How To Use Legalisation In A Sentence

  • I'm a left-wing libertarian myself, and I agree with you entirely on the subject of drug legalization.
  • Individuals who consumed more crack, cocaine, heroin, speedball, and/or methamphetamines were more likely to support the legalization of marijuana, cocaine, and heroin.
  • But Roger Salazar, a political consultant who has been directing the effort to defeat the proposal, said that Mr. Holder's statement should reinforce deep concerns about the initiative, including the way it was drafted and what he called inflated claims by its backers of what legalization might do. NYT > Home Page
  • If women with arrest records are categorically unworthy of trust, wouldn't that apply to those Melissa Farley cites as wanting prostitution to remain criminalized as well as those who argue for legalization? Monica Shores: Prostitution "Experts" Versus Prostitutes: Why Don't All Sex Workers Deserve a Voice?
  • Legalisation means that activities are made legal and are no longer regulated in any way.
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  • Obama says people who are here illegally should be given what he calls pathway to legalization. CNN Transcript Jun 27, 2008
  • Do those campaigning for the legalisation of cannabis automatically condone heroin use?
  • If they were bold enough to take on the legalisation of cannabis they would leapfrog beyond political triangulation.
  • Prior to the legalisation of lifting, the lineout was a jungle, and a prime opportunity for forwards to leather each other without the referee ever being able to see.
  • I don't favor the legalization of drugs.
  • In the concluding chapter, Jonnes takes issue with those who favor decriminalization or legalization of recreational drugs.
  • Drugs also come under scrutiny, with a programme assessing the impact of the legalisation of soft drugs in Britain.
  • Conjecture: Well, if legalization came into being, would the cartel need to kill each other trying to gain boarder territorial rights? US policy and Mexico's war on drugs
  • Try a "probationary" legalization of marijuana and see how it plays out! LIVE Blog: House Dems report increased threats
  • In the wake of the Spitzer affair, Weiss, a New York – based investigative journalist, came closer than any mainstream writer to endorsing not only the legalization of prostitution but the destigmatization of infidelity, in a rambling essay for New York magazine on the agonies that monogamy imposes on his buddies. Is Pornography Adultery?
  • When liberal middle class voices shout for legalization they are talking about sly spliffs under the kitchen table rather than the collapse of underclass Britain in to a drug induced haze.
  • In any case, comparison with licit drugs such as tobacco and alcohol hardly provides a model for legalisation.
  • The objective of the 2004 amendment was to foreclose the possibility of lawful same-sex marriage, not to do so only for federal law purposes while leaving open the possibility of their legalisation under state law.
  • If alchohol is legal and proven to be far more damaging than marijuana, why do you on the right fight the legalization of thc to the point of denying it to dying people? Think Progress » Samuel Alito’s America
  • But perhaps the most insidious aspect of the campaign for legalisation is the claim by some of its supporters that drugs have a mind-expanding effect on individuals and a progressive impact on society.
  • It was this article that made me - someone who has not even tried marijuana but who favors complete legalization of all intoxicants for sale and distribution to adults - want to read the whole book.
  • It does not, however, call for a legalization of prostitution: the Conseil feels it would create separate classes of prostitutes and do little to ease the plight of streetwalkers.
  • When we debated the legalisation of drugs, he sai that he believed all drugs should be legal.
  • I felt that it was irresponsible to advocate the legalisation of drugs.
  • Now that a legalization for ALL purposes is on the ballot, the same old tired nonsense is being trotted out. Norman Goldman: Let's Party Like It's 1996!
  • However, the legalization of drugs, and a foreign policy of non-intervention, would make the CIA a dissoluble, vestigial organ of government, no longer a threat to peaceful progressive change. Libertarian Legacy? Ron Paul's Campaign Manager, 49, Dies Uninsured, Of Pneumonia, Leaving family $400,000 Debt
  • However, contra Dreher I see the legalization of same sex marriage and the constitutionalization of marriage equality as an effective redress to our contemporary ethical dilemma. The Moderate Voice
  • However, he opposed a royal commission on the legalisation of drugs, the formal policy of the Liberal Democrats.
