How To Use Legally In A Sentence
-- This is the regulation relative to the dues legally established by Italis-Baal, the suffete, son of Bod-tanith, son of
In Troubadour-Land A Ramble in Provence and Languedoc
They wanted me to bring my US passport, and Mexican Visa, but instead of two black and white infantil size photos, they wanted color photos here in Morelos and they only wanted a color copy of the pages in my passport and FM3 visa showing my photo and the page of the FM3 visa that I had then showing the prorrogas (renewals) to verify who I am and that I live here legally.
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Verify that the employee is legally eligible to work in the United States.
Pakistan is one of the few countries where the custom is legally enforceable.
Times, Sunday Times
The amendment would bar the Interior Department from prohibiting individuals from legally carrying firearms inside national parks and wildlife refuges.

Your son certainly deserves a dad, who will be legally liable to support him.
The Sun
Pornography may be legally banned but it is still available under the counter.
I am not saying you are doing anything wrong here legally, you have the blessings of Mayor Tremblay after all, but there is a history of large scale projects going "overbudget" in this city.
Walking Turcot Yards
Last year it settled charges that it illegally billed excessive fees and violated consumer protection regulations.
Oil was being smuggled illegally out of the country.
Times, Sunday Times
Communications among individuals are often blocked legally by governments and illegally by enterprises to protect competitive advantages.
Muddying the issue of how much pirated software is on the Internet is the tremendous amount of software legally available to download.
This one, legally named Tracy Worcester - she insists on "Tracy" unless her lunch companion finds her title amusing - is currently having such a moment.
Saturday Conversation: The Marchioness of Worcester
The riders, known as scramblers, are illegally riding their motorbikes, quad bikes and scooters across Crane Park and are tearing up the ground in the process.
Locals from Mountmellick are incensed by the amount of household rubbish that is being illegally dumped in areas of the town.
But the greatest relief of all was to discover that the apartment contained a bathroom and a latrine — for, as the agent gleefully explained, the insula lay right athwart one of Rome’s main sewers, and was legally supplied with an adjutage to the water supply.
The First Man in Rome
Indeed, Fleet was eager to liquidate the preferred shares, because they legally precluded it from integrating those newly acquired assets.
As the waiting time for getting a legally induced abortion is short, we believe that the number of spontaneous miscarriages while waiting for an abortion is low.
They can lose a hopeless case but quite legally claim their huge costs.
The Sun
While the children may have acted according to the simplicity of their nature and were not considered legally or morally responsible for their actions, the annalist implied that adults should have known better.
A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
At home it is ubiquitous but not legally a single entity.
Times, Sunday Times
He said in the case of base tax from marketeers, the problem had been the politics of markets where it was not clear which association was legally constituted and could be relied upon.
Home helps felt that they are being legally bound not to care!
There is nothing intrinsically wrong with, or legally exceptionable about, that.
Yet the vast majority of the unknown number of illegal migrants living in Britain are overstayers; that is people who entered Britain legally as visitors, to work, or as students, and failed to go home again.
Traffic incidents included 15 motor accidents, 30 cases of traffic obstruction and 16 illegally parked cars.
Legally, every household is entitled to six free kilolitres of water a month - the equivalent of 30 bathfuls.
Many obstacles to deinstitutionalisation still exist: psychiatrists have a very low threshold for hospital admission as they are held legally responsible for any misdoing by their patients.
'gombeen' behaviour will become unprofitable, and eventually legally prohibitive.
Irish Blogs
We are not all adults here, clearly you forget about the underage minors that try to obtain alchohol illegally. stupid is ....
Booze News « PubliCola
An underground current in the U.S. military's officer corps believes that their legally elected civilian leaders can be disobeyed if an officer believes their orders to be "immoral.
Robert Mackey: Politicizing the "Managers of Violence"
The main ethical problems included the health risks for the transplant recipient (e.g., a substantial risk of hyperacute rejection and graft-versus-host disease), traditional animal ethics issues, concerns about informed consent (complicated by empirical uncertainties and the possibility of legally mandated life-long health surveillance), fair allocation of health care resources, and the public health issue that xenotransplantation would allow viruses to jump the species barrier into humans.
