
How To Use Legate In A Sentence

  • When the Mexican chair of the meeting declared the talks formally closed there were whoops of delight from the African delegates.
  • Nationally, Republican delegates listed fiscal issues as most important by a two-to-one margin.
  • It also provides a condensed primer to some of the issues at stake in American avant-garde cinema, which, partly because of its historical opposition to the dictates of commercial mainstream moviemaking and partly because it resists commodification unlike, say, abstract painting, oppositional cinema doesn't rack up big sales at Sotheby's, has been relegated to the status of museum pieces and festival marginalia. NYT > Home Page
  • We have the superdelegates who are the 796 folks who are unpledged.
  • The assembly saw delegates housed in five-star hotels and carrying upmarket Bonia-brand bags, instead of the usual Manila paper envelopes.
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  • Whether or not delegates were so tightly bound by their constituents and the record is by no means clear, they acted as if they were, holding firmly to their preconvention positions. Ratification
  • 'I knew a case once where an heir who expected a large sum of money was bequeathed a family Bible, which he threw into the fire, learning afterwards, to his dismay, that it contained many thousands of pounds in Bank of England notes, the object of the devisor being to induce the legatee to read the good Book or suffer through the neglect of it.' The Triumphs of Eugène Valmont
  • The two delegates approached the supreme leader on several occasions trying to beg mercy for their fellow reformers.
  • In the mean time they pass for the mandatories of the popular sovereign, with full power in all directions, because he has delegated his omnipotence to them, and the sole power, because their investiture is the most recent; under this sanction, they stalk around somewhat like supernumeraries at the Opera, dressed in purple and gold, representing The French Revolution - Volume 2
  • Those delegates are pledged to individual candidates based on participation that begins in precinct caucuses on election night and ends in senatorial district caucuses at the state convention. The Texas Primacus–uh, Caucary - Swampland -
  • Draft after draft was relegated to the wastepaper basket.
  • Well, in view of the fact that there is a slave part in it, I shall do just as I said and make it tragi-comedy. nunc hoc me orare a vobis iussit Iuppiter, ut conquaestores singula in subsellia eant per totam caveam spectatoribus, si cui favitores delegates viderint, ut is in cavea pignus capiantur togae; Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • Improvising hastily, the papal legate Guala is said to have crowned the new king with a chaplet of flowers.
  • The purpose of this (to us) strange ritual was to externalise one's grief, delegate it onto a kind of exterior apparatus (ie another human being).
  • Reuters distributes this shot which, from the way everyone is caught in the moment, seems to capture Obama ogling, or at least gamely distracted by this junior G-8 delegate (set up by the notorious Sarkozy seeming to also look on lecherously). Michael Shaw: Reading the Pictures: Reuters Obama Booty Call
  • Delegates evacuated the building when a suspect package was found.
  • Without a single zinger in the bunch, this comedy is gasping for laughs, and should be relegated to the $2.99 bin very soon.
  • Such a proposal is distinct from pantheistic notions which equate God with the natural world, because D'Espagnat relegates the natural world - the world of space, time and matter - to what Kant referred to as the 'phenomenal' world, the world produced by the modus operandi of our minds upon the noumenal world. Archive 2009-03-01
  • But here he is, threatening to go on and on, surrounded by fawning Labour ministers, backbenchers and constituency delegates.
  • In the recent retrospective of Nan Kempner’s wardrobe at the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute, the late socialite’s closet was re-created in breathtaking detail — all 354 jackets and 362 sweaters — but her surprisingly undistinguished collection of handbags was relegated to a high shelf and mostly hidden. Carried Away
  • Chiefly, such activities were processional - arrivals of ambassadors and potentates, with plebeian doings relegated to the wings.
  • On Wednesday the Clinton camp started pushing hard on the idea that a delegate is a delegate and if they need to pack on super delegates to overwhelm Obama's edge with elected delegates then so be it. More on John Lewis' defection to Obama
  • The use of framework legislation and the practice of delegated legislation were thus viewed essentially as methods of efficiently allocating legislative tasks.
