Citizen must produce his certificatory
The French Revolution
As soon as she was alongside and made fast I went on board and had a good look at her interior, not forgetting to inscribe my name legibly on the most conveniently situated locker in the midshipmen's berth, after which I watched the operation of shipping and stowing her ballast.
A Middy of the King A Romance of the Old British Navy
Those who can't even write their names legibly can still check out the Fringe Gallery downstairs.
It was the more provoking, as Bunce himself could write his name legibly, and one of those three doubting souls had for years boasted of like power, and possessed, indeed, a Bible, in which he was proud to show his name written by himself some thirty years ago -- "Job Skulpit;" but it was thought that Job Skulpit, having forgotten his scholarship, on that account recoiled from the petition, and that the other doubters would follow as he led them.
The Warden
Nothing worth jumping for joy in the first three, but there in Philosophy were a couple of grey spined illegibly titled books.
look here, and here!" and I pointed out to the priest various lines in which my name legibly and frequently occurred.
Devereux — Volume 01
The last entry in his little book showed the struggle of his shaking hand as he tried to write legibly.
'You rascal!' was the phrase legibly printed on the foreman's incredulous face.
How to Succeed or, Stepping-Stones to Fame and Fortune
Foer embellishes the narrative with evocative graphics, including photographs, colored highlights and passages of illegibly overwritten text, and takes his unique flair for the poetry of miscommunication to occasionally gimmicky lengths, like a two-page soliloquy written entirely in numerical code.
Stephen Daldry to Adapt Jonathan Safran Foer’s Novel Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close | /Film
When you fill in the form, please write clearly/legibly in black ink.
Foer embellishes the narrative with evocative graphics, including photographs, colored highlights and passages of illegibly overwritten text, and takes his unique flair for the poetry of miscommunication to occasionally gimmicky lengths, like a two-page soliloquy written entirely in numerical code.
Stephen Daldry to Adapt Jonathan Safran Foer’s Novel Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close | /Film
It don't mater how bad you're speling or grammer is, or how illegibly formatted your submission.
Publishing Myths: General Guidelines and Good Advice
A sightless person scribbling illegibly in the dark.
Earl Pomerantz: Milestone
Chylific fan whole life quote meliaceae, panegyrical adaptational cd viewpoint ii, coltish oblateness lubricant, eventration skinny mnemonic, litterbug, and illegibly ridiculously copiously!
Rational Review
To avoid errors caused by illegibly written orders the following should be observed.
Both covers must also clearly and legibly identify you as the publisher of these copies.
And they drank the red wine through the helmet barr'd; -- do you think that this national shame and dastardliness of heart are not written as legibly on every rivet of your iron armour as the strength of the right hands that forged it?
The Crown of Wild Olive also Munera Pulveris; Pre-Raphaelitism; Aratra Pentelici; The Ethics of the Dust; Fiction, Fair and Foul; The Elements of Drawing
Abaft that again was the sail-room, well-stocked with bolts of canvas of varying degrees of coarseness and several sails, many of which seemed to be quite new, neatly rolled up into long bundles, stopped with spunyarn, and each labelled legibly with the description of the sail.
Overdue The Story of a Missing Ship
When you fill in the form, please write clearly/legibly in black ink.
If the form is not filled in on PC , please legibly in black or blue ink.
When you fill in the form, please write clearly/legibly in black ink.
An example is illegibly handwritten orders or lack of communication between primary physician and wound care provider that results in patient injury.
I had heard the ads saying sign your name legibly but that wouldn't match the one on file for me.
Archive 2005-09-18
If you write by hand print out proper names as legibly as possible; underscore _u_ and overscore _n_.
Newspaper Reporting and Correspondence A Manual for Reporters, Correspondents, and Students of Newspaper Writing
Both covers must also clearly and legibly identify you as the publisher of these copies.