Human/Non-Human Chimeras
When a director dies, without a legally binding agreement his or her shares will not automatically to the surviving directors.
The courts, however, decided that a port so little guarded as Wilmington was at that time could not be legally called blockaded, and the brig was therefore released.
The Naval History of the United States Volume 2 (of 2)
Local authorities are legally obliged to record unmet needs and disclose details of these.
In that instance, the insurer was legally liable for the loss.
The ban cannot be legally enforced.
Contributory negligence could reduce the monetary quantification of the defendant's liability, but it cannot legally or logically nullify it.
Councils will get sweeping powers to impose fines and tow away caravans illegally parked on private land.
In order, however, that everything may be laid before it in my power pertinent to such specific issues as aie legally raised, I beg leave to introduce Major Asa Bird Gardner as my counsel.
She Makes Her Mouth Small & Round & Other Stories
Some postcolonial states have legally recognized folk healers.
The bureau still enacts the legally specified reversion level, which is still greater than the median voter's most preferred choice.
The mayor of Lithuania's capital, Vilnius, has been filmed using an armoured vehicle to crush a car parked illegally in a cycle lane.
The Mississippi civil rights law, passed in 1865, contained the standard language: “All freedmen, free Negroes and mulattoes, who do now and have heretofore lived and cohabited together as husband and wife shall be taken and held in law as legally married.”
A Renegade History of the United States
Private data held by the government is often the result of legally required disclosures or of participation in formally optional licensing or benefit schemes where the government is as a practical matter the only game in town. Government Data Breaches
That ratification depends on Parliament only dissenting in legally ambiguous ways?
The four orang-utans and two gibbons were returned to Indonesia after being illegally poached and smuggled to Japan eight months ago.
Like Card, I responded legally, by pointing out to him that his actions could be construed as a form of cyberstalking, which is illegal in Michigan.
Remember, that as the carrier, you remain legally responsible for the actions of your subcontract haulier.
The number of informal traders who had their goods impounded for trading illegally in undesignated areas stands at 4 669.
His hands were completely tied on this one, and those who now criticise him for doing what he was legally obliged to do are being unfair in the extreme to him.
He didn't refer to them as secret prisons and that the CIA would continue to have available to it what he called alternate techniques for interrogation, which he insisted had been legally reviewed, were lawful, were tough, he said, but safe and did not constitute torture.
CNN Transcript Sep 6, 2006
Thus an interim payment will be made directly to a legally aided plaintiff.
We need to enforce the territorial integrity of the law and require everyone who wants to come here to go through the legally correct process. daphne
Obama reiterates commitment to immigration reform
The state-run news service reports they will stand trial and that their alleged crime is entering North Korea illegally, intending what they call hostile acts.
CNN Transcript May 11, 2009
Imagine our horror at the thought that we might now be held legally responsible for the tragic results of an inadequate diet.
How far can programs such as legally mandated parental leaves go toward meeting the individual needs of employers and families?
Mr Darling should not compound the original error by pursuing a legally debatable claim that would bring a small country to its knees.
Times, Sunday Times
The suspect must appear and may be legally represented.
He added, however, that his Ministry is looking into ways in which it could legally ban their importation.
In the United States, the Coinage Act of 1873 officially demonetized silver, legally confirming a gold-based currency that - because of silver's relatively high price - was already the de facto standard.
He doused with petrol and inflammable glue 12 tonnes of illegally poached elephant tusks, worth almost £2m.
Sell your PCs fully equipped with legally licensed operating systems preinstalled.
I feel lucky to live in an era where my relationship can be considered legally legitimate and I commend the UK Government for embracing this very basic Civil Liberty.
The black slaves freed by the Civil War soon found themselves caught up in an extensive pattern of legally enforced racial discrimination in the South known as Jim Crow.
Legally privileged information obtained by a source is extremely unlikely ever to be admissible as evidence in criminal proceedings.
Documents leaked to this newspaper purport to reveal that radioactive waste is being illegally dumped on the site.
