How To Use Legerdemain In A Sentence

  • What was the point of this sophisticated legerdemain with Ray's aliases?
  • Convincing voter-taxpayers that they should pay for something available for free naturally requires some political legerdemain.
  • In such talk in such contexts, there is linguistic legerdemain: we call our doubts mysteries and what is now being ap - pealed to as “the mystery of faith” is but the theolog - ical phrase for agnosticism (p. 22). AGNOSTICISM
  • Its legerdemain has extremely rich incendiary sex and the teaching material that cheat a gender namely.
  • There were fine nuggets of legerdemain, courtesy of the illusionist Paul Kieve.
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  • Perhaps you would like to see a little bit of legerdemain, or a paltry amount of prestidigitation, or a conundrum of conjuring.
  • Zusi, who was not deposed for trial, denies that he ever made such threats or encouraged anyone to use accounting legerdemain to manage earnings.
  • The target of the latter piece of legislative legerdemain is the Free Software movement itself.
  • The distance between these two opposites De Quincey does not traverse by violent leaps; he does not by some feat of legerdemain evanish from the fields of impassioned eloquence, where he is an unrivalled master, to appear forthwith in those of intellectual gymnastics, where, at least, he is not surpassed. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 71, September, 1863
  • In some circles, ethics experts are infamous for just this kind of psychological legerdemain.
  • Much to the satisfaction of legitimate entertainers, the book also expresses respect for the art of legerdemain, which it discusses using that very term.
  • Readers are invited to imagine how Copperfield will pull off this magic coup, but we reckon it will involve a couple of balls, a cup and plenty of legerdemain.
  • But I tired of ringing hammer-tunes on iron stithies, and went out into the world, where I became acquainted with a celebrated juggler, whose fingers had become rather too stiff for legerdemain, and who wished to have the aid of an apprentice in his noble mystery. Kenilworth
  • A certain playfulness is evident and despite the bizarre situation his characters are placed in, Zivkovic makes it all sound credible and I as a reader am simply amazed at the legerdemain he employs as he weaves several interconnected stories that end at the beginning. MIND MELD: Memorable Short Stories to Add to Your Reading List (Part 1 of 2)
  • When that logic is exposed, as in this case, as intellectual legerdemain, he retreats to pitiful, pleading casuistry.
  • I, who am a high clerk, and have studied in Spain, and Araby itself, not be able to deceive the eyes of this hoggish herd of citizens, when the pettiest juggler that ever dealt in legerdemain can gull even the sharp observation of your most intelligent knighthood? The Fair Maid of Perth
  • There were fine nuggets of legerdemain, courtesy of the illusionist Paul Kieve.
  • And the consequence of this ill-considered commitment seems to have been the introduction of various fast-track schemes, corner cutting on entry visa requirements and other acts of legerdemain.
  • Magick should not be confused with magic, which is the art of conjuring and legerdemain.
  • The latter is the insidious inflation dodge, a piece of legerdemain that governments have been using over centuries to take bigger and bigger bites of your property.
  • I do not turn to Clarissa in times of duress, but then I am an unregenerate reader, too enthralled by Lovelace's legerdemain to linger over Richardson's edifying sentiments.
  • In the year since Tyco was hit with charges of accounting legerdemain, the company kept making acquisitions, though it completed fewer big ones.
  • By what guessing or critical legerdemain one who claims loyalty to the word of God and ordinary intelligence can attempt to sweep away these definite and determinate statements, and crowd some insignificant worm of the dust into the place given to him who was in the beginning, who was with God and _who was The Testimony of the Bible Concerning the Assumptions of Destructive Criticism
  • Darwin knew he had a problem here, and the original idea to play a trick on the idea of selectionist explanation is a clever piece of legerdemain, that has grown since into a new scientific shibboleth, an artifice of logic, and one that has never been verified properly in practice, and which certainly fails any empirical test as we examine the reality of religion in world history. Darwiniana
  • “Take back your beads, cummer; I know no legerdemain, can do no conjuring tricks,” said the mediciner, who, more moved than perhaps his rugged nature had anticipated, endeavoured to avoid receiving the ill omened gift. The Fair Maid of Perth
  • Stripped to its essentials, her endeavor bestows a constitutional benediction upon the intellectual legerdemain that enables universities to practice racial discrimination.
  • When that logic is exposed, as in this case, as intellectual legerdemain, he retreats to pitiful, pleading casuistry.
  • The religion which has taught men truth -- above all things, _truth_ -- which teaches utter horror of a lie, which insists on the bare, bald reality in heaven and earth, which has taught men hatred of the false as the meanest and most unmanly thing existing -- this religion took its rise in claptrap miracles, was puffed into popularity by boasting pretensions, was born in trickery and nurtured by legerdemain! Continental Monthly , Vol. 5, No. 6, June, 1864 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
  • Bell 12.142 of Davenport, Iowa, performed gastrotomy on a man, who, while attempting a feat of legerdemain, allowed a bar of lead, 10 1/8 inches long, 1 1/2 inches wide, and 9 1/2 ounces in weight, to slip into his stomach. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • 'Innumerable are the illusions and legerdemain-tricks of Custom: but of all these, perhaps the cleverest is her knack of persuading us that the Miraculous, by simple repetition, ceases to be Miraculous. Sartor Resartus, and On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History
  • And I had come to be oppressed by what seemed to me the futility of art -- a pompous legerdemain, a consummate charlatanry that deceived not only its devotees but its practitioners. CHAPTER II

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