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How To Use Legalise In A Sentence

  • A considerable amount of tax collection is now done, in effect, by casinos; rather than raise taxes to pay for services, legislatures legalize gambling and then take a rake-off from the profits earned by private casino companies. The Sack of Washington
  • The debut in spring 2006 of HBO's television series, Big Love, which featured a fictional and in some ways likeable polygamous family in Utah, propelled polygamy to the front pages of American newspapers and put the idea of legalized polygamy "in play" in some surprising quarters. Elizabeth Marquardt: Get Ready for Group Marriage
  • If the real victims of drugs are the people who get their houses burgled by addicts desperate for the money for a fix, maybe we should legalise drugs, she suggests.
  • He was addicted to a stronger strain of skunk cannabis but demand for it won't disappear if marijuana is legalised. Times, Sunday Times
  • Legalize Prostitution; illegalize Drug Companies Advertising on TV that is a crime worthy of prosecution. Spitzer Hires A Hooker, MSM Goes Ballistic
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  • Tens of thousands of anti-abortion activists are set to take part in Monday's annual " March on Washington" to mark the 34th anniversary of a Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion.
  • Having children here is what we call a secondary effect of migration; it's something that is so far down the line, the possibility of using a child to legalize your status, that it's rarely given as a reason, when we interview immigrants, for coming to this country. CNN Transcript Mar 31, 2005
  • Poenisch is leading a grass-roots campaign to persuade Michigan voters to legalize doctor-assisted suicide.
  • Banning drugs mainly promotes crime, so it would be better to legalise, control, tax and discourage them.
  • Abortion was legalized nationally in the United States following the Roe versus Wade case.
  • There are magnificent avenues of elm-trees, great gardens encircled by the moat, and a circumference of walls about a huge manorial pile which represents the profits of the maltote, the gains of farmers-general, legalized malversation, or the vast fortunes of great houses now brought low beneath the hammer of the Civil Code. A Woman of Thirty
  • The Law is supposed to serve the needs of the People, not legalize the greed and corruptness of the Corporations. Think Progress » ThinkFast: January 19, 2010
  • Then various other terrified countries will follow suit, and soon enough the various international lawsuits piling up will cause the U.S.A., primary client of Lasik no doubt, to illegalize Lasik as well. More Bad News for the Lasik Business - The Lede Blog -
  • It has decriminalized medical marijuana, legalized assisted suicide and earlier this year, began granting marriage licenses to same-sex couples in the Portland area.
  • With legalised brothels the prostitutes could be forced to have regular check ups for STD's.
  • That is unspeakable and one of the many revolting facts as to why prostitution should be abolished and not legalised.
  • Malvolio: If a “zeebow” really does mean a tetsubo — and not, as I first thought, a zebu — that would mean the good people of Massachusetts have illegalized a fictional weapon, legendarily wielded by trolls. The Volokh Conspiracy » What is a zoobow?
  • The refuges were legalised in 2009 by a presidential decree as part of a Bill to outlaw violence against women. Times, Sunday Times
  • Time is a great legalizer, even in the field of morals. A Book of Prefaces
  • Yoo and Bybee aren't responsible for the government committing the crimes that these two goons were hired to so-called legalise, for the Presidential administration, the Congress, the DoJ, ... always know very well that there was NO way to officially legalise these crimes without usurping (or hijacking) the U.S. Bill of Rights Defense Committee - Headlines
  • In 1995 Australia's Northern Territory legalized physician-assisted suicide; however, this law was struck down by the Australian Supreme Court in 1997.
  • That’s not the point, the point is that the Poles and Portuguese do not engage in legalized butchery of their children. Matthew Yglesias » McConnell Warns of American Dystopia — More Equality, Less Poverty, Longer Life Expectancy
  • This is legalised begging and the people involved are morally corrupt. The Sun
  • For less than a year it was legalised by statute in the Northern Territory of Australia.
  • Tennessee is kicking around the idea to legalize 22 centerfires for deer hunting.
  • There has been much dispute over the question of legalised abortion in the Western world.
  • Den it must be legalised, notarised, apostillised, blessed bai teh Pope an buried in a lockd filing cabinet in teh basement behind a sine sayin “Beware of teh lepard” foar three munfs. GET IN MAH BELLEH! - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • For example, Nina Harding gets credit for designing the wire hanger that became the symbol for Legalize Abortion.