  • Against all the odds the motion was passed but it later emerged that at the time of the voting most of the delegates were at Mass.
  • It is time to leave stoning as a form of capi tal punishment behind us as a race, to relegate it to the same place we have put stringing heretics on racks -- in a chapter of our past that we are not proud of. José Ramos-Horta: An Appeal for Sakineh Mohammadie Ashtiani
  • At least 996 delegates are needed to ensure a nomination on the first ballot, a party spokesman said.
  • Delegates, who included academics and representatives of the asbestos industry, labour, government and the medical fraternity, also agreed that research should be done on phasing out the use of the sixth type of asbestos, called chrysotile, or white asbestos. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • He quarreled with the papal legate, Pelagius, and returned to Acre for a time in 1220.
  • One delegate, amidst great applause, said he felt glorified that the party was disenthralled and redeemed. A Political History of the State of New York, Volumes 1-3
  • As the present academic system is totally different, the importance of good handwriting has been relegated to the background.
  • Managers for the candidates raced around the floor trying to pry delegates away from their opponents, and to keep those already on their side from defecting.
  • That is 4 Super Delegates to endorse not 3 This is what we call a avalanche of supers He has gotton almost 30 supers in 1 week he only needs 146 Delegates to win the nomination Hopefully that will come to close after Kentucky and Oregon vote. Three more superdelegates for Obama
  • But the action really worth watching will unfurl where delegates and lobbyists come face to face with actual unmasked New Yorkers, who will demand accountability.
  • The motion received unanimous support from delegates at the conference.
  • They decided not to send a delegate to the conference.
  • Too distrustful to delegate his responsibility to his ministers, he was too infirm of will to strike out and follow a consistent course for himself.
  • Martin V sent him as legate to Poland, where he died the same year. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • Maybe it's an air of resignation; most delegates realise that what they think matters very little.
  • In the East, they also delegated the chrismation and invocation of the HS, but in the West, the bishops reserved these things to themselves. Stand Firm
  • He is likely to be more upbeat, less highbrow, but nonetheless less tub-thumping than most home affairs spokesmen when he speaks to delegates at 3pm today.
  • Her only path at this point is to attack Obama, factionalize the party and have the Super Delegates overrule the will of the people. Hillary To Huddle With Her Top Donors In D.C. Today
  • They advise against foreign delegates wandering unescorted in various parts of town.
  • The delegate moved for a reconsideration of the suggestion.
  • Draft after draft was relegated to the wastepaper basket.
  • While trainers have always been the mainstay of streetwear, the fash pack had previously relegated them to the gym bag. Times, Sunday Times
  • It follows the Eaglegate building's unsuccessful spell on the lettings market as offices.
  • After your children married and had children of their own, you were relegated to grandparenthood and looming senior citizenry. Kristen Houghton: Women's Relationships Aren't Age-Specific Anymore
  • She also arranged a private meeting later in the day with uncommitted superdelegates.
  • Further, there is no reason why a legatee cannot effectively renounce his entitlement to shares without executing a deed.
  • The delegates crowded the floor of the House.
  • It was decided to invite new members to the committee and current members were delegated to do so.
  • Other groups were critical of the voting process in the governorates weeks ago accusing the preparatory committee and governmental officials of behind the scenes manipulation and favouritism in the election of delegates.
  • Legitimation for such delegated enforcement was usually sought through schemes for participation, such as industrial democracy, regional devolution or community action.
  • The march quickly fell apart, not even making it to the heavily barricaded convention centre where delegates were staying.
  • Groups will also need to organise themselves and delegate different tasks in order to produce their newspaper by a strict deadline.
  • Hampered by a name that was unpronounceable, together with a heavy accent, he was relegated to playing muscle-bound clods in a string of second-rate films.
  • Everytime I read that another superdelegate is endorsing Obama, I think we are supposed to be moving forward, not backward. qbit Obama continues to narrow Clinton's superdelegate lead
  • On what basis would the uncommitted delegates from Michigan be "voided"? Hillary Up On The Air In June 3rd State
  • The crowd of Republican delegates, who had been quite generous with their applause up until that point, sat there in stony silence. The Volokh Conspiracy » Is Stimulus Funding Political?