Behind the cheery facade of constitutional government lurks the inextinguishable specter of legally unregulated power.
Currently Muslims in Britain have an Islamic ceremony called a nikah (a non register office marriage) which, although it is guaranteed under Sharia law, is not legally binding and does not provide a woman with written proof of the marriage and of the terms and conditions agreed between the spouses.
Landmark new Shariah law gives UK Muslim women rights
Although he had lost his bid for re-election, Parker legally remained in office until the incoming administration was sworn in.
If the conservatory legally stands and you continue to feel that moving house isn't a viable option, alternative tactics could be adopted.
In that way, you're tying the supplier to a legally binding contract.
The economic treatment of teacher refers to material rewards sa the payment, welfare, subvention, subsidy and bounty etc, legally given for teachers labour.
Unless you were a hotel resident, it was more or less impossible to drink legally outside the home after 10 o'clock at night.
Police are investigating how £20 million was illegally transferred from/out of the Trust's bank account.
These charges range from weapons smuggling to illegally wiring large sums of money into the United States.
FYI he will face a longer sentence than under the law you pined for and he wasn't legally drunk.
Getting Rid of the Ride-Free Zone « PubliCola
She got a divorce decree to legally end her previous marriage last Friday and went to the Embassy on Monday thinking she had everything in order.
I think we have to differentiate here between those deer that have been legally shot at and those that have been illegally poached and there is a distinct difference.
I renew my recommendation of two years ago for the passage of a bill for the refunding to certain German steamship lines of the interest upon tonnage dues illegally exacted.
State of the Union Address (1790-2001)
Because companies have limited liability, the staff and owners of a defunct company cannot legally be held to account for their past conduct.
Times, Sunday Times
A friend of mine told me in their country a board could legally put measures into places to protect such titles and reserve them for well-trained professionals.
It still seems to me that refusing to divorce a couple is a tacit recognition that the couple is legally married in the state of Texas.
Think Progress » Texas’ Cruel Push To Prevent Same-Sex Couples From Divorcing
It illegally sacked its entire waterfront workforce and attempted to replace them with secretly trained strike-breakers.
Under U.S. law, to import pre-Colombian monumental and architectural sculpture and murals, you must present proof that they were legally exported from the country of origin.
Mexico - travelers tips
And up next, more than 3 million Mexican nationals live illegally in the United States.
About 4,939 Russian children are legally adopted by foreigners each year, but 184,000 still languish in orphanages.
The church began spending money to fight gay marriage in the 1990s, when Hawaii was expected to become the first state to legally wed same-sex couples.
If the courts decided that a slave was merely a modern-day villein, or serf, then his master might be legally entitled to transport him to Jamaica.
Last year had the decent ‘Legally Blonde,’ but this year - zippo.
It never occurred to me that family should be related by blood or marriage, or that familial responsibility might extend only to the people to whom you are legally bound.
Even people who have dealt with my transition in a very sophisticated way are uncomfortable with the fact that we are two women living together and legally married.
Mexican authorities have complained for years of what they have termed the laxness of their American counterparts towards the flow of weapons legally purchased in the U.S. and bound towards its southern neighbor.
Spero News
Flanders and Wallonia legally become unilingual regions.
The benefit is they remain eligible to enter legally in the future whereas those involuntarily deported are subject to a strict ten year bar.
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The collective claims VicForests is illegally cutting down old trees in the area and threatening the habitat of the endangered Leadbeater's possum, which is one of Victoria's emblems.
Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
Courts can refuse to admit evidence obtained illegally by police.
The interim order also forbids him from lighting fires on any land except for land that he legally owns by way of a title deed.
The court heard how he then went on to illegally dock these puppies tails by tying a rag round their tails to stop the blood supply.
Where the applicant has no representation and the respondent is legally represented the applicant's probability of success is reduced to 10%.
The government illegally eavesdropped on his telephone conversations.
If they are run properly and legally, and there's a market for them, I can't see the problem.
For ten more months, doctors in Britain can continue, legally, to deny people access to their own medical records.