  • I'm not personally opposed to the use of the term assisted suicide (for the medical practice as it is legalized and strictly regulated in Washington and Oregon) but I do contest the way that Smith and others use it: to perpetuate the terminal suffering of others. Main RSS Feed
  • I don't think the government should "legalize" (or even address) any kind of marriage, nor delegate its regulatory police power to the people on this matter. DC same-sex marriage vote Tuesday
  • Our whole system is nothing but a corrupt cesspool of legalized bribery!
  • So rapacious were some accountant trustees, in contradistinction to legal practitioner trustees, that bankruptcy trusteeships were referred to in parliament and in the press as ‘legalised robbery’.
  • Somebody that looks towards government solutions over free markets should not be using the term libertarian in describing themselves, simply because they feel it's cool to be for gay marriage and legalized marijuana as well .. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • I would legalise the lot - down with laws against victimless vices!
  • Since it's foundation in 1963, the Constitutional has illegalized 24 political parties, amongst them six Kurdish parties. Turkey: DTP party ban triggers mass protests over Turkish Kurdistan
  • From the 1930s the states in turn legalised state lotteries and off-course betting on horse races, and introduced casinos for continuous gambling.
  • The most natural case to consider, because it avoids complicated issues of constitutional authority and trans-border smuggling, is the one where both the federal government and most or all state government legalize simultaneously. Katherine Waldock: Drug Legalization -- a Windfall for State Budgets
  • New Jersey passed a law last year to legalize medical marijuana, but possession of up to 50 grams for nonmedical purposes still is punishable by up to six months in jail and a $1,000 fine. Connecticut Moves to Cut Pot Penalties
  • Furthermore, it is necessary to legalize habitation in civil law and to make it more concrete.
  • And it's got more going for it, surely, than saying 'legalise everything'. Times, Sunday Times
  • King, a minister from Atlanta, Georgia, led hundreds of thousands of African Americans in a cause to end legalized racial segregation in the southern United States.
  • Why bother campaigning to legalise drugs when you could use your own airline to fly self-absorbed dopehead depressives out to Africa to gawp at poor people? The camera does sometimes lie. Ask a female politician | Barbara Ellen
  • Alaska's ballot measure attempts to legalize marijuana for adults 21 and older.
  • Officially, intercaste and interreligious marriages have been legal in India since 1872, almost 100 years before interracial marriages were legalized in all 50 American states. Rebel Brides And Ex-Wives
  • The determiner of whether something should be legalised is surely ‘is it right’?
  • The country is likely to legalise marijuana after a bill was approved by the coalition government. Times, Sunday Times
  • But they also voted to legalise marijuana. The Sun
  • Why bother campaigning to legalise drugs when you could use your own airline to fly self-absorbed dopehead depressives out to Africa to gawp at poor people? The camera does sometimes lie. Ask a female politician | Barbara Ellen
  • Marijuana should be legalized
  • The bill has also looked at other controversial areas such as the practice of sadomasochism, which is currently illegal, but looks set to be legalised for consenting adults. Undefined
  • If we legalised prostitution then it could be regulated and policed in a much safer and fair manner than it does at the moment, after all it is a service and if people are willing to pay for it and people are willing to sell it where is the problem?
  • On the provinces where Kurdish candidates were elected, new elections will have to be called and the 19 members left of the DTP-now illegalized party - already announced they'll abandon their seats. Turkey: DTP party ban triggers mass protests over Turkish Kurdistan
  • Mahog is brandy as served in township shebeens (many now legalized as taverns) and possibly from English mahogany.
  • Arkansans defeated the plan to create a state lottery and legalize casino gambling in six counties.
  • In the United States, an ever-more bitter battle had been fought around this issue since abortion was legalized in 1972.
  • The refuges were legalised in 2009 by a presidential decree as part of a Bill to outlaw violence against women. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Denmark they have legalized marriage between gay couples.
  • I'm not saying legalise it, just decriminalise it in certain areas.
  • Opponents argue that changing the law would effectively legalise killing and risks putting vulnerable people under undue pressure. Times, Sunday Times
  • There has been much dispute over the question of legalized abortion.