  • Outside the Waldorf-Astoria, demonstrators and cops shivered in a cold, persistent drizzle; inside, delegates sweltered in the over-heating that seems to tempt every hotel manager.
  • Speaking to branch delegates in Castlebar, Mr O'Dea said recruitment of physios and speech therapists had been very difficult.
  • I hereby renounce and deject this superdelegate and the President he served. Obama Campaign Moving Joe Andrew All Over Indiana Today
  • In time, argues Winnicott, the transitional object is relegated to limbo, neither mourned nor forgotten, just losing its meaning.
  • International donors helped fund transit for the delegates, the construction of the peace village where the conferees met, and equipment such as radios for the border security stations set up by the conference.
  • Epics and their contemporary shadows, action-adventure tales, are very much phallocentric genres in which women, when they appear at all, are relegated to the roles of damsels in distress, mother-figures, sex objects, or witches, either good or bad. Lieutenants, sergeants, squires, free-lances, and the hero-king
  • Would you relegate the truth to an obscure blog, or one that receives a lot of traffic? freeman has every right to post links from his own blog posts here on TP, just as we do from the Zoo. Think Progress » Kristol Supports Arizona Immigration Law: ‘I Don’t Think It Violates Anyone’s Civil Rights’
  • After 33 years, the photographic gallery has not only outgrown its premises, tucked away frustratingly out of view in Castlegate but, more contentiously, it has outgrown York too.
  • Successful jugglers choose to delegate more responsibilities at this point.
  • VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Democrats consider Superdelegate pre-convention \'mini convention\' to pick between Clinton and Obama '; yahooBuzzArticleSummary =' Democrats, looking for a way out, are pondering a new idea: an unprecedented "mini convention" to bring their punishing presidential season to an early close. OpEdNews - Quicklink: Democrats consider Superdelegate pre-convention 'mini convention' to pick between Clinton and Obama
  • The dozen delegates came from as far afield as China, the United States, Australia, Sweden and South Korea.
  • No longer relegated to the garish masses, the saturated pink shades known as fuchsia and magenta are suddenly haute. Gioia Diliberto: Big Shoes To Fill
  • Illinois Governor Adlai Stevenson welcomed the delegates, but still seemed like he did not want to run for president.
  • Could she possibly marry this boy whom her sentimental contemporaneousness with his father naturally seemed to relegate to a generation younger than herself? The Halo
  • Delegates from 90 countries will discuss ways to conserve habitats, protect the migratory routes birds take and the use of satellite technology to monitor stocks.
  • (Ignatieff used to work at Harvard's Kennedy School; now he's Prime Chancellor of Canada's Liberal Delegate or whatever kind of wack-ass, kumbaya government they've got up there.) David Rees: Cormac Ignatieff's "The Road"
  • The Presidency may also delegate a judge or a staff member of the court to supervise the conditions of detention.
  • Many delegates were willing to craft a compromise.
  • As he corralled the delegates toward the building, he couldn't help but gaze at the gate, where a row of forty National Guardsmen stood.
  • As far as Roe vs. Wade goes, I'm somewhat ignorant on the inner political workings, but my thought is that McCain is going to find he has what Wodehouse likes to call a "pippin" on his hands if he tries to relegate Palin to high-school graduation speeches once in office. News
  • Because of Damian's rhetorical skills and his knowledge of Canon Law, the Pope used him as his legate on several occasions.
  • Indeed, the effect of Cornwallis's kindly but unsmiling expression was much modified because his wig was slightly awry; Cornwallis still affected a horsehair bobwig of the sort that was now being relegated by fashion to noblemen's coachmen, and today it had a rakish cant that dissipated all appearance of dignity. Hornblower And The Hotspur
  • They drafted him to serve as their delegate.
  • Three hundred delegates attended the Liberal party congress.
  • The delegates outlined what they considered a realistic timetable for troop withdrawal.
