How To Use Legatee In A Sentence
The case itself involved a claim by the executor of an estate to retain part of a legacy due to a legatee sufficient to satisfy a debt due by the legatee to the estate.
First, to prevent sinking too much time into constantly correcting your delegatee, and second, to preserve his dignity.
Making Work Work
Well, half to me and half to Dane, but of course I was Dane's sole legatee.
Did the delegatee focus on one part of the assignment at the expense of another?
Making Work Work
Although in principle, testaments and codicils need not differ in making bequests to different groups of legatees, in fact we observe such differences.

To make sure you are prepared for the meeting, ask the delegatee to email you an agenda in advance so you can have answers or solutions to her questions or problems.
Making Work Work
Once you both know and understand what went wrong and where, turn the work back over to the delegatee and let her fix it on her own, giving her a deadline for when you will follow up again.
Making Work Work
In 1798 the General Assembly enacted that if executors or administrators should have funds in their hands belonging to the estate, and the legatee or distributee entitled could not be found for seven years, the same should be paid to the University to be held without interest until the end of ten years, and if the claimant did not appear, it should be irreclaimable.
History of the University of North Carolina. Volume I: From its Beginning to the Death of President Swain, 1789-1868
This also will make the delegatee feel confident that her concerns will be fully addressed.
Making Work Work
A will nominating no heir, but only legatees, i.e. persons who will receive certain objects or rights, is called a codicil.
The duty owed by the solicitors to the specific legatees is not a duty to take care to ensure that the specific legatee receives his legacy.
What he contractually bound himself to do was something which, if he had done it directly, without any contractual obligation, would have left the devisee or legatee vulnerable to a claim under the Act.
For long-term tasks, establish certain benchmarks and set appointments to review progress and answer questions to keep the delegatee from going astray, or the project from falling off your radar screen.
Making Work Work
The most obvious one would be the will, but murder by advantaged legatees is a risky business.
Page until the widow's death, the legatees or remaindermen will get precisely the same time intended by the testator, and so they cannot complain.
Board of Visitors minutes
'I knew a case once where an heir who expected a large sum of money was bequeathed a family Bible, which he threw into the fire, learning afterwards, to his dismay, that it contained many thousands of pounds in Bank of England notes, the object of the devisor being to induce the legatee to read the good Book or suffer through the neglect of it.'
The Triumphs of Eugène Valmont
Vanstone dies, and Magdalen, disguising herself as a parlourmaid, penetrates the house of the trustee of his will to find the document which reveals the legatee.
In the inheritance of legacy shares, it mainly explored "Legitimate successor" as well as the legatee of the scope of the disposal options.
In fact, it was the assignee of the legatee, but the difference is immaterial.
If the legacy or distributive share to be received, shall not be the entire property, such legatee or distributee shall, in like manner, pay a pro rata part of the tax, according to the value of his interest.
Revenue law : passed by the General Assembly of the State of North-Carolina at the session of 1862-'63,
Further, there is no reason why a legatee cannot effectively renounce his entitlement to shares without executing a deed.
Article 21 Where there are obligations attached to testamentary succession or legacy, the successor or legatee shall perform them.
She did win NY and CA, and those were huge delegatee states, but even with those advantages she has lost by a wide delegate margin.
A Sane Discussion Of Hillary And The Popular Vote
Also, by fixing things yourself, you are internally giving up on the delegatee and reinforcing your belief that you are the only one who can do the job.
Making Work Work
In the inheritance of legacy shares, it mainly explored "Legitimate successor" as well as the legatee of the scope of the disposal options.
This minimizes the amount of face time you have to carve out and is particularly effective in keeping abreast of progress and guiding the delegatee without having to look over his shoulder.
Making Work Work
In these respects the ‘charity’ is assimilated to an ordinary individual legatee.
By reason of the ambulatory character (as Heineccius terms it) of man's will, legacies and trust-bequests (fidei-commissa) were subject to ademption and transfer to another legatee.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
This gradual approach keeps both delegatee and delegator from being overwhelmed.
Making Work Work
Further, there is no reason why a legatee cannot effectively renounce his entitlement to shares without executing a deed.