  • Anti-drug activists say the candy, packaged in a bag emblazoned with the word "legalize," sends kids the message that illegal drugs are okay. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • The USA Patriot Acts 1 and 2, The Warner Defense Authorization Act, and various Presidential Executive Orders and Signing Statements, which act together to allow secret and un-American actions to be "legalized" -, while at the same time break down the system of checks and balances the Constitution purposefully put in place. Our Situation: Focus on the Issues Immediately at Hand
  • A real Digital Britain strategy would seek to change the law to legalise noncommercial, transformative use.
  • First, the Board has stated, in obiter dicta, on several occasions that the Private Copying regime legalizes copying for the private use of the person making the copy, regardless of whether the source is non-infringing or not. Boing Boing
  • In conclusion I believe that to make this trade safer for all concerned the profession should be legalized.
  • It is a doctrine of legalized favoritism that must, by its very nature, lead to dissension, corruption and tyranny.
  • Abortion was legalized nationally in the United States following the Roe versus Wade case.
  • Today, our approach to the social burden of alcohol is best described as a mixture of all three: we moralize, medicalize, and legalize. Gladwell: cultural norms affect drinking! | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • In Nevada a measure that would have legalized possession of up to three ounces of the drug failed to gain the support it needed.
  • Only I'd be sure to put it in quotation marks, which would legalize my careful misattribution. THE TARTAN RINGERS
  • We will not legalize or decriminalize any drugs, nor do we envisage a time when this would be appropriate.
  • While keeping a high hand over the Moroccan marijuana trade, he took advantage of his situation to legalize his other activities, taking control of casinos, gambling and horse races in francophone Africa. Sarkozy – cia – rothschilds – mafia
  • Changing the legislation to legalise a practice that had been illegally in operation for some time was sensible.
  • Illegally attempting to "legalize" unduly elected representatives of the corporate special interests, rather than of the American people, as it were. Supreme Court Ruling Once Again Desecrates Founders Constitution
  • Tens of thousands of anti-abortion activists are set to take part in Monday's annual " March on Washington" to mark the 34th anniversary of a Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion.
  • What we must realise though is that cannabis, if legalised, would not have to be a social drug but could be legalised for medicinal purposes only.
  • For years now, forces in his largest and most important market had lobbied to legalize his business there. CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER
  • Party officials have suggested they will look to strengthen Tunisia's political and economic ties with fellow Arab-Islamic states in the region and perhaps legalize Islamic banking systems that proscribe interest and relies instead on fees. Moderate Islamist Party Set to Win Tunisian Vote
  • Legalise ecstasy, then users would know exactly what they are taking. The Sun
  • Wade legalized abortion around the nation.
  • They won't ever legalise the drugs trade.
  • Dr Anthony offered no statistics whatsoever to justify the government's determination to legalize certain abortions.
  • But in the end, a retiree is in a similar situation in both countries: a portion of their income from investments, and a portion from a legalized ponzi scheme. Perspectives on Social Security, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • As Gene points out, adultery has already become so widespread that the prosecution of adulterers is now unheard of, even if there is no effort underway to legalize such behavior.
  • At 6ft 5ins, even in this age of legalised lifting, he is not tall for a modern international lock forward, but much of his lineout work was excellent.
  • Abortion was legalized in the 1960s.
  • What’s unprogressive is that it’s legalized slavery, and a true progressive would not participate. Think Progress » January 2005: Gonzales Said Bush Did Not ‘Authorize Actions’ In Contravention of Our Criminal Statutes
  • What is believed is not necessarily right and truthful. What is legalized is not necessarily fair and just. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Chen's removal, under such circumstances, would amount to a kind of legalized coup by the Kuomintang, which is still smarting from its historic loss of the presidency in the March election.
  • The only way to do that is to legalise the trade. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm not saying that this game needs to be banned/illegalized/whatever. RapeLay: The Response
  • Without question, cannabis should be legalized, taxed, and regulated in this country (seeing as how that makes up majority of drugs flowing into this country from the southland). Think Progress » ThinkFast: March 15, 2010
  • Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic party plans to legalise casino gambling next year.
  • All that changed in the fall of 2006 when Spain passed new legislation that brought Spain in line with mainstream Europe and illegalized the administration, trafficking and usage of performance-enhancing drugs. Alberto León: a tragic victim of Spain’s latest doping scandal
  • The Nazis came to power in a legitimate parliamentary process where they were invited into the cabinet by the CONSERVATIVES and then used the excuse of a ‘terrorist’ threat to revoke rights, illegalize the opposition, etc. Neoconservatism Lives! - Paper Cuts Blog -
  • It will never be the right time to legalise such substances. Times, Sunday Times
  • There has been much dispute over the question of legalized abortion.