  • The departure came just hours before Clinton triumphantly addressed the convention delegates, who unanimously nominated him for re-election Wednesday night.
  • With enough delegates already in hand to clinch the nomination, the immediate importance of the primary has been vastly diminished.
  • His paintings were exhibited in Pittsburgh as early as 1927 and again in 1931 at the Museum of Modern Art. But Nazi rule (which deemed his art degenerate), World War II and postwar abstractionism relegated Dix to the background, and unlike Max Beckmann and George Grosz — the Berlin painter with whom he is often linked — Dix did not immigrate to the U.S. Sex, Blood and War
  • Improvising hastily, the papal legate Guala is said to have crowned the new king with a chaplet of flowers.
  • Southern delegates to the Continental Congress expressed unwillingness to use their militias outside their own borders.
  • That being the case, why shouldn't Hillary attempt to "even the score" by revisiting the delegates 'impression now that Obama has finally been "humanized"? Hillary: Pledged Delegates "Just Like" Supers ��� They Can Switch
  • In such a project the spiritual element of understanding, i.e., the grasp of the relations between the points on this mental map and the external world was relegated to the margin as simply "unutterable". HERMENEUTICS OF CULTURES IN A GLOBAL AGE
  • He did have delegated authority to lend up to £200,000 unsecured without seeking Head Office approval.
  • Superdelegates as well as all voters should learn what Cornell Fowler, former reporter for the Des Moines Tribune, wrote in today's Des Moines Register: Fowler, whose father and grandfather were both pastors from the south side of Chicago, says that to understand the ruckus over Wright, you must understand the south side of Chicago, where Obama attends church. Blitzer: Should Clinton's swing state edge be a factor?
  • Merged state associations may elect two delegates and two alternates to the USBC annual meeting.
  • The statement was greeted with bitter disappointment by many of the other delegates.
  • The room soon turned to bedlam as the voices of protest were countered by other delegates who argued that the debate should be allowed to continue, while other bemused bystanders tried to work out the plot.
  • When the Second Continental Congress assembled in Philadelphia in May 1775, Washington, one of the Virginia delegates, was elected Commander in Chief of the Continental Army.
  • Delegates also called for increased formal training to help achieve higher and more consistent standards.
  • IN the time of Louis XII., the legate at Avignon being then a lord of the house of Amboise, nephew to the Legate of France, whose name was George, there was a lady in Languedoc who had an income of more than four thousand ducats. The Heptameron of Margaret, Queen of Navarre
  • Glenn says that any VP power is executive branch and delegated from the President. Matthew Yglesias » And The Winner Is
  • Those who complain about being relegated to unstimulating environs often fail to see the joys of the moment around them.
  • Dressed in solar-system ties and Alfred Nobel lapel pins, delegates at the meeting at the Royal Society dissected a clutch of experiments that so far suggest Planck's constant should equal 6.62606896 x 10 to the power of -34 joule seconds. The Fate of the Kilo Weighs Heavily on the Minds of Metrologists
  • Some delegates believe the final declaration is likely to be too timorous.
  • Claiming that the core of gameplay is any more primary than anything else is like claiming that visual design must be the foremost concern of a filmmaker, because visualization is what distinguishes film from other media, and dialogue must be relegated to secondary status, because film shares that art with novels. Kicking The Dog
  • Psychologist Donald Norman told delegates about his recurring nightmare.
  • Bring them to meetings and begin to delegate responsibility and authority to act, while you observe and coach.
  • The very next day, Mrs. Rocard hosted a luncheon for the delegate spouses, which would have been very awkward if her husband had been ousted the night before. Barbara Bush
  • In 1954, after the French had failed to reimpose their rule on Vietnam, delegates to the Geneva Conference agreed that elections would be held in all three of the countries of Indochina.