  • He began to lay out the administration's case for how much they've done for immigrant rights supporters even in the absence of a legalization bill: The children's health care expansion bill Mr. Obama signed early in his term expanding coverage to include legal immigrant children; Mr. Obama on Thursday announcing steps to streamline the legal immigration process. The Washington Times stories: Latest Headlines
  • The most difficult battles were over divorce and the legalization of abortion.
  • Mr Blunkett was speaking last weekend as the outgoing chief inspector of prisons, Sir David Ramsbotham, called for legalisation.
  • The old bill might be straight in Leyton but there are growing numbers who smoke weed and support calls for legalisation.
  • Proper legalization of morality helps to construct socialist spiritual civilization.
  • This legalisation of public inquiries needs to be reassessed. Times, Sunday Times
  • I favor legalization, and not just of pot but of all drugs, including heroin, cocaine, meth, psychotropics, mushrooms and LSD.
  • The legalization of euthanasia is an issue of controversy.
  • In case anyone doesn’t check for themselves, the Rockwell link cited by Anthony contains a comment by DiLorenzo again castigating the lifestyles of those at Reason who discuss drug legalization. Libertarians and the Old Right « Blog
  • This legalisation of public inquiries needs to be reassessed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thirty years ago the phrase "medical marijuana" didn't exist and as I mentioned before, the thought of legalization in the U.S. was a pipe dream no pun intended. The Full Feed from
  • As for me, I was for legalization of intoxicating drugs then, and remain so now.
  • With the legalisation of the paramilitaries, they hope to legitimise impunity for these crimes against the Colombian people.
  • The author analyses how the problems existing in the enforcement procedure and law-making of the administrative law impede the legalization of Chinese administrative procedure.
  • Legalization would mean a huge dollar savings for the government and the elimination of wasted time by police who could be reallocating their resources to other problems.
  • I've tried to relieve some fear about legalization so that you might understand more clearly how futile and destructive marijuana prohibition is and why it should be ended. Jesse Levine: A Letter to the Undecided: Prop 19
  • Arizona’s legislation fits right in with existing federal programs and proposals: Secure Communities and the Criminal Alien Program (CAP), two efforts that empower state and local police to identify, arrest and detain suspected undocumented immigrants; ongoing detention and dataveillance programs; and Sen. Schumer’s comprehensive immigration reform REPAIR proposal, which focuses on immigration control to the near exclusion of legalization. Immigration's strain on democracy
  • The legalization or constitutionalization of same-sex marriages would be yet another step. The Volokh Conspiracy » When we’ve had forty years of slipping,
  • VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Sen. Webb puts marijuana legalization \'on the table\' '; yahooBuzzArticleSummary =' Speaking to CNN on Thursday morning in an effort to whip up political support for his prison reform proposals, Senator Jim Webb (D-VA) insisted that marijuana legalization should be "on the table."' OpEdNews - Quicklink: Sen. Webb puts marijuana legalization 'on the table'
  • Ming dynasty based its legalization on ethics.
  • After the legalisation of KKE in 1974, the two parties competed fiercely against one another before remerging under the banner of the Coalition of the Left for Progress in the late 1980s. back Arms and the Woman: Just Warriors and Greek Feminist Identity
  • Such a state of affairs has left many riders outraged at the lack of forethought put into the legalization of big bikes.
  • As far as legalization is concerned, Alexander urges caution.
  • He accepted that legalisation would not necessarily greatly increase addiction to hard drugs such as cocaine and heroin.
  • He accepted that legalisation would not necessarily greatly increase addiction to hard drugs such as cocaine and heroin.
  • The Christian legalization of belief in Christ has deadened us to the free openness of his life.