  • January 31, 2008 at 12: 06 PM what's important is the distinction between "decriminalize" and "legalize" ... how very Republican of you to follow the Washington TIMES and ignore nuance in favor of a soundbite. POTHEAD HUSSEIN VS. JOHN MCCAIN?
  • Holbrooke had been a business partner of Soros, the world's leading drug legalizer, in a biomedical company. Recent Activity
  • Within this safe harbor, greenmail, in effect, is legalized.
  • Both sides take their political beliefs out into the public realm in the U.S.: pro-lifers want to illegalize abortion; pro-choicers want to keep abortion legal as mandated in Roe v. Dear Pro-Life Movement: I respect your opinion. Can you respect mine? From, someone who believes in pro-choice « Gender Across Borders
  • Once cannabis is legalised, the dealers will be taken out of the equation and the risk of them pushing harder drugs and the availability of harder drugs to the cannabis smoker is eliminated.
  • This is legalised begging and the people involved are morally corrupt. The Sun
  • The owning of private weapon was permitted to legalize by the law of Han Dynasty.
  • Nevada can legalize most gambling, and other states can ban it outright.
  • Contradictory pieces of legislation have been put forward in the different chambers of government: one would criminalise illegal immigrants, and another would legalise their status.
  • In my opinion if prostitution is legalised and they are accepted into the community hundreds of lives could be saved.
  • Tens of millions of children are "kidnaped" from their fathers here in United States and that kidnapping is legalized with so called "restraining order" that woman can arrange just like that - within a finger snap. Goldman Case
  • Last week, Steven Pearlstein offered a Swiftian proposal in The Washington Post to legalize buying votes and thus make the bribing of voters -- already the norm in practice -- a legal norm as well. Benjamin R. Barber: Selling the USA to the Highest Bidder and Paying Off the National Debt
  • What I'm saying is, is it actually right, is it morally the right reason to legalise the drug?
  • The tithe, for some religious groups, is the favored touchstone for defining the duty of stewardship, to the point of making it a legalized yardstick applied as a criterion for membership.
  • The City adopted a security access restrictions policy in 2003 that demanded gated communities apply to have their boom gates legalised based on a set of stringent criteria.
  • The Government will not make any moves to legalise cannabis in this term of Parliament.
  • Some pollsters and party officials say Democratic candidates in California are benefiting from a surge in enthusiasm among young voters eager to back Proposition 19, which would legalize marijuana in certain quantities and permit local governments to regulate and tax it. HUFFPOST HILL - OCTOBER 6TH, 2010
  • Footage from TheCall San Diego, taken November 1, 2008 by video documentarist Michael W. Wilson [author of Silhouette City] shows Engle and his disciples exhorting a Qualcomm stadium crowd to acts of Christian martyrdom against legalized abortion: rhetoric that serve as thinly veiled exhortation towards violent acts of terrorism against abortion clinics and abortion providers. Bruce Wilson: Anti-Gay Marriage Pro-Prop 8 Leader Called For Antiabortion Martyrs
  • Having represented plaintiffs who've lost good cases because likable defendants can smile while lying and defendants who've spent untold sums defending against frivolous lawsuits that can only be described as legalized extortion, the courthouse takes its toll. Tanya M. Acker: Don't Kill the Lawyers -- Yet
  • Actually, Dembski is legalized a preeminent genius in America.
  • At least if marijuana is legalized it can be regulated.
  • So it's pointless to do it [legalise] there. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Government remained neutral about whether to legalise soccer betting.
  • When the movement to legalize abortion began, advocates talked about the human costs of prohibition.
  • Sending 12 million immigrants back to their country in order to be legalized is NOT a common sense solution, but rather adds huge obstacles for immigrants who want to be contributing members of our country. Wonk Room » Newt Gingrich Says Legalization Program Should Involve Sending 12 Million Immigrants Back
  • Malvolio: If a “zeebow” really does mean a tetsubo — and not, as I first thought, a zebu — that would mean the good people of Massachusetts have illegalized a fictional weapon, legendarily wielded by trolls. The Volokh Conspiracy » What is a zoobow?
  • We cannot believe the government is moving to legalize the dog-eating practice of some Koreans, which is not only harmful to national interests but also disgraceful and reproachable.