  • Companies that once were relegated to basement levels in previous shows now outmuscle the big dogs of the auto industry for floor space. 2010 Detroit Auto Show: The case of the open floor plan
  • And as Obama clops off after having clinched the delegate count last night, she squats on the field of battle, hemorrhaging cash from four stumps with no fresh infusion in sight, insisting that the fight to this point is a draw. Chip Collis: Dame Hillary Clinton: the Black Knight
  • Ebenezer Peirce, a delegate from Partridgefield now Peru, in Berkshire County, noted that members of the House of Representatives were “the democratical part of the general government”—that is, the one part that was directly elected by the people—and would serve as a check on the representatives of the states in the Senate, so “the utmost caution ought to be used, to have their elections as free as possible.” Ratification
  • Where this is so, Parliament's legislative role is as above described in relation to Acts and United Kingdom delegated legislation.
  • U.S. delegates have been kitted out with gas masks, two-way radios and drugs to combat bioterrorism.
  • Barack Obama has beaten Hillary Clinton in the only metric that matters — delegates — but in every other major fuzzy metric that some people clam is important: popular vote, number of states won, he generally polls better than her against McCain, and he's raised more money. West Virginia Gov. not ready to call race for Obama
  • ‘Such self-improvement balderdash will do nothing but relegate you to a career in mediocrity,’ Eliot contends.
  • The powers of the national center will be "important but few" and will be exercised by delegates from the communes who will be "revocable" at any time. Mao & the Paris Commune
  • Sabina came as papal legate to Sweden during the archiepiscopate of The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
  • Several activists were even assaulted by delegates who punched and kicked them before the Secret Service arrested them.
  • For example, the House of Delegates met and voted by proxy on the AORN Position Statement on Correct Site Surgery in February.
  • Delegates gave him a warm reception as he called for more spending on education.
  • I am not swayed by these 'unswayed' super delegates. A Super-Delegate Meets With Hillary And Obama, Comes Away Unswayed
  • “ 'Well, since I am disowned, and relegated to the sweepings,' the old man begins, draped in his sayon, and with a majesty that frightens us, 'you shall hear the crow sing!' Frederic Mistral
  • These cases where military personnel are delegated to the CIA are sometimes known as "focal point operations. The Washington Post: National, World & D.C. Area News and Headlines - The Washington Post
  • I hereby authorize my delegate to duplicate my key.
  • Parliamentary sovereignty had not been ceded to Brussels but merely delegated.
  • As these countries develop, an influx of global food retailers is likely to relegate peanuts to the role of a cash crop, to produce ground nut oil.
  • As I understand it, the process for hypoids is a generating process, and as such is pretty much relegated to a machine specially made for it.
  • We Yanks, on the other hand, are relegated to our local grocery store where we must decide between extra virgin, virgin, pure, light and pomace olive oil.
  • The group also regularly sends delegates to the annual worldwide scouting jamboree.
  • Secondly, Here were proper members of a synod convened to consider of this question, viz. the officers and delegates of divers presbyterial churches: of the presbyterial church at Jerusalem, the apostles and elders, Acts xv. 6: of the presbyterial church at Antioch, Paul, The Divine Right of Church Government by Sundry Ministers Of Christ Within The City Of London
  • I don't believe Real Madrid will be relegated to the second division.
  • Meanwhile, Irving has been relegated to henpecked husband status, and exists only to put a paycheck in the bank so Cathy can buy more shoes, more dresses, more lingerie she wears while straddling her lover.
  • Furthermore, the writer is delegated to declare and to celebrate man's proven capacity for greatness of heart and spirit - for gallantry in defeat, for courage, compassion and love…
  • Addressing delegates at his party's spring conference in Aviemore, Mr Stephen said "new localism" would help the Lib Dems to overtake Labour. Localism and equality
  • The significance of the South Carolina primary extends far beyond the 37 delegates at stake Saturday.
  • Officials have now been delegated to start work on a draft settlement.
  • Unless its leadership is willing to embrace new ideas and new members, the once Grand Old Party will be relegated to the dustheap of history, like the Whigs, Federalists and other once-major parties that refused to face reality and change, and rapidly moved from dominance to extinction. Who Is John McCain, and What Is He Doing to the Republican Party?