  • When Christianity became the state religion of the Roman empire, the early Christian teachings on land were overtaken by the Roman land laws of "dominium" - a legalization of property in land originally obtained by conquest and plunder. P2P Foundation
  • Margaret Sanger calls for legalization of contraceptives in her new, feminist publication, The Woman Rebel, which the Post Office bans from the mails.
  • He accepted that legalisation would not necessarily greatly increase addiction to hard drugs such as cocaine and heroin.
  • The piece ends with Winerip cudgeling legalization activist Ethan Nadelmann (who -- gasp -- has a PhD from Harvard!) into admitting that he still, at ripe middle age, smokes pot -- and has even done so in the presence of children ... [pause for reader to make a call to protective services]. Daniel Denvir: I, Pot Smoker
  • Trudo Lemmens, an Assoc.Prof. at UofT in both Medicine and Law, discussed the claim for legalization of assisted suicide and euthanasia. 2009 January : Law is Cool
  • I don't favor the legalization of drugs.
  • Many conservatives and liberals alike favor the legalization of Cannibis, and I agree with Cracker about the term hippie being rather antiquated. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • He didn't approve of using illegal drugs, but he had no real stance on legalization of pot.
  • The author analyses how the problems existing in the enforcement procedure and law-making of the administrative law impede the legalization of Chinese administrative procedure.
  • Well, if legalization came into being, would the cartel need to kill each other trying to gain boarder territorial rights? US policy and Mexico's war on drugs
  • Lampe believes that legalization of drugs, starting with soft drugs, can help.
  • Legalisation might encourage legitimate drug companies to try to improve the stuff that people take.
  • Strangely, it’s quite varied from state to state–a factor that kind of muddies the legalization or de-criminalization arguments. Meth-fueled prostitution in the Rockies
  • It's unquestionably a backdown from full legalisation - but its also unquestionably an improvement all the same.
  • There he was met by Roque's replacement (Roque had gone to lunch) who slapped the Legalization decalcomania on the windshield, then the Tramites: Mexican Paperwork----ouch!
  • Politico does raise an authentic concern, however, in noting that many ancillary groups -- including "the Democratic National Committee" and "campaigners for the legalization of marijuana" are looking to "co-opt the energy" of the Rally To Restore Sanity. Politico Has Concerns About Rally To Restore Sanity For Some Reason
  • Strangely, it’s quite varied from state to state”“a factor that kind of muddies the legalization or de-criminalization arguments. Meth-fueled prostitution in the Rockies
  • There is no real convincing evidence for this, yet it was cited as one of the main anti-legalisation arguments for years.
  • But whenever he's pushed on it, he actually says that he's not interested in decriminalization or legalization. Mexico's Drug War On Both Sides Of The Border
  • Proper legalization of morality helps to construct socialist spiritual civilization.
  • That is, a person who advocates the legalization of child molestation is a very sick and disturbed person. The Volokh Conspiracy » The “Racist” Charge
  • The ideological objection to legalisation is ugly and simple, and touches broader swathes of the world.
  • This other drug legalization movement is an example of what theorists call legal avoision.
  • Republicans appear immutably opposed to any kind of legalization program, while omitting such a program is a nonstarter for too many Democrats. Sahil Kapur: Arizona Law Battle Will Further Imperil Immigration Reform
  • But we have seen growing legalization and social normalization of contraception, premarital sex, abortion, and homosexuality, and a growing constitutionalization of such changes, so that communities where a majority still opposes those changes are nonetheless required to accept them. The Volokh Conspiracy » When we’ve had forty years of slipping,
  • So really, without harping on for too long, what I am trying to say, before even considering any of the moral issues, is - ‘what are the real benefits of legalisation?’
  • Anti-gambling activists argue that economic gains are overstated and legalization would cause obscenity, violence, and other social problems.
  • At the end of the last Congressional session, a legalization program for undocumented farm laborers was proposed.

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