  • The resolution doesn't have the force of law and wouldn't legalize cockfighting, which is prohibited in all 50 states. The Herald | - Front
  • At the same time, he couldn't abide facile equations between criminal desperadoes and the legalized murder machinery of a state.
  • Only I'd be sure to put it in quotation marks, which would legalize my careful misattribution. THE TARTAN RINGERS
  • There are three options available to alleviate this problem, keeping it a criminal offence, decriminalize it and legalize it.
  • But legalised corruption aside, the calibre of the "teabag party" Republican candidates are just plain scary.
  • This is legalised begging and the people involved are morally corrupt. The Sun
  • If trading in cannabis is to be legalised, then why not also legalise ecstasy and other hallucinogens, cocaine and heroin?
  • As violence of any kind is legalized, the society becomes desensitized, resulting in an increase in violence and crime.
  • The measure would have legalized slot machines in Palm Springs and allowed voters to approve other casinos later.
  • Denying other educational options to children stuck in chronically failing schools is legalized cruelty. Bob Bowdon: What Can't be Said Today
  • Estimates indicate that the market in legalized marijuana might be as high as $10 billion annually. The year is 2020: What's happening with marijuana?
  • Fertility chiefs have given ministers the green light to legalise the technique. The Sun
  • Of course, Cooch has an outstanding substantive record of fighting for pro-life license plates, reduction in legalized baby killings, and preservation of God-ordained marriage. MAJOR AG DEVELOPMENT
  • For years now, forces in his largest and most important market had lobbied to legalize his business there. CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER
  • To legalise it in that form would be to accept liability and sooner or later the court cases would flood in.
  • There has been much dispute over the question of legalised abortion in the Western world.
  • There are magnificent avenues of elm-trees, great gardens encircled by the moat, and a circumference of walls about a huge manorial pile which represents the profits of the maltote, the gains of farmers-general, legalized malversation, or the vast fortunes of great houses now brought low beneath the hammer of the Civil Code. A Woman of Thirty
  • And if you legalize it you can regulate it and get it out of the hands of organized crime.
  • Or the idea of being bored - was that illegalized when I wasn't looking? Marshall Fine: A moment of silence for a moment of silence
  • The Senate drove a stake through President Bush's plan to legalize millions of unlawful immigrants.
  • At the same time, he couldn't abide facile equations between criminal desperadoes and the legalized murder machinery of a state.
  • Britain became the first European country to legalize the creation of cloned human embryos.
  • To stop the rot, gambling was legalized in 1976 as a means of attracting new visitors and providing resources for urban renewal and associated uplift.
  • If people like him are shunned and embarrassed over this kind of legalized thievery often enough, maybe we can put an end to it and redirect some of that money back to shareholders, to whom it properly belongs in the first place.
  • There'd be no reason to abuse medical use of marijuana if the stuff was legalized.
  • Why not legalise cannabis (for recreational use) and tax it to the same extent as tobacco?
  • In December she recorded a video diary calling for assisted suicide to be legalised. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some people want to legalize the possession of cannabis.
  • Only I'd be sure to put it in quotation marks, which would legalize my careful misattribution. THE TARTAN RINGERS
  • This is legalised begging and the people involved are morally corrupt. The Sun
  • This of course took place after they "illegalized" marijuana using racist-fearmongering (mexicans will come into your town high on weed, get your white women high on weed, and rape them, etc) and flat out lies about the effects of the drug. Original Signal - Transmitting Digg
  • At this point, the regime began to get nervous about the spread of associationism, and it responded by refusing to legalize more independent housewife organizations.
  • Tens of thousands of anti-abortion activists are set to take part in Monday's annual " March on Washington" to mark the 34th anniversary of a Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion.
  • The Anderson-McQueen funeral home in St Petersburg had the body liquefier put in just days after Florida became the seventh state to legalise the machines.
  • The self-governing British colony may legalize casinos, although there is opposition to it.
  • All joking aside, the problem of what to do with one's $#%& car, other than wait ten years and hope that it will be one of the cars that can be nationalized and legalized and plated, is one which comes up again and again. SELLING MY USA CAR IN MEXICO
  • The country, now called the State of Mongolia, adopted a new democratic constitution, which legalized private ownership.
  • Legalise drugs and have them properly sold in chemists and off-licenses, and there will be no money to buy guns.