  • Obama should be looking for a VP. and making it VERY VERYclear to the super-delegates that should Hillary with the help of the supers steal the nomination then he Will declare and run FOR PRESIDENT as an independent Democrat and completely destroy any chance of a Clinton Whitehouse win. dsp, Santa Rosa, CA North Carolina superdelegate still undecided
  • This will consist essentially of delegates from workplaces and other collectives of working people forming workers' councils at local and national levels.
  • Delegates are expected to focus on the applicability of telecare and telemedicine in their countries and how best this technology can be utilised to advance health and education. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Other forms of delegated legislation include the power of ministers to legislate by Order in Council and for local authorities to make by-laws.
  • Especially Africa, because I think conquest and advertisement and television and religion has succeeded in manipulating the international African people into a pool of consumership and cheap labour, and in the process has divorced us from admiration of our heritage and relegated our heritage to being primitive and backward and pagan and barbaric; and we've come to believe as a society that fallacy. - Home Page
  • He delegated his power of attorney to his sister - in - law .
  • Why, then, relegate these exemplary films to the margins of cinema, as if they were only epiphenomena?
  • The delegates had to return without the satisfaction of having been granted an audience.
  • The microphone was then quickly passed to a delegate from Venezuela.
  • And it's important to know that it came from a democratic candidate for governor, a Democratic delegate to the convention.
  • Identify the person or persons delegated by the sport code to be the contact people.
  • With this scenario, the fragmented delegate count produces several possible permutations.
  • He plans to delegate more authority to his deputies.
  • The tone of delegates interviewed afterwards was thoughtful and reflective.
  • Like all successful businessmen, John was willing to delegate responsibility to a trusted circle of people while he developed new contacts.
  • The scenes of handshaking between the delegates from the two sides at these different locations may make many people embarrassed, given the reality of the tense situation on the peninsula.
  • The original objective of the Federalist Papers was to convince New Yorkers to elect to their state ratifying convention delegates who would support the Constitution.
  • If the primaries are killed in these states, the parties will use caucuses or state conventions to decide which candidate's delegates will go to the national convention.
  • He was James Garfield, a Republican leader in Congress. Soon, both Sherman and Blaine asked all of their delegates to vote for Garfield.
  • A buffet was laid out for the conference delegates.
  • To compound matters he was unable to prevent the club from being relegated last season.
  • In the recent survey of Republican delegates, 59 percent said abortions should be sharply limited or banned altogether.
  • Someone who won one delegate is a loser.period. take care tony and lido Think Progress » Giuliani: My ‘Warped View’ Is That Huge Wall Street Bonuses Are ‘Wonderful’
  • Where it had reported only pledge delegates it now reports total and subtotals "pledged delegates need for majority of pledged" (awk.) and "delegates needed to win nomination Obama-Backer McCaskill: Dem Battle For Congressional Support Effectively Over
  • Following this process, most of the vetoes were then actioned by US delegates to the committee.
  • When I’ve spoken to dozens of audiences during the two months since the Democratic National Convention, where I was an elected Obama delegate, there’s been an overwhelmingly positive response when I make a simple statement about Obama and the prospects of an Obama presidency: the best way to avoid becoming disillusioned is to not have illusions in the first place. 29 « October « 2008 « Niqnaq
  • He was, as they believed, a superangelic being, the only begotten Son of God, possessing a nature, powers, and credentials transcending those delegated to any other being below The Destiny of the Soul A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life
  • When you strip away the idiosyncrasies of the movie business, it becomes that much clearer that the power of managers is delegated from above as a function of the rule of capital - and remains ultimately subordinate and dependent.
  • Three hundred delegates attended the Liberal party congress.
  • The well-known hoard of chemically inert gold, whose nuggets are not sharp enough to pierce the delegate membrane of a dragon's outer hide, forms a safe and comfortable nesting place.
  • Louisiana Republicans kick off the 1996 quest for national convention delegates Tuesday in party caucuses around the state, with Sen.