Some quite literally: In 2001, a 30-year-old National Guardsman from Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, legally changed his name to Optimus Prime.
The theory advanced by her counsel was that she was not morally responsible, but what they had to decide was whether she was legally responsible for the deed.
The detective is hired by a young woman, legally a minor, to find out who murdered her father.
Countercharge's implicating nature is to point to a countercharge and to appeal in legal action reason or go at defense method to mount existence in fact or legally connection.
He received a letter saying that it was legally privileged.
Times, Sunday Times
If there is a legally drawn up will, property is bequeathed by the estate holder.
To have convicted Crosfeild for singing a regicidal song would have been unjust and even preposterous, so that at least legally there has to be some kind of aesthetic dispensation, aesthetic free space for strong expressions.
Earlier in the week, the court sentenced 32 people who took part in demonstrations - including at least two members of the Bahrain national handball team - to 15 years in prison for protesting illegally.
NYT > Home Page
The company claims it is immune from the suit because users legally copy music for personal use.
A legally binding agreement to implement this 14-page political declaration was scheduled to be drawn up in the first half of 1992.
Manufacturers are not legally-obliged to provide you with a guarantee, but if they do it must be in plain English and clearly explain how to make a claim.
There has been a spate of cases in the U. S. in which people who run file-sharing sites or illegally share content have been ordered to pay fines.
Inc. the sum of thirteen hun - dred and seventy-eight dollars and eighty cents for materials furnished by it to said city, the claim for such sum being legally unenforceable by reason of the failure of said city to invite bids for such materials pur - suant to law.
Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
No one under 12 years of age may operate legally a vessel towing a person(s) on water skis, an aquaplane, a parasail, or similar device.
I mean -- if we actually enforce the law, especially against employers who are hiring people that are coming here illegally, you begin to attrit.
CNN Transcript May 15, 2006
This change was made because the word ‘commitment’ could be construed as a legally-binding promise of continued financial aid.
Many bureaucrats have not been welcoming, illegally charging for forms that the newcomers have to complete to obtain citizenship.
The goal is to write a legally binding treaty that would be signed in December by as many countries as possible.
My father tried to get around various court decrees by claiming that my mother was still legally married to him, until there was an annulment from a rabbi, called a get.
Their jhuggi, just next to the Malibu Towers, is built on a plot of land owned by a Jat -- a member of the predominant, land-owning caste in Haryana, the state of which Gurgaon is a part -- whom they call Pehelvan ( "wrestler") and pay 600 Rupees a month for the right to live there illegally.
Parvez Sharma: Delhi's Servant Crisis and the Commonweath Games
The mowing was a real issue for my father, legally as well as aesthetically.
The Boundary Line
Rural buyers often purchase from smaller steel mills, some of which operate illegally, says Huang He, an analyst at Mysteel Research Institute in Shanghai.
Don't referees constantly do spots where they're distracted by a tag wrestler trying to enter illegally?
We have analysed the measures in great detail, and legally speaking, this seems a clear-cut case.
Yesterday's meeting of the borough planning applications sub-committee approved plans for the 48 hectare golf course subject to certain legally binding conditions.
The republisher, or the derivative work publisher, places an announcement of intent to republish in some legally sanctioned medium of general circulation.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Moral Panics and Copyright Law
Biaode people prepare for, prevent its Biaodi only legally as collusive tendering, drive up prices and price analysis, the reasonableness of reference, can not be decided Feibiao direct basis.
The retailers accuse the two credit-card companies of illegally tying their debitcard products to their credit cards.
- Copenhagen a "steppingstone" toward a global, legally binding climate agreement, and spelled out U.S. U.S., - Articles related to New Chameleon Species Discovered In East Africa
One consequence of exclusive representation laws is that the more productive workers within a unionized workplace are usually made worse off by being legally prohibited from being paid higher than the general union scale.
Several police officers were on the scene and a wrecker was called out to remove illegally parked vehicles.
As soon as a contract becomes legally binding, performance ceases to be optional, thereby curtailing individual autonomy.