  • There is currently a bill (Democratic formed/backed) that wil not only "legalize" ILLEGALS in 24 hours (you read it right) but also allow "Gang Bangers" in as well "as long as they say they don't wnat to be in a gang anymore". The notorious "You Lied" comment by Senator Wilson
  • The conservation officer is very pragmatic: she supports legalized and controlled hunting, but abhors poachers.
  • Instead of behaving like ostriches, we should recognise the ground reality and legalise this profession.
  • A planned constitutional amendment to "legalise" the ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Tickets are $35, with proceeds going to EFF -- the organization that legalized crypto, is fighting the NSA's secret wiretapping, and that is suing Viacom for censoring a political video off YouTube. Boing Boing
  • Actually, if I had my druthers, I'd totally legalise drugs.
  • Divorce was legalized in 1981.
  • In Victoria, in contrast, race clubs had legalised bookmakers and banned the tote.
  • The momentum began when President Obama stood up to call the legalized rape "abhorrent," an American president standing up for the women in a country with extremists, dangerous realities even in their own neighborhoods, and where Shiites make up only 10% of the population. Taylor Marsh: Rape Law in Afghanistan Goes Down
  • The measure would have legalized slot machines in Palm Springs and allowed voters to approve other casinos later.
  • The measure would have legalized slot machines in Palm Springs and allowed voters to approve other casinos later.
  • The only reason to write legislation in impenetrable legalize is a desire to hide what they’re doing from their constituents and one another (and, I suppose, tradition, upheld to preserve their ability to hide what they’re doing in the future. Matthew Yglesias » The Pointlessness of Reading Bills
  • (Within the ONDCP bubble, any group that challenges the prevailing drug war paradigm is labeled a "drug legalizer" -- a term in the U.S. propaganda clampdown that has nothing to do with regulating drug markets and everything to do with selling crack to 5th graders.) Real Change or Changing Rhetoric? Monitoring the Shift in US Drug Policy
  • He introduced a bill to legalize abortion two years before Roe v. Wade.
  • The government's plan to legalize private palinka distilling will reduce tax revenue by several billion forints, data from Hungary's Customs and Excise Tax Office Latest news _ Budapest Business Journal _ BBJ_online
  • Did you know it was the first place to legalise wearing a bikini? The Sun
  • In what appears to be a cynical attempt to avoid that criticism, a proposal has now been drafted to legalise that form of detention. Times, Sunday Times
  • In civilian life he slipped back into crime working as a street bookmaker before betting shops were legalised. Times, Sunday Times
  • The problem is how do you "legalise" something that is accepted as harmful? THE WAR ON DRUGS
  • Hey, why not legalise them?
  • I'll be talking with a leading senator who has a plan to legalize millions of illegal aliens in this country.
  • Video: Former government adviser David Nutt on the harm caused by alcohol and why he's not a drug 'legaliser' Policing protest: When the line is crossed | Editorial
  • As soon as we can Rose and I'll get married and legalize our position. UNTO THE GRAVE
  • The refuges were legalised in 2009 by a presidential decree as part of a Bill to outlaw violence against women. Times, Sunday Times
  • The civil rights legislation in the 1960s ended legalized racial segregation.
  • However, it was decided the owner of the signboard will be forced to remove the structure as there is no official authorization document that legalizes its status.
  • The bill legalises perjury, and that is something we find to be offensive.
  • Of the top 3 GOP candidates, McCain is for states rights on the issue, Romney was the governor of a state that legalized gay marriage, and Guiliani is still (last we heard) * for* gay marriage?! Romney Blasts McCain! Presidential Race Underway
  • In Victoria, in contrast, race clubs had legalised bookmakers and banned the tote.
  • This created a true parliamentary democracy, legalized political parties, and made provisions for a popularly elected legislature.
  • So I don't say 'legalize' it; I say decriminalize pot, and mushrooms. Going green (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • Having a marriage certificate legalises the partnership, but it doesn't guarantee happiness either for the couple or their children.
  • I am not a 'covert drug-legaliser', the term Melanie uses. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • There has been much dispute over the question of legalized abortion.
  • (Within the ONDCP bubble, any group that challenges the prevailing drug war paradigm is labeled a "drug legalizer" - a term in the U.S. propaganda clampdown that has nothing to do with regulating drug markets and everything to do with selling crack to 5 th graders.)
  • This is legalised begging and the people involved are morally corrupt. The Sun
  • There has been much dispute over the question of legalized abortion.