  • Some of these new "ethicists" try to make a distinction between "potential" and "actual" human persons and relegate the child in the womb to the category of being only a "potential" human person. Catholic Online > Daily Readings
  • With the calls of moderate Republican senators Lindsay Graham and John McCain to change the law to end what is known as "birthright citizenship," the issue is no longer relegated to the fringe. The Full Feed from
  • The House of Peoples includes 15 delegates, two-thirds of which come from the Federation (5 Croat and 5 Bosniaks) and one-third from the Republika Srpska (5 Serbs).
  • A big crowd of delegates, members, and supporters attended the convention from the counties.
  • This board would receive wide delegated powers and be the sole channel through which business done in committees reached the full council.
  • Following a series of keynote speeches, delegates took part in workshops discussing the issue.
  • I would guess it too won't be overlooked by those remaining fence-sitting superdelegates - leastwise those who possess a shred of self respect. Updates On The Richardson Endorsement
  • Boards usually delegate decisions for small or medium-sized investment outlays, but the authority to approve large investments is almost never delegated.
  • Each club is requested to send two delegates to attend the meeting for which resolutions can be submitted in writing to the secretary up until September 12.
  • If Southampton lose again they may be relegated from the Premier League to the First Division.
  • Party and elected officials - the so-called super-delegates - are free to shift allegiance, and could form an instant core of Clinton support.
  • By the time they reached the strongroom area almost half the delegates had arrived. Neurosurgical Intervention For Beginners
  • Most of them were relegated to rear echelon positions or they were stewards on the boats or on the ships.
  • Delegates from around 190 nations began the session Monday on the Indonesian resort island of Bali.
  • Congress delegates from South Ossetia and from the autonomous republic of Abkhazia boycotted the voting.
  • He was Obama for America National Political Director and a courter of super delegates for Obama. Which Side Are You On?
  • I don't think the government should "legalize" (or even address) any kind of marriage, nor delegate its regulatory police power to the people on this matter. DC same-sex marriage vote Tuesday
  • Cote de Lapin Wine Club invites our member to participate this charity. No matter how much you donated that will be appreciated. Cote de Lapin Wine Club will be the delegate to make donation.
  • Christian Catholic National Church is administered by a national synod which meets annually; besides the Old Catholic priests and the bishop its membership includes delegates elected by the parishes. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • There was a duty to fight which could not be evaded or delegated.
  • In the old days, families with children or relatives who were perceived as being "teched" - as in nuts - were kept out of sight from visitors; usually relegated to a room in the attic. August 2004
  • Those florida delegates can not be sented in her favor because neither state was an official election period. More North Carolina superdelegates weigh in
  • The committee delegated members of the council to enter into negotiations with a suitable bar and catering contractor.
  • He explained that the aid agency announced through loudspeakers that refugees from each village should delegate someone to receive rice.
  • If superdelegates decide this nomination, it's going to look like big-shot politicians and fat-cats decided who should be president.
  • Washington particularly regretted what he called the “extreme malapropos” effect on Virginia, where the bad news from New Hampshire arrived in March just as delegates to the state ratifying convention were being chosen. Ratification
  • By the time the local confabs had concluded at the end of March, it was clear Earley was about to surpass the 4,813 delegate votes required for the nomination, with Hager about 900 behind.
  • Nary a superdelegate can go on Fox News without being berated by an anchorperson screeching (this is pretty close to an exact quote): "But your duty as a superdelegate is to select the most electable and that's Hillary Clinton! Al Giordano: Operation Anti-Chaos: The Narrative on "White Voters" Is Fiction
  • Delegates swallowed their left-wing principles to accept a watery platform and avoid an internal struggle.
  • Traditional wisdom has it that mass production relegated craft to an expensive sideshow, a distraction from the real needs to provide affordable products for the masses.
  • I also saw that men were relegated to supporting the status quo even at their own expense if they choose to accept it.
  • Clemens spent most of his time at the opening session observing a particularly ill-bred Washoe delegate, “Colonel” Jonathan Williams, eating an eighteen-pound raw turnip at his desk while simultaneously ushering through committee a sinuous new bill for a toll road that stretched conveniently from one tollhouse to another. LIGHTING OUT FOR THE TERRITORY

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