We have also introduced a reform which will give people more choice as to who represents them legally in court.
The other new rule tightens restrictions on ruminant feed, eliminating mammal blood, poultry litter and table scraps from the list of items that can legally be fed to cattle and other ruminants.
Reliable screening devices are being developed and it is hoped approved equipment will soon provide legally acceptable proof of drug-driving.
Drug-driving law could be toughened
‘They rarely go to licensed premises - they simply disappear and are being stored and sold illegally,’ he said.
Prosecutors said the former TV star was part of an "illicit kickback scheme to manipulate the volume and price of microcap stocks and illegally generate stock sales.
CHiPs Star Larry Wilcox Charged with Securities Fraud
Can I legally cancel booked annual leave?
Times, Sunday Times
They were legally declared to be social outcasts, as well as condemned from a moral point of view.
Refugees in the Age of Total War
The response to these types of provisions is that immigrants here illegally are staying longer and bringing their families over illegally too, because we have practically eliminated the option of coming back and forth legally.
Rep. Luis Gutierrez: Proud to Support the Rule of Law and Immigration, Too
Construction waste is dumped illegally because it costs money to dispose of building rubble and obtaining a permit to deposit clay and topsoil on a site is a two-month process.
We regret we cannot be legally responsible for any errors in this analysis and staff will be required to sign a waiver.
The significant cause of the congestion is vehicles being illegally parked on the double yellow lines and obstructing the narrow roads for other traffic.
About that math: Legally, Social Security has its own, dedicated funding, via the payroll tax ("FICA" on your pay statement).
Entry to this competition implies acceptance of the rules as final and legally binding.
If it is not, it is considered residential and letting is not legally permitted.
At the close of its session on May 11 the Great Hural approved legislation which legally entrenched the multiparty system.
This is partly due to the different legal status of blacks and immigrant groups; the former as US citizens in the post-bellum era, the latter as legally or illegally residing aliens.
You are legally entitled to a full refund.
Testaments were vitiated in several ways: nullum, void from the beginning, where there was a defect in the institution of the heir or incapacity in the testator; injustum, not legally executed and hence void; ruptum, by revocation or by the agnation of a posthumous child, either natural or civil; irruptum, where the testator had lost the civil status necessary for testation; destitutum, where the heir defaulted because dead or unwilling, or upon failure of the condition; recissum, as the consequence of a legal attack upon an undutiful will.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
Any legal document which does not specify otherwise can be legally signed in pencil.
We are offering an amnesty to those who are hiding people away illegally.
Times, Sunday Times
So racy is/was the content that in the 1930s the book could not even have been legally shipped through the US mail!
The company was also legally bound to promote competition in the industry and ensure electricity supplies met standards of supply and quality.
they dumped the waste illegally
A dog breeder defends an Old English bulldog when he is accused of selling a pet that can't be legally registered. He claims the owner is making up excuses to try and get rid of the animal.
Anyone convicted of possession, supplying or producing drugs illegally could be imprisoned.
1922 - Popular author and Irish Republican Army member Robert Erskine Childers is executed by an Irish Free State firing squad for illegally carrying a revolver.
And with Americans so touchy about their civil liberties, the Feds have to be legally covered to the hilt before they go snooping.
Janzen offers something besides going to court: mediation and arbitration services that are just as legally binding.
A banned substance which can be used to help lose weight and help breathing, clenbuterol is also known to boost performance by helping to increase muscle-to-fat ratios, which is why it is sometimes illegally used by meat producers.
Alberto Contador on doping report: Sad and disappointed, but with my head held high
Also, Virginia is legally able, if it wishes, to "decouple" itself from the federal ban on sales taxes on Internet sales, an action that would gain $157 million annually, plus provide more local revenue.
McMediocrity's Latest "Plan"
To be perfectly clear, there is no such thing as "abandonware" -- not legally.
April 30th, 2010 10: 57 am ET the reason Arnie is not for the law is because he came to this country illegally.
Schwarzenegger betting on Romney in 2012
He got hold of the money legally, without resort to violence.