  • Several state legislatures, including Florida, Iowa, California, Nevada and New Jersey, have debated bills that would legalize online poker only for residents of their states, known as "intrastate gambling. Venture Bets on Chance Online Gambling Comes to U.S.
  • I need my relationship legalized, and I need the president to educate his public, not to come out against me.
  • The Spanish government has approved a draft law which will legalise homosexual marriages.
  • For "lobbing" is nothing more than basically just a legalized, disguised, sanctioned form of BRIBERY. Teknosis
  • But legalised corruption aside, the calibre of the "teabag party" Republican candidates are just plain scary.
  • So, should prostitution be legalised, decriminalised or are things best the way they are at the moment?
  • Happily he was no prophet, or his head would have become (like Jeremiah's) a fount of tears, could he have foreseen that the isolated atrocity of those Spanish Bishops would have become the example and the rule, legalized and formulized and commanded by Pope after Pope, for every country in Christendom. The Hermits
  • But it wasn't always like this, sure nudie cuties have existed since forever, but little do people know that pornographic films were only legalized in 1988, until then they were prohibited.
  • If a “zeebow” really does mean a tetsubo — and not, as I first thought, a zebu — that would mean the good people of Massachusetts have illegalized a fictional weapon, legendarily wielded by trolls. The Volokh Conspiracy » What is a zoobow?
  • Belgium also recently embarked on the road to illegalize and stigmatize the burka and niqab with a vote in the Brussels federal parliament. Ahmed Moor: Europe's Anti-Muslim Racism
  • I feel that if it were legalized then it would become a reasonable profession and not something to do to help keep a drug habit going.
  • One of the features of this piece of legalized nation-blagging is that the EU will have the ability to make all sorts of amendments to the Constitution, including the abolition of vetoes, without having to bother with the inconvenience of getting everyone’s consent to anything so tricky as a new Treaty. William's Best Laid Plans
  • It's time to fix the bankruptcy law that has legalized the corporate robbery of workers.
  • An excerpt from the landmark Supreme Judicial Court decision that legalized gay marriage was read as an invocation at the Unitarian Universalist church.
  • In a legalised environment, cafes would keep weed off the streets, and out of the way of disapprovers.
  • As soon as we can Rose and I'll get married and legalize our position. UNTO THE GRAVE
  • So Mr. Knowlton, a 30-year-old-private citizen, oilman and outdoor enthusiast here, is pushing a bill in the state Legislature to legalize hand fishing, also known as noodling, grabbing or hogging. Long Arm of the Law Penalizes Texans Who Nab Catfish by Hand
  • The country is likely to legalise marijuana after a bill was approved by the coalition government. Times, Sunday Times
  • Calls to legalise sodium arsenite have been rejected by the government. Times, Sunday Times
  • In California, one assemblyman just introduced legislation to legalize same-sex marriage.
  • Rather than continuing what's a purely ideological opposition, the government should legalise the production and use of medicinal cannabis. Times, Sunday Times
  • Regardless of Mr. Christie's decision, gambling experts say momentum is growing behind states' efforts to legalize online gambling for their own residents, known as intrastate gambling. States Make Play for Web Gambling
  • In California, one assemblyman just introduced legislation to legalize same-sex marriage.
  • Calls to legalise sodium arsenite have been rejected by the government. Times, Sunday Times
  • There has been much dispute over the question of legalized abortion.
  • The RCD virus in NZ was eventually legalised as a biocontrol because authorities realised that they could not contain, eradicate or control the disease.
  • Before joining the bench, the Judge was a law professor who was well known for his erudite criticism of legalized abortion.
  • The generally defeatist attitudes polluting society today seem to state that because a problem doesn't seem to be going away, we should legalise it and make the best out of a bad situation.
  • Draw your own conclusions as to what the future holds once the Government legalises cannabis, which it will.
  • Legalise it all and reduce the suffering. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is legalised begging and the people involved are morally corrupt. The Sun
  • In the struggle to end the legalized plunder of statism and to defend individual liberty, how much more could be asked of one man?
  • Councilman Catania is expected to present a bill to legalize marriage in the Capital in the fall. DC Recognizes All Marriages
  • That is why The Economist continues to believe that the least bad policy is legalise drugs.