In December 2000, police traced illegally imported drugs used to manufacture methamphetamine or "tik" to a house in Woodstock, Cape
ANC Daily News Briefing
But there is already a head of steam in parliament to make the proposed voluntary takeover code legally binding.
Attorneys are ethically and legally bound to absolute confidentiality.
The Court ruled that such speech could be punished even if it was not legally obscene and did not cause substantial disruption.
Women, who were treated like packmule breeders, had great challenges up until the 1920's: They were subject to legally-sanctioned, capricious murders by their husbands or bored crowds.
Gay/Lesbian Forum
There’s no reason in the world for you to oppose same-sex adoption, and certainly no reason to oppose same-sex marriage because it will mean same-sex couples can adopt as couples in every state in the US but Florida, same-sex couples can already adopt children, but legally they are treated as an unmarried couple* and therefore only one of the couple becomes the child’s legal parent.
Have Anti-SSM Folks Changed Their Tune?
With untold billions illegally wagered on sport in the US, one might also think that the puritanical aversion that the nation feels towards the marriage of sport and wagering would dissipate.
Key stylist Joy Zapata is interviewed, as well as the director, Reese Witherspoon, and other hair nuts from Legally Blonde.
We need to establish a permanent, global moratorium on offshore drilling and have a legally binding mechanism that prohibits companies from engaging in hazardous platform oil and natural gas drilling.
Bianca Jagger: Now Is the Time to Move Beyond Petroleum
He was found innocent in the court, that is to say, the court could not convict him legally.
In the case of Abandonware, if it can be proven that a company knew their products were being illegally distributed but did nothing about it then the copyright over that particular licence can be lost.
Article 106 of customs is quite clear: While you are a foreigner who is legally in this country you can drive a foreign automobile.
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Legally, the council is obliged to deal with noise and air pollution and only has to respond to queries about vermin infestations.
He also admitted to driving with faulty brakes and steering, and to driving illegally with a provisional licence, which he got following a previous disqualification.
It had denied outright that it illegally received any money from business concerns.
Priest and Arkin never define what they think that term means (it's legally somewhat nebulous), nor do they provide examples of contractors performing said un-contractable work.
But that's muddled thinking: the point of those terms legally is first to put players on notice that Blizzard makes these claims, and second to estop players from trying to dispute them.
One Lawsuit to Rule Them All
It is not legally necessary for the same notice entitlement to apply to both you and your employer.
A bill of exchange is a legally recognized document.
A bill of exchange is a legally recognized document.
They are legally bound to appear in court.
Whether or not all of this fits in with what you legally characterize as mandamus or prohibition is not so clear because this is extraordinary and whether the court will be able to conclude that they had jurisdiction to decide these matters at this time, it's not so clear, and I will guarantee you that -- go ahead.
CNN Transcript - Breaking News: Presidential Election Mired in Florida Legal Battles - November 15, 2000
In Japan, the practice of patent strategies is legally safeguarded by patent legislation.
It is being slaughtered illegally by the thousands for its wool actually, the underfur of the chiru, which is known in the international market as "shahtoosh" or "king of wool.
Ying Ying the Chiru (Tibetan Antelope), try not to buy shahtoosh
Can a country legally invade another country that has not used military force against it?
The case revolved on an inaccurate affidavit used to get a search warrant, the evidence obtained as a result of which was, of course, "legally contaminated" and so, the case should not have been pressed using that evidence, asserted Deputy District Attorney Ceballos in a memorandum to his superordinates in the office.
Garcetti v. Ceballos; Alito Kills Whistleblowing
We have restrictions and licensees are selling the products that they are legally allowed to.
Visitors to the city are respectfully reminded of the council's powers to remove illegally parked vehicles.
Also, if a national bank agrees to cash a check for a noncustomer, it may legally charge the presenter a fee. scythia says:
Matthew Yglesias » Competition Works
The sweeps were part of his strategy for weeding predators out of the Skid Row mix, and not designed to roust people legally on the street.
With the development of economy and corporate system, one-member companies have been legally recognized in an increasing number of countries.
The land belongs legally to the Government.