  • And of course we can continue to protect children from abuse without continuing to illegalize what two consenting adults wish to do. Matthew Yglesias » Keep it in the Family
  • But I am opposed to intermarriage between the white and colored races, because if in any event or at any time it were desirable, the time is not yet, nor has there yet developed, so far as I can see, any good reason for such legalized interblending of the races. The Negro and the White Man
  • While Bybee did not admit any wrongdoing, he did blame Yoo for being too close to the White House when Yoo apparently formulated the memos that attempted to "legalize" torture. Coleen Rowley: Join the FAT (Fast Against Torture) on August 1, 2010
  • So, the legalizer in Angus's parable could easily justify redoubling his efforts after becoming, himself, a casualty in the drug war. I don't get it
  • But they also voted to legalise marijuana. The Sun
  • If a “zeebow” really does mean a tetsubo — and not, as I first thought, a zebu — that would mean the good people of Massachusetts have illegalized a fictional weapon, legendarily wielded by trolls. The Volokh Conspiracy » What is a zoobow?
  • If California legalizes pot, it will save the state millions in avoided legal and imprisonment costs, while raising it millions in taxes. Harvey Wasserman: Hemp is the Hidden Key to Legal Marijuana
  • After Bush, Cheney and other White House principals approved of "dark side" methods, they got their lawyers to "legalize" various forms of torture through the series of OLC memorandums that culminated with the "torture memos" written on August 1, 2002. Coleen Rowley: Join the FAT (Fast Against Torture) on August 1, 2010
  • You are no more capable of “free expression” about your belief in legalized discrimination of homosexuals, than you are of any of the other things you believe were commanded by your Lord. Waldo Jaquith - Our morality, shared and unshared.
  • So this is what following your wish to illegalize abortions would lead to. Early Word: Articles of Faith - The Caucus Blog -
  • However, when Constantine the Great became emperor in 306, he legalized Christianity and made it the official religion of the Roman Empire.
  • The shuttle traders asked the government to legalize and regulate their vanishing trade and thus to save them from avaricious and minacious customs officials.
  • Our whole system is nothing but a corrupt cesspool of legalized bribery!
  • You know, saying the word legalise, I think that happens to be one of those words that conveys a sense of meaning and until you talk to each other you don't realise that actually we don't mean the same thing at all," Mr Killorin says. BBC News | News Front Page | UK Edition
  • Its use was legalized in 1673 by an act, the preamble of which reads, "The ingenious industry of modern times hath taught the dyers of England the art of fixing, the colours made of logwood, alias blackwood, so as that, by experience, they are found as lasting as the colours made with any sort of dyeing wood whatever. Forty Centuries of Ink
  • In spite of his recorded acts and utterances the mythopeic faculty of the peoples had given itself free scope and created a messianic democrat destined to free the lower orders, as they were called, in each state from the shackles of capitalism, legalized thraldom, and crushing taxation, and each nation from sanguinary warfare. The Inside Story of the Peace Conference
  • The county had a vote on whether to continue to allow legalized prostitution, or to ban it.
  • But in terms of individual possession there have been frequent calls for cannabis to be legalized.
  • If one had no way to justify a particular immoral or unethical act, a law was passed to legalize it.
  • She wants other states to legalise 'because it would take the pressure off us'. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was addicted to a stronger strain of skunk cannabis but demand for it won't disappear if marijuana is legalised. Times, Sunday Times
  • Laws also, sorry gentlemen, and I have no interest in what you do in your own home, that "legalise" the shoving of anything up any orifice in some sad search for temporary pleasure. Gordon Brown's legal fraudsters
  • Legislation to legalize casino gambling could be introduced in Congress next fall.
  • Calls to legalise sodium arsenite have been rejected by the government. Times, Sunday Times
  • For those who don't remember Pickles, he was the judge who said we should legalise cannabis and brothels - funnily enough, he retired early.
  • The whole national LGBTIQ community now hopes that the same California State Supreme Court that legalized gay marriage in May 2008 will overturn Californians 'vote to illegalize it, six months later, in November's election, with Proposition 8. OpEdNews - Diary: Why does anti-gay marriage campaigner Reverend Rick Warren think that homosexuality is a choice?
  • The Irish government announced it was to legalize homosexuality.
  • If cannabis was legalised then health risks would not be such a major issue!
  • They also arrived in time for the civil rights movement, which was meant to give black people equal rights, but also made sure that these new immigrants would never have to deal with the kind of codified, legalized bigotry that black people did